2008.07.28 Lee A. Interview

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If she had a C-section she would not have been awake to hold her. If there were problems and they were working on her for some reason, she might have been out... put to sleep. The mommies are not always the ones who get to hold them first. Sometimes the daddies or the grandparents are. I didn't get to hold any of mine at first.. barely remember seeing the first two, and didn't even see the last one for 2 days... had a C-section and he was in an incubator, hooked up to IV's and oxygen.

I saw the birth pics on photobucket that were up at one time and it was definitely not a C-sec. In one pic someone was holding Caylee and Casey still had feet in the stirrups. She could have had the shakes, it's pretty common.

I had terrible shaking after an epidural w/ my middle child. My husband was the first to hold her, then my mom. I couldn't hold my daughter for about an hour after she was born and it left me with such a weird feeling. Like she wasn't mine and I was just an observer in the room. LOL It actually scared me to be feeling that way, but by next morning all was well...I couldn't put her down or take my eyes off her. :cheerful: :heart:
Anybody else catch the inconsistency between LA and AL's statement about KC's laptop. LA said the laptop was on the counter and plugged in, and it appeared that files had been deleted when he went to retrieve KC's belongings from the apt. Per AL's statement, KC was sitting on the couch using the laptop when AH and mom (CA) came and and forced KC to leave. This makes me think someone in the apt tried to do something with the laptop after KC was gone.
Anybody else catch the inconsistency between LA and AL's statement about KC's laptop. LA said the laptop was on the counter and plugged in, and it appeared that files had been deleted when he went to retrieve KC's belongings from the apt. Per AL's statement, KC was sitting on the couch using the laptop when AH and mom (CA) came and and forced KC to leave. This makes me think someone in the apt tried to do something with the laptop after KC was gone.

I completely agree with you -- because LA was "someone in the apartment." I think that whole rigamarole about the laptop being on the counter and plugged in and him trying to "fix" it was just an excuse for why he didn't just pick it up with the rest of the stuff and go, five minutes tops.
Another related thing I noticed in LA's interview was a slip where he almost referred to Caylee as his sister when referring to his mother having not seen his sis--er, Caylee, for 31 days.

We have been told that Cindy referred to herself as Mommy. It sounds as though everyone viewed her as a sibling to Lee and Casey, rather than a niece and daughter.

respectfully snipped for space from BB

actually, I thought this was more a slip-up in regards to KC being missing for the month prior.... in his 1st formal statement in the 400pgs of docs he refers to kc being "MIA" for few weeks or month; then in [IIRC] the 3rd 911 call with CA screaming at the dispatch about how her daughter has been missing & the car was stolen but they got her back - they found her - now they have a possible missing granddaughter....

I think in his head he was ref kc as sis & corrected himself to say Caylee....[?]

initially I'd assumed kc was trying to set it up to look like SHE herself got kidnapped, but i dunno - thats just my opinion.... :confused:
Is there a gate at the back of the Anthony yard and a street back there, in LA interview he mentioned they are using the back door now to come and go? Wondering where cars are parked etc.
I haven't had time to read through all of the posts on this thread, so forgive me if this has been mentioned but, Lee speaks about Caylee in the past tense. It is eerie, like he knows she is dead. I am not trying to implicate Lee, I just think he knows based on the evidence.

I think his laughing during the interview with detectives is due to the fact that he has spent a life time of listening to Casey's lies. He knows the things she says are laughable.
I think this clears up what 'code' we thought he and Casey could have been using during the jail house calls.

Lee tells LE in his interview that he was asking Casey about JG when he said the little skit about who they can/can't trust. Casey had told him not to trust JG. I can't figure out why not, other than maybe Casey didn't want her lies exposed. There's no telling what she told JG that she didn't want her family to know about.
Quoting my own post.

Did anyone see where LE tripped up Lee?

LE: You said it was sitting there running on the 15th when you went to get it?
LA: Exactly. And I couldn't...
LE: So it...
LA: ...get in.
LE: ...the odd, the, the, the, the, it may have sat there from the 9th to the 15th....
LA: Could have.
LE: ...on the counter, running.
LA: Sure.
LE: We don't know.
LA: Absolutely
LE: Uh-hum
LA: It definitely could have.
LE: Alright.

Is it just me, or did it seem like in these transcripts that LE frequently cut people off in the middle of their sentences? Seems like they would have let them ramble on to gain as much info as possible.
I have not yet had a chance to read through this thread, so please forgive me if this has been covered already--I will go back to read after I post. This thought crossed my mind earlier and I keep forgetting to comment about it, so I better get it out before I forget again. Getting old is tough, I tell ya! LOL

I noticed that KC supposedly stated that the "dead squirrel" smell began around June 5th. At that time she was still living at home for the most part, and in fact, was still there up to 10 days later. Even if one were led to believe this dead squirrel story as being the source of this disgusting smell, surely someone would have noticed that smell prior to her leaving the Anthony home on June 16th.

I have had the unfortunate experience of smelling both dead squirrels AND human decomposition (body was not found till more than 12 days after death). There is no comparison--the stench from human decomposition is MUCH worse than that of squirrels. It is very distinct and unbelievably pungent. Besides, a squirrel's tiny body would have decomposed very quickly in the Florida heat, and would likely no longer have had any odor at all after a few days.

If dead squirrels had been in the engine compartment of that car, the odor would not have been so strongly emanating from the trunk compartment--it would have been in the front of the car.

Now, I am off to read the thread.

Sorry for being somewhat descriptive. Decomposition is not a pleasant subject, and I apologize if I have offended anyone.
Is it just me, or did it seem like in these transcripts that LE frequently cut people off in the middle of their sentences? Seems like they would have let them ramble on to gain as much info as possible.

LE seemed rushed to me in some of them. They jumped around from date to date on the calendar to fill in some blanks.

It can't be easy when there are several different officers taking statements because they don't exactly know the direction of questioning to take.

While I sat here reading one statement after another, several times I wanted to jump into the screen and say... Ask him/her about this or that! or... That's not what so-and-so said!

Anyone else do that?

I'm sure after they got together with the statements and went over them with a fine tooth comb, they saw some discrepancies with the interviewees.
I'm sure after they got together with the statements and went over them with a fine tooth comb, they saw some discrepancies with the interviewees.

I would BET that some of these folks got called in for some more little talks, and those interviews are either part of what they plan to take to the Grand Jury, OR they were done after THIS Sunshine Request was made.

I did find it rather SHOCKING that Lee did not give his statement until July 29th. That is two weeks after they KNEW Caylee was missing and Casey was lying through her teeth. It took him 2 weeks to go and make a statement...That seems a little long to me, you know, considering the URGENY involved in needing to find this poor baby as soon as was possible. Does that seem strange to anyone else?
I did find it rather SHOCKING that Lee did not give his statement until July 29th. That is two weeks after they KNEW Caylee was missing and Casey was lying through her teeth. It took him 2 weeks to go and make a statement...That seems a little long to me, you know, considering the URGENY involved in needing to find this poor baby as soon as was possible. Does that seem strange to anyone else?

could be mistaken but I was under the impression that not any of these were the original (as in the very first) statements - that they were questioned prior and these were some clarifications.
could be mistaken but I was under the impression that not any of these were the original (as in the very first) statements - that they were questioned prior and these were some clarifications.

Me too. I think that most of them had already been interviewed perhaps even more than once. The detectives appear to be referencing previous interview notes throughout.
Dragging up and old post:

Subcontractor O.H.M.S.S.
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 315

Does anyone know if the camera used to take the last-known pic of Caylee w/ her great-grandfather @ the nursing home belonged to Cindy or Casey?

I found it interesting that the pic was downloaded to Casey's laptop on 6/17 @ 3:31PM.

Cindy borrowed Casey's camera?
Cindy used her own camera and Casey sought it out on 6/17 to download?:waitasec:

Pg 60, line 6-25

(rough outline of statement)
Lee is saying when mom came back from Mt Dora, Casey was at the house and downloaded these pictures and video and also loaded them to MySpace. Doesn't look like this story lines up, going by BJB post.
I guess I was looking for something more sinister..........

It may not have been that Casey didn't want to but that Mother Superior had sequestered her. Mother Superior wanted that child bad. She really wanted that child for herself. Caylee was essentially her child.

In Cindy's statement I think on My Space she ststes that this is when all the betrayals began. But i think its pretty obvious how the wicked witch set her daughter up to have a baby and stole it from her, made her feel totally incompetant though taught her how to interact with her carefully trained child...it was kinda a bit robotic for Casey perhaps and with her mother always throwing her under the bus. Cindy's actions and the way she does things wouldn't just create jealousy but rage and the desire for revenge.
Do we know for sure who had access to KC's phone after her mom picked her up? This is what bothers me the most. LA says at one point that he saw KC on her phone in the garage. Someone sent the text messages out to inform everyone of caylees disappearance. Was it Tony? If LE took KC to get her phone and didn't pick up the rest of her stuff this was a huge mistake on their part. Also if they let KC have her phone or laptop back after they arrived on the scene this was another huge mistake. These things were evidence! The car should have been sealed off as evidence also considering the smell that was so overwhelming. No one should have had access to the car, phone or laptop until LE had forensics on it![/QUOTE

True. Also it was Cindy who sat down with Casey and made her send out all those messages to her friends.
Cindy is very good at humiliation.
Is there a gate at the back of the Anthony yard and a street back there, in LA interview he mentioned they are using the back door now to come and go? Wondering where cars are parked etc.
I think he is referring to the inside garage door as the "backdoor".
not sure where to post this, but I do remember in the interview that LA said that Cindy was the first to hold Caylee when she was born, not KC. Does anyone know WHY? I had a friend who refused to hold her baby after it was born because she hurt her too much (it was all about her). What was the case with KC?

I'm going to share a very bitter memory of mine... When I had my firstborn, I had a C-section and was completely awake when they brought my baby to my room for the first time. I remember how anxious I was, I couldn't wait to hold him and have him up close. I could barely move because of the pain so I couldn't reach out to him, I depended on someone to put him in my arms... Then, my mother-in-law picked up the baby, and instead of giving him to me, just started to stare at him and cuddle him, then took him to a little crib to change his clothes!! After 5+ minutes, he was given to me. I was startled, speechless, at her thoughtlessness and selfishness, I couldn't get myself to speak. I was also startled that no one else, not even my husband, stepped in at the moment to take the baby away from her and give him to me... It was one of the worst moments in my life (one that was supposed to be the best). For every mother, I think, there is a primal instinct that is violated when someone else gets in the way between you and your child. That action, those 5 minutes, defined the relationship with my mother-in-law, it went downhill from that moment. I simply cannot stand her after that. It's a visceral thing. So, if Cindy did this against Casey's wishes, this could be the root of all evil in the Cindy-Caylee-Casey triangle.
Something about Amy's key doesn't sit right with me. Vehicle keys aren't that easy to come by, are they? Last time I needed one made, I had to go to the dealership...IIRC.

On page 26 lines 1-18 indicate LE is curious about the key also. LA "destroyed" it instead of returning it to Amy. I find it very strange. Why? How did he destroy it?

Why wouldn't Amy want her spare key back if they are difficult to replace? Why did Casey have her spare instead of just her normal set for the car? If I loaned my car to someone I trusted, I would just give them my set of original keys.

Something is just off about this.
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