2008.11.05 Nancy Grace

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So how does someone 'unwittingly' give a baby an overdose (or any) sedatives?

Casey will say she learned about chloroform form Ricardo. And made some herself to try it for fun, and/or use in sex.
Afterwards she "accidentally" left the rag in the trunk, and later Caylee got in there - or was placed in there - and accidentally overdosed. Then the panic set in and she disposed of the body.

This is their only hope to avoid DP.
I had PPD as well with my middle child who is now 6 years old. I had just turned 24 and was a military wife and had a 2 year old son as well. We were in Kansas where there really wasn't much around...It was my first time away from my family for any long amount of time. We were about 16 hours or so away from Georgia, by car, and my husband had just got back from Saudi Arabia after being over there for 16 months, so we were getting reaquainted and dealing with who did what as far as discipline and my 2 year old.

I realized I needed help pretty quick, and spoke up and told my hubby. I did wait too long, to the point I had to go in the hospital just for medication to start working. After about 1 1/2 weeks I started feeling normal enough to take care of myself and both kids. My hubby and I started counseling, and I did counseling by myself. It was very very hard and I don't minimize the situation of PPD, but I got through it without family except for my hubby. It can be done, and another thing they told me when I first got help for it was that after 1 year Post Birth they don't consider it PPD anymore.

Probably wasn't the first time she gave Caylee a sedative, and the poor thing must've built up a tolerance...a little more, a little more, a little more...then this. Nancy Grace isn't the only one who isn't trying to curse tonight.:furious:

I agree. Every time I see the photo of her in the green dress and headscarf, I think that this child has shadows under her eyes that shouldn't really be there.
Well if the defense is admitting that if she died it would have been an accidental overdose, you can bet that it was not.

100% agree. If it were an accident, then why wait 31 days to call 911? There you go. Premeditated, all the way.

KC needs to be "accidentally overdosed" and stuck in a trunk for 2.6 days. Just sayin.
I agree. Every time I see the photo of her in the green dress and headscarf, I think that this child has shadows under her eyes that shouldn't really be there.

I've noticed that as well, considering that she supposedly went to bed at 7:30ish (according to Cindy).
I don't think KC spent the night @ Lee's.....I think she spent the night (15th)in her car, close by, texting, talking to Tony most of the night.......prolly drugged Caylee so she would sleep & not make noise........the early call from the A's house was CA calling KC after the big fight from the night before.

This is what I think also. I also think that Caylee was dead before any of those phone calls, text messages were made, probably killed in a fit of rage.
I can see her being so shook up by what she had just done that she reached out via her cell from her car, not to confess what she did, but just to make human contact.
Was it not said by someone that she would park and (stalk) the house. I wonder if she did this at a lot of places?
a rag?? left in the trunk?

That doesn't make any common sense to me. They're now claiming that it was a chloroform soaked rag left in the trunk and then Caylee was placed in the trunk and accidentally killed this way? Am I reading today's story right?

Because if so, then that raises many questions. One does not just conveniently have a chloroform soaked rag in a car's trunk, and then place their child in that same trunk for whatever reason they're going to allege now, "accidentally" killing her and then neglect to report it for 31 days. No.

Premeditated murder. KC is a monster. Pure and simple.
I really believe Caylee died in the A's house and was placed in the trunk, already dead, on the 16th.

Unless I'm reading it wrong, Casey called Cindy more times on June 16-18 than she had for several weeks prior. And after that she called her being more pleasant saying they were in jacksonville or the story of the accident involving her imaginary friends.
That doesn't make any common sense to me. They're now claiming that it was a chloroform soaked rag left in the trunk and then Caylee was placed in the trunk and accidentally killed this way? Am I reading today's story right?

Because if so, then that raises many questions. One does not just conveniently have a chloroform soaked rag in a car's trunk, and then place their child in that same trunk for whatever reason they're going to allege now, "accidentally" killing her and then neglect to report it for 31 days. No.

Premeditated murder. KC is a monster. Pure and simple.

It makes more sense to me that once Caylee had died in the house and was put in the trash bag/bags, the chloroform rag was tossed in too, along with anything else she may have used to clean up the scene.
It makes more sense to me that once Caylee had died in the house and was put in the trash bag/bags, the chloroform rag was tossed in too, along with anything else she may have used to clean up the scene.

Yes, that makes the most sense to me. Killed in the house, then put in the trunk with the evidence. Not placed in the trunk to die or to be just "sedated".

OMG, how can KC do this and not even confess to it? I guess I don't understand how a sociopath thinks.

But you know what? It will be interesting to see the defense spin this one. Like, who conveniently has chloroform in the house?
I agree. Every time I see the photo of her in the green dress and headscarf, I think that this child has shadows under her eyes that shouldn't really be there.

Nonsense! What about all the pictures that don't show shadows under her eyes?

My friends' child has shadows under her eyes and I assure you, there is nothing sinister about it.
I wonder how/where she put her in the trunk without being seen? If she had ever done it before, wouldn't Caylee have mentioned it to someone? It would have been frightening to be placed in there or wake up in there.

What baffles me is that the evidence points to her having searched for the chloroform ahead of the June 15/16 date. I agree she may have used it on Amy or during sex and had it already made up and ready to go. I don't think she would have been able to get all the ingredients in one days' time to make it a spur of the moment decision. LP's idea that she used it because she forgot to take the Xanax when she left makes sense. I also think she killed her the night of the 15th, especially if they slept in the car. Wouldn't Caylee mention that to George the next morning? It would have been unusual, I'd think. I agree with other posters that she left in a rage, Caylee was probably crying and carrying on that she wanted her grandma (her "real" mom in almost every sense) and Casey lost it and wanted her to shut up.
Either that or she really did go back to the house on the 16th and the flurry of calls was Casey looking for a babysitter (didn't she even call JG and ask if he'd babysit?) and when she couldn't find a sitter, hey - let's try the chloroform. It worked like a charm on Amy...

I just hope if they find the body Casey has to view the remains.

My hubby says she is a dead woman. He says if she goes to prison she will get killed, and if she doesn't she will get killed.
It makes more sense to me that once Caylee had died in the house and was put in the trash bag/bags, the chloroform rag was tossed in too, along with anything else she may have used to clean up the scene.

I agree, and it took a calculated effort for what she did. She had been drugging her child and she had to research how to make the chloroform and then carry out the steps to make it, and then fight a 2 yr old child to administrate it. I see the DP, no matter how they sugar coat it.:mad:

This stuff is nasty, I don't think it is like in the movies. This was home made stuff, so thing to cut the smell, let alone the burn effect of inhaling this into your body:mad:
If she told the truth about what happend to Caylee- where she put her--I would go for life in prison no patrole. Just to put this thing to rest and bring Caylee home. This family is a disgrace and once and for all end all the lies. That poor baby if there is a hell the Anthony will meet there.
Nonsense! What about all the pictures that don't show shadows under her eyes?

My friends' child has shadows under her eyes and I assure you, there is nothing sinister about it.

You could well be right Edam. It just crossed my mind when I saw that photo. (And the fact that Caylee doesn't have the shadows in all her photos).
It sounds to me like the defense team is simply taking the evidence found and devising a story around it to lessen the severity of the murder charge, imo. They really don't have much to work with in this case as I still do not believe that Casey has told them anything to the effect of sedating the child. It is just their theory they are throwing out in hopes the body is not found and they can temper the aggravating circumstances. They know that LE has the proof Caylee is dead and was in the trunk. It appears they are not going to be able to convince the jury otherwise so they have to work it into the case of accidental overdose. (I don't believe it ever happened.)

I think when they find Caylee, they will possibly find physical injuries to indicate a much different scenario took place. Their defense then will be completely out the window and the death penalty will move forward according to the evidence found at that time.

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