2008.08.01 Cindy Anthony's Interview Audio #2

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I hear ya...been there, done that, got the heartache to prove it.
I still think there is some "pathology" going on with this woman. I lived with a sister who, to put it mildly, had issues. The saddest thing to see was how her behavior impacted her own children;they are unfortunately now not much different than her.
Straitfan said:
She probably does have traumatic stress, most people would whose grandchild was missing and had to face the fact that their own daughter may have been the reason.. Ya'll need to cut her some slack, put herself in her shoes for a minute... She didnt kill her gd, yes she has appeared irrationally on the media, with a daughter like casey most people would..

I have to respectfully disagree. I believed this to be the case at first, but there seems to be a pattern there regarding Cindy and the way she seems to bury her head in the sand in regards to Casey's lies. She believed Casey when she said she wasn't pregnant and was a virgin when Casey obviously was pregnant. She believed Casey's lies about having a job even though she never had any money of her own, never supported herself or Caylee, and had to resort to stealing. She believed the lies about Zani even though Casey had no money and she never met, spoken with, saw, or heard Casey talk to Zani. Now she believes Casey's lies about leaving Caylee with Zani. In each of these cases there was obvious reason to disbelieve and question Casey, but for whatever reason Cindy seems to easily believe Casey. I am not sure why this is, but it is clear Cindy has some sort of issues that were present before Caylee ever went missing.
I have to respectfully disagree. I believed this to be the case at first, but there seems to be a pattern there regarding Cindy and the way she seems to bury her head in the sand in regards to Casey's lies. She believed Casey when she said she wasn't pregnant and was a virgin when Casey obviously was pregnant. She believed Casey's lies about having a job even though she never had any money of her own, never supported herself or Caylee, and had to resort to stealing. She believed the lies about Zani even though Casey had no money and she never met, spoken with, saw, or heard Casey talk to Zani. Now she believes Casey's lies about leaving Caylee with Zani. In each of these cases there was obvious reason to disbelieve and question Casey, but for whatever reason Cindy seems to easily believe Casey. I am not sure why this is, but it is clear Cindy has some sort of issues that were present before Caylee ever went missing.
im wondering how anyone knows that cindy really believed that she wasnt pregnant?.. imho cindy knew she just denied it to everyone . just because she said she believed her doesnt mean she did . i think cindy knows exactly what casey is all about . and blames herself for it . that is why she is helping her now .. at the expense of caylee :(and i beleive in cindy is incredibly torn about that .. she equally loves her daughter and caylee ..
I have to respectfully disagree. I believed this to be the case at first, but there seems to be a pattern there regarding Cindy and the way she seems to bury her head in the sand in regards to Casey's lies. She believed Casey when she said she wasn't pregnant and was a virgin when Casey obviously was pregnant. She believed Casey's lies about having a job even though she never had any money of her own, never supported herself or Caylee, and had to resort to stealing. She believed the lies about Zani even though Casey had no money and she never met, spoken with, saw, or heard Casey talk to Zani. Now she believes Casey's lies about leaving Caylee with Zani. In each of these cases there was obvious reason to disbelieve and question Casey, but for whatever reason Cindy seems to easily believe Casey. I am not sure why this is, but it is clear Cindy has some sort of issues that were present before Caylee ever went missing.

I don't believe in her heart she believed any of that, yes, she wanted to believe it and acted as if she did but some parents will "project" themselves so to speak on their children, ie, if my child is a bad person, therefore, I must be a bad person too. I think Cindy did not want to acknowledge her daug issues as she felt it reflected on her as a parent.. Lots of parents tend to do that, especially these days , seen it with my own friends over and over. Some even when knowing the truth about their own child prefer to pretend, ie fantasy so to speak as to what they wish their child was.

RR0004, I also have a family member with mental health issues, so I know what you mean.
im wondering how anyone knows that cindy really believed that she wasnt pregnant?.. imho cindy knew she just denied it to everyone . just because she said she believed her doesnt mean she did . i think cindy knows exactly what casey is all about . and blames herself for it . that is why she is helping her now .. at the expense of caylee :(
I know a woman who swore...and I mean swore...she had NO IDEA her teenage daughter was pregnant until she gave birth. The mind is a powerful tool IMO.
Wow the interview with Cindy tells a lot.
Cindy’s memory depends on what is being discussed.
Using just the part when she is telling them about the week that Casey is in Tampa working and the car accident and Zanny and all the others and the head injury and yada, yada you can see how Cindy’s mind works and reacts.
Cindy goes into great detail about what Casey has told her and despite the best efforts of Detective Yuri he cannot get Cindy to give up on believing Casey. If you listen really closely you can hear the changes in Cindy’s voice when she switches back and forth about which version of Casey she is talking about.
Cindy has two version of Casey. She switches back and forth from Casey as a liar, untrustworthy, selfish, a run a around and a horrible daughter to Casey is a good mother and a caring concerned person who did so much for others, worked hard but always found time to talk to her mother, was a popular, valued friend and loved her little girl. There is a private Casey and a public Casey.
Those two versions of Casey are in effect both true. Casey was to others whatever she thought that they wanted her to be. With her family Casey played a different part than she did with her friends but with Cindy, especially with Cindy Casey was almost two different people.
As far as Cindy is concerned Cindy is the only one allowed to put down Casey or say that Casey is a liar or a bad mother. No one else is allowed. As long as Cindy can keep the private Casey hidden and only show or talk about the public Casey Cindy can keep those two separate versions of Casey apart.

When Cindy goes into all of the details about the week that Casey is suppose to be with Caylee and the Nanny and then the car accident and all of the other lies Cindy is clear headed, strong voiced, helpful, confident in what she is saying, standing up and in authoritive manor. Cindy is in ‘see how much I know about my daughter’ mode Cindy is telling all about the public Casey.
Then right after Cindy gets done telling EE this whole long story and Yuri says to her but you do realize that none off that was real, it never happen, all of those people they don’t exist. Cindy slumps down in the chair, her hands come up around her face, her voice become week. This happens because a little bit of the private Casey is shown. That is not allowed. Yuri is not allowed to speak of the private Casey.
Then Cindy moves right into defensive mode. Casey cannot be portrayed that way. That is my private Casey. So to shield her self from having the private Casey displayed for all to see, Cindy becomes desperate and begins trying to find something, anything one little tiny piece of what Casey told her that is true. Yuri pushes again by showing her documents that prove that these people do not exist.
Cindy has to face a reality that she does not want to face.
So Cindy shoves reality back by becoming aggressive to Yuri, changes the subject, points’ fingers at him, the department about what they did or did not do. Reminds him of how much good stuff she has said about him. She is not only trying to convince LE that their version of Casey is wrong but she needs LE to tell her that what Casey has told her is true because then everything will be alright. She can go back to hiding the private Casey and only allowing the officers to see the public Casey.
If Cindy can deflect the overpowering feeling of helplessness and loss of control that having these two separate versions of Casey collide into one version for all of the world to see then Cindy can continue to believe that Caylee is just missing. Caylee is somewhere safe and Caylee will be found and everyone will live happily ever after.

Yuri almost got through to Cindy, almost. The voice cracked, the head went down. The wavering voice, almost a whisper; “Are you looking for a dead Caylee or an alive Caylee.” Cindy’s mind would just not allow her to go there.
Yuri had it right. Get Cindy comfortable and let her go on and on about all of Casey’s stories and let Cindy keep blaming others so this way Cindy will keep skidding into the huge pile of lies on her own. Eventually Cindy will have no choice but to face reality. Yuri can help by letting Cindy ‘discover’ the lies on her own. Have her help him in understanding about this email or that text message but to outright tell her by stacking them all up and ‘throwing’ them at her will not help him in getting through to her. Doing it that way brings up Cindy’s need to hide the private Casey. Cindy needs to back herself in the corner so to speak. Having someone push her there won’t work.
I think I now understand why Cindy thrives on the negativity. The media and the protestors are helping keep Cindy in the false reality. It explains why she keeps going outside with hammers and keeps clashing with the protester and gets into word wars with the media. George and Lee acting the same way is because Cindy will not have it any other way. It gives her a means to shove reality back so she does not have to allow the private Casey to be merged with the public Casey. That is Cindy’s comfort zone. That is what Cindy is familiar with. Cindy wants Caylee found without having to leave that comfort zone.
Cindy does not yet realize the public version of Casey that she has so long promoted and maintained no longer exists and everyone is well aware of the private Casey that Cindy has worked so hard to hide.
The window of Cindy ever coming to terms about Casey may very well have passed. It has been over 90 days since Cindy has seen Caylee. I my opinion I think that even if Cindy has had nothing to do with Caylee’s disappearance or anything to do with covering up what happen unless Cindy’s is shown Caylee’s body nothing is going to make Cindy face reality.
I have been lurking for quite a while now and I haven't yet found a need to respond...
until now...
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Thank you, your observations are amazing.
Wow the interview with Cindy tells a lot.
Cindy’s memory depends on what is being discussed.
Using just the part when she is telling them about the week that Casey is in Tampa working and the car accident and Zanny and all the others and the head injury and yada, yada you can see how Cindy’s mind works and reacts.
Cindy goes into great detail about what Casey has told her and despite the best efforts of Detective Yuri he cannot get Cindy to give up on believing Casey. If you listen really closely you can hear the changes in Cindy’s voice when she switches back and forth about which version of Casey she is talking about.
Cindy has two version of Casey. She switches back and forth from Casey as a liar, untrustworthy, selfish, a run a around and a horrible daughter to Casey is a good mother and a caring concerned person who did so much for others, worked hard but always found time to talk to her mother, was a popular, valued friend and loved her little girl. There is a private Casey and a public Casey.
Those two versions of Casey are in effect both true. Casey was to others whatever she thought that they wanted her to be. With her family Casey played a different part than she did with her friends but with Cindy, especially with Cindy Casey was almost two different people.
As far as Cindy is concerned Cindy is the only one allowed to put down Casey or say that Casey is a liar or a bad mother. No one else is allowed. As long as Cindy can keep the private Casey hidden and only show or talk about the public Casey Cindy can keep those two separate versions of Casey apart.

When Cindy goes into all of the details about the week that Casey is suppose to be with Caylee and the Nanny and then the car accident and all of the other lies Cindy is clear headed, strong voiced, helpful, confident in what she is saying, standing up and in authoritive manor. Cindy is in ‘see how much I know about my daughter’ mode Cindy is telling all about the public Casey.
Then right after Cindy gets done telling EE this whole long story and Yuri says to her but you do realize that none off that was real, it never happen, all of those people they don’t exist. Cindy slumps down in the chair, her hands come up around her face, her voice become week. This happens because a little bit of the private Casey is shown. That is not allowed. Yuri is not allowed to speak of the private Casey.
Then Cindy moves right into defensive mode. Casey cannot be portrayed that way. That is my private Casey. So to shield her self from having the private Casey displayed for all to see, Cindy becomes desperate and begins trying to find something, anything one little tiny piece of what Casey told her that is true. Yuri pushes again by showing her documents that prove that these people do not exist.
Cindy has to face a reality that she does not want to face.
So Cindy shoves reality back by becoming aggressive to Yuri, changes the subject, points’ fingers at him, the department about what they did or did not do. Reminds him of how much good stuff she has said about him. She is not only trying to convince LE that their version of Casey is wrong but she needs LE to tell her that what Casey has told her is true because then everything will be alright. She can go back to hiding the private Casey and only allowing the officers to see the public Casey.
If Cindy can deflect the overpowering feeling of helplessness and loss of control that having these two separate versions of Casey collide into one version for all of the world to see then Cindy can continue to believe that Caylee is just missing. Caylee is somewhere safe and Caylee will be found and everyone will live happily ever after.

Yuri almost got through to Cindy, almost. The voice cracked, the head went down. The wavering voice, almost a whisper; “Are you looking for a dead Caylee or an alive Caylee.” Cindy’s mind would just not allow her to go there.
Yuri had it right. Get Cindy comfortable and let her go on and on about all of Casey’s stories and let Cindy keep blaming others so this way Cindy will keep skidding into the huge pile of lies on her own. Eventually Cindy will have no choice but to face reality. Yuri can help by letting Cindy ‘discover’ the lies on her own. Have her help him in understanding about this email or that text message but to outright tell her by stacking them all up and ‘throwing’ them at her will not help him in getting through to her. Doing it that way brings up Cindy’s need to hide the private Casey. Cindy needs to back herself in the corner so to speak. Having someone push her there won’t work.
I think I now understand why Cindy thrives on the negativity. The media and the protestors are helping keep Cindy in the false reality. It explains why she keeps going outside with hammers and keeps clashing with the protester and gets into word wars with the media. George and Lee acting the same way is because Cindy will not have it any other way. It gives her a means to shove reality back so she does not have to allow the private Casey to be merged with the public Casey. That is Cindy’s comfort zone. That is what Cindy is familiar with. Cindy wants Caylee found without having to leave that comfort zone.
Cindy does not yet realize the public version of Casey that she has so long promoted and maintained no longer exists and everyone is well aware of the private Casey that Cindy has worked so hard to hide.
The window of Cindy ever coming to terms about Casey may very well have passed. It has been over 90 days since Cindy has seen Caylee. I my opinion I think that even if Cindy has had nothing to do with Caylee’s disappearance or anything to do with covering up what happen unless Cindy’s is shown Caylee’s body nothing is going to make Cindy face reality.

You couldnt be more right on!!! I am positive the Anthony's are learning more about their daughter than they ever in their life could have imagined. They are probably so wrought with greif, guilt, and shame that they are probably barely surviving in that house together. If life was ooshy for Casey it wont be anymore. Further, I believe whole heartedly that C and GA love Caylee with all their hearts and when they read or when they read how Casey really felt about her I think it will change a lot of things. JMO
Shadow, very well said. Exactly my thoughts, except I couldn't have expressed it so well. I have said all along that Cindy will never accept that Caylee is gone until she is given absolute proof.
What mother would want to believe their child is capable of the things Casey has done and said? Not many, I'm sure. When reality hits, it's going to be a HUGE blow to Cindy.
And all these things that the Anthonys have said and done is not so much coverup, it's just not having the ability to accept the reality.
I would bet that the strain and tension of living in that house is horrific.
ITA Shadow! Thank you for putting my thoughts into words for me!
Wow the interview with Cindy tells a lot.
Cindy’s memory depends on what is being discussed.
Using just the part when she is telling them about the week that Casey is in Tampa working and the car accident and Zanny and all the others and the head injury and yada, yada you can see how Cindy’s mind works and reacts.
Cindy goes into great detail about what Casey has told her and despite the best efforts of Detective Yuri he cannot get Cindy to give up on believing Casey. If you listen really closely you can hear the changes in Cindy’s voice when she switches back and forth about which version of Casey she is talking about.
Cindy has two version of Casey. She switches back and forth from Casey as a liar, untrustworthy, selfish, a run a around and a horrible daughter to Casey is a good mother and a caring concerned person who did so much for others, worked hard but always found time to talk to her mother, was a popular, valued friend and loved her little girl. There is a private Casey and a public Casey.
Those two versions of Casey are in effect both true. Casey was to others whatever she thought that they wanted her to be. With her family Casey played a different part than she did with her friends but with Cindy, especially with Cindy Casey was almost two different people.
As far as Cindy is concerned Cindy is the only one allowed to put down Casey or say that Casey is a liar or a bad mother. No one else is allowed. As long as Cindy can keep the private Casey hidden and only show or talk about the public Casey Cindy can keep those two separate versions of Casey apart.

When Cindy goes into all of the details about the week that Casey is suppose to be with Caylee and the Nanny and then the car accident and all of the other lies Cindy is clear headed, strong voiced, helpful, confident in what she is saying, standing up and in authoritive manor. Cindy is in ‘see how much I know about my daughter’ mode Cindy is telling all about the public Casey.
Then right after Cindy gets done telling EE this whole long story and Yuri says to her but you do realize that none off that was real, it never happen, all of those people they don’t exist. Cindy slumps down in the chair, her hands come up around her face, her voice become week. This happens because a little bit of the private Casey is shown. That is not allowed. Yuri is not allowed to speak of the private Casey.
Then Cindy moves right into defensive mode. Casey cannot be portrayed that way. That is my private Casey. So to shield her self from having the private Casey displayed for all to see, Cindy becomes desperate and begins trying to find something, anything one little tiny piece of what Casey told her that is true. Yuri pushes again by showing her documents that prove that these people do not exist.
Cindy has to face a reality that she does not want to face.
So Cindy shoves reality back by becoming aggressive to Yuri, changes the subject, points’ fingers at him, the department about what they did or did not do. Reminds him of how much good stuff she has said about him. She is not only trying to convince LE that their version of Casey is wrong but she needs LE to tell her that what Casey has told her is true because then everything will be alright. She can go back to hiding the private Casey and only allowing the officers to see the public Casey.
If Cindy can deflect the overpowering feeling of helplessness and loss of control that having these two separate versions of Casey collide into one version for all of the world to see then Cindy can continue to believe that Caylee is just missing. Caylee is somewhere safe and Caylee will be found and everyone will live happily ever after.

Yuri almost got through to Cindy, almost. The voice cracked, the head went down. The wavering voice, almost a whisper; “Are you looking for a dead Caylee or an alive Caylee.” Cindy’s mind would just not allow her to go there.
Yuri had it right. Get Cindy comfortable and let her go on and on about all of Casey’s stories and let Cindy keep blaming others so this way Cindy will keep skidding into the huge pile of lies on her own. Eventually Cindy will have no choice but to face reality. Yuri can help by letting Cindy ‘discover’ the lies on her own. Have her help him in understanding about this email or that text message but to outright tell her by stacking them all up and ‘throwing’ them at her will not help him in getting through to her. Doing it that way brings up Cindy’s need to hide the private Casey. Cindy needs to back herself in the corner so to speak. Having someone push her there won’t work.
I think I now understand why Cindy thrives on the negativity. The media and the protestors are helping keep Cindy in the false reality. It explains why she keeps going outside with hammers and keeps clashing with the protester and gets into word wars with the media. George and Lee acting the same way is because Cindy will not have it any other way. It gives her a means to shove reality back so she does not have to allow the private Casey to be merged with the public Casey. That is Cindy’s comfort zone. That is what Cindy is familiar with. Cindy wants Caylee found without having to leave that comfort zone.
Cindy does not yet realize the public version of Casey that she has so long promoted and maintained no longer exists and everyone is well aware of the private Casey that Cindy has worked so hard to hide.
The window of Cindy ever coming to terms about Casey may very well have passed. It has been over 90 days since Cindy has seen Caylee. I my opinion I think that even if Cindy has had nothing to do with Caylee’s disappearance or anything to do with covering up what happen unless Cindy’s is shown Caylee’s body nothing is going to make Cindy face reality.


Excellent post! :)
Great job Shadow. I went between heartbroken for Cindy as Yuri tried to have a heart to heart, to upset as Cindy tried to change the subject and attack LE. It was very very interesting and I'm going to watch it again. Yuri is a wonderful man and I truly hope all LE could be so compassionate and speak so well to victims of crime. I even thought about sending him a bouquet of roses in thanks.
I don't know if you guys have talked about this already... I'm waaay behind... but I loved this quote,
"Women don't leave their purses in cars and other places." What do you make of it given her daughter left her purse in her car at Amscot?
Shadow,wow...EXCELLENT post! Imo, this is a pretty accurate description of what's been going on in Cindy's head. Thank you for so eloquently putting into words what many of us have been thinking.

And I must say, I have more respect than ever for Yuri Melich. He has a heart, and he
gets it. It was really something to see him take Cindy's hands in his and firmly yet gently try to get her to see past the conflict, the comfort zone of her false reality.
Wow the interview with Cindy tells a lot.

Cindy does not yet realize the public version of Casey that she has so long promoted and maintained no longer exists and everyone is well aware of the private Casey that Cindy has worked so hard to hide.
The window of Cindy ever coming to terms about Casey may very well have passed. It has been over 90 days since Cindy has seen Caylee. I my opinion I think that even if Cindy has had nothing to do with Caylee’s disappearance or anything to do with covering up what happen unless Cindy’s is shown Caylee’s body nothing is going to make Cindy face reality.

I snipped you post sorry but didn't want people to have to scroll.

This has to be the best post regarding Cindy I have read. Are you a psychologist or something because you really seem to be inside of Cindy's head. I know I can't get in her head. Her thought process is just bewildering to me.
How could you forget Eric's last name???? Would you not be so interested in who knocked up your daughter you'd want to be real serious about remembering the name?

She sure threw Jesse under the bus. Who cares if they are sitting in Casey's bed doing whatever fully clothed? The girl doesn't know who got her pg! Her virtue is hardly an issue.

I'm not done watching yet.
How could you forget Eric's last name???? Would you not be so interested in who knocked up your daughter you'd want to be real serious about remembering the name?

She sure threw Jesse under the bus. Who cares if they are sitting in Casey's bed doing whatever fully clothed? The girl doesn't know who got her pg! Her virtue is hardly an issue.
I'm not done watching yet.

That's what I thought too... "Why close the barndoor after the horse is gone"
How could you forget Eric's last name???? Would you not be so interested in who knocked up your daughter you'd want to be real serious about remembering the name?

She sure threw Jesse under the bus. Who cares if they are sitting in Casey's bed doing whatever fully clothed? The girl doesn't know who got her pg! Her virtue is hardly an issue.

I'm not done watching yet.
what did cindy imply durin her interview [part 2] when she said ''women dont leave their purses in cars and other places''

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