2009.01.06 Nancy Grace - "Exclusive Interview with Psychic from BodyHunters"

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Even if it was standard procedure for the funeral home to keep skeletal remains in a cardboard box, wouldn't that make you wanna lay your loved one to rest quicker, knowing you are removing them from a cardboard box and giving them a proper burial? Almost a month and no funeral plans :furious:. This poor little girl has been neglected in life and death. Enough is enough already!

It may be "standard procedure", but I'm sure the A's have the OPTION of having Caylee's scant remains placed lovingly in a more appropriate container symbolizing their love for her (while they wait for her 2nd autopsy).
Caylee had more adorable outfits, toys and bedroom furnishings than almost any child I've seen. It doesn't make sense to me that they can stand to let her remains lay in a plain box, especially after KC let her rot in the woods for 6 months! Can't they use some of that $200,00.00 on Caylee?:furious:
It really depends on the state laws, and the crematorium policies. Some don't use a container at all and some have a casket if the family prefers.

I didn't know there was ANY place that did not use a container of some kind to cremate a body. Surely no one would want their loved one just shoved into the furnace without being in a box, or something!!
potentionally I could have been one of 5000 other tipsters...I could have been somebody.:dance:

LOL - For me, I would not have wanted the notoriety associated with it even if I did find something. About the only ones who do that are the ones who want to use it for money or their own ego.
My understanding is that the defense is waiting for the court ordered disclosure of the state's findings before conducting their own examination. That has not happened yet. A motion filed today by the state is seeking to allow Baez to view the reports/photos without actually taking possession of them, out of concern that the photos may be sold to the media. It seems that is the reason for the delay.

(we have a thread about today's motion - I suggest you don a hard hat before entering)
Thanks for the explanation ~ I hadn't had a chance to really catch up before Nancy's show. That would explain a few things! :) MOO
I didn't know there was ANY place that did not use a container of some kind to cremate a body. Surely no one would want their loved one just shoved into the furnace without being in a box, or something!!

It is not really just a furnace. I have only seen one, but it had a "slide out" type bed like thing (which I assume will not burn) and it is sanitized after each body where even the remains don't get mixed. I don't know if they are all like that or not. Then they take a grinder like thing to run the bones through because they don't all burn to dust like you think.

Another thing I didn't realize is they are heavier than I would have thought.
Chilly, So this would imply that the Prosecution is somehow holding things up? Or do you think it's actually a matter of the legal proceedings taking this much time?

I don't know why it took 2 weeks for the prosecution to file today's motion but it does appear at this point that the prosecution is holding things up by not turning over the reports or filing the motion sooner. Whether the defense actually needs those reports to conduct their examination is another question, apparently the judge that ordered the items to be turned over seems to think they do.
I don't discount them, either. I am acquainted with a real one, so I know that they exist.


I don't discount real psychics either, but as with any other profession/vocation there are those who do their jobs well and likely pay a heavy price in the process; those who skate on by; and those who are charlatans.
I can't wait to hear the tips on the line JB has set up for KC's defense.

Lets all call and give him some of our tips for defending KC! My tip to JB-QUIT!! You're not going to get out of this case unscathed-no one does!!
It may be "standard procedure", but I'm sure the A's have the OPTION of having Caylee's scant remains placed lovingly in a more appropriate container symbolizing their love for her (while they wait for her 2nd autopsy).
Caylee had more adorable outfits, toys and bedroom furnishings than almost any child I've seen. It doesn't make sense to me that they can stand to let her remains lay in a plain box, especially after KC let her rot in the woods for 6 months! Can't they use some of that $200,00.00 on Caylee?:furious:

How do we know that Caylee's remains are in a plain box? Only NG has said that, to my knowledge. The funeral home is not giving out any info.
They are at the funeral home and have been since the 23rd of December or before, but NO ONE seems to want to bury her.

I think Baez is out of money for his "experts" and he was negotiating the sale of those pictures and LE found out.

or he needed a new boat to take GR out in :rolleyes:
I didn't know there was ANY place that did not use a container of some kind to cremate a body. Surely no one would want their loved one just shoved into the furnace without being in a box, or something!!

Seems like a container of some sort would be mandatory or else along with Uncle Fred you might get some of Great Great Grandma and the Dear Old Crazy Dog Lady from down the street and the Gardener and who knows who else.:eek:
Why the dogs? smoke and mirrors... an extension of perpetuating her mythical psychic powers. A modern day dog and pony show... or, in this case: dog and "psychic" show.
When the discovery of remains was first announced I looked up the location (general area - Chickasaw & Suburban as described in MR call) on Google Earth. There were street view shots on Chickasaw, but not on Suburban east of the intersection. In fact, there aren't any in the whole Anthony neighborhood.

There still aren't. I must not be using Google Earth right. Can someone help?

go up to the sticky forum all kinds of maps and good stuff up there.
My understanding is that the defense is waiting for the court ordered disclosure of the state's findings before conducting their own examination. That has not happened yet. A motion filed today by the state is seeking to allow Baez to view the reports/photos without actually taking possession of them, out of concern that the photos may be sold to the media. It seems that is the reason for the delay.

(we have a thread about today's motion - I suggest you don a hard hat before entering)

Thanks, CW... I was just posting what I heard on HLN, Prime News this afternoon.
Why do I need a hard hat??
I don't know why it took 2 weeks for the prosecution to file today's motion but it does appear at this point that the prosecution is holding things up by not turning over the reports or filing the motion sooner. Whether the defense actually needs those reports to conduct their examination is another question, apparently the judge that ordered the items to be turned over seems to think they do.

x-mas week, new years week...who wants to work when you can be out chelaxing with the family enjoying your millions. :rolleyes:
I don't know why it took 2 weeks for the prosecution to file today's motion but it does appear at this point that the prosecution is holding things up by not turning over the reports or filing the motion sooner. Whether the defense actually needs those reports to conduct their examination is another question, apparently the judge that ordered the items to be turned over seems to think they do.

Interesting. I would imagine that this autopsy was probably the most careful ever conducted by Dr. G. I can't imagine what the Defense will come up when they do the 2nd. I'm sure it will be another bombshell, though. (Shouldn't the entire universe be exploded by now?) And I wondered that myself - why would they need Dr. G's findings to examine the remains themselves?
Remains that will be cremated are placed in cardboard boxes. Laws require that a body be in a burnable container when cremated.

Apparently you can place remains in a wooden or cardboard container inside a casket shell, then transfer them to the crematory. You can even rent a casket when remains will be cremated!


You are right.

To spare our children, my husband and I have already made our funeral & final arrangements. I remember the person that sold us our cremation "package" telling us that.

We got inexpensive everything...even plaques instead of gravestones.

After going through helping my mother make arrangements for my father, I was afraid my children would want to "do well" by us and I would rather they spent whatever they are left on themselves.
About the "second autopsy," didn't the defense forensic anthropologist, K. Reichs, state in interviews that she was the one really qualified to do an examination, as there were only bones remaining? So they must be waiting for her, right? Maybe she is on vacation, consulting on "Bones," or otherwise unavailable. It can't be a matter of payment, because she expressly said she wasn't working pro bono, but was being paid from a fund set up by someone, and was required not to reveal the source. I still wonder if there really is some anonymous rich donor at all, or whether the so-called fund has just been set up by the defense with money from the sale of interviews/photo rights, etc.

Exellent points, I recall K.Reichs saying that as well. My vote is fund set up by the defense. :crazy:
What we are hearing tonight is in such extreme contrast to what we heard yesterday about how Cindy and George "sat" in the funeral home with Caylee. I never know what to really believe about this family. Surely she is not in a cardboard box -- I hope this was just said for effect by NG.

I thought Casey had to 'release' the remains? If so, theres nothing George and Cindy can do about it. Also, the cardboard box..well, my grandmother was cremated and when we received the remains from the funeral parlor...they were in a nicely decorated box lined with red velvet. i'm serious!

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