2008.07.15 Revisiting the 911 Calls

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I am adding the first phone call from Casey to Lee on Sat July 26, 2008 Transcripts:

NOTE: There was a phone call prior to this; however Lee was unable to get reception on his cell phone so Casey called the house phone.

LEE: Hey Casey are you there

Hey. Yeah I’m here

LEE: Sorry my cell phone reception is terrible

CASEY: It sucks at the house I know

LEE: I still want you to know that you can call me and I’ll try you know get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies. I know it s not a good situation , you know what can we do. You know

CASEY: Yeah absolutely

LEE: Um, so do you understand what I was trying to say for that, that you know, you can reach out to them and they, I know that you said that when we did visitation and I want you to know that you don’t have to necessarily have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all, you can still request that he be there, but he doesn’t have to and you don’t have to do that through him

CASEY: Oh I know. But that’s something we had talked about yesterday actually

LEE: Ok good. Do you plan on speaking with any of those guys at all?

CASEY: We’re going to set up a meeting for Monday, Jose was going to think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring then in, um, you know and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know how all that goes down he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow and bring a couple of the videos I guess for me to watch from some of the news stuff that’s been going on, I guess some of the talk shows. Just to try to update me on some of the stuff. Plus he wanted me wanted me to get a good laugh.

LEE: Well here’s the thing, don’t put too much stock in and faith into anything that the media is putting out there because you’ve got to understand they get the information they speculate on information and then, you know, you put something out there so they can fill their clips.

CASEY: Oh I know. I actually caught a little bit of it. I mean I only got to see maybe an eighth of the TV, but I can see the pictures and stuff that were coming up last night. I just caught a little bit of that, between the 10 and 11 o’clock news.

LEE: Here’s an FYI for you, so you can conduct yourself accordingly. Everything is public record, including this phone call, including, um the visitation videos, all that stuff is going to end up being released at some point.

CASEY: Oh I know,

LEE: I had no knowledge of that what so ever

They told me that yesterday

LEE: They told me that after we did that, so. Um so there’s obviously some things that I would have asked in a different way.

CASEY: Yeah, absolutely

LEE: And I don’t want you to you know feel for any reason that we’re not on your side about anything, cause we are, about everything. We’re completely behind you. And being completely behind you our entire focus, all our days, every second of every day is consumed with ‘What can we do to find Caylee’.

CASEY: Yes absolutely

LEE: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before and you understand how all this works, now. but do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, that would help?

CASEY: There’s nothing I can think of at the moment. I’m actually going to try and get something together, you know today so I can write a couple letters to the family. I’m even going to get with (intelligible) and stuff to see if he does get that directly. But still put out my own specific so if anything happens, if there’s any lapse you still will get what I’m trying to put across too.

LEE: And just remember that if you give it to the attorney….

CASEY: They can read it and choose whether or not to even fix it which is why I’ll do a secondary letter to make sure it’s direct

LEE: Perfect I would encourage that 110 percent. So is there anything specifically, I know you’re going to meet with, you know the investigators and everything, you know. Is there anything specifically the details that you want to clarify to me now so that I’m following up on my own leads and my own information, putting the stuff together, you know then I can start working on it now?

CASEY: Um, at the moment there’s nothing specific or nothing that you know should probably be said here. Um, again I’ll put something together before I see Jose or when I see Jose and you know make sure that I have something also to put out.

LEE: Right.

CASEY: So that way you can get whatever you like

LEE: Ok. And just so remember when you get to talk to those guys um, you know, you mentioned that you’re going to have your prep and everything with Jose. But remember truth don’t hurt.

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas….

CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now?

My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home.


CASEY: So that’s still my best feeling at the moment, again if that changes, obviously I’m going to reach out and say something immediately. But I know mom will understand this better then anyone that’s there’s that type of bond that you have with your kid and it’s you know unexplainable, absolutely.

LEE: Did you speak with Caylee over the phone at any time?

CASEY: I did one time, yes, and that was actually the day that mom called the police.

LEE: Do you remember what time you spoke to her?

CASEY: Around noon, it was through a private call.

LEE: Um they will beep this out so don’t worry about it, can you give me your log in and password for you AT&T account online so I can pull the remainder of your phone records.

(She relays the information.)

LEE: I have your phone records to a certain extent, but I don’t have through the 15th and 16th so.

CASEY: You don’t have the most current ones

LEE: So that will help me extremely, um, did you ever have, or did you ever call the baby sitter on your cell phone or ever receive a call from the baby sitter on your cell phone number?

CASEY: I most definitely did.

LEE: Can you give me any day or anything whenever you think may have received that?

CASEY: A specific day, um, god a lot of the times it was through text messages so the number would show up even on that, um I can’t think of any specifics. My days are all thrown together at least I know what the day is today, but as far as stuff from the last couple of months I have no exact time or date. If I can think of something.

LEE: Do you remember an area code?

CASEY: Um, the last number she called me from was a 954 number, which is a Fort Lauderdale number? I know because (NAME) number is also a similar area code. She has also called me from a 407 number, from a 321 number, there’s been different numbers, different times. Not necessarily on different days; but it just depended on the number that she had at the time.

LEE: Ok. Most recently can you remember the number that….

CASEY: The last number that she had called me from wasn’t has a private listing, or that didn’t show up private cell or private call was 954.

LEE: Ok. Um but even like a private cell of a private number from the most recent one that you can remember, can you remember like what month or anything like that that they were in?

CASEY: Um, the last private call that I received was on the 15th, I believe? That was the day that mom made that call. And I think that was the last one that I had gotten. I mean as far as my knowing someone on the phone when I last had it.

LEE: And do you remember what area code, or any part of that?

CASEY: That was the number that came up. It just said ‘private cell’ or ‘private call’ I can’t remember which one.

LEE: Ok. But whenever you did get to see a number, you said it would either be a 954, or a 407 or 321.

CASEY: Yeah those are the three area codes that I can think of offhand.

LEE: Do you remember any part of any of those numbers that will help me? Any combination of numbers that will help me?

CASEY: Not at the moment. I’ve been trying to piece together numbers, but the numbers that are coming to mind are numbers from other people that I’ve called frequently and I don’t want to give you someone else’s number on accident.

LEE: Nope, that’s fine I completely understand, I understand that in today’s day and age you don’t really memorize cell phones since you have it programmed in. Numbers that you program in yourself.

CASEY: Very much so.

LEE: Would she have been programmed in your cell phone?

CASEY: She was, programmed into that other phone that we need to find a way to recover. I mean I don’t know…

LEE: Help me with that actually. You said that you referred to it as you ‘black jack’?

CASEY: Yeah, it was a Black Jack. I’d only had it for probably a week, a week and half. It didn’t keep its charge so that’s why I started using that other phone.

LEE: So on the Black Jack, do you remember the phone number that the Black Jack was associated with?

CASEY: It was my same number; I just swapped the SIM card back and forth.

LEE: Ok, um…Here’s how these things work Casey, the contact information, the contact stuff is on your SIM card, so if you switched it back and forth.

CASEY: It doesn’t always save to the SIM card. You can sometimes save things to the SIM card or save it specifically to the phone, it just depends on the way the phone’s set up I thought about that too. The phone that I was currently using, the one I guess that the police still have, or you guys have it, I had set it up after the fact to just save things to my SIM card but you can also save it to just the phone or to the SIM card and the phone so there’s copy’s on both

LEE: So this Black Jack where did you, you said that you reported it missing, give me the information so I can find this phone.

CASEY: I had it (TALKING TO SOMEONE OFF THE PHONE : yes sir, is he ok. Can you ask him to stay there couple of minutes, because we only have…ok thank you). Um Jose’s actually here. Um. (Expletive), ok the last time I know I had it for certain I was up at Universal.

LEE: For work, or for otherwise?

I was in through the park talking to just a couple of mutual friends of….

LEE: So you were up there for fun or whatever?

CASEY: It wasn’t necessarily fun, but yes not through work at that moment…

LEE: I’ve got you, ok, I understand.

CASEY: I know I had it at Jay Blanchard Park, I don’t remember where the very last place is I had it.

LEE: Where did you get this phone from? Like how was it provided to you?

CASEY: Through the AT&T Store, god, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is.

LEE: Was this a phone, is this another personal cell phone of yours?


LEE: Ok, so tell me. So if you lost the physical phone itself, aside from searching for it, how would you go about finding this? How should I go about finding your phone?

CASEY: I don’t know. That’s the thing. I mean. I knew specifically where it was, I mean my last recollection of me having it was at Universal, but I knew that I had also been at Jay Blanchard Park and I could have potentially had it there with me too. I don’t know if you guys have checked through like some of the bags and stuff that I have at the house with me, if it was in one of those purses but I know I kept everything that I had kind of centralized at Tony’s.

LEE: Case, if you had your Black Jack with you and you lost your Black Jack, but you still have your SIM card in your other phone, I’m trying just to figure out why, you wouldn’t lose both, you know what I mean?

CASEY: Well that’s the thing, if it fell out of my bag, if it fell out of my pocket. It’s a decent size phone, almost the size of the phone that you have now. It could have easily fallen out of my purse.

LEE: Would you have had her, or anybody’s information, even Jeff that’s introduced you or Juliet that also or correct me is there anybody else that knew that you were searching for Caylee?

CASEY: Outside of them, no.

LEE: Ok, outside Zani, Jeff, and Juliet, nobody else knew correct?

CASEY: I hadn’t talked to anyone else about it, no

LEE: Ok, where did you meet Jeff and Juliet from again?

CASEY: Universal.

LEE: When you were working for…

CASEY: Jester Kodak. I could have met Juliet when I was working through Kodak I don’t remember if that’s where we first met I’ve known her also for about two and half, three years.

LEE: How could we verify her? And get in contact with her? Like where does she, Where does she work and all that stuff? By the way we’ve got about a minute left.

CASEY: Ok. She just moved within the last couple of months, I’m trying to figure out where else I can get contact information for her. I know I had her number written down at the house somewhere, where exactly I’m not sure.

LEE: Ok. Did she ever work with you at Kodak or Color Vision?

CASEY: She worked at Universal, yeah.

(Tone: You have one minute left)

LEE: Casey, you got to answer my questions specifically. Did she work with you at Kodak or Color Vision or was she an actual employee of the park?

CASEY: She was an actual employee of the park.

LEE: Ok. And she is Juliette *****. J-U-L-I-E-T-T-E ******. Correct ?


LEE: Got it. Ok.

LEE: I think we are getting close Case, is there anything?

Um, offhand no. I’m going to go talk to Jose now, If I can think of anything while I’m with him I’ll write down anything and do whatever I can.

LEE: Ok, you know you can call me or the house. We love you

CASEY: Alright

LEE: And please think of anything that can help find Caylee, because as soon as we can help find her, it’s going to be open and shut to get you out of there, ok darling?

CASEY: Absolutely, I know….

Tone, recording, call ends.
I know this is sort of worthless in some ways because Casey has been caught in so many lies but I was reviewing the phone conversation with her and Lee and she said the phone call she had with Caylee the day Cindy called police was from a private number.

LEE: Did you speak with Caylee over the phone at any time?
CASEY: I did one time, yes, and that was actually the day that mom called the police.
LEE: Do you remember what time you spoke to her?
CASEY: Around noon, it was through a private call.
*end paste*

On the transcript (3rd 911 call) she says:

Casey: I know who has her. I’ve tried to contact her. I actually received a phone call today. Now from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a moment, about a minute.
*end paste*

So which was it (if at all)? My experience is a private number says either UNAVAILABLE or PRIVATE. So she can't get the number to call back. And if I am not mistaken you can't redial the last number called if its private.
These are two very different things: Private number - Number no longer in service.
I held off on listening to the phone calls because I didn’t want to make character assumptions based on my impression of her sure-to-be nasty voice. I finally caved today, and I am loving the Casey-Lee conversation released on 7/28. Here’s my summary!

Her brother Lee asks if Casey is going to meet with police, here’s she goes…
Casey: “Um, Jose [Baez, Casey's lawyer] was going to, you know, think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring them in -- um, you know, and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know, how all of that goes down, he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow, and bring, like, a couple of the videos, I guess, for me to watch from some of the news stuff that's been going on, I guess some of the talk shows.”

Translation: A boy is coming soon. And, we’re setting up a meeting for Monday with more boys, and he’s going do the work, and we’re watching videos! I’m the 10 and 11 o’clock news! Love me daddy!

My commentary: She’s asked about meeting with police, and she’s talking about meeting with her attorney. And videos. And talk shows. She sucks as a human being.

After addressing the legal parameters of her case, brother Lee asks if there is anything at all that she can offer to help. Here’s more good Casey stuff…

Casey: “There's nothing I can think of at the moment. Um, I'm going to actually try to get something together, you know, today, so I can write a couple letters, um –“

Translation: At the moment, I am thinking about going to get something together, so keep guessing! I like attention. Ask me more questions, big brother! Everyone loves me.

My commentary: Could she be more unhelpful? She’s super useless, and she sucks as a human being. If your daughter was missing, would you be writing letters?

After commenting on the police department’s inept ways of allocating resources, she says…

Casey: “I'm, again, everybody's biggest resource. You've said that. Jose has said that. Mom and Dad have said that.”

Translation: Me! Me! Me! If I keep you guessing, I won’t feel bad, and I can’t be punished. I’m still a good person because I am a resource.

My comments: She still sucks. You’ve said it. I said it. Mom and dad said that.

Let’s talk phones. Lee asks if she remembers an area code for her babysitter, a woman she claims to know for 2-3 years.

Casey: “Um, the last number that she called me from was a 954 number, which I believe is a Fort Lauderdale number. I know because Amy's is also the similar area code. She has also called me from a 407 number, from a 321 number -- there's been different numbers, different times. Not necessarily on different days, but it just depended on the number that she had at the time.”

Translation: My nanny is such a bad *advertiser censored**, she’s got lots a digits. She’s here. She’s there. She’s a professional nanny, but she’s everywhere just depending on the number and the location and the time. Different days. Different numbers. My nanny rocks!

My comments: She’s clearly stupid. She sucks, and she’s stupid.

Finally, when asked if Caylee is okay right now, she responds…

Casey: “My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday, and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I met with through the court. Um, in my gut, she's still OK, and it still feels like she's, she's close to home.”

Translation: I am getting so much attention. Mom is talking to me. Jose is talking to me. I got a cool psychologist along with the nanny, and they all talk with me. I’m important! Let’s keep guessing!

My comments: Again, with the list of people. Her responses are so odd to me. If I thought someone with several area codes kidnapped my child, I wouldn’t ever say that my child is okay and close to home. She doesn’t say that she believes her child is alive or dead. She doesn’t express any thoughts about her level of care. Is she safe? Is she eating? Is she sleeping? If I thought someone kidnapped my child, I would worry about *advertiser censored* rings and pedophiles. All parents of kidnapped kids consider all the possible options every minute of the day. Casey rarely makes any sense, and her answers frequently don’t fit the questions.

BTW, Caylee’s name was ONLY mentioned three times in the phone call – by Lee. Casey never once said her name.
If I am reading all these posts correctly, and I like to think I am...it appears that Cindy was calling the police initially to have Casey arrested for stealing a car. Then over the course of the other calls, Casey suddenly remembers to say that Caylee is missing and then Cindy tells LE that story.

Looks like Casey knew she was in deep trouble and used Caylee as her ace in the hole. The whole.."oh your granddaughter has been kidnapped, so you might not want to be pressing charges against me right now..." anything to get herself out of trouble.

????? This whole case just reeks of Melinda Duckett..all her lies and stories running round and round......and we still don't know where Trenton is.
Audio: http://www.local6.com/download/2008/0731/17043945.mp3

Transcript: http://www.local6.com/news/17045183/detail.html

A call lasting more than three minutes was made from Casey Anthony to her brother Lee Wednesday.

"How is everything going?" Casey Anthony said to begin the call.

"It's going OK," Lee Anthony said. "How's everything going with you?"

"Good," Casey Anthony said. "Just took a shower and I figured I'd call and check in, say hi, since I got a chance to see mom and dad this morning."

"OK," Lee Anthony said.

Lee then tried to get information from his sister.

"I know there's some, you know, some people that referred to in the past, and you know, I'm just curious if, um, you know, anything has changed as far as who I can trust and all those type of things," Lee Anthony said.

"I mean as far as I'm concerned, nothing's really changed on that level," Casey Anthony said. "So, if anything does, I'll obviously let you know."

The call was dropped during the conversation.

But before it was dropped, Lee Anthony had one final thought.

"If there's ever anything particularly that I should look into or attempt to follow up on…"

"Yeah, I'll definitely let you know if things come up," Casey Anthony said. "If anything does (come up) at all."
Casey calling Lee July 31

Audio : http://www.wesh.com/download/2008/0731/17054524.mp3

Transcript: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/myfox/p...n=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Transcript of phone call from Casey Anthony to Lee Anthony on 073108 (2:36)

Lee: Hello?

Casey: Hey

Lee: Hey

Casey: How are you?

Lee: Im ok, how are you?

Casey: Im doing alright. I just tried to call the house a couple of times but um, the line was busy the first time and the other two times it just rang and then I got the voicemail so I mean I initially thought someone was home but mom probably doesnt pick up the phone without knowing the numbers.

Lee: To my knowledge they werent home at all today

Casey: Oh ok. Alright, hows everything going? I know we got cut off yesterday. I didnt get a chance to call you back.

Lee: Thats ok, everythings fine, just trying to (Unintelligible)talk with you know as many people as possible right now.
AUDIO: --Casey Anthony calls her brother Lee from jail, Thursday July 31, 2008
Casey: Yeah

Lee: So, you know. How is the, that letter coming?

Casey: Um, well when I get a chance actually to write a little bit more, I should be able to do that within the next little bit, since I have some I guess, quote rec time.

Lee: (Unintelligible)

Casey: Huh?

Casey: Lee?

Groan of frustration from Casey.

Call ends
Bertajo, I loved your side comments about Casey.

Good translation for what Casey says and what Casey means. And as you noted, what Casey doesn't talk about--Caylee.
Wow - I'm just now reading these transcripts. Just, wow. My hair is standing on end from reading some of that. How cold and selfish can someone be?

It makes me wonder just how many years this crap has been going on with Casey and her family. I've actually known a few people in my life who treated their families like dirt while they acted like royalty, so it's easy to see where this behavior comes from - she was raised as a total brat who was never held responsible for anything.

It makes me sad for that little girl because how confusing her world must have been with such a selfish liar for a mother. :( How could someone like Casey possibly be a caregiver? Geez.
This is a Clip From CA Phone Call to 911 dispatch. The 3rd Time Around.
Wonder what went on for 2 hours in the A's house until the 3rd call was made from the 2nd call (They were waiting on the cops from the 2nd call until the 3rd call was placed again about a missing child).

Cindy: I called them two hours ago and they haven't gotten here. Casey finally admitted that (Zenaida) took her a month ago and has been trying to find her.

Let's see,

Cindy cleans out the car, does a couple loads of laundry, throws some stuff out, LA has a pow wow with KC in the bedroom about the "real truth" and advises LA to go to AL's apt and gather/destroy/crash everything. They had two hours to go on defense mode when they realized that LE was actually coming this time.
Listening to the audio of the three 911 calls, and how the tone of CAs voice changes from calm and professional to sheer panic and desperation because the police still haven’t arrived is utterly heartbreaking to me.

During the previous call, Casey asked for “just one more day” to find Caylee and that tells me CA must have been out of her mind with fear that would happen before the police arrive. IMO if/when the case goes to trial these 911 calls are going to weigh heavily on the minds of the jurors.

While short blurbs of the 3rd call have been heavily tossed around by the media, it’s like watching 10 minutes of a movie......
Perhaps she did tell LA to do things (for their safety) because there was someone out to get her and maybe he did things like erasing her computer, etc because he believed her and thought he needed to to protect the family - not ever believing that KC was behind all of this? It might have never occurred to him that she was the culprit and he thought if he got rid of things it was to get the "bad guys" off their tails.
The calls are all disturbing to me. Maybe Lee was dragged into this, but he was at the home alone when her arrived around 8PM and called Cindy and she stated that Casey and Her were 30 seconds from the house. Now, I would like to know what time did they leave Tony L's house? Where were Cindy and Casey at 8PM? Also, if you notice in the first call made Cindy states that Casey stole her car on June 30th...

Was that not the day it was impounded from Amscott to the town yard?

# Cindy: For stealing an auto and stealing money. I already spoke with someone they said they would patch me through the Orlando, umm, Sheriff's Department have a deputy here. I was in the car, I was going to drive her to the police station and no ones open. They said they would bring a deputy to my home. When I got home to call them.

# Dispatch: So she stole your vehicle?

# Cindy: Yes.

# Dispatch
: When did she do that?

# Cindy: Umm on the 30th. I just got it back from the impound. I'd like to speak to an officer. Can you have someone come out to my house?

What time was Casey picked up from Tony's?
What time was the first call made to 911? Second? Third?
911 Calls

This information was listed on a helpfindthemissing.org web site. They are listed as follows:

Call #1 7/15/2008 8:08pm
Call #2 7/15/2008 8:44pm
Call #3 7/15/2008 9:41pm
That is a lot of time to come up with what they thought was a "good" cover story and start hiding/covering up evidence.

In light of LE's two recent SWs...I guess the evidence wasn't hidden all that well.

Cindy said, "There is NO evidence." and again...it still is ringing in my ears.

I still maintain that reporting Caylee missing was an "afterthought" on Cindy's part knowing after the first calls that LE would figure out quickly there was a child missing when they arrived on the other calls.
The calls are all disturbing to me. Maybe Lee was dragged into this, but he was at the home alone when her arrived around 8PM and called Cindy and she stated that Casey and Her were 30 seconds from the house. Now, I would like to know what time did they leave Tony L's house? Where were Cindy and Casey at 8PM? Also, if you notice in the first call made Cindy states that Casey stole her car on June 30th...

Was that not the day it was impounded from Amscott to the town yard?

# Cindy: For stealing an auto and stealing money. I already spoke with someone they said they would patch me through the Orlando, umm, Sheriff's Department have a deputy here. I was in the car, I was going to drive her to the police station and no ones open. They said they would bring a deputy to my home. When I got home to call them.

# Dispatch: So she stole your vehicle?

# Cindy: Yes.

# Dispatch
: When did she do that?

# Cindy: Umm on the 30th. I just got it back from the impound. I'd like to speak to an officer. Can you have someone come out to my house?

What time was Casey picked up from Tony's?
What time was the first call made to 911? Second? Third?

It never made sense to me why she would say KC stole her car. It's pretty obvious the car may be in Cindy's name, but it was for KC's use.
It never made sense to me why she would say KC stole her car. It's pretty obvious the car may be in Cindy's name, but it was for KC's use.
Cindy was being petty about the car, but it was really all about the $$$$$. More specifically, Cindy got chewed out from her mom for Casey stealing that money and she was coming down on Casey for it.

They could not have charged Casey with stealing that car.
Permission didn't extend to abandonment. She may have wanted to make clear that the car registered to her was in a condition that was not her responsibility, criminally,
as well.
It never made sense to me why she would say KC stole her car. It's pretty obvious the car may be in Cindy's name, but it was for KC's use.

Cindy was trying to impress upon KC that she would do whatever it took to get her to take her to Caylee. At that point, she realized KC had been lying to her, wasn't where she'd said she was, so Cindy had decided that she was through playing hide the baby. She probably thought KC would cave if she took her to the police station and produce Caylee. I really believe she didn't know that it was too late and KC couldn't produce Caylee, at least not in a form that would make Cindy happy. The police station was closed so Cindy went home, no doubt threatening to call the police again all the way if KC didn't take her to Caylee. Wonder what KC was thinking when they drove close to where she'd dumped the body. She was probably hoping that Cindy would give her another chance, another day, so that she could take off, some how, some way. This one's not much of a planner. Trapped in the house with Cindy, with the police definitely on the table, talking to Lee, she knew she had to come up with something else because her 'one more day' was probably not going to happen. Did she tell Lee? God, I hope not. I hope families don't really protect the murderers of little children. Did Cindy know? I don't think so. KC had probably been toying with a kidnapping story over at Tony's, knowing someday she'd have to explain something to someone, but she's completely disorganized and not the most complete sandwich in the basket, and she didn't have a really good story put together yet, even after she'd known for a month she might need one. She went with it anyway. What else could she do? If Mommy found out what really happend, she'd lose Mommy forever. She hated Mommy, and in a way what happened will make Mommy pay, and Mommy deserves that. What happened was really Mommy's fault any way, so it's kind of 'justice' for Mommy, but it would be the worst thing in the world to lose Mommy, so can Mommy can NEVER know. Just talk, talk and look good, sound confident. The cops are guys, right? Might work. Always did before.
<<This information was listed on a helpfindthemissing.org web site. They are listed as follows:

Call #1 7/15/2008 8:08pm
Call #2 7/15/2008 8:44pm
Call #3 7/15/2008 9:41pm

Not trashing LE or anything, but geez .... why didn't someone come out the first time she called? And now the meter reader thing with the 3 or 4 different calls. What's up with all that? I understand they're busy and all, but it just seems kind of like pulling teeth to get some attention from them.

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