2008.06.16 The girls and the "backpacks"

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IIRC, Turbothink had posted in several threads a few months back that the Epass records showed GA was out driving when he said he was home and saw Casey and Caylee on June 16th. But, it turned out that the records Turbo posted were actually for JULY 16th, and it caused a lot of subsequent confusion about those specific EPass records. I think that's what's happened here.
oh! I remember that now janis thank you. I helpd turbo delete a bunch of posts all over the forum! that is exactly where this came from. I forgot all about that.
but again it is a perfect case in point as to how bad information is perpetuated if we do not ask for links.
Just wanted to say I think your doing a great job at trying to keep all the topics clear. I do agree that links are important if someone is going to state something as fact. My apologies for typing to fast and mentioning something I recall not as fact and you are 100% correct that links are very important when stating a fact. I did edit the post.. Thanks again for keeping us all well informed.
You are such a great resource and a good sport. thanks for letting me use this because it is a very common occurence.
IIRC, Turbothink had posted in several threads a few months back that the Epass records showed GA was out driving when he said he was home and saw Casey and Caylee on June 16th. But, it turned out that the records Turbo posted were actually for JULY 16th, and it caused a lot of subsequent confusion about those specific EPass records. I think that's what's happened here.

Now I recall, I do remember this being discussed a while back. I must of missed the rest of the discussion. I am glad JBean brought this to my attention so I can go back and fix my own notes about this date. Thanks for the refresher.
How does a epass work?

Can like LA or CA use GA epass? I have never heard of these or know how they work. Is it something that only GA can use himself?

No, you can switch it out from car to car. It is basically prepaying the tolls so that you don't have to stop at a toll booth. You just go through the EPASS line and get through the toll booth faster.
magic-cat, I think you're on to something. Leaving home and taking Caylee with her immediately after the fight would mean Casey was in a very hateful, angry mood. That, to me, would be the time she would strike out to get back at her mom and dad sadly by killing her daughter, Caylee.
The next time we publically see Casey (the evening of the 16th) is in the video tapes of her and her boyfriend at the movie store. There is no Caylee in sight. So where was Caylee in order for Casey to be alone with her boyfriend?
I also see the June 9th date being tossed around in the initial part of this case as to when that was the last day any of them last saw Caylee as a ruse. They all definitely wanted to stay away from the June 15th, 16th dates. Until, ah-ha, a video shows Caylee with family members June 15.
Just my opinion when I look at the picture.
Take a look at other posts regarding the fight and what KC was doing on the 16th. I have doubts there was a fight on the 15th. KC was either on the phone or texting all night. There seems little time for her to be having a major fight with anyone. She was also at or near the A's home until late afternoon on the 16th. I am having a hard time believing that the fight set her off enough to kill her child. I think it was planned and that the "flurry of calls" on the 16th indicate that she was either in need of a sitter or was going to start the ball rolling right then. The laundry hamper bag leads me to believe the child was killed at home and left in the trunk while KC and TL were watching videos. JMO.
Thats my point! Since he is an ex detective and trained to pay attention to detail, why are all the details he gave apparently wrong?

The clothes described as being in the bag with the remains may be a moot point since there was no body recovered, just bones. (Sorry to be so graphic.) The cloth bag was a laundry bag and could very well have had dirty clothes in it when the body was placed there. Remembering that KC said "they haven't even found her clothes yet" makes me wonder if Caylee was actually nude. The clothes she had on could have been discarded separately or strewn about by animals. The point is that a white backpack was recovered at the scene and the clothes recovered were most likely in the clothes hamper bag and may or may not have been the ones the poor baby was wearing when killed or discarded.
Take a look at other posts regarding the fight and what KC was doing on the 16th. I have doubts there was a fight on the 15th. KC was either on the phone or texting all night. There seems little time for her to be having a major fight with anyone. She was also at or near the A's home until late afternoon on the 16th. I am having a hard time believing that the fight set her off enough to kill her child. I think it was planned and that the "flurry of calls" on the 16th indicate that she was either in need of a sitter or was going to start the ball rolling right then. The laundry hamper bag leads me to believe the child was killed at home and left in the trunk while KC and TL were watching videos. JMO.
I remember the neighbor who heard the "fight" only said it was that weekend, not specifically the night of the 15th. I agree, there doesn't seem to be enough time for a big fight with Casey texting/calling TL all evening. I'm inclined to think if Caylee was killed at the house (which it look like may have happened with her being found in the hamper bag) that it would've been done when both G & C were at work on the 16th, so it would have to be afternoon. I definitely believe Casey wanting to be with TL that evening had something to do with the timing. MOO
No, you can switch it out from car to car. It is basically prepaying the tolls so that you don't have to stop at a toll booth. You just go through the EPASS line and get through the toll booth faster.

Thanks for explaining. There is not toll booths where I live in Illinois.
I just don't think George saw KC & Caylee the morning of the 16th. After the mother of all fights between CA & KC, KC took Caylee and took off, infuriated.
Casey returned at the house the next morning after CA left for work. When George got up he knew "his girls" were home, maybe he had heard "them" come in, maybe he knew when he saw KC's car. I'm guessing that he wasn't about to bother KC after the big fight and he figured Caylee needed to sleep because she had had a terrible night. (But Caylee was in the car trunk.) Maybe he even left early to give KC space. All the description of his last seeing them was coverup to hide the pivitol fight.
You might want to read the cell ping threads or look at the calendar. I've gone over the phone records a lot and find KC was not away from the home until late in the afternoon on the 16th.
Here is the call in question

6/16 7:45 am from Anthony House to Casey 1 minute at the exact time she is retreiving voice mail.

If she was home in bed, why the call???

No ping on the 6/16 for that time of call.
The minute I heard GA's story about the 16th, I thought he was lying. It was the way he said it, his expression and the fact that he tried to say he was watching the "news", then got corrected by CA "it was BEFORE you went to work", and it became a cooking show. Exactly at 12:50pm.

I also remember CA saying she tucked Caylee in, so "at least, I know where she was that night" as if she wasn't sure about KC. Then she said she tucked them both in, so maybe KC was in bed with Caylee, getting her to go to sleep. But the 7am phone call from the house to KC's phone tells me someone was looking for KC and it wasn't KC looking for her phone - she was on it until about 3:00am. GA said he gets up about 8am, CA is already at work by then. So, CA called KC, IMHO - probably trying to find her to get her to come home from where ever.

No mention of Caylee waking, wet pull-ups, breakfast, cartoons, playing, lunch, interaction with Grandpa, running around the house - nothing. Until 12:50pm. And it was a normal day. Right. If anything, I think GA saw them leaving at 12:50am, while watching local news recaps after work. But, to CA the 16th is the 16th so a few hours difference is no big deal. A little lie. GA almost told the truth, but CA stopped him.

No mention by CA that KC's car was in the driveway or parked in the street. Yet.
pings place her at the A home during the famous flurry ... however the next ping is a very short period of time later and places her close to tony's. someone on another thread did the math and arrived at the conclusion that she would almost had to have been pulling out the drive or even on the road headed for tony's during the flurry.

Pings at or near the A's home the afternoon of 6/16:
KC received system text message at 11:52 am
KC texted TL at 12:53 pm (one hour from above time)
TL teted KC at 12:55 pm
TL called KC at 1:00 pm 829 seconds
KC texted JG at 1:26 pm
JG texted KC at 1:27 pm
KC called AH at 1:44 pm 2164 seconds
JG called KC at 2:52 pm 673 seconds
GA called KC at 3:04 pm 25 seconds
KC received system text messages at 3:23 and 3:36 pm
KC called TL at 3:35 pm 22 seconds
KC received system text message 3:39 pm
KC called GA at 4:10 pm 34 seconds
KC called CA at 4:11:26 pm 0 seconds
KC called CA at 4:11:49 pm 3 seconds
KC called CA at 4:13:04 pm 0 seconds
KC called CA at 4:13:29 pm 2 seconds
KC called Jimmy Bryan Lexus at 4:14 pm 98 seconds

Calls start to ping along Chickasaw and Old Cheney Highway towards TL's apartment at 4:18 pm and ping near the apartment the rest of the evening.
I agree with Magic-Cat. We need to know more about the fight on the 15th between Cindy & Casey. Also, the clothes that were found in the bag with the remain, appear to be possible the ones that Caylee may have been wearing on the 15th, in the video seen with her Great Grandfather on Father's Day.
In this FBI video George states: He felt for two years that his daughter was not working. He said she uses computers to send her self emails from work. LE states that Casey goes out of her way to print things about work, George claims he is not a computer guy but knows that the emails were fake, he knew the content was not proper. He had spoke to Casey about the emails. He also claims he knows that Casey is not leveling with him. He also claims that Casey had borrowed Cindy's car no date given, but then goes back to the gas can incident and mentioned the date of June 15 or 16 and then the conversation shifts. I am kind of confused about this part of the interview.

The only link I have for now of the FBI interview where George states "He felt Casey had not been working for two years"
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXstJBhXnko&feature=player_embedded
Here is the call in question

6/16 7:45 am from Anthony House to Casey 1 minute at the exact time she is retreiving voice mail.

If she was home in bed, why the call???

No ping on the 6/16 for that time of call.

KC pinged near the A's since about 7:30 pm on the 15th until 4 something pm on the 16th. At 3:22 AM on the 16th, she texted TL. The next cellular activity was at 7:45 am when two calls were recorded, most likely to check her cellular voice mail. Both calls were recorded as happening at the exact same time: 7:45:51. Same hour, same minute, same second. She probably used a land line extension in her room to check her cellular voice mail by calling her cell phone. Hence, the sequence of calls. Even though the cellular outgoing call is listed first, they happened simultaneously.

About an hour later, she texts TL then there is no cellular activity until 11:43 when she received a "system text message" (an alert of some kind probably). At 11:47 she receives a call from TL which lasts 1115 seconds. My previous thread picks it up from there.
I remember the neighbor who heard the "fight" only said it was that weekend, not specifically the night of the 15th. I agree, there doesn't seem to be enough time for a big fight with Casey texting/calling TL all evening. I'm inclined to think if Caylee was killed at the house (which it look like may have happened with her being found in the hamper bag) that it would've been done when both G & C were at work on the 16th, so it would have to be afternoon. I definitely believe Casey wanting to be with TL that evening had something to do with the timing. MOO

Not disputing your timeline but Cindy's coworker mentions the fight that happened the night before Casey left and Mark Fuhrman (for what is worth) says Cindy said they had a fight that night. This was early in the case and then she changed her story to the oddly detailed swimming/tuck-in/life is a fairytail version.
Not disputing your timeline but Cindy's coworker mentions the fight that happened the night before Casey left and Mark Fuhrman (for what is worth) says Cindy said they had a fight that night. This was early in the case and then she changed her story to the oddly detailed swimming/tuck-in/life is a fairytail version.

"The night before she left" as in they hadn't seen Caylee since the 9th or the 16? I too can find no time for such a fight on the 15th.
KC pinged near the A's since about 7:30 pm on the 15th until 4 something pm on the 16th. At 3:22 AM on the 16th, she texted TL. The next cellular activity was at 7:45 am when she called herself, most likely to check her cellular voice mail. Both calls were recorded as happening at the exact same time: 7:45:51. Same hour, same minute, same second. She probably used a land line extension in her room to check her cellular voice mail. Hence, the sequence of calls. Even though the cellular outgoing call is listed first, they happened simultaneously.

About an hour later, she texts TL then there is no cellular activity until 11:43 when she received a "system text message" (an alert of some kind probably). At 11:47 she receives a call from TL which lasts 1115 seconds. My previous thread picks it up from there.

I see. So the cellular phone call she received was her checking her voice mail, not a call. It is the way the cell company bills for the call. I get it!!
Thanks for explaining that. I always wondered.
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