2008.06.16 James T. says he saw Caylee alive around Noon #1

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I don't remember reading about the purchase in his witness statement, I hope LE is aware of this. Maybe they still can try to
see what is was she bought and was trying to conceal.

I would imagine that only a portion of the statement was released.

Or there was more than one interview.

Regardless, it would be nice to see that in the next document dump (where JT mentions the Walmart purchase)...which is expected within the week. Along with any other cooberating evidence from the Walmart citing. That ought to send JB to the local pub. Or straight to Strickland's office.

Can you imagine JB: "Judge...its not fair. The state keeps compiling more and more darning evidence against KC. Make them stop. It isn't fair..."
I just can't get my head around this. That she was killed between 6:50 or so and the video from Blockbuster's. Doesn't make sense to me at all.


ETA - Does anyone know exactly what time she was filmed at the video place with TonE?

Hi Pink. I think they arrived at BlockBusters at almost 8 p.m., 7:50 somthing. Here's a link to one of BJB's posts that might give you some new ideas: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4249618&postcount=350"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Ping Map for June 16, 2008 - Discuss that day only.[/ame]
It occurs to me that Casey probably knew on the 16th sometime, that tony had planned on skipping his classes on the 17th so they could have the day together. If CA, GA or anyone she tried with the flurry of calls was unavailable or said "no", Caylee was done for. She may have made a "benadryl" type run to Walmart to set the plan in motion.
After the duct tape info came out, I began to think she was not beyond drugging caylee & leaving her in the car. If she could do that, she could do anything. Totally without a conscience. I also am reminded of how horrible Tony must have been, after he realized that that fateful night of the 16th & the day of the 17th were the end for Caylee, and he is with this callous piece of sh .. .. sickening!
Bond..James...Help me out here??? Am I having memory problems? Wasn't it you that stated that was the only time the pings could have collaborated with this witness' account???


Here are the times. The last ACTIVE (using BJB's definition) cell phone event was 4:25 when KC tried to call CA. That actually fits very nicely with what this guys is saying. Then there are no more ACTIVE cell phone events until after 8 p.m.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4241953&postcount=528"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Witness says he saw Caylee alive around noon on 06.16.08[/ame]
It occurs to me that Casey probably knew on the 16th sometime, that tony had planned on skipping his classes on the 17th so they could have the day together. If CA, GA or anyone she tried with the flurry of calls was unavailable or said "no", Caylee was done for. She may have made a "benadryl" type run to Walmart to set the plan in motion.
After the duct tape info came out, I began to think she was not beyond drugging caylee & leaving her in the car. If she could do that, she could do anything. Totally without a conscience. I also am reminded of how horrible Tony must have been, after he realized that that fateful night of the 16th & the day of the 17th were the end for Caylee, and he is with this callous piece of sh .. .. sickening!

I totally agree with you. I think she was making all of those calls to get a babysitter for Caylee. If she had already made big plans with Tony, she wasn't about to let Caylee stand in her way.
I would imagine that only a portion of the statement was released.

Or there was more than one interview.

Regardless, it would be nice to see that in the next document dump (where JT mentions the Walmart purchase)...which is expected within the week. Along with any other cooberating evidence from the Walmart citing. That ought to send JB to the local pub. Or straight to Strickland's office.

Can you imagine JB: "Judge...its not fair. The state keeps compiling more and more darning evidence against KC. Make them stop. It isn't fair..."

The interview released was taken by the Maitland Police Dept, it was quite lengthy and appeared to be complete.
We don't even know if he gave any statement to the OCSO. I hope so though.
Here are the times. The last ACTIVE (using BJB's definition) cell phone event was 4:25 when KC tried to call CA. That actually fits very nicely with what this guys is saying. Then there are no more ACTIVE cell phone events until after 8 p.m.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Witness says he saw Caylee alive around noon on 06.16.08

I'm quoting myself to say that 4 pm won't work...lol. I looked at the timeline again and she's in the vicinity of the Anthony home until about 4:14. It appears it would have to be between 5 pm and 6 pm for his story to work.
P.S. And this would actually work from a travel time situation. It is only about 6 minutes from TL's apartment to the Casselberry Walmart.

IN FACT! I'm not sure she wouldn't ping on the same cell tower for either the Walmart or TL's apartment!
The interview released was taken by the Maitland Police Dept, it was quite lengthy and appeared to be complete.
We don't even know if he gave any statement to the OCSO. I hope so though.

TY for the clarification. I would imagine that he gave a statement and/or interview to OSCO. Otherwise, it would be odd to have him listed on the SA's witness list...if he wasn't at least interviewed by LE in charge of the investigation. He made the statement more than two months before he was added to the list...I would imagine some checking went into the story. Otherwise if it is just a piece that they didn't intend to offer at trial...they would just release it along with other stuff they may not use...and he wouldn't be added to the list as a witness.

My guess is we will get the official interview with the next document dump. I understand though why it is confusing because his original statement to the Maitland Police Department (if given to us in its entirety) is very descriptive but makes no mention of a purchase. However...if in an interview...not a statement (remember...he writes long...Tolstoy wrong) LE from OSCO would have asked him...Did she purchase anything? Did you see a bag with her?

To me a statement is not as complete as an interview. I mean read some of the earlier statements by family members and witnesses. Dramatically incomplete. The substance would come in during the interview. If during the interview and I believe there was one...the purchase is mentioned...no big deal that it wasn't in the earlier statement. If it wasn't it would be a problem.

Having said all of the above, this is a very competent and thorough SA and LE. I have no doubts if JT was added to the witness list that 1. He was interviewed. 2. He mentioned the purchase. 3. If LE found anything to cooberate JT's story via footage or tracking her purchase...they already had their hands on it well before JT was added to the list.

In short...JT, just like the Henkel duct tape, could turn out to be extremely important to the Prosecution.

Jose better hang onto his bag of bullcrud...a storm's coming. He wouldn't want to lose his bag...
It occurs to me that Casey probably knew on the 16th sometime, that tony had planned on skipping his classes on the 17th so they could have the day together. If CA, GA or anyone she tried with the flurry of calls was unavailable or said "no", Caylee was done for. She may have made a "benadryl" type run to Walmart to set the plan in motion.
After the duct tape info came out, I began to think she was not beyond drugging caylee & leaving her in the car. If she could do that, she could do anything. Totally without a conscience. I also am reminded of how horrible Tony must have been, after he realized that that fateful night of the 16th & the day of the 17th were the end for Caylee, and he is with this callous piece of sh .. .. sickening!
Tony didn't have classes on June 16 either.

For some reason KC didn't immediately rush to see Tony in the daytime just bringing Caylee along in the daytime the way she had the week before.
P.S. And this would actually work from a travel time situation. It is only about 6 minutes from TL's apartment to the Casselberry Walmart.

IN FACT! I'm not sure she wouldn't ping on the same cell tower for either the Walmart or TL's apartment!

From JT's response on Marinadedave's site-
Regarding cell phone pings and towers and all of that, as a technician I know that cell phones usually work off of 3 towers at anyone time and one of the 3 may be the primary one at the time for any reason, one of them being distance, another one being traffic load and problems. Casey wasn’t on her cell phone when she came out of Walmart otherwise I would not have thought about bugging her about the monitor because that would have been rude. But I have no way of knowing what cell phone towers are in the area and can’t testify to that … just the fact I witnessed Casey and Caley in Walmart on the day after Father’s Day. Either way, I saw what I saw and I am 110% certain I saw Casey coming out of the Casselberry Walmart the day after Father’s Day.
I'm quoting myself to say that 4 pm won't work...lol. I looked at the timeline again and she's in the vicinity of the Anthony home until about 4:14. It appears it would have to be between 5 pm and 6 pm for his story to work.

What about 4:30 or 4:45? It seems to me that he was guessing at the time...based on his Rotary meeting, time to travel back to the store, deal with stuff at the store...deal with a client...travel to the Walmart. He could have left for the Walmart closer to 4:30/4:45. JMO. He was just estimating. I know when I am doing busy work time flies faster than you think...so maybe it was an hour and a half dealing with stuff at the store?

JMO...but I do believe that SA/OCSO have certain things covered. Otherwise, why list him as a witness? I can only hope that we will see something independent to cooberate what he is saying. Tracking the purchase she made or video of her leaving and entering the store. That should clear up any timeline discrepancies.

I am just excited, if JT's story can be cooberated, because it narrows the timeline. Eliminates many innocent people that the defense is just salivating to throw under the bus. And more and more...wheedles it down to KC being the sole perpetrator. But most of us knew that from the time she was arrested on a whim and we first heard about the case.

It would be hillarious if a skunk jumped out at Baez from the bushes when Baez leaves the failure of his legal motions on next Friday and sprays him. By then we should have a new doc dump to siftthrough.
I looked at the weather in Orlando for July 16, 2008: http://www.wunderground.com/history...tml?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA

There's a chart toward the middle of the page that shows hourly temps and rainfall data (among other things). It looks like the temp dropped from a high of 84 degrees at 1:53 p.m. down to a low of 75.2 degrees by 3 p.m. Rain and thunderstorms began at 2:34 p.m. and lasted until 5:53 p.m. I only think this may be interesting if it seemed to encourage Casey's thoughts of putting Caylee in the trunk? I don't know . . .
What about 4:30 or 4:45? It seems to me that he was guessing at the time...based on his Rotary meeting, time to travel back to the store, deal with stuff at the store...deal with a client...travel to the Walmart. He could have left for the Walmart closer to 4:30/4:45. JMO. He was just estimating. I know when I am doing busy work time flies faster than you think...so maybe it was an hour and a half dealing with stuff at the store?

JMO...but I do believe that SA/OCSO have certain things covered. Otherwise, why list him as a witness? I can only hope that we will see something independent to cooberate what he is saying. Tracking the purchase she made or video of her leaving and entering the store. That should clear up any timeline discrepancies.

I am just excited, if JT's story can be cooberated, because it narrows the timeline. Eliminates many innocent people that the defense is just salivating to throw under the bus. And more and more...wheedles it down to KC being the sole perpetrator. But most of us knew that from the time she was arrested on a whim and we first heard about the case.

It would be hillarious if a skunk jumped out at Baez from the bushes when Baez leaves the failure of his legal motions on next Friday and sprays him. By then we should have a new doc dump to sift through.

Tony didn't have classes on June 16 either.

For some reason KC didn't immediately rush to see Tony in the daytime just bringing Caylee along in the daytime the way she had the week before.

Yah, I thought about that, but wondered if he was working on his projects . .

LOL. JB foiled again.

This Walmart sighting (should it be cooberated) is one of the best things to come out lately concerning the timeline.

I can only say that JB needs to learn how to recognize what a real stinker is. It is called their defense strategy. :back: Just like this poor smilie...they don't seem to be going anywhere. Actually, I just wanted to put that smilie in there for no reason. But I needed a little context.
7:06 pm Casey's cell calls the house phone--1.38 minutes. My best guess is that this is when Casey supposedly told Cindy she would be staying with Caylee at "Zanny's" place.


I am ignoring the fact that GA may have seen KC leave which requires us to believe she changed clothes. GA's testimony, like everyone else in the family, is absolutely suspect and I'd rather rely on a ping at this point. His statement (detailed as it is) is the wrong date, the wrong clothes, all kinds of stuff (and it simply mimics KC's statement of what Caylee was wearing the day she supposedly was "abducted").

What I find interesting is that KC may have been very determined to tell Cindy early in the evening that she and Caylee were staying the night somewhere and not to worry. This would preemptively prevent CA from calling her immediately or later. I somehow think that otherwise KC would have simply waited for GA to come home (or wait until CA called GA) and tell her that he had seen them leave and they would be spending the night at Zanny's. It would have corroborated her story.

In fact, we don't really know for sure exactly when KC started using the Zanny alibi with her parents, other than it seems logical that, on the 18th, (probably after bagging Caylee's body) KC came up with an elaborate excuse for going out of town with her daughter. The sheer amount of unnecessary detail she used for the Tampa alibi (introducing Zanny's kids and her sister and Zanny's mom, Hopkins and Zach, etc) according to what CA told LE, made me think that this was the first time CA had heard any of it. It would have been unnecessary to elaborate if CA knew anything at all about "Zanny" over the several years they supposedly knew each other and it sounded like a data dump to create credibility. I think KC's M.O. when lying is to inundate with detail, the more and the newer the better. Curiouser and curiouser.
I looked at the weather in Orlando for July 16, 2008: http://www.wunderground.com/history...tml?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA

There's a chart toward the middle of the page that shows hourly temps and rainfall data (among other things). It looks like the temp dropped from a high of 84 degrees at 1:53 p.m. down to a low of 75.2 degrees by 3 p.m. Rain and thunderstorms began at 2:34 p.m. and lasted until 5:53 p.m. I only think this may be interesting if it seemed to encourage Casey's thoughts of putting Caylee in the trunk? I don't know . . .

Even if the outside temp was 75 degrees, it would heat up in the trunk, but you have a great point. Particularly if KC had done this before. I'm thinking that if she had done this earlier in the year, say Feb - April, she may have gotten by with it. And it would certainly explain a blanket being in the trunk that would later be used to wrap Caylee's body.

What is interesting about this is witness it that his testimony would support one of two scenarios. One is that KC brought the duct tape with her, not willing to trust the fact that Caylee wouldn't wake up in the trunk later and start screaming which might alert another tenant depending on where she parked. The other is that it was applied post-mortem on the 18th when she went back to the Anthony home (or it was already in her car and she applied it post-mortem sometime before she bagged her).

I find it interesting that, even though AL took the 17th off, she leaves his apt in the afternoon/early evening and is in the vicinity of UCF area with a dead ping lapse for several hours before returning to AL's. I had the feeling that she may have attempted to enter JBP from the east end and leave Caylee's body. Particularly since the JBP jogger, NG, had been killed and found just a week earlier. Since that did not work, it may have been her reason for returning home for plastic bags.
I would imagine that only a portion of the statement was released.

Or there was more than one interview.

Regardless, it would be nice to see that in the next document dump (where JT mentions the Walmart purchase)...which is expected within the week. Along with any other cooberating evidence from the Walmart citing. That ought to send JB to the local pub. Or straight to Strickland's office.

Can you imagine JB: "Judge...its not fair. The state keeps compiling more and more darning evidence against KC. Make them stop. It isn't fair..."

I hope they come up with a receipt for Benadryl caps...:innocent:
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