2008.06.16 James T. says he saw Caylee alive around Noon #1

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IIRC, I think the Taz wasn't found in the shed. Wasn't it found in a neighbor's yard?
I can see why KC had Caylee in tow at the computer store. That was the day she apparently accompanied Tony for his car service and it is corroborated.

What I find fascinating is why she would seen be in the same area at a WalMart with Caylee the very day she went "missing". It seems a little far to go with no other discernable errands.

I'm not saying in any way I don't believe this witnesses testimony, I do. I'm sure LE investigated it thoroughly. It just seems like a long drive to run into a WalMart mid-morning (maybe close to lunchtime), stomp inside for a quick purchase and then drive all the way back to the Anthony home to prepare for the Blockbuster date (and whatever else had to have happened). Was she just killing time? She could have done that at a dozen closer places. I just don't get it.

Either way, it sure shoots holes in GA's testimony about exactly when he saw them leave. Which I know we already think is rather suspicious given what we now know.
Thompson can make statements all day long, but it strikes me that there's something very odd about him, and I'm not buying his statement at all. In his statement he quickly goes from Casey being in his store to seeing her at Walmart, and adds this: "the last thing I need is involvement with another bad mother....."

Uh, hello, I don't believe seeing someone in the context of a store owner/potential customer plus one other quickie sighting translates to becoming emotionally involved, but that is the leap he apparently makes in his statement. The only thing missing from this guy's statement is the drool.

Nope, I think he may have mental/emotional problems. The guy's over 40 yrs. old, and apparently lusting after KC. I would love to see him called to the stand to testify before SA, and would bet he might suddenly find it necessary to say maybe he was mistaken, and it wasn't KC he saw after all.

I have to agree with you. This man sounds alittle off. The State must have checked out his story though and decided he's a credible witness. Drool - that's too funny! Thanks.
IMHO, Mouser, based on the activity there wasn't anyone else using Casey's phone. In the mix are conversations and texts w/ Tony, Amy & Jesse w/ ping locations that would be consistent w/ Casey's expected location. IKWYM though.

FWIW...although I've convinced myself it didn't happen this way...there isn't a disparity in the pings & a potential Walmart trip mid-morning - vs. an afternoon trip for which there is a conflict. There is a gap of 177mins in the morning when considering the pings alone. Roundtrip travel time from G&C's to Walmart is ~60mins. I haven't factored in the morning Photobucket activity that would shave this 177mins down further, but, FWIW...hope that clarifies.

Waitiing for some additional WS to scour over the deconvolution of the 2 sighting events I tossed out there earlier. The more I think about it...the more I think JT saw them between 5-6PM, 6/16 @ Techbay (vs. Walmart) w. the Walmart sighting being Casey-alone post-6/16. IMHO, this lines up some pieces of he puzzle for us.

ETA: It would be interesting to do a quick plot on Google Maps of stores similar to Techbay in the immediate vicinity that might've fit Casey's criteria of accepting a check 6/16. IOW...if Casey was @ Techbay (speculation) vs. Walmart 6/16PM and JT turned her down...maybe she didn't give up immediately and drove around a few minutes trying another place or two...justathought. :waitasec:

Going along for a moment on the theory that the Casey at Walmart sighting was actually a sighting of Casey alone... - perhaps the withness DID see a little girl walking ten feet behind Casey but perhaps the little girl he saw was not Caylee at all. It would make more sense for it to be a little girl, there with someone else, who had run slightly AHEAD of the party she was with and pushing on the door. Children that age love to run ahead and attempt to open doors by themselves. Perhaps this witness merely thought the little girl was Caylee since he had seen Casey and Caylee together before so he expected to see them together again (kwim)? And at a glance, from several feet away, through a glass door and after dragging his eyes away from Casey's cleavage - well many little girls look alot like Caylee under those circumstances. Especially when those circumstances, to his perception, seemed to fit in with the idea that he had already formed of Casey being an uncaring mother. And because he had already seen Casey leave his store ahead of Caylee so his quick two and two put this Walmart scenario together the same way...
Thompson can make statements all day long, but it strikes me that there's something very odd about him, and I'm not buying his statement at all. In his statement he quickly goes from Casey being in his store to seeing her at Walmart, and adds this: "the last thing I need is involvement with another bad mother....."

Uh, hello, I don't believe seeing someone in the context of a store owner/potential customer plus one other quickie sighting translates to becoming emotionally involved, but that is the leap he apparently makes in his statement. The only thing missing from this guy's statement is the drool.

Nope, I think he may have mental/emotional problems. The guy's over 40 yrs. old, and apparently lusting after KC. I would love to see him called to the stand to testify before SA, and would bet he might suddenly find it necessary to say maybe he was mistaken, and it wasn't KC he saw after all.

I haven't quite decided what to make of this yet. But I did get the idea that some of his statement contains "stream of consciousness" type thoughts. I sincerely doubt he really felt he had a snowball's chance with KC. Lord knows, I woudn't want my inner monologue to develop Tourette's!
Going along for a moment on the theory that the Casey at Walmart sighting was actually a sighting of Casey alone... - perhaps the withness DID see a little girl walking ten feet behind Casey but perhaps the little girl he saw was not Caylee at all. It would make more sense for it to be a little girl, there with someone else, who had run slightly AHEAD of the party she was with and pushing on the door. Children that age love to run ahead and attempt to open doors by themselves. Perhaps this witness merely thought the little girl was Caylee since he had seen Casey and Caylee together before so he expected to see them together again (kwim)? And at a glance, from several feet away, through a glass door and after dragging his eyes away from Casey's cleavage - well many little girls look alot like Caylee under those circumstances. Especially when those circumstances, to his perception, seemed to fit in with the idea that he had already formed of Casey being an uncaring mother. And because he had already seen Casey leave his store ahead of Caylee so his quick two and two put this Walmart scenario together the same way...

Thanks for playin' along, NL. Really like the way you described that coming together...esp. relating the observed behavior from the Techbay event onto perception of seeing Casey the next time. :thumb: IMHO, the mind kinda tells itself what it expects to see sometimes...not unlike the suggestion of George seeing Casey in Tony's Jeep vs. Cindy's 4Runner 6/29 IYKWIM.
Thompson can make statements all day long, but it strikes me that there's something very odd about him, and I'm not buying his statement at all. In his statement he quickly goes from Casey being in his store to seeing her at Walmart, and adds this: "the last thing I need is involvement with another bad mother....."

Uh, hello, I don't believe seeing someone in the context of a store owner/potential customer plus one other quickie sighting translates to becoming emotionally involved, but that is the leap he apparently makes in his statement. The only thing missing from this guy's statement is the drool.

Nope, I think he may have mental/emotional problems. The guy's over 40 yrs. old, and apparently lusting after KC. I would love to see him called to the stand to testify before SA, and would bet he might suddenly find it necessary to say maybe he was mistaken, and it wasn't KC he saw after all.

As usual, she was likely coming on to him pretty strong. He got the message from her that she was available to him, maybe she thought she would flirt her way in to him making an exception and taking her check. She wasn't presenting herself as aloof and out of his reach, and you are right he was fantasizing about it, until he sized her up as a jerk to her child. He may be married or had a girlfriend so not coming forward with his colorful account in vivid detail of why and how he remembered the nearly jail bait so fondly could be good old fashioned guilt. No matter, he could have come forward and left out the gory details of how he drooled over her.
First, I know nothing of the Caylee Anthony case. I certainly can not read all these forum messages! (After 6000+ sleuth messages I would think you all would have this solved by now.)

Can someone sum up this case, in say, 4-5 sentences?

First, I know nothing of the Caylee Anthony case. I certainly can not read all these forum messages! (After 6000+ sleuth messages I would think you all would have this solved by now.)

Can someone sum up this case, in say, 4-5 sentences?


Mother kills 2 yo daughter. Then celebrates for 31+ days. Grandma calls 911 and everyone's shocked that mother is arrested. Extra-strength KoolAde is distributed by accused and family. Friends and witnesses are vilified.

That's it. What can you expect for each sentence representing 1,000+ posts? :innocent:
First, I know nothing of the Caylee Anthony case. I certainly can not read all these forum messages! (After 6000+ sleuth messages I would think you all would have this solved by now.)

Can someone sum up this case, in say, 4-5 sentences?


If you would like to listen/read some of the interviews done in this case, there is a wealth of information here:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72088"]Interview Reference Guide To Finding All Interviews, Motions, Grand Jury and Trials. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
First, I know nothing of the Caylee Anthony case. I certainly can not read all these forum messages! (After 6000+ sleuth messages I would think you all would have this solved by now.)

Can someone sum up this case, in say, 4-5 sentences?


A Mother does not report her child missing for 31 days and avoids her family in order to hide the fact her child is missing, she makes excuses on why the child is not with her etc. She also goes out partying and pursues a relationship with a young man during these 31 days.

The grandmother finally catches up with her daughter and calls the police stating the smell of a dead body in her daughter's car and her missing granddaughter.

The daughter then tells authorities and family that the child was kidnapped by her nanny 31 days prior and she doesn't know where she is.

No one is able to find this nanny or even confirm that she exists. Daughter is arrested for the murder of her 2 year old daughter. The body is later found in woods near her home.
A Mother does not report her child missing for 31 days and avoids her family in order to hide the fact her child is missing, she makes excuses on why the child is not with her etc. She also goes out partying and pursues a relationship with a young man during these 31 days.

The grandmother finally catches up with her daughter and calls the police stating the smell of a dead body in her daughter's car and her missing granddaughter.

The daughter then tells authorities and family that the child was kidnapped by her nanny 31 days prior and she doesn't know where she is.

No one is able to find this nanny or even confirm that she exists. Daughter is arrested for the murder of her 2 year old daughter. The body is later found in woods near her home.

Many thanks and well done - very clear.
Hafta let this guys statement sink in a bit more...but...initial impressions...

  • Pings appear to support that Casey & Caylee were in the area of his store 6/10, and the details he provided about their visit are believable, IMHO
  • The 6/16 sighting seems plausible, but, improbable, IMHO

The 6/16 sighting maybe transposed from a different location, a different date...or even be of similar-looking people. It just seems unlikely that - after staying up until the wee hours 6/16 that Casey would pop-up the next morning...put Caylee in the car...and drive up to a Walmart a half-hour away when (albeit admitedly less than perfect) Google Maps shows at least 3-4 closer Walmarts to G&C's :waitasec:

That he waited a year to come forward...:waitasec: I guess I can understand it...but it doesn't help his account.

Perhaps the 'beanie baby' and/or the observed behavior in his store - as Friday & AZ have pointed out - are the reasons that SA have JT on their list.

Even if LE found the Beanie Baby among Caylee's toys, how can they prove it came from T's shop? Is there a way? We can see how many toys Caylee had from the pictures of her room - a lot of places hand out toys to kids. If they did find the toy, it would be some evidence his story is true and involved KC but I don't know - :waitasec:.
Why would KC be looking for a monitor..that part just doesn't jive with me. She had way better things to spend stolen money on like Bud Light, California Pizza kitchen frozen pizza, a blue #82 Hoodie, the list goes on. I find the fact that she is monitor shopping to be odd.
Why would KC be looking for a monitor..that part just doesn't jive with me. She had way better things to spend stolen money on like Bud Light, California Pizza kitchen frozen pizza, a blue #82 Hoodie, the list goes on. I find the fact that she is monitor shopping to be odd.

We know she was into photography, so maybe she wanted a larger/better monitor with higher resolution/dpi.
I agree- but it is a little weird that he would automatically attribute it to "jealousy" rather than, typical mother aggravation-- such as-- oh great, another stuffed animal. Maybe, that's what he thought at the time, but now that he knows more about Casey's character-- he thinks-- hmm, jealousy? Anyway, why did he wait so long to come forward? And, why did Casey think she needed a monitor (if it's true)? What did she buy at Wal-mart?

Who knows? It made me really sad to read it though. This case is depressing! The most recent doc dumps made me super sad-- just in thinking of the possible nightmare scenarios-- IE-- the evidence is ALL untrustworthy bc it was mishandled. YIKES!

How much of the state's case do you think we've seen? I'm SLIGHTLY worried.

Is there some way LE may have been able to trace a purchase from that day at that Walmart that KC made using CA's card or check? Other than that, how could it be proven KC was there? I have learned from reading here that camera tape is not kept as far back as a year. How convenient to come forward beyond that when there's no way to substantiate the story. This whole story makes me angry - it's a circus I tell you, a circus. :banghead:
Maybe LE has that video.

Just thinking out loud here -- if LE does have the video, could the reason they just recently took an "official" statement from JT is so that they didn't have to release the video yet?

I don't think he had a surveillance tape. If he had one he would know exactly what date she came in his store. In his statement he says he thinks it's about a week before Father's Day.
Wow. bjb---I like the limb. Scooch over.

Thanks for giving us some other angles to consider.

Yes, as mad as I am, that made me laugh. Bond has charm. His post made me consider though that JT should/would have remembered a little girl's t-shirt that said "Big trouble comes in small packages" would he not?

It seems like, based on his description of their behavior, he would note the shirt in his comments to LE. He does not.
I have a confession to make -

Part of the reason I'm so miffed and discomboobillated by this new witness is that I have somehow convinced myself that either GA or CA are in on the crime from the beginning.

If JT is mysteriously right, it will cushion both of them from my theory and, I know, crazy vision.

It's gonna be hard for me to budge but I do want to know the truth. If JT had come forward a long time ago I would have viewed his testimony as a good thing that put more clarity as to timeline of the case.

This is parellel to KC's 31 days to me - JT's one year; KC's 31 days.
I never said he was a freak, nor was I insinuating he was.

I am just saying the way he described KC comes across to me that he found her intriguing in his own way. One possible reason he can describe her is that he had a tape of her in his store and that helped him remember seeing the two of them the next week at Walmart.

Oh my, this is bringing weird images to my mind - my bad - lol!
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