2008.10.22 Nancy Grace

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Preliminary FBI lab results show that there were traces of chloroform in the car of the mother of a missing Florida girl, according to a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation.

I think we're going to have to wait until the lab results are released to learn the real facts.

Very true, but I think the fact that they presented that data to the grand jury shows that is not going to be explained away easily.
I was involved in a small law case and my brother paid the atty. My brother asked for discovery and he couldn't get it until I gave the atty the release to send it to him. Lawyer-client privilege.

I understand Lawyer-client privilege, I was just saying that I think Casey probably already signed all that needed signing while out on bail the first time. I don't know this, mind you, it's just MO of how Cindy seems to "run things".
Is there a way to make human decomp smell and death bands on hair as well without a death?
The article at the Body Farm said it was pure chloroform,not oh God I dont know how to say this! it was not made by the user.I believe they even sent the testing to a second and possibly a third Lab to verify it.There is no way you can put the death band on a hair.Now I cant place proof on here but the body farm has it and all the info about it,very interesting, I also asked my Doctor about it .Just search BodyFarm or google it.
My brother has been in jail. You can purchase items there. You have to purchase there. They charge like $5.00 for a bar of soap. He said the store is brought to you. You fill out paperwork, pay, then they drop it off for you. That is the way it is in our state.
Thank you for that info MCDRAW:)
I didn't know that.

I think the statement that the trunk was saturated with chloroform is out there everywhere that it's been accepted as fact.

And sources confirm there was so much of the powerful chemical solution chloroform discovered by the FBI in mom, Casey Anthony`s, car trunk, even the air within the trunk was saturated -- the air was saturated with chloroform -- mom, Casey`s, computer revealing multiple visits to Web sites on chloroform.
Not only that but the defense teams very own forensic expert (Kobi) told Cindy on NATIONAL television that it was NOT possible for chlorine from the pool and urine to make chloroform. :clap:

I just love how Kobi is making himself look a fool now. You know it's all going to come up at trial.

Oh Wow!!! Some how I missed that interview, thanks for that piece of info :). Will be interesting to see how Kobi explains his way through the chloroform found in the trunk, to the jury.
That would explain why Amy could not remember anything from the night she was supposed to have "lost' the money KC stole. Or she could have used a date rape drug on all of them too. It is easy to find and easy to use.

No, IIRC Amy was just giving her ex-friend KC the benefit of the doubt in regards to the money going missing. No one wants to think their friend is a thief. The only plausible explanation that Amy had at the time was that she (Amy) somehow was responsible for it going missing. Once it came out that KC stole the money, it is quite obvious that Amy didn't sleepwalk it to KC's possession.
Preliminary FBI lab results show that there were traces of chloroform in the car of the mother of a missing Florida girl, according to a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation.

I think we're going to have to wait until the lab results are released to learn the real facts.

LOL :crazy:
Chilly Willy ... just read your post after posting my link to Bombshell! Nancy Grace transcript.

You're right about us having to wait. I'm hoping it will be released when information is provided to Jose Baez.
Gosh, that's horrible! I"m so sorry :-(

But knowing this....if Caylee died on June 16th, and Casey drove around with her in the trunk for 11 days, knowing the smell had to be more and more horrendous every day....why did people walking by or parking by the car not smell anything? Did Casey keep the windows rolled up tight? Imagine if she did, when she opened that car door after sitting out in the sun for hours....I just don't get why no one smelled anything in those 11 days. Even the days it was parked in the Amscot lot, people had to be walking close to the car every day. Just wierd to me.

Maybe thats the reason for parking near that dumpster..dumpsters STINK. This would have made anyone not suspicious..oh that dumpster stinks, instead of that car stinks. IDK just thinking out loud.
Yep, me too......I wish someone would ask them WHY they searched their own backyard that night......

*if* someone has been missing for a month, WHY search your own backyard,
for a *live* person ?????
I would bet that if they were ever asked about why they did this at the beginning of all of this, they would deny that they had ever done any searching of the backyard. JMO.
didn't the pings show that she was close to home. i.e. maybe driving around all night or @ LA's house. in the area but not specifically @ home.:confused:

Yes they showed her NEAR the home not neccesarily IN the home. Read back we discussed it:crazy:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm chloroform brownies?? What a plan.

That would explain why Amy could not remember anything from the night she was supposed to have "lost' the money KC stole. Or she could have used a date rape drug on all of them too. It is easy to find and easy to use.

and is actually a drug of choice for some people. I am not implying that is the case with Casey or anyone she knows, I'm just sayin' some people actually like it (GHB) so it isn't something all that hard for people to get their hands on.
Maybe thats the reason for parking near that dumpster..dumpsters STINK. This would have made anyone not suspicious..oh that dumpster stinks, instead of that car stinks. IDK just thinking out loud.

Yeah, that makes sense when it was in the Amscot lot, but what about before then? Wasn't she parking it in TonE's apartment complex parking lot?
I agree it could definitely show premeditation. I would love to know WHEN these searches took place on the internet.

I have often thought that GA could have used Chloroform to try to clean the decomp smell. He is the one who mentioned on camera that "cleaning fluid" was in her trunk and was part of the odor.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that the searches for chloraform took place in May.
Does anyone else remember reading that?
I think it's more likely that Casey would use the liquid form if she were making Chloroform.

she may have purchased the ingredients herself. hard to say. she could have stolen the chemicals for the sawgrass apt. pool or anywhere.
No, IIRC Amy was just giving her ex-friend KC the benefit of the doubt in regards to the money going missing. No one wants to think their friend is a thief. The only plausible explanation that Amy had at the time was that she (Amy) somehow was responsible for it going missing. Once it came out that KC stole the money, it is quite obvious that Amy didn't sleepwalk it to KC's possession.

IIRC it was somewhat plausable to AH because one night AH got up and changed her pants or something and didn't remember doing it the next morning. IIRC she discussed this with KC prior to AH sleepwalking and hiding her own money:bang:
I will say this. Chloroform is used by dry cleaners to remove spots. Bleach is used to clean up spots. Acetone is used to clean up paint and other stains. Again how much was actually found in the car? It is very possible that some pure or concoction of a cleaning fluid was used that has either the exact components or common components to chloroform or the bleach / acetone mixture.

I don't think it is used anymore. It was banned.
I wish the whole Chloroform thing made some sense, ya know?!

Air: No standards exist for the amount of chloroform allowed in the air of homes. We use a formula to convert workplace limits to home limits. Based on the formula, we recommend levels be no higher than 0.2 parts per million (ppm) of chloroform in air. Most people can’t smell chloroform until levels reach 133 ppm or higher. If you can smell the chemical, the level is too high to be safe.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regulates the amount of chloroform that can be released by industries.

Notice the part about smelling chloroform and also remember the trunk was open in the garage prior to being impounded. If there were chloroform so strong to smell then it was because someone used it to clean the car - not used 1 - 30 days earlier to knock out little K.

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