2008.11.20 The Significance of Cindy's "Silent Interview"--Did Cindy "Know"?

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We keep talking about "The Body" and did Dom find the body in this thread - and I keep wondering about that. Because I'm sure by mid November, there wasn't "A Body" to be found - just bits and pieces scattered over a fairly large area.

I doubt the body or skeleton was intact during Dom's search, because it was only a few weeks later that Kronk discovered part of Caylee's remains. And it didn't seem even the larger parts besides as the skull had been moved since there were plants growing through it.

Just IMO, but I don't believe he found anything beyond some article belonging to Caylee that would definitely identify her.

But if you listen to Schaeffer's latest video, he believes this search was a set-up to NOT find anything. I think Cindy heard the news from some other source than Dom - perhaps Baez. Certainly she'd had time to adjust to the reality of Caylee's death by the time of the crab puff dinner. Any other grandmother would be devastated by the news, and not dining out with her murdering daughter's lawyers.
Since I believe that CA and GA knew mid-July that Caylee was dead and KC killed her, I don't think that CA's out of it November video means much of anything. It might just be that the medication to keep her craziness in check was changed and the correct dosage hadn't been fixed. I don't understand why her handlers allowed her to be taped in that condition. I would question what had occurred around that time if GA also appeared in bad condition, but he did not.

OR - this may have been when CA had something convince her that Caylee's disappearance (read death) wasn't an accident and she finally knew/accepted not only was her beloved granddaughter not coming home but her own daughter murdered her.
OR - this may have been when CA had something convince her that Caylee's disappearance (read death) wasn't an accident and she finally knew/accepted not only was her beloved granddaughter not coming home but her own daughter murdered her.

DING DING DING DING - nail on head. ITA
We keep talking about "The Body" and did Dom find the body in this thread - and I keep wondering about that. Because I'm sure by mid November, there wasn't "A Body" to be found - just bits and pieces scattered over a fairly large area.

I doubt the body or skeleton was intact during Dom's search, because it was only a few weeks later that Kronk discovered part of Caylee's remains. And it didn't seem even the larger parts besides as the skull had been moved since there were plants growing through it.

Just IMO, but I don't believe he found anything beyond some article belonging to Caylee that would definitely identify her.

But if you listen to Schaeffer's latest video, he believes this search was a set-up to NOT find anything. I think Cindy heard the news from some other source than Dom - perhaps Baez. Certainly she'd had time to adjust to the reality of Caylee's death by the time of the crab puff dinner. Any other grandmother would be devastated by the news, and not dining out with her murdering daughter's lawyers.

Maybe he found the missing shoes!!
OR - this may have been when CA had something convince her that Caylee's disappearance (read death) wasn't an accident and she finally knew/accepted not only was her beloved granddaughter not coming home but her own daughter murdered her.

CA must be deeply tortured and miserable when she is alone in her room with no one around to have to put on a show for, she must cry out blood. All that pride must be eating at her. I think if she would just release and admit that her daughter did this, possibly she will be able to find some peace with it someday. But keeping it inside in order to save face in public must be quite a job.
Wellspoke Mendara, I can only hope that one day that steely resolve will break.
Or maybe he found something else... like a cross necklace from a JC Penny receipt? Just a thought?????
He appears a little off and CA looks like she is in a state of shock. By the time of the LK interview CA had recovered but GA wasn't talking. CA was answering the majority of the questions that LK directly asked GA.


Just fyi - May 2009 - watch the look on GA's face when LK asks if they have ever asked KC if she did it and CA says, "yes" - at 1 min 36 sec

Thank You for your post.

I appreciated watching George's face. Hilarious, I've never seen anyone look so bewildered.

CA sure did bounce back to take the helm again. I thought the comments LK shared were funny too - can't CA just help people without being in front of the cameras. (do we have to see this woman's face ever again?)
It appears that DC was at that vigil to keep an eye on Cindy. Not in the way you're thinking..lol. I think he had told her some really bad news & he was worried she wouldn't be able to conduct herself in public. Whatever he told her was bad, DC & CA both knew they couldn't let anyone else know what they knew. DC was there strictly to make sure CA didn't break! That's the reason he never took his eyes off her, even when his head was suppose to be bowed....he would intervene if necessary!
Also, what was the timeframe that CA & GA stopped going to the jail to visit KC compared to these videos/pictures?
Amazing catch, doogiesgirl AND wow! at 8:44 CA says: "we did work with a psychic who up until November thought Caylee was alive". WTH part II!

Respectfully bolded by me. I think it's possible what she's saying here is that she thought Caylee was alive up until November just not in so many words.
You had to catch her when she didn't have a hammer in one hand. :viking:

Of course the doc dump is taking lots of our attention tonight but I do still wonder if anyone knows: where was Lee during the 11/30/08 vigil???
Where is Lee ever? He has distanced himself as far away from this as could be hoped for. He has been less in the spotlight, since the days of tearing down memorials and depriving dogs of water and destroying other peoples property...Where oh where has Lee gone?

Not that I blame him...

He DID go on the cruise...that is all we have seen of HIM in forever...:waitasec:
It appears that DC was at that vigil to keep an eye on Cindy. Not in the way you're thinking..lol. I think he had told her some really bad news & he was worried she wouldn't be able to conduct herself in public. Whatever he told her was bad, DC & CA both knew they couldn't let anyone else know what they knew. DC was there strictly to make sure CA didn't break! That's the reason he never took his eyes off her, even when his head was suppose to be bowed....he would intervene if necessary!
OR--if rumor is to be believed DC cared for CA back then. Somehow his face looks sympathetic to me--more so than anyone else there. Maybe I am simply projecting that--but knowing what we know (about the fact that DC may have felt a special closeness to CA) it is conceivable that DC was there to be her "rock" (isn't that quoted somewhere?)

CA is a divide an conquer person. CA has probably harbored LOTS of ill will against GA (telling the truth at the for the grand jury, topping the list). We know that CA is the type of person who views all people as either "for" her or "against" her*. So during THIS vigil period she was likely rejecting GA for his wrongdoing and accepting DC as her "rock".
*This is EXACTLY how my own Mother was. She would get mad about ANY perceived threat to HER all-knowing position on any matter. She would punish/withhold/reject if someone was "against her".
If you have never been around a person like this you are very lucky. I have a titch of empathy for KC ....for being raised by CA. No wonder she is NUTZ.
Respectfully bolded by me. I think it's possible what she's saying here is that she thought Caylee was alive up until November just not in so many words.
Yes, but why did CA stop thinking Caylee was alive in November....when the remains were found in Dec?
Watch the strange twitch of either Cindy's or George's hand as Cindy rests her hand ontop of Georges at 3:55, Cindy answers "I have not" to Larry's question about if she thought her daughter was involved. Look at how intensely George watches her mouth as she further elaborates and tries to paint Casey as a loving mother. Cindy says "um" in between words. When she is fired up, she runs and runs at the mouth. She is choosing her words carefully and George is watching those words carefully. When she talks about the night police responded she shakes her head "no" as she says "She (Casey) was devastated."

When George is asked if he was surprised she was arrested he can't look up and plays with the handle to his coffee cup. He is ashamed. Then he looks up cocky but still has trouble making eye contact while defiantly sticking his chin out when talking about how he wished there has been an Amber Alert issued for Caylee.

The Anthony's are quoted her saying "they had their minds made up...". That is precisely how I feel about them the moment they realized something was fishy with the lack of contact regarding Caylee as well as that car being towed and smelling as it did. They had their minds made up.

WTH is up with George around the 7:42 mark? "Where do you think she is George?" (pause for a few seconds) "Oh, Caylee?...*sigh*..." *Cindy catches his body language and as George BS's his way through "hopefully with a loving family taking care of her", Cindy grabs his hand again while she pushes a recent alleged tip.

In part two, when the caller asks about why she changed her mind about the smell in the trunk, pay attention to George at 2:50, it looks like he wrinkles his nose up at a bad smell and then he swallows hard after the caller says "Recently, you've said that you believe that it was maybe, old pizza?"

Cindy then won't look up and resists eye contact, appearing ashamed when discussing her assertion that the smell in the trunk originated from old pizza.

6:04 I think George may have had a Freudian slip... "Like Cindy says, inside that bag, was garbage." :(

7:10 after they play the clip where Cindy is asking if she is close or if she is hiding and Casey said she knows in her heart she is not far, she can feel it. Cindy frowns, adjusts her seat like she is uncomfortable while letting out a deep sigh. And again with the "um's" that start when she is discussing a "sighting in November" :banghead:

8:05 to around 8:45 is very interesting.
Watch the strange twitch of either Cindy's or George's hand as Cindy rests her hand ontop of Georges at 3:55, Cindy answers "I have not" to Larry's question about if she thought her daughter was involved. Look at how intensely George watches her mouth as she further elaborates and tries to paint Casey as a loving mother. Cindy says "um" in between words. When she is fired up, she runs and runs at the mouth. She is choosing her words carefully and George is watching those words carefully. When she talks about the night police responded she shakes her head "no" as she says "She (Casey) was devastated."

When George is asked if he was surprised she was arrested he can't look up and plays with the handle to his coffee cup. He is ashamed. Then he looks up cocky but still has trouble making eye contact while defiantly sticking his chin out when talking about how he wished there has been an Amber Alert issued for Caylee.

The Anthony's are quoted her saying "they had their minds made up...". That is precisely how I feel about them the moment they realized something was fishy with the lack of contact regarding Caylee as well as that car being towed and smelling as it did. They had their minds made up.

WTH is up with George around the 7:42 mark? "Where do you think she is George?" (pause for a few seconds) "Oh, Caylee?...*sigh*..." *Cindy catches his body language and as George BS's his way through "hopefully with a loving family taking care of her", Cindy grabs his hand again while she pushes a recent alleged tip.

In part two, when the caller asks about why she changed her mind about the smell in the trunk, pay attention to George at 2:50, it looks like he wrinkles his nose up at a bad smell and then he swallows hard after the caller says "Recently, you've said that you believe that it was maybe, old pizza?"

Cindy then won't look up and resists eye contact, appearing ashamed when discussing her assertion that the smell in the trunk originated from old pizza.

6:04 I think George may have had a Freudian slip... "Like Cindy says, inside that bag, was garbage." :(

7:10 after they play the clip where Cindy is asking if she is close or if she is hiding and Casey said she knows in her heart she is not far, she can feel it. Cindy frowns, adjusts her seat like she is uncomfortable while letting out a deep sigh. And again with the "um's" that start when she is discussing a "sighting in November" :banghead:

8:05 to around 8:45 is very interesting.
Right before the 3:00 MINUTE MARK...The caller is asking why she changed her mind from the car smelled like a dead body to the car smelled from pizza.
Her response?
I changed my mind on that...I never changed my mind on that. I stated that the car smelled...

NO CINDY! :banghead: You stated It smells like there has been a dead body in the damned car...

Just adding to your wonderful analysis one small point Eidetic! :)
OR--if rumor is to be believed DC cared for CA back then. Somehow his face looks sympathetic to me--more so than anyone else there. Maybe I am simply projecting that--but knowing what we know (about the fact that DC may have felt a special closeness to CA) it is conceivable that DC was there to be her "rock" (isn't that quoted somewhere?)

CA is a divide an conquer person. CA has probably harbored LOTS of ill will against GA (telling the truth at the for the grand jury, topping the list). We know that CA is the type of person who views all people as either "for" her or "against" her*. So during THIS vigil period she was likely rejecting GA for his wrongdoing and accepting DC as her "rock".
*This is EXACTLY how my own Mother was. She would get mad about ANY perceived threat to HER all-knowing position on any matter. She would punish/withhold/reject if someone was "against her".
If you have never been around a person like this you are very lucky. I have a titch of empathy for KC ....for being raised by CA. No wonder she is NUTZ.

This is also around the time that GA allegedly said he did not think he and CA were going to make it (their marriage) because they each felt the other was throwing KC under the bus-I forget who he said this to, though, was it DC?
Right before the 3:00 MINUTE MARK...The caller is asking why she changed her mind from the car smelled like a dead body to the car smelled from pizza.
Her response?
I changed my mind on that...I never changed my mind on that. I stated that the car smelled...

NO CINDY! :banghead: You stated It smells like there has been a dead body in the damned car...

Just adding to your wonderful analysis one small point Eidetic! :)

I believe GA related the story to CA about him and SB at the towyard, Simon noting that "that's where your smell is coming from." Giving CA something to run with. Then, GA failed to be honest with his wife when she said something along the lines of "it's pizza, right George?" if GA wanted to "prepare her," he was failing miserably.
Also, when Dets. Melich and Allen are talking to CA, they pin her down to stating that if this were not her daughter, the situation would look very bad. They are asking her to be objective, but she cannot. For that, I don't blame her, but I do take great offense to her acts of obstruction afterwards.
This is also around the time that GA allegedly said he did not think he and CA were going to make it (their marriage) because they each felt the other was throwing KC under the bus-I forget who he said this to, though, was it DC?

George also told SB (paraphrasing); "We probably won't be together when this is over."

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