2009.01.21 Document Release: Forensic Evidence

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I dont know what thread to put this is. I need help in interpreting what im reading.

1. Dr henry Lee first evidence inspection at 1018 Nov 14th
2. 1248 Dr Lee, Mr.Baez and Mr Phlegar left the forensic for lunch
3. Dr Henry Lee second evidence inspection at 1415
4. after the inspection we {LE} found the following trace evidence {3 hairs}
5. Dr. Lee third inspection of the evidence..Dr. Lee found a hair in the trunk
6. 1610 Dr Lee left the office
7. 1740 after dr. lee left, LE conducted a re-inspection of evidence {looks like several more hairs and fibers were found that were not there before.

Im reading it as, after Lee, Baez and Phlegar examined the evidence additional hairs and fibers were found.

starts on page 3205 of LE numbering


page 49 of http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/evidencelists&pics.pdf

I counted 13 HAIRS and a possible fiber after Dr. Lee's inspection were retrieved by Gerardo Bloise

Dr. Lee found 4 HAIRS
That's what I meant.....everyone's trunk prolly HAS print's inside.

Sounds to me like the pontiac trunk was throughly cleaned.

Well, be careful. Look inside your trunk and see how many places you might actually leave a print behind. You won't on the carpet, liner or insulation. In my trunk that means very few surfaces could possibly hold a print to begin with. To not find any prints inside the trunk is probably not unusual.

I'm sure LE was hoping they would get lucky and find a print belonging to Caylee, which is why they collected prints off the DVDs - to see if they could isolate her prints.
The list of DVD that was taken into evidence. Why DVD's? Unless the A's found them and had never seen them before....when my son was living at home I would not be able to tell you half of what he owned or borrowed from friends and what do they have to do with the eveidence about Caylee anyway. I just don't have a clue. What am I not catching about the DVD's?

LE was looking for Caylee's prints, I believe. They wanted samples to compare against in case they were found in the trunk or other crime scene.
Well, be careful. Look inside your trunk and see how many places you might actually leave a print behind. You won't on the carpet, liner or insulation. In my trunk that means very few surfaces could possibly hold a print to begin with. To not find any prints inside the trunk is probably not unusual.

I'm sure LE was hoping they would get lucky and find a print belonging to Caylee, which is why they collected prints off the DVDs - to see if they could isolate her prints.

IDK....still seems odd to me, since we know this trunk was in & out of quite

Even the ONE print on the outside doesn't sound right, GA was in the trunk that day.

(I've just always thought the car looked way too clean to have been sitting in the tow yard 15/16 days)
LE was looking for Caylee's prints, I believe. They wanted samples to compare against in case they were found in the trunk or other crime scene.

Thank you,

Thought never crossed my mind they would be looking for Caylee's prints.
I was thinking that maybe those DVD 'movies' were not actually childrens movies but were possibly of another nature but stored in childrens printed cases; sort of hidden but in plain view type of thing.
I thought this was the forensic evidence thread.
I thought this was the forensic evidence thread.

If you are asking about my post
it would seem logical that forensics would look for squirrels bones where Casey says she removed them from her car.Under the hood and frame right?

If there isn't any forensic evidence of them ever dying in there then what?
No squirrels story...
It never happened....
If you are asking about my post
it would seem logical that forensics would look for squirrels bones where Casey says she removed them from her car.Under the hood and frame right?

If there isn't any forensic evidence of them ever dying in there then what?
No squirrels story...
It never happened....

Surely they did search for squirrel bones, but found nothing and knew they would find nothing as the story is so redicoulous and as you stated when you run over an animal the car does not smell like decomp, maybe maybe the tire might and that is a big maybe.

However did she directly say to LE that she ran over squirrels or just to Amy H?
I dont know what thread to put this is. I need help in interpreting what im reading.

1. Dr henry Lee first evidence inspection at 1018 Nov 14th
2. 1248 Dr Lee, Mr.Baez and Mr Phlegar left the forensic for lunch
3. Dr Henry Lee second evidence inspection at 1415
4. after the inspection we {LE} found the following trace evidence {3 hairs}
5. Dr. Lee third inspection of the evidence..Dr. Lee found a hair in the trunk
6. 1610 Dr Lee left the office
7. 1740 after dr. lee left, LE conducted a re-inspection of evidence {looks like several more hairs and fibers were found that were not there before.

Im reading it as, after Lee, Baez and Phlegar examined the evidence additional hairs and fibers were found.

starts on page 3205 of LE numbering

That's how I interpretted that as well :confused:
And then those hairs and fibers found were sent off for testing as well.
Isn't this 'movie' DVD's

Blades of Glory DVD
2 Disc Bambi DVD set
Bambi II DVD
2 Disc Transporter DVD set
Page 3232 County Forensic Part 1

Yes, those are movie DVD's.

I'm sorry, I should have clarified what I was thinking of, which was the reference in the December search warrant to take all possible storage disks and devices for pictures (which also might have included writable DVD's)

So, together we've covered both types of DVD's. :)
I'm just getting on after digesting the reports .Here is some evidence that struck me.
The stuffed animal in a trash bag.I believe it was recovered at a different address on Hopespring dr.it shows a different address than the Anthony's,but it's confusing.The report says itwas recovered at 4851 Hopespring Dr. on 7/18/08
The Very Important Princess ballcap,female,child.It was recovered in a wooded area north of Curry Ford Community Park west of the Econ Trail. Is that part of J Blanchard Park?
I dont know what thread to put this is. I need help in interpreting what im reading.

1. Dr henry Lee first evidence inspection at 1018 Nov 14th
2. 1248 Dr Lee, Mr.Baez and Mr Phlegar left the forensic for lunch
3. Dr Henry Lee second evidence inspection at 1415
4. after the inspection we {LE} found the following trace evidence {3 hairs}
5. Dr. Lee third inspection of the evidence..Dr. Lee found a hair in the trunk
6. 1610 Dr Lee left the office
7. 1740 after dr. lee left, LE conducted a re-inspection of evidence {looks like several more hairs and fibers were found that were not there before.

Im reading it as, after Lee, Baez and Phlegar examined the evidence additional hairs and fibers were found.

starts on page 3205 of LE numbering

Yes,On one of his TV appearances after he examined the car Lee stated they had found more evidence.
It seems even more was found upon re-examining the trash.
That's how I interpretted that as well :confused:
And then those hairs and fibers found were sent off for testing as well.

:confused: Hmmmm?????
Flabbergasted... after all the searching he finds more stuff in there?
:confused: Hmmmm?????
Flabbergasted... after all the searching he finds more stuff in there?

Someone postied elsewhere that additional hairs found after Lee's search of the car might have come from Lee and the other Dr. (Everyone sheds hair and skin). They suggested LE sent off the additional hairs to clearly document this.

Made some sense to me.
IIRC, there were two small stains in the cargo area of Tony's Jeep. And, like the stain in the Pontiac, they were tested and determined not to be blood.
I wanted to start this thread to focus on the forensic information released in the latest document dump. Most of the latest document dump is concerned with forensics. This includes the OCSO Forensic Section - Report of Crime Scene Investigation; Evidence Submitted to the FBI; FBI Laboratory Report.

This does not include search warrants. Thus the revelation that a heart sticker had once been placed on the duct tape should not be discussed here because there is not a forensic report that describes this finding.

Following is my summary of the highlights from the dump:


No DNA found in car stain.
No blood found in car, on clothes, or in home.
No other hairs with decomp found in car.

You state "no other hairs....". By that I assume you mean in the addition to the ONE hair that was already found?

FBI Lab reports (Nov 26th doc dump)
begins at page 2501

ONE hair was found in the car - left side of trunk liner (Q12) which exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition at the root of the hair. The mtDNA sequences compared to a swab from Casey and this hair are the same, therefore neither Casey or Caylee can be excluded as the source (Casey’s not dead). This report says the remainder of this hair has been submitted for mitrochonadrial DNA analysis.

No other hairs were found with signs of decomposition.

This FBI Report then goes on to address the odor analysis of the trunk...Your statement "No DNA found in the car stain" might give the impression there is no linkage between Caylee's dead body and the trunk of the car. The FBI analysis states (page 2518): It is important to note that gasoline was found in the vehicle trunk.....and overlapped with approximately 41% of the chemicals typically observed in decompositional events. Reports conclusion (page 2527)...indicates that a portion of the total odor signature identified in the Florida vehicle trunk is consistent with a decompositional event that could be of human origin. It mentions the odor signature including gasoline constituents and the unusually large concentration of chloroform. Closes by “These results still do not rule out the remote possibility that an unusual variety of products or materials (not present in the trunk at the time of vehicle discovery) may have has some contribution to the overall chemical signature.” (I'm sure the defense team have their teeth into this.....)

I hope you don't mind my clarification on that.
Someone postied elsewhere that additional hairs found after Lee's search of the car might have come from Lee and the other Dr. (Everyone sheds hair and skin). They suggested LE sent off the additional hairs to clearly document this.

Made some sense to me.

Well...the only testing done on the additional hairs found was to see if they showed signs of decomp, and none did.

Let's step back a second and think about the events. LE has reason to believe there was a dead body in the trunk, but not in the car. This is based on the large trunk stain and the fact that the cadaver dog hit on the trunk and not the car interior.

7/17 - hair and dirt collected from the trunk and one spot on front edge of vehicle.

7/18 - trunk vacuumed and dirt residues collected.

7/22 - hair recovered from spare tire cover in trunk.

7/23 - AL's Jeep: Dry vegetation and leaf from underside, dry leaf and air freshener sheet from trunk are collected.

7/25 - Numerous hairs, a couple pieces of fabric, and samples from trunk liner and spare tire cover are collected from trunk. Tire impressions taken. This is the date the hair sample with the "death band" is found.

7/28 - Swabs taken from spare tire cover, front and back.

8/1 - Dry leaves from housing on windshield wipers are collected. Another sample of the spare tire cover is collected. The baby seat is removed from the interior.

8/6 - KC's shoes are removed from vehicle as evidence.

8/7 - Interior and exterior of vehicle checked for latent prints. A fragment of a print is lifted from the exterior of the trunk.

9/27 - Interior of vehicle is vacuumed for evidence. Spare tire wheel well is vacuumed, scraped, and swabbed. Steering wheel cover is removed.

11/14 - Henry Lee inspects collected evidence. During inspection hairs are found on materials from the garbage bag, and a single hair is found in the trunk.

Now, Dr. Lee may have wanted to use these finds to show that OCSO did not do a thorough job, so our intrepid CSI II does a follow-up inspection after the good doctor and JB leave....

11/14 - Multiple hairs and fibers are found in garbage items removed from garbage bag. Hairs are recovered from the spare tire, tire cover, and trunk liner. Stains on the spare tire cover and trunk liner are checked for blood - negative result.

11/17 - The evidence collected on 11/14 is turned over to the FBI. The FBI report on this evidence is not included in the document dump.

As an aside, note just how methodical the CSI II was on this trunk examination. If you wonder why it took him so long to do all of the above, consider that he is the same CSI II collecting evidence from the home and crime scenes. A busy fellow, and this was probably not his only case.
You state "no other hairs....". By that I assume you mean in the addition to the ONE hair that was already found?

FBI Lab reports (Nov 26th doc dump)
begins at page 2501

ONE hair was found in the car - left side of trunk liner (Q12) which exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition at the root of the hair. The mtDNA sequences compared to a swab from Casey and this hair are the same, therefore neither Casey or Caylee can be excluded as the source (Casey’s not dead). This report says the remainder of this hair has been submitted for mitrochonadrial DNA analysis.

No other hairs were found with signs of decomposition.

This FBI Report then goes on to address the odor analysis of the trunk...Your statement "No DNA found in the car stain" might give the impression there is no linkage between Caylee's dead body and the trunk of the car. The FBI analysis states (page 2518): It is important to note that gasoline was found in the vehicle trunk.....and overlapped with approximately 41% of the chemicals typically observed in decompositional events. Reports conclusion (page 2527)...indicates that a portion of the total odor signature identified in the Florida vehicle trunk is consistent with a decompositional event that could be of human origin. It mentions the odor signature including gasoline constituents and the unusually large concentration of chloroform. Closes by “These results still do not rule out the remote possibility that an unusual variety of products or materials (not present in the trunk at the time of vehicle discovery) may have has some contribution to the overall chemical signature.” (I'm sure the defense team have their teeth into this.....)

I hope you don't mind my clarification on that.

I don't mind the clarification. My only point is, to date and as far as the reports tell us, DNA has not been recovered from the stain. It does not mean that the stain is not the result of human decomposition. Chemical analysis points to it being due to decomposition.

As for the hair with a death band, only one such hair was recovered from the vehicle.
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