2009.01.21 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Good catch. According to Wikipedia, Globe is owned by American Media, which also owns the National Enquirer, the Sun, etc.

Don't see any connection to Murdoch. It says Roger Altman owns a controlling interest in American Media.



AHA! ----It's the tabloid the Sun that Mudoch owns- part of his News International!

Right, with a special note to test LA against Caylee. And no, I cannot show you those results, because this particular request form (with all of the Anthony's DNA and a note to check LA specifically) did NOT have its associated results document. That was my point.

Okay, now I am confused because I don't know how to interpret what you wrote above other than to be saying that the documents do show results for the other two. I don't see those at all. Where did you find this?

Originally Posted by ChasingMoxie
I actually think this started from the fact that the document dump reporting results from the forensic examinations contains results from all other stated evidence inspection *except* for this particular examination.
I just did a little experiment with Gorilla Tape and powder-free vinyl gloves, it was hard but not impossible to get the tape off the roll. If you are frustrated or in a hurry, you would say screw the gloves IMO. I have complete faith in the FBI that they will know how the tape was removed from the roll, whether it be by fingerprints, gloves etc. I also have cat hair stuck to the edges of mine, not really noticeable if you are not looking for it. Everything sticks to this stuff!!

Thanks for sharing the results of your experiment! I truly hope (and think) Casey was careless enough to not use gloves. And I agree with your faith in LE, and hope (and think) that the duct tape used will yield some strong forensic evidence.
I just did a little experiment with Gorilla Tape and powder-free vinyl gloves, it was hard but not impossible to get the tape off the roll. If you are frustrated or in a hurry, you would say screw the gloves IMO. I have complete faith in the FBI that they will know how the tape was removed from the roll, whether it be by fingerprints, gloves etc. I also have cat hair stuck to the edges of mine, not really noticeable if you are not looking for it. Everything sticks to this stuff!!

Duct tape is about the only way to get the teensy prickles from prickly pear out of your skin, if you happen to be dumb enough to mess around with prickly pear like I was one day because a gardening friend wanted some to plant.

I used some of this tape to get the prickles out of my fingers and it did a great job but I also had a devil of a time getting the tape off my fingers. It's extremely sticky stuff.

I don't know if you'd get any usable fingerprints off the glue side because anyone using it with bare hands would have to really pull on the tape to get it off their hands, if they touched the glue side.
Diapers and pull ups in the search warrant. At first I wondered why they seized them from GA home but then remembered KC telling CA that Zanny had all that stuff. Meaning if the Pull Up found with Caylee's remains was one from the GA house - oopsie, again, Casey!!!! If ZFG killed her she would have been wearing a different Pull Up than what's at mommy and daddy's.

Also, just watched the video and shuddered to hear Kathy B state that the duct tape was placed across Caylee's face and was attached to her hair on both sides of her head:mad: KC knew that duct tape was never coming off. I also think it was her sick, immature way of making everything a little bit prettier by adding the heart sticker. Maybe I'll mail some heart shaped post it notes to her in prison as a sweet reminder.

Okay, I'm shocked, just shocked at how much more evidence Dr. Lee found when he inspected the evidence... several hairs and fiber from the bread bag.

Momtective, I found that odd, too. I hope the defense doesn't try to use it to make the Sheriff's Office look bad.
i think the sticker was a final kiss from kc to caylee in her sick mind. a goodbye. reminds me of the Unicorn Diane Downs bought before she shot her kids and memorialized to her daughter cheryl that she killed.

if she really did the photo modifications in the week before it was a similar memorial and imo points to more premeditation.

Maybe Casey was just being a smart as$ - who knows,you know??
Momtective, I found that odd, too. I hope the defense doesn't try to use it to make the Sheriff's Office look bad.

You need to take what Dr. Lee does and says with a grain of salt - he was discredited in the Spector trial for pocketing some evidence at the crime scene - among other trials he was pretty much ignored
I just did a little experiment with Gorilla Tape and powder-free vinyl gloves, it was hard but not impossible to get the tape off the roll. If you are frustrated or in a hurry, you would say screw the gloves IMO. I have complete faith in the FBI that they will know how the tape was removed from the roll, whether it be by fingerprints, gloves etc. I also have cat hair stuck to the edges of mine, not really noticeable if you are not looking for it. Everything sticks to this stuff!!

Based on the ridiculous amount of evidence she left in the bag with Caylee I think it is safe to assume she did this glove free (unless maybe they matched her outfit that day).
Thanks for sharing the results of your experiment! I truly hope (and think) Casey was careless enough to not use gloves. And I agree with your faith in LE, and hope (and think) that the duct tape used will yield some strong forensic evidence.

I'm thinking the same thing. After all, if she was careless enough to dump the body of her child that close to home I'm hoping she was dumb enough not to use gloves.
Where is the link to that??/ I listened to his FBI interview and reread his statements - I couldn't find anything like that at all

So if you could direct me that would be great

No idea where, except it may have been on one of the Greta house tours interviews...I just recall it...please don't make me watch those again, my ears can't take it! :crazy:
Diapers and pull ups in the search warrant. At first I wondered why they seized them from GA home but then remembered KC telling CA that Zanny had all that stuff. Meaning if the Pull Up found with Caylee's remains was one from the GA house - oopsie, again, Casey!!!! If ZFG killed her she would have been wearing a different Pull Up than what's at mommy and daddy's.

Also, just watched the video and shuddered to hear Kathy B state that the duct tape was placed across Caylee's face and was attached to her hair on both sides of her head:mad: KC knew that duct tape was never coming off. I also think it was her sick, immature way of making everything a little bit prettier by adding the heart sticker. Maybe I'll mail some heart shaped post it notes to her in prison as a sweet reminder.

You are so right!! She knew it would not be taken off since she put it into her hair on both sides! Goes back to premeditation, imo. :furious:

They can take the package of pull ups and try to match the batch to what they found at the scene with the remains. Like trash bags...there should be a way to determine if they came from the same package of pull ups with various testing of the plastic or the other materials used.
My God, have you ever used this stuff? It sticks like you wouldn't believe. I can't imagine any human being using it on another human being.

Let's just hope fingerprints stick like he** to it too.
And if she in fact duct taped the childs mouth before her death, perhaps for keeping her quite then she would not have used gloves as she wouldn't have expected it to matter. This of course is if you're going on the theory that it was an accidental death.
or that traces of the glue off the tape was found elsewhere like the steering wheel or on casey's clothes
No idea where, except it may have been on one of the Greta house tours interviews...I just recall it...please don't make me watch those again, my ears can't take it! :crazy:

LOL He didn't say - I DID listen to everything and I did read his statements again - all he says is what they were wearing and what Casey said when she left - not anything what Caylee did/say or if he touched her, etc.
Diapers and pull ups in the search warrant. At first I wondered why they seized them from GA home but then remembered KC telling CA that Zanny had all that stuff. Meaning if the Pull Up found with Caylee's remains was one from the GA house - oopsie, again, Casey!!!! If ZFG killed her she would have been wearing a different Pull Up than what's at mommy and daddy's.

Also, just watched the video and shuddered to hear Kathy B state that the duct tape was placed across Caylee's face and was attached to her hair on both sides of her head:mad: KC knew that duct tape was never coming off. I also think it was her sick, immature way of making everything a little bit prettier by adding the heart sticker. Maybe I'll mail some heart shaped post it notes to her in prison as a sweet reminder.


Also since the duct tape was stuck to the hair on both sides of her head, then her hair was NOT in a ponytail as GA said it was the last time he saw her. Just further disproves his whole sighting of Caylee on the 16th, IMO. (Plus the clothes with her in bag were different than the pink shirt and blue denim skirt he says Caylee was wearing on the 16th.)
Also, if anyone looked in the trunk, it would only look like a bag of laundry. I wonder if TL is missing a laundry bag?

In one interview with GA regarding the June 24 gas can incident, didn't he say something about a bag of laundry in KC's trunk?...or am I just imagining this?
We used it in the Army for some pretty hefty things AND we also used it to hold a front end of a car on - this stuff sticks and is heavy - I can't imagine this is the duct tape that was on Caylees mouth, that stuff would take that babies skin and lips off

OMG...Dr. G. stated there was no soft tissue left on the remains...but, what if there WAS soft tissue left on the tape! :eek: Dr. G's way of not letting out inportant info by not mentioning it.

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