2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

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I liked this girl- the Anthony's never had her fooled. She sees what we do, ya know? They are like a comedy show, the Anthony's! Ya think about all the crap they pull and you cannot help but to shake your head. Nothing about these people is right.. their entire thought process is warped!!! All of them!! What can you do but toss your hands up, shake your head and laugh, ya know?

OneLostGrl you've lost me here! LOL :blowkiss:

Personally I would take an interview with the FBI about a serious matter such as Caylee's more seriously. Come to think of it, I'd be wishing that I had some information to offer the FBI. I might find myself saying "I really wish I could tell you more." etc. Caylee had not been found yet.
After today I'm not so sure they will keep talking.

Good the less support KC has the better. That is why they isolate people to get them to talk. What, we want her to have friends, support and feel comfortable and as if she has best buds?

This is why peeps are criticle of the A's - for doing just that. wth? What am I missing? (although there really is no tone to your comment. I read it as a bad thing that KC may loose her friend. You may not mean it that way.)
:waitasec::waitasec: What will she be thinking during her "dead man walking", simple, "I'm to sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt, on the cat walk."

Or, do I still have time to get baptized?
Yes, this is a thread about Tracy's interview, which I will get to, but first...

Early on, when I first heard about the maggots from a friend who opined there was an accident and that KC tried to cover it up out of panic, I figured KC had murdered her daughter. After all, who, in their right mind would drive around with a decomposing body in their car, much less the decomposing body of not only a child, but their very own child? So, the question of murder was simply never an issue for me. Nor was my view that KC was sadly, a cold-blooded killer.

My view wrt the "why" has however changed. While I am still of the opinion that KC murdered little Caylee, I am now inclined to think the murder was the result of a childish, yet deadly, tantrum as opposed to the calculated murder. Why?

When the crime scene photos of KC's room were released, I was struck by the "young" mentality they portrayed. And not young, as in young woman, rather, young as in young teen, as in child. This caused me to revisit my earlier view. Imo, KC is emotionally young, very young. Both Tracy's and Rob's interview confirmed that.

Does such make the murder anymore right? Of course not. But I do think, if correct, it can perhaps shed some light on the dynamic that led to the final tragedy. But what might that dynamic be?

This is certainly something I have pondered and have yet to reach a firm conclusion. In fact, I have wavered btwn thinking the family are victims of KC's out of control and antisocial behavior, simply grasping at everything and anything, as their world and everything they hold dear is shredded beyond repair... to... feeling there is a volatile and toxic element that is generational in nature and that goes well beyond the tragic outcome we are witnessing.

If the former, then the Anthony's deserve our utmost sympathy. If the latter, then imo, SS is quite correct in their observation that everyone who comes in contact with that family is and has been "eaten alive." I admittedly lean toward the latter and SS's viewpoint.

As for Tracy's response? I am not the least bit surprised that she would write KC and even send her money. Remember she started out thinking KC was innocent. Also, Tracy has noted she is a mother. And this, imo, is something that is important. Nature has designed us to respond to certain behaviors to increase the likelihood that we will care for our children to adulthood. And this starts with the rooting and grasping reflex of a new born and continues throughout a child's developmental stages.

In this case, KC, seems to be stuck in very early developmental stage. One where, 'wear your watch on your ankle so you are like me' to 'playing the sun glass game' to 'look at my baby pictures' when Tracy mentioned Caylee's baby pictures. While opinions wrt what developmental age this type of behavior indicates, I suspect most recognize this is not the type of behavior that one would expect from a 22-year-old woman.

In other words, I do not think Tracy's response was so much that of a BFF, rather that of a person whose maternal heartstrings were pulled. I imagine Tracy, herself, even wonders why she felt the way she did (hence, the nervous laugh which sounded more like a puzzled laugh to me) that may very well have gone beyond what she had expected. Bc on one side there is the mother who wonders how anyone could harm, much less murder their child and on the other, she finds herself drawn into the seemingly childlike innocence that KC's non-public behavior may very well exude. If this is indeed the case, I imagine that has got to be quite unsettling for her... Or otherwise put, what is that about Nietzsche's abyss?

That being said, I agree with those who think Tracy was not cut out for this job. But not bc I think she actually did anything wrong, rather, from the personal effect it has likely had upon her and may very well continue to have upon her. Esp if KC is found guilty and sentenced to death.
Caylee’s Poem

Today there will be silence mom,
no crying will you hear.
I didn’t mean to anger you,
I just wanted you near.

Today there will be sleep again,
I won’t cry out in vain.
The nights I needed comforting,
were filled with hurt and pain.
How could someone so big and strong,
strike out at little me?
I was a gift, your little girl,
unwanted now, I see.

Today there will be love at last,
on angels wings I’ll soar.
Way up high, above the clouds,
through heavens golden doors.
So momma, say a prayer for me,
for the life I’ll never know.
I just wish you could have cared for me,
for I would have loved you so..
I skipped 3 threads because I can't sit still. Ms. Giggle Gal seeems lame to me. Only the odd ones in this case tend to giggle during a very important LE interview. It seems the personality she described herself to be in the home was a bit different than what many of us thought her role was in the home. I expected a more professional type that wouldn't hide from camers & be more of a distant profissional ,cut to the chase type. The info was imformative & renforced everything we have sluethed on KC. For anyone not to confront this sociopath except GA is mindboggling. Can you imagine if the entire family including SP & RP, Mallory, the neighbor put KC in the middle of a circle not allowing her out & all took turns confronting her no matter how long it takes I feel KC would have had a melt down like no other before. No one cared enough about Caylee to call KC's bluff in the beginning except LE & LP. Trace did however give useful info. Where is GA's friend LE interview or Have I forgotten? Nenor Nenor KC no Howard Stern this lifetime but I bet you'll get an interview with one of these media stations you have panered to behind a plexiglass window in sing sing! Maybe you can hit JB up for goodies from ABC, NBC, & CBS. It appears to me KC comes off like a freak of nature.

If I may build upon your insight here kageyk, Rob mentioned when he stopped playing the sunglasses game :eek: that KC became visibly perturbed and tried evoke a reaction from him. Imagine if everyone she knew withdrew their support - maybe then we would get some truth.

As long as KC has enough attention and concerned believers she can keep busy manipulating and controlling others. She's happy then.

I think I've finally got her number. :woohoo:
This may be a bit off topic but this is what concerns me after hearing this. I recall reading or hearing that LP has been in frequent contact with JB. Maybe from the TP thread. My concern is LP fist generation Mexican, JB professes to be the first Mexican covering a high profile case. Tracy saying that KC is confident of a mistrial. Could all of these sneaky people be planning something sinister so there is no justice for Caylee. In there delusions of grandeur, no offense or racism but Obama is our first black President and now JB our first Mexican high profile lawyer to win a high profile case against insurmountable odds. With the help of LP who my play media who** but is a very knowledgeable person and has been around the block. In addition to having a law degree. My head hurts after today.

Fly me to the moon ... la, la, la, laaa, laa, laa, laa, laaa, .... anything is possible if you ask me .... :beamup::cowboy::deal::alien::earth::chili::chili::bud::yow:
Shadowraith -

I agree with you about Casey's emotional immaturity. The "Sunglass Game", etc that T mentioned in her interview are disturbingly similar to the reports of the infamous "licorice incident" with JB. At the time, the licorice story seemed preposterous to me. Now it seems to fit. And all of it fits with the person I saw in the jailhouse tapes who threw a fit because her parents dared to eat chili without HER and who spent most of the time talking about herself instead of her missing daughter. And it fits with the person who scribbled "Casey Lazzaro, Mrs. Anthony Lazzaro" etc all over her diary. Very middle school. And I would know - I have a middle schooler!
I know! I am grateful for her insight but then I heard I found out I was a loser that sits in front of the computer all day...Go Figure:loser:

Well Tracy said she didn't like/trust/think much - something (can't remember which one) of Lawyers too -yet she had one sitting next to her.

TP never did answer as to why that might have been. Secrets, secrets, everyone's got secrets.

Is there a thread as to why this might be? Why Tracy needs a Lawyer?

Maybe she is sitting on some solid evidence that was omitted from her interview - is that too much to hope for? Probably.
He said he was the first high-profile Hispanic, not Mexican (insult to Mexicans everywhere! :p ). I think he is Puerto Rican. And he is certainly not the first high-profile anything. He's only high profile in his own mind.

Isn't LP part Mexican though? I'm not educated on the right word to call a person from Mexico. What is it?

We have Scandinavians - they can be Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Finns, etc.

We have Hispanics - they can be what and what and what?

I'm really asking. My son's girlfriend is from Mexico and she's a real beauty and a sweetheart to boot. :)
JB is not Mexican; IIRC he is of Puerto Rican descent. He spoke of himself as Hispanic (which is, by the way, a Caucasian term and one that many Latinos disapprove of). I think that Orlando has a higher Puerto Rican population than other FL cities like Miami and Tampa, whose Latino demographics are primarily Cuban.

I had several businesses in FL and among our employees were legal immigrants from all over Central America and the Caribbean, as well as of Puerto Rican and Cuban descent, were well represented. Instead of the solidarity I imagined they would have as a minority group with some cultural similarities, I was shocked at the competitive nature and prejudice many of them showed for other Latino cultures; many of them had to receive different assignments because they refused to get along. Bigotry within a race also exists. Also, it is my experience I that most first generation type immigrants from many countries are harder on themselves than they are to those "outside" their own culture because they know that assimilation and acceptance is important to their success. I don't think it's that easy to stereotype.

I imagine that Tracy and LP are smart to keep in touch with the "opposition" - JB and KC are so naive and egotistical, they probably let things slip all the time.

This is such an excellent post that tells how people are the same where ever you go. It is up to each individual to NOT tolerate bigotry and intolerance based on race. I so get this and see it done within cultures and races. Intolerance garners bigger reactions though from outside of one's own culture (I can say something bad about my Momma but don't YOU dare).

Thanks for the brief on the words Hispanic versus Latino. I wasn't aware that Hispanic was frowned upon. I would never want to offend anyone due to their race. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I visited your website and I was impressed with your profile of KC. Do you think they will have a professional profiler at the trial? You certainly give a different perpective to think about.

Thanks for your post, I enjoyed it.
"What has been given can be taken away." [Putting the house in KC's name perhaps and changing it at the last minute and letting her know about it. Yes, it could be Caylee, cept KC has always been about KC.
"Everyone lies."Including KC. But the lies I think, had to do with the house.
"Everyone dies..." Sincerely, hello...

This is insightful - could it be?

Do you think KC was promised a rose garden that was yanked?
Ok, I've been listening and I do think Tracy does confirm, for me, that Casey has a selfish "me, me, me" kind of personality. Tracy's laughing does sound odd, but some people do that when they are highly nervous. If Tracy is put on the stand, she is going to have put that laughing in check.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :waitasec:
It's really starting to look that way. For the life of me I don't understand Leonards communication with Jose and Tracy's communication and money gifts to Casey. At any rate these latest released interviews are pure gold and they will be played for the jury (hopefully).

In fairness, we should hold off judgement until these claims are substantiated somehow. So far it is one guys word and undocumented news. Maybe time will tell?
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