2008.07.15 Caylee allegedly called Casey

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Is it reasonable to doubt that THE person telling law enforcement that they spoke with the (now proven deceased) child, is not in fact the child's KILLER who is trying to delay the discovery of such a fact?

NO way do I expect jurors to think any differently than I do myself. This case is gonna hinge on what is REASONABLE to doubt.

I'm glad to hear that this testimony from Casey will most likely be put in front of the jury to hear.

Why else would you falsely say you heard from a missing child, if you hadn't?

I sincerely hope that Casey is convicted, whether or not the death penalty is imposed.

<devil's advocate> if she were totally innocent, barring everything else we know, she still may have told this lie in a bid to keep them from placing the blame on her. </devil's advocate>

although combined with everything else we know, it kinda stinks. If she had been screaming and begging for the kidnapper to be found and then she still was looking suspicious I would feel that it was more likely. as it is...no.
Can you please tell me which tape you are referring to, and provide a link... don't recall having seen this.

You mean 1-2-3 cheese (I didn't have it spaced right)? Maybe that's not what it's called, but that's what I remember. I'll look for it. Found it here:


Just watch her sit there practically squirming and desperate to draw the person behind the lens into her chatter. I personally can see and feel her display some level of discomfort, as if she doesn't quite know what to do or what's expected of her, and after trying repeatedly to draw in the filmer (IMO Casey) she finally she gives up and breathes out a sigh as she turns away.

She may as well have been sitting there completely alone. And she never got to grow into her Spiderman shirt.
Thanks so much Nuisanceposter. It just breaks my heart to see this beautiful little girl try to engage the person behind the lens and they don't even give her one word of acknowledgment. Heartbreaking.
Although someone posted that KC mentions this supposed call to AH earlier, I still don't understand why it doesn't appear in the testimony of the Anthony family, LA in particular, who did most of the talking with his sister, it would appear, after CA brought her home. Maybe she did mention it to one of them, but obviously it didn't make enough of an impression for them to back off insisting on trying to see Caylee and following through with getting LE involved.
Let's not forget she also stated to the police dispatcher that her daughter had called her that day. It is on the 911 tapes.
Could this alleged call play into a defense strategy that Caylee was not murdered until after July 15th? This, in addition to the report saying the remains could have been in the woods as late as sometime in July?

I was thinking the same thing while reading through this thread. I know that the evidence points to the truth... that there is NO WAY that KC got a phone call fro Caylee that day... and that KC lied about this (and everything else). But I can't see the defense saying "Unfortunately, this is just one more example of a lie that KC has told. Ladies and Gents, to explain this statement we are going to have to admit that our client is a liar. It's typical behavior for her... she's lied about what happened to her daughter since 31 days before CA called the police. She's really sorry that she lied so much before, and she promises that she won't lie anymore...really, pinkie promise." They're going to do whatever they can (like always) to keep spinning the truth...they're going to keep lying and covering for her.... they're not going to come clean and admit that she's a liar! This is what I'm expecting them to say about the phone call (even though phone records etc. prove that it didn't take place): "KC DID get a phone call from the kidnapper/murderer and she DID speak with her daughter (on whatever date it was). It is obvious that the phone company either accidentally lost the record of the call OR they're conspiring against KC and intentionally destroyed the records that prove that the call took place. Why would KC claim to have spoken with her child if she thought that the child was dead? She was obviously under the impression that Caylee was still living (but missing) at the time of the phone call. The nanny must have tricked KC into believing that she was on the phone with her daughter when she was actually speaking to another child (probably a paid, child actor that that the nanny hired)." Or something like the above....I can hear them spinning like crazy.....!!!
I think it will be the shortest opening statement in history.

"31 days"

the end.

I would be convinced without hearing any other testimony.

Nice summary! LOL

Casey says, "Give me one more day." (Hightail it to Cal.?)
Cindy says, "I've given you a month already." (To bond with Caylee?)
I get the feeling that statements like that will be the centerpiece of opening & closing arguments. Almost like a "If the glove does not fit, you must acquit" mantra.

Ah, but in this case, the glove only fits KC.

KC's stinky car is a glove owned and driven by KC.. while it stunk. That equals O.J. walking around still wearing the bloody glove.
Casey won't take the stand, so all they could present is her statement. She won't offer any explanation for the claim.
They can then prove that claim was in fact a lie.

Defense will say we have acknowledged that my client lied angle but being a liar under a time of extreme stress does not make her a killer. Kind of the you are not going to like my client or understand everything she has done, but that doesn't prove the case.


Her statements were her alibi to prove she didn't do it, could not have done it.

Instead, she leads the LE on a goose chase of false leads. Which means she has no alibi. And that is what will be pointed out to the jury. No alibi and is noted to be the last person with the baby.

You mean 1-2-3 cheese (I didn't have it spaced right)? Maybe that's not what it's called, but that's what I remember. I'll look for it. Found it here:


Just watch her sit there practically squirming and desperate to draw the person behind the lens into her chatter. I personally can see and feel her display some level of discomfort, as if she doesn't quite know what to do or what's expected of her, and after trying repeatedly to draw in the filmer (IMO Casey) she finally she gives up and breathes out a sigh as she turns away.

She may as well have been sitting there completely alone. And she never got to grow into her Spiderman shirt.

makes me wonder why someone was filming her silently and what they planned to do with the film

I hate thinking that way but it does send my mind in other directions

b/c how can anyone not engage with a sweet little girl, even if you filmed her hundreds of times & even if you wanted to just portray her in her own little world, wouldn't you burst out laughing or encourage her somehow ... well, yes, most people would I think

so, my mind goes to the psycho who filmed it & what they were thinking

CA was right when she said something about Caylee's eyes watching you - her eyes are SO haunting - I don't think I've ever seen eyes that look at the 'camera' so knowingly

she knew something wasn't right in her life - her intuition was strong & on point

my heart literally jumps when I watch any footage of her
Interesting thread, tweety. :thumb:

Spinning this tale also launched Casey down the path of lemme-show-you-how-little-I-know-or-have-thought-about forensics supporting/debunking my alibi. She was desperate. A little forethought and Casey would've realized phone records would obliterate her credibility. I mean...even checking the call history on the phone in her hand was something LE could do on the spot. :doh:

Was called to my attention by another WS that Casey's statement also claims she last spoke w/ ZFG on the Thursday after Caylee's disappearance. Look past the date mix-up and you have the likely day of disposal = last time Casey was in contact w/ ZFG in her story.

I'm sure the psych angles have been explored that ZFG was a personality Casey created to carry the blame of her act. IOW...handing Caylee over to ZFG at the Sawgrass steps on Monday meant Caylee's death happened @ someone else's hand...in her mind. Self-protection mechanism. With this approach Casey had to mentally call on ZFG on Thursday to take on the ugly task of disposal IYKWIM.

Casey eventually (w/ Cindy's help IIRC) got to the point that she was claiming her silence/diversion was to protect the family from some sort of retaliation by the ZFG gang. Like maybe...:waitasec:...coming face:face w/ the reality of what had really happened? Ironic. This approach at least gives way to, "Hey - of course, I made it all up! I'm a martyr." :whistle:

...sorry for the OT. Yes, ITTA, examining Casey's actions in the early hours & days exposes her m.o. of action/reaction *ahem* storytelling.

And tossing in for good measure to go along w/ motivation for the 7/15 phone call claim, I look forward to the defense having to explain her IM w/ Iassen gushing 'bout how much she loves ZFG...well into July. So...a protect-you-from-ZFG only goes so far w/ a semi-reasonable person...gushing 'bout ZFG unprovoked tells a different tale 'bout the motive of the teller IMHO.

this post rocks
lots of food for thought
thank you!
IMO Caylee expressed her fear while in her grandfather's arms.
three of you have mentioned KC's high-decible 'fakey' voice

is there any way someone could post a link to an example of it or point me in the direction of where to find a link?

I haven't seen most of the videos of her
Caylee looks so fearful & holding on to grandpa....
As to say "protect me" from whomever is filming.
Caylee looks so fearful & holding on to grandpa....
As to say "protect me" from whomever is filming.

oh do you mean the video from the retirement center when she is with her great grandpa?
three of you have mentioned KC's high-decible 'fakey' voice

is there any way someone could post a link to an example of it or point me in the direction of where to find a link?

I haven't seen most of the videos of her

Here is a link to an article that includes a voice analysis expert.
Constantine: "I am not convinced by Casey's tone in her voice that she felt controlled by her mom. A genuine emotion is lower and softer. Her words were not congruent with her vocal tone."
I just reviewed the 1-2-3 cheese video of Caylee and it is quite telling. Actually, many of you made comments about the videographer not engaging with her, despite her many attempts to engage them. I would assume it is KC videotaping, but who knows. Caylee was definately able to self-regulate, as demonstrated by her talking to herself and coloring. She gave strong disengagement cues, including looking away, freezing, and turning partially away and finally fully away. She also gave strong engagement cues and attempted to please the videographer. It is apparent the family used `1-2-3 cheese as a means to get her to smile for pics and she knew this routine well. She tried on nunmerous occassions to comply with what she thought the person videotaping wanted. When she did not get the response she was expecting, it was confusing for her and she became overstimulated and needed to self calm - thus the disengagement cues. Although this video is quite short and we do not see the interaction between the parent/child - the lack of interaction is equally telling. In the parent/child attachment realm, this type of non-responsiveness is actually built into the assessment (commonly referred to as the 'still face'). The still face allows the assessor to gauge how far the child will go to engage the parent and what happens to the child emotionally when they do not get their needs met in a timely manner. Fear not fellow posters, although this feels terribly uncomfortable and cruel, it happens hundreds of times a day to every child, because parents cannot meet the child's needs 100% of the time, nor should they.
I just reviewed the 1-2-3 cheese video of Caylee and it is quite telling. Actually, many of you made comments about the videographer not engaging with her, despite her many attempts to engage them. I would assume it is KC videotaping, but who knows. Caylee was definately able to self-regulate, as demonstrated by her talking to herself and coloring. She gave strong disengagement cues, including looking away, freezing, and turning partially away and finally fully away. She also gave strong engagement cues and attempted to please the videographer. It is apparent the family used `1-2-3 cheese as a means to get her to smile for pics and she knew this routine well. She tried on nunmerous occassions to comply with what she thought the person videotaping wanted. When she did not get the response she was expecting, it was confusing for her and she became overstimulated and needed to self calm - thus the disengagement cues. Although this video is quite short and we do not see the interaction between the parent/child - the lack of interaction is equally telling. In the parent/child attachment realm, this type of non-responsiveness is actually built into the assessment (commonly referred to as the 'still face'). The still face allows the assessor to gauge how far the child will go to engage the parent and what happens to the child emotionally when they do not get their needs met in a timely manner. Fear not fellow posters, although this feels terribly uncomfortable and cruel, it happens hundreds of times a day to every child, because parents cannot meet the child's needs 100% of the time, nor should they.

I do not have a link but there are other video where the same thing is going on. No verbal from the videotaper and Caylee seems frustrated. Obviously in videos where she is being videoed by her grandparents you can hear them on the tape and Caylee reacts in a positive manner. Some of the silent videos with Caylee will break your heart as she attempts to connect with the person taking the video and she gets no response.

In the video taken by the A's with KC and Caylee playing on the floor. Caylee grabs her mothers lip and pulls hard while KC is trying to pull away from her. At the very end of the video it is clear KC has had enough and lets Caylee fall off her onto the floor (okay, I'm done with this...get off).

If anyone has a link to these videos I would appreciate posting them here so wenwe4 could look at them also. Interested in what you opinion would be after viewing them. Thanks, I appreciate your assessment on that one video.
I do not have a link but there are other video where the same thing is going on. No verbal from the videotaper and Caylee seems frustrated. Obviously in videos where she is being videoed by her grandparents you can hear them on the tape and Caylee reacts in a positive manner. Some of the silent videos with Caylee will break your heart as she attempts to connect with the person taking the video and she gets no response.

In the video taken by the A's with KC and Caylee playing on the floor. Caylee grabs her mothers lip and pulls hard while KC is trying to pull away from her. At the very end of the video it is clear KC has had enough and lets Caylee fall off her onto the floor (okay, I'm done with this...get off).

If anyone has a link to these videos I would appreciate posting them here so wenwe4 could look at them also. Interested in what you opinion would be after viewing them. Thanks, I appreciate your assessment on that one video.

I have not seen videos of this child, except in the nursing home and now the 1-2-3 cheese. I would be very interested in looking at the one on the floor, I have seen only snipits on NG and others but not the video itself.
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