2008.11.05 Pretrial Hearing

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My understanding of the judge's ruling is that he allowed the continuance of the fraud charges but has not made the decision as to whether he will allow the fraud charges to be delayed until after the murder trial. He did concede that it may be in the best interest of judicial economy to delay until after the murder trial because it may become a moot point if she is convicted of murder. He said he will think about it and rule at a later time. The prosecution did not object to the continuance but did object to it rolling along with the murder trial.

"The defense wants to try the check fraud charges after the murder trial because, Baez said, he wants to focus all his energies on the murder trial. He even came close to suggesting, if she's convicted in the death of her daughter, the check charges could become unimportant. Prosecutors are against that."

"The judge said he'll decide next month."

OK lawyers - help me out here. If the financial case is heard after the murder trial, will that prevent all videos of her shopping and banking being shown in the murder trial, to show her uncaring behaviour after she herself said Caylee was missing? Can those videos be introduced in the murder trial even though she will not have been found guilty of the fraud?

Yes. The videos come in. Even though she is shopping with stolen money, she is still shopping and spendiong nothing for Caylee. The prosecution does not have to even mention that the money/checks were stolen to make the point that she was not a grieving mom lioiking for her missing child.

However, the 911 tapes where CA talks about the bank affidavits and grand theft auto will also be introduced and the fact that there were thefts can not be hidden. "What did you reference when you said bank affidavits?"

By making the check fraud charges come after the murder trial no one will be able to say that she stole the money or checks because it hasn't been proven.
I'm thinking they want to keep her in her "private" cell instead of the general population where she would go after sentencing for the check fraud!!! Gen pop is where she would sit until the murder trial - I bet those women would LOVE for Casey to visit for a couple months!!! :behindbar

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