2008.08.21 Shirley P (Cindy's mom) Interview

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Hello WS :cool2:

Quite the doc dump today, huh! I started with the emails from Shirley to another relative. I did a search for a thread regarding these emails, as it is my understanding they have been released previously but could not find one. I found this thread, along with another Shirley P. Interview thread. These emails are new to me, I wanted to post what I read, and I see on this thread it is exactly what they seem to be talking about in previous posts. Mods if you want this somewhere else, please do... :blowkiss:

Shirley P. (Cindy's Mom)

I am with you 100% in thinking Cindy is depressed. I am also thinking George is up to something that she has found out about??? You know gambling, *advertiser censored* and some of the other stuff people get into is an addiction and its not that easy to just walk away from it and not do it again.

If this is the case, Cindy needs to talk with a professional. Just telling her work friends etc. is not going to help her(you saying Casey cannot get along on her own, I am thinking Cindy couldn't either) she works so hard at work and at home and seems to be spinning her wheels. It is extremely hard to keep a beautiful home and all the expenses that go with it, on one persons salary. Even if George turned all his paycheck over to her, they still probably couldn't afford their life style as you well know, having no formal education he is not able to earn top salary.

I know you are worried about her and so am I. You know what, people that keep everything bottled up inside of them do sometimes?? They can see no way out.

It almost makes you think Cindy might have done the searches for "house hold accident" and "neck breaking"...?


Good thought, but I don't think it's possible-CA was at work, and the search may have even been on Casey's portion of the PC (under her login), which CA did not have access to.
Gotta look back, don't remember if this search was under the Anthony family login or KC's login. I know she switched back and forth, she was using Firefox, the family "side" used Internet Explorer...JWG did extensive work on this, will look.
Hey WS :)

Okay. I have to chime in here and ask that this be explained. I see you guys did respond but I still can only see that a relative is saying that she smiled when she heard that Cindy didn't think Casey was pregnant "again": she says "the last time around." And the "almost like it was my own child" just leaves me saying wha?

Sorry to be so dense. And I have been on WS for almost a year-it amazes me how I run into stuff I never saw or heard once.



I am thinking "the last time around" was Caylee. Because these ladies are "of a certain generation"...and because they are "family"...any "unfortunate" (ie unplanned and out of wedlock) pregnancy is a family disgrace, disaster, gut punch kind of detail.
I believe the "again" surrounds Casey's miscarriage claims that many were skeptics about. These ladies know the drama and are either A)smiling at the idea that Cindy might actually be facing a fact for once or B)smiling at the fact that she is clueless once more because they think the girl is indeed with child.
Hello WS :cool2:

Quite the doc dump today, huh! I started with the emails from Shirley to another relative. I did a search for a thread regarding these emails, as it is my understanding they have been released previously but could not find one. I found this thread, along with another Shirley P. Interview thread. These emails are new to me, I wanted to post what I read, and I see on this thread it is exactly what they seem to be talking about in previous posts. Mods if you want this somewhere else, please do... :blowkiss:

Shirley P. (Cindy's Mom)

I am with you 100% in thinking Cindy is depressed. I am also thinking George is up to something that she has found out about??? You know gambling, *advertiser censored* and some of the other stuff people get into is an addiction and its not that easy to just walk away from it and not do it again.

If this is the case, Cindy needs to talk with a professional. Just telling her work friends etc. is not going to help her(you saying Casey cannot get along on her own, I am thinking Cindy couldn't either) she works so hard at work and at home and seems to be spinning her wheels. It is extremely hard to keep a beautiful home and all the expenses that go with it, on one persons salary. Even if George turned all his paycheck over to her, they still probably couldn't afford their life style as you well know, having no formal education he is not able to earn top salary.

I know you are worried about her and so am I. You know what, people that keep everything bottled up inside of them do sometimes?? They can see no way out.

It almost makes you think Cindy might have done the searches for "house hold accident" and "neck breaking"...?


BBM Did I read somewhere George claimed to have an undergraduate degree? Wouldn't SP have knowledge of that if true?
BBM Did I read somewhere George claimed to have an undergraduate degree? Wouldn't SP have knowledge of that if true?

As someone in another thread said, I think SP is telling the truth on this and GA "mis-spoke" (or mis-wrote) on his job application about having a college education. He probably didn't think anyone would check on it after all these years! :waitasec:
As someone in another thread said, I think SP is telling the truth on this and GA "mis-spoke" (or mis-wrote) on his job application about having a college education. He probably didn't think anyone would check on it after all these years! :waitasec:

Thanks, Itsy. Does ANYONE in this family ever tell the truth about anything? :liar:
BBM Did I read somewhere George claimed to have an undergraduate degree? Wouldn't SP have knowledge of that if true?

According to George's job application for Security Forces:

http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/1102/25605293.pdf page 185

he earned a Bachelor's degree from Youngstown State University in only 5 1/2 years; graduated 1975.

According to his job applicationb for Andrews International:

http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/1102/25605293.pdf page 157

he is a graduate of Youngstown State University with a degree in Business Administration / Art.

If he's lying, at least he's consistent this time.
According to George's job application for Security Forces:

http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/1102/25605293.pdf page 185

he earned a Bachelor's degree from Youngstown State University in only 5 1/2 years; graduated 1975.

According to his job applicationb for Andrews International:

http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/1102/25605293.pdf page 157

he is a graduate of Youngstown State University with a degree in Business Administration / Art.

If he's lying, at least he's consistent this time.

That timeframe would fit with his age if he went to college right after high school. Let's assume he started in 1969 and finished 5.5 years later in 1975. Then worked in LE for 10 years until 1985, then his dad's car dealership and his own until they moved to Florida in 1989. It works. He might be telling the truth about this one, but it's so hard to tell with this family.
George's use of the English language does not indicate - to me at least - that he's a college graduate.

And what? "Only" 5 1/2 years to earn a 4 year degree?

To put the "Casey pregnant again" exchange into context: I think Shirley had asked Cindy if there was any chance that Casey could be pregnant again, and Cindy told her "No". And Shirley's sister is saying "Well, they didn't think she was pregnant the last time (with Caylee)".
Trust me people can get degrees and have no smarts. I've met plenty of them!
Originally Posted by christee
I've been reading through this thread trying to find posts that referred to emails exchanged between SP and "Loubea", (SP's sister?).

In the email, Loubea writes:
"I smiled when you said Cindy says she doesn't think Casey is PG. (pregnant) I don't think she...thought Casey was PG the last time around either???...(I was so devastated last time when Casey was pregnant it was almost like it was my own child)...".
email was sent 7/11/08 @ 5:14am.

When Loubea says "Casey was PG the last time..." she can't be talking abt Caylee because she (Loubea) "was so devastated last time when Casey was pregnant..." and KC had no problems with Caylee's birth.

I'm hoping someone can explain this email to me. I know KC being preg't before Caylee's birth has been discussed on different forums so my apologies if this has been discussed before.

That's just Loubea saying that Casey's pregnancy with Caylee upset her (Loubea) so much she felt like it was her own child. She was projecting her own feelings when Casey was found to be pregnant.

Sorry if this has been discussed already, but was reading Shirley's emails and noticed Cindy knew the phone numbers Casey gave her were no good.

One email on ,July 11th 2008, mentions the numbers Cindy has for Casey's friends are no good anymore, and she does'nt have numbers for Casey's co- workers, and has never met any of them.

Also, on July 6th 2008, she says "seems like all phone numbers Cindy has for Casey's friends are 'bogus". Just Casey's cell is all Cindy has to communicate with her."

Well, why was Cindy telling the police she had "Zanny's" number? She obviously didn't tell her mother that. I can't believe LE lets them get away with being so untruthful.
Did anybody else catch that in one of SP's emails she states that GA was working a desk security job at an old peoples' home? :waitasec:

Sorry if this has been discussed already, but was reading Shirley's emails and noticed Cindy knew the phone numbers Casey gave her were no good.

One email on ,July 11th 2008, mentions the numbers Cindy has for Casey's friends are no good anymore, and she does'nt have numbers for Casey's co- workers, and has never met any of them.

Also, on July 6th 2008, she says "seems like all phone numbers Cindy has for Casey's friends are 'bogus". Just Casey's cell is all Cindy has to communicate with her."

Well, why was Cindy telling the police she had "Zanny's" number? She obviously didn't tell her mother that. I can't believe LE lets them get away with being so untruthful.

And, I'll go back and check to verify, but didn't CA tell LE in an interview that she had phone numbers in a phone book (not in her phone and not with her at that moment) for some of ICA's friends/coworkers? I recall her having an issue about phone numbers because she siad she gave them to an officer, yet LE had no record of receiving any from her. My memory is fuzzy at this point - I'll take a look.
The only phone # I remember Cindy telling the police she had was the (supposed) one for "Zanny" on a sticky note in a phone book at the house & that she'd "given it to a black policeman." I don't recall Cindy telling the police she had any phone #'s for Casey's friends - they were all "new" friends that Cindy & George didn't know well, if at all. (except for Amy's # which she found in the car)
[B said:
Woe.be.gone;5765655]Did anybody else catch that in one of SP's emails she states that GA was working a desk security job at an old peoples' home? :waitasec:[/B]

For some reason, I can only get the docs to open so far, then everything is blank red pages. On one set of docs I could only get up to page 130 & y'all were talking about pg. 145 & I just sat here going GRRRR :banghead: lol
Guess I'll have to download them as pdf's over the w/e and hopefully then I can see what y'all see in its entirety. So, mucho thanks for what you've all been posting! :blowkiss:
I think if you look at GA's resume you will see he was not unemployed as much as CA made it appear to her mother. 1996 thru 2002 Orlando Sentinel, 2002 thru 2005 Pest Control, 2005 thru 2006 Security Supervisor. Apparently in between jobs he was not working but he was certainly out there working the majority of the time he has been with CA. Plus most security companies who have to bond their people check out their resumes. GA is no angel but certainly not the devil CA would like her folks to believe.

Plus CA may have told her mother she had to take GA back because he would get half of everything but clearly that was not the real reason because they did not have anything. Their home was mortgaged to the max. The bank owns that home, not CA. She would have lost nothing. Maybe the truth is CA would not find a male friend who would put up the KC's behavior. The neighbors did say that after GA moved out CA had a male friend. Funny we never heard any more from that, if it was at all true. Wonder what that person thought about KC's behavior?
I think if you look at GA's resume you will see he was not unemployed as much as CA made it appear to her mother. 1996 thru 2002 Orlando Sentinel, 2002 thru 2005 Pest Control, 2005 thru 2006 Security Supervisor. Apparently in between jobs he was not working but he was certainly out there working the majority of the time he has been with CA. Plus most security companies who have to bond their people check out their resumes. GA is no angel but certainly not the devil CA would like her folks to believe.

Plus CA may have told her mother she had to take GA back because he would get half of everything but clearly that was not the real reason because they did not have anything. Their home was mortgaged to the max. The bank owns that home, not CA. She would have lost nothing. Maybe the truth is CA would not find a male friend who would put up the KC's behavior. The neighbors did say that after GA moved out CA had a male friend. Funny we never heard any more from that, if it was at all true. Wonder what that person thought about KC's behavior?

Well, there was one guy that was not only willing to put up with KC's behavior, he may have even tried to help CA help KC to cover it up....Just sayin....
Did anybody else catch that in one of SP's emails she states that GA was working a desk security job at an old peoples' home? :waitasec:

I think she brought that up to give her sister? friend? an example of how little George contributed to the household, IIRC, she mentioned it was around $8 and hour.

That would pretty much cover food and household items (i.e. diapers) for a family of 4, with maybe enough money left over to keep his gas cans full.

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