2009.02.18 Defense Statement

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Defense co-counsel Linda Kenney Baden says:
Were looking closely at the NAS report. Comparative forensic analyses like those in this discovery are conducted by law enforcement agencies with no independent oversight. Our defense experts will make sure there is an objective analysis of this biased discovery. The Anthony case may be one to set a precedent in exposing the flaws in evidence that only law enforcement has tested.

Well, now we have a further idea of which direction the defense is heading in. This could get ugly.

I'm still not worried though. She won't walk.
Wow - unbelievable. If these guys had any sense at all, they would be feverishly working with the prosecutors to make a deal that might save their client's life!!!!! I doubt that any jury with any common sense would look at how diligently the state has worked on the evidence and put this case together and conclude it is all junk science. Just MHO.

My bold....

I agree! Since when do jurors not trust the FBI.... FGS???
Wouldn't these be the same kind of labs that the defense will be using to test evidence? Or do they have a special, lawyer only, non-junk science spiffy lab that is better than the FBI?
However damning the forensics will prove to be, and however many holes the defense will try to poke in the state’s evidence, what the jury will be left with at the end of the day is:

A defendant who never reported her child missing.
A defendant who was partying at nightclubs and out shopping while her toddler was missing, during the time she claims to have been frantically searching.
A defendant who consistently lied to law enforcement when interviewed about her missing daughter.

I don’t care where in Florida the jury pool comes from, the defense is dealing with a client who has left them little room to assert reasonable doubt given her behavior.

I wouldn’t be surprised to read, a year or two down the line, an interview with a juror who explains that he or she didn't even consider the forensic evidence when voting for conviction, and based the decision solely on what Casey did and didn’t do/said and didn’t say.
Well as I read the articles it is mostly about faulty bullistic forensics

this would not apply in this case at all
(see media thread)
Defense co-counsel Linda Kenney Baden says:
Were looking closely at the NAS report. Comparative forensic analyses like those in this discovery are conducted by law enforcement agencies with no independent oversight. Our defense experts will make sure there is an objective analysis of this biased discovery. The Anthony case may be one to set a precedent in exposing the flaws in evidence that only law enforcement has tested.

Well, now we have a further idea of which direction the defense is heading in. This could get ugly.

I'm still not worried though. She won't walk.

The defense sure was in a sweat to get it's own expert, scientific people on board and into the evidence, though, weren't they. "Our junk science is better than your junk science"?

And I didn't see a whole lot of junk scientific evidence this time around, although I haven't been through everything yet.

Fingerprints - none found. Junk Science
DNA - The remains were Caylee. Junk Science
- Lee is not the father. Junk Science

The rest seemed pretty mechanical to me.

Just defense attorney blah blah blah, saying what they are paid to say.

Science is just science - Cindy Anthony
Sounds a bit "Oingo Boingo" to me. OH! Never mind! That's WEIRD science.

Well that Junk science end Jose in the Hospital this week end!!!
I love it when he said things like Junk Science, it pissssssssssss off LE.
I don't even see that science comes into play in alot of this evidence. Same type of garbage bags at KC's home and the crimes scene, same brand of duct tape at home and at the crime scene, Same type of stickers at the home and at the crime scene, same type of laundry bag at home and at the crime scene, KC's lies, KC's actions, lack of remorse or sadness, never calling authorities after daughter goes missing, diary entries showing she is happy and hopes 'her plan works', behavior after her daughter goes missing, decomposition in the trunk of her car, chloroform in the trunk of her car, hair from a dead casey or caylee (casey is alive) and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Junk science doesn't have much to do with this case in my opinion.

All of the above, and let's not forget 31 DAYS!!! GUILTY
A singular piece of evidence in this case might be put through the forensics wringer by Ms. Baden, but the cumulative totality of the forensics and the circumstantial evidence will still result in a guilty verdict.

I'm not worried one single bit here.

I'm not worried either, but I sure wish there was something solid/concrete in today's doc dump. I know there still might be and LE hasn't released it yet, but still I wanted those fingerprints so bad! I wanted something that would shut JB and LKB up from making stupid statements like "junk science."
When Annie was interviewed by LE last month, she stated that she received a text msg from Lee back on July 3rd, indicating that Caylee was missing.

Annie then sent a text msg to Casey asking what was going on.

According to the LE summary of Annie's interview, Casey allegedly responded, texting back that "Lee was crazy and everything was fine."

The records of this text exchange will presumably be introduced as evidence.

Junk science? I don't think so.
If they dare pull out the "junk science" card in court, then they will be putting their OWN scientific testings on thin ice... I think they are just grasping at straws on this and the NAS report was a convenient diversion for the moment.
When you have a defendant and nothing to work with...you throw out things like, "junk science" scenarios. The defense team knows they are under the snowball after it rolled down the hill and they are tossing out whatever they can think of to make it sound better.

It is all BS. They have nothing. They will have nothing. Their defense is going to attack the evidence since they cannot defend their client's actions.
The defense sure was in a sweat to get it's own expert, scientific people on board and into the evidence, though, weren't they. "Our junk science is better than your junk science"?

And I didn't see a whole lot of junk scientific evidence this time around, although I haven't been through everything yet.

Fingerprints - none found. Junk Science
DNA - The remains were Caylee. Junk Science
- Lee is not the father. Junk Science

The rest seemed pretty mechanical to me.

Just defense attorney blah blah blah, saying what they are paid to say.

Science is just science - Cindy Anthony
I thought the same thing as well. Why whine about not getting the info if it's already been predetermined how you're going to attack it? Did we expect them to have an "ah ha" moment? Just as likely to hear Casey confessing to murdering her daughter if you ask me.

'Badly Fragmented' Forensic Science System Needs Overhaul; Evidence to Support Reliability of Many Techniques Is Lacking

WASHINGTON -- A congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council finds serious deficiencies in the nation's forensic science system and calls for major reforms and new research. Rigorous and mandatory certification programs for forensic scientists are currently lacking, the report says, as are strong standards and protocols for analyzing and reporting on evidence. And there is a dearth of peer-reviewed, published studies establishing the scientific bases and reliability of many forensic methods. Moreover, many forensic science labs are underfunded, understaffed, and have no effective oversight."

IMO the above does not necessarily mean that the testing of the evidence in this case is flawed. What is being discussed in the article is the need for a uniform method of collecting, analyzing and reporting on data across the board. In addition, all forensic scientists should receive the same type of rigorous training and undergo the same tests to receive certification.

I think this would be a good thing and would cut down on each side picking a forensic "expert" in a criminal case such as this one because they would all use the same proven methods and techniques.

IMO the article is pointing out that all forensic labs are not created equal.

In this case the FBI was brought in. Don't tell me the FBI is using "junk science" :eek:
First fingerprints, then no fingerprints, then maybe or maybe not Casey's fingerprints but definitely not the familys. Then the bombshell journal entry...but oops, the dastardly '03 that we have endlessly parsed, now the stupid defense response to what we hoped would be their change toward some sort of plea agreement. I am losing, I don't know...I guess any passion left for this whole deal. I feel manipulated, once again. (Sorry, rant thread was closed).
Lead defense counsel Jose Baez says: It is just as important to focus on the fact that there are no fingerprints on the duct tape and there never was any red sticker of any shape or size found on the tape.



Okay, this doesn't make sense! The docs don't say there weren't prints found on the duct tape, just that GA, CA and LA's prints weren't on the duct tape. The docs do support the sticker. At least that's how I read them! :confused:
Lead defense counsel Jose Baez says: It is just as important to focus on the fact that there are no fingerprints on the duct tape and there never was any red sticker of any shape or size found on the tape.



We already knew that... there was heart sticker residue on the duct tape, if memory serves me correctly. (as in the heart was on there at one time, and fell off, leaving a heart shaped residue)

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