2008.10.22 Nancy Grace

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I actually thought along the same lines as you in the beginning, thinking it could have been possible that the chloroform actually came from chlorine saturated pool water, and possible body fluids, such as urine combined...but then I couldn't explain why KC looked up chloroform, more specifically "How to make chloroform". The computer searches lead me to believe the chloroform in the trunk was not a mix of pool water and urine, or this is one heck of a quinkadink.

Not only that but the defense teams very own forensic expert (Kobi) told Cindy on NATIONAL television that it was NOT possible for chlorine from the pool and urine to make chloroform. :clap:

I just love how Kobi is making himself look a fool now. You know it's all going to come up at trial.
That might not be true in all jails because some of them are contracted out to companies who run them.
Oh, I guess it just depends where it is then, or if it's county jail or state prison.
My brother has been in jail. You can purchase items there. You have to purchase there. They charge like $5.00 for a bar of soap. He said the store is brought to you. You fill out paperwork, pay, then they drop it off for you. That is the way it is in our state.
In our local jail you can get a full bottle of shampoo for less than $2.00. Name brand too. The phone cards were a rip off - 50 cents a minute.Stamps were 57 cents and that is when stamps were only 39 cents
Some good points but...

1. Why did she search chloroform recipes on her computer. :crazy: Actually I think maybe she was making chloroform brownies. Knocked out her friends took thier money, knocked out Caylee so she could party, now trying to knock out Baez at his office so she could>_____fill in the blank_________ LOL

2. Casey probably didn't want her to babysit because they were fighting, she was being called an irresponsible mother by Cindy. Now Casey is pis#$d and she's taking Caylee to be a "spiteful Bi*ch". I see Casey storming out of the house, Cindy saying "Sweetheart just leave Caylee" and Casey is saying FU and why so you can rag on me about being a bad mom, you think your her mother. Caylee and I are going on a vacation to bond w/out you. In fact you'll be lucky to see her again.

Storms out...Plan backfires when TonE says "NO" to Caylee being there. (Do we know if that really happened?) Now nowhere to go. Caylee is crying wants to go home and wants Cindy. Casey is on edge, snaps and Caylee pays.

The plot begins.......

Okay so hear me out here.
1. Still have not seen anything officially released that shows what was being searched on the computer at what time and by who. (speculation)
2. Maybe but I thought KC and Little K stayed the night of the 15th and GA saw them leave on the 16th. Doesnt sound like she stormed out at that point.
3. We do know the car smelled horrible and GA and CA or KC may have attempted to clean out the soiled trunk before the car was impounded not realizing the if it were decomposition it wouldnt clean up as easily if ever at all
If it's true that Casey can shop at the commissary, she must be having a good time - shopping seems to be second nature to her.

The experience is a tad different than "shopping".. I seriously doubt she's having a good time.

One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognise a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there. In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.

Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes.

The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation.

Thank You! Very interesting. :blowkiss:
Some good points but...

1. Why did she search chloroform recipes on her computer. :crazy: Actually I think maybe she was making chloroform brownies. Knocked out her friends took thier money, knocked out Caylee so she could party, now trying to knock out Baez at his office so she could>_____fill in the blank_________ LOL

2. Casey probably didn't want her to babysit because they were fighting, she was being called an irresponsible mother by Cindy. Now Casey is pis#$d and she's taking Caylee to be a "spiteful Bi*ch". I see Casey storming out of the house, Cindy saying "Sweetheart just leave Caylee" and Casey is saying FU and why so you can rag on me about being a bad mom, you think your her mother. Caylee and I are going on a vacation to bond w/out you. In fact you'll be lucky to see her again.

Storms out...Plan backfires when TonE says "NO" to Caylee being there. (Do we know if that really happened?) Now nowhere to go. Caylee is crying wants to go home and wants Cindy. Casey is on edge, snaps and Caylee pays.

The plot begins.......

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm chloroform brownies?? What a plan.

That would explain why Amy could not remember anything from the night she was supposed to have "lost' the money KC stole. Or she could have used a date rape drug on all of them too. It is easy to find and easy to use.
I have the feeling Casey has given consent. Seems to me Casey pretty much does what mommy says when mommy puts her foot down.

Besides, I realize many people do not believe Cindy is paying for the defense but as far as I'm concered that information has not come from any reliable source. Who have we heard that from, Cindy, Lee, Jose?!.. sorry but I just don't trust any of them at their "word", Jose included! Look how he lies outright about his experience etc. on his website!
I was involved in a small law case and my brother paid the atty. My brother asked for discovery and he couldn't get it until I gave the atty the release to send it to him. Lawyer-client privilege.
It wasn't just a trace amount according to the Body Farm. It was also pure Chloroform. The air was completely saturated in the trunk. There is no way that pool water on her hair and clothes are going to account for it.

I wish the whole Chloroform thing made some sense, ya know?!
Maybe Casey returned the chemical bottles after they'd been in the trunk with the body so they wouldn't be missed? When we had a pool, we'd take our empty bottles in and exchange them for full ones. The were kept 4 to a crate. If one was missing, it would be obvious.

you're making the assumption that this is the packaging that GA purchases his chemicals. we purchased chemicals for our pool differently depending on if it was the beginning or end of season (bulk vs. smaller amts.) i also wouldn't put it past KC to replace the chemicals w/ something else. like a girl adding water to the the vodka bottle after breaking into her parent's liquor cabinet. depending on where \
I actually thought along the same lines as you in the beginning, thinking it could have been possible that the chloroform actually came from chlorine saturated pool water, and possible body fluids, such as urine combined...but then I couldn't explain why KC looked up chloroform, more specifically "How to make chloroform". The computer searches lead me to believe the chloroform in the trunk was not a mix of pool water and urine, or this is one heck of a quinkadink.

Not to mention that I haven't heard of acetone being in urine.
Pens and pencils?? Yikes, seems like those could be used as pretty deadly weapons!

There are a lot of things which are not available to all prisoners. Depending on their "trust level" within the system.
Is there a way to make human decomp smell and death bands on hair as well without a death?

No -- a body does decompose and that process produces an odor. Hair and fingernails stop growing at death. I have not seen any science yet that describes when the 'death band' appears on human hair. Still looking at those threads. The window for being in the car is really about 11 to 15 days max. The shorter the time in the car from the point of death until the hair produces this 'death band' and then falls out is still unclear to me. Is it 3 days? 5 days? anyone know for sure?
One of my best friends died last week. He wasn't found for 24 hrs and the house reeked. The mattress had to be thrown out and the entire room sanitized, yet the smell lingered. His body was bloated and had turned black within that short time. We live in central PA, I can't imagine what a body would be like in the heat of FL.

Gosh, that's horrible! I"m so sorry :-(

But knowing this....if Caylee died on June 16th, and Casey drove around with her in the trunk for 11 days, knowing the smell had to be more and more horrendous every day....why did people walking by or parking by the car not smell anything? Did Casey keep the windows rolled up tight? Imagine if she did, when she opened that car door after sitting out in the sun for hours....I just don't get why no one smelled anything in those 11 days. Even the days it was parked in the Amscot lot, people had to be walking close to the car every day. Just wierd to me.
I still don't think KC killed her with chloroform......I think she did something else. I do believe she was in the trunk for 11 days (16th until the 27th). I think the chloroform in the trunk is from her using bleach mixed with acetone to get rid of the smell and clean the trunk. Either that or she put chlorine in the trunk to get rid of the smell and that mixed with decomp made the chloroform. Is there any proof any where that KC searched for chloroform on the internet? Or is that still just a rumor?
It wasn't just a trace amount according to the Body Farm. It was also pure Chloroform. The air was completely saturated in the trunk. There is no way that pool water on her hair and clothes are going to account for it.
Seriously Searching could you tell me where you found that the info came from the body farm. I have been trying to find this for soem time and I only come up with NG saying that. It is hard for me to get passed this because of it. I would really appreciate any link you could give me on this. I thoght this came from the FBI and not the body farm. Thanks in advance.


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