2009.02.18 Disposable camera found at crime scene

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i have bought them for the kids to have so my good camera doesn't get ruined. also, camp or a kid function write their names on them so everyone has their own, idenitfiable camera. I have been out and bought some on the fly cause didn't have mine with me for an event. cellphone pics just aren't as good. I also have always bought the multipack, usually 3.
i really, really, really want to see the pics from these cameras!!!!!
We gave disposable cameras to the guests at my son's wedding.
I know people (we also did this for my sons' wedding) buy these cameras to put on all the dinner tables at weddings,so all the guests can take random pictures. The cameras are then left on the tables at the end of the night,the bride and groom take them,and have them developed at a later time.

I've heard a lot of people do this as well, but I thought it more an exception for purchasing disposable cameras than the rule.

You all make good points about when you buy them. I guess it's not so odd after all. They certainly were crazy about taking photos too. More so than many others. I don't have half as many pics of my kids as they had of Caylee and mine are about grown. LOL

i really, really, really want to see the pics from these cameras!!!!!

If it's possible, I'm right there with you. These photos could be very damning. I doubt they're going to show pics of Caylee's death, but even if they are of her in life, what would it say if Casey's tossed them like yesterday's trash too? Well, considering that's how she treated her daughter, I guess we shouldn't be shocked with anything that comes to light about her. She's the victim ya know. :behindbar
People on vacation at Universal sometimes FORGET to bring cameras. It is handy to grab one on site.

I KNOW they sell them there. I've seen them.
I still buy disposable cameras because my other cameras aren't always working/charged/have no batteries/disk is full, etc. I bet all of the disposable cameras came from the same lot number.
Some people leave disposables in their glove box in case they are in, or witness, a car accident. I could see GA doing that.
People on vacation at Universal sometimes FORGET to bring cameras. It is handy to grab one on site.

I KNOW they sell them there. I've seen them.

Yes they do, and they're not cheap. Same at Disney.

Some people leave disposables in their glove box in case they are in, or witness, a car accident. I could see GA doing that.

Possibly, but I'd think today that cell cameras would be the better bet. Film left in a car in the Florida heat and humidity might not have a very long shelf life.
I wonder if the film could withstand the water/weather, and if processing it is a possibility.

As long as the case wasn't cracked so that light could get in, it might still hold images, especially the part of the film that was wound up already. You'd be surprised at how rugged those disposable cameras can be.
I know an elderly gentleman who bought a disposable camera to take to an event, forgot about it and left it in the glove compartment in his truck for more than 2 years. When he cleaned out the glove compartment and found the camera, he asked my hubby what he should do with it....toss it? My hubby said to get it developed and see how the pictures turned out, and offered to have the pictures developed for the man.

We were surprised to see that the pictures turned out good, considering the camera was in the glove compartment of a truck for two years - going through high heat and then cold.

I don't know how a camera would fare with water though, and Caylee's remains were under water for a while.
Some disposable cameras are water resistant.
Cameras will also have an experation date on them just like film does and it has been quite a while since Casey worked at Universal but I sure could see her pocketing a case of them when she was there.

We have a lot of cameras, 2 digital cameras, video camera and both cell phones also take pictures, but right now I have a disposable camera in my car. I really need to see if there's anything on it to get developed, it's been in there for over 2 years!

Surely, SURELY she could not be THAT stupid... to leave a camera with your own pics at the crime scene where you dump your baby? And then try to sell the SONDI story???

On second thought, I take it back. She is that bloody stupid.
Some disposable cameras are water resistant.
Cameras will also have an experation date on them just like film does and it has been quite a while since Casey worked at Universal but I sure could see her pocketing a case of them when she was there.

We have a lot of cameras, 2 digital cameras, video camera and both cell phones also take pictures, but right now I have a disposable camera in my car. I really need to see if there's anything on it to get developed, it's been in there for over 2 years!


I found a roll of film that I had taken 7 years prior and had it developed. All the pics came out although you could tell there was slight degradation. Water itself would not harm the film. Light leaking in would.

BTW...not that anyone uses film anymore, but if you want to extend the shelf life of film indefinitely, put it in the refrigerator.
Surely, SURELY she could not be THAT stupid... to leave a camera with your own pics at the crime scene where you dump your baby? And then try to sell the SONDI story???

On second thought, I take it back. She is that bloody stupid.
In the murder case that happened outside of Yosemite of Carol Sund-Carrington and her daughter and friend, the murderer didn't dispose of their disposable camera when he got rid of their rental car, so the family was able to view their last happy vacation images of them.
I would really like to say that KC wasn't sick or stupid enough to take pictures of a murdered Caylee and then dump the camera in the bag but this is KC we're talking about and anything is possible.

Talk about the final nail in the coffin if true!
Ok, just for fun, I went and counted, 9 digital camera's, my circa 1980 35mm with numerous lenses 1 roll of film in the camera, 5 in the camera case, disposables in each car (7) all new, new pack of disposables in pantry in case the disposables get used (3), and every cell phone in the house with a camera (5) oh and two rolls of black and white film in the closet.

Ok I had a point when I started this, oh yeah, my family is photo-holic (back in the day before digital I averaged 1-2 rolls developed a week, DH thought I should have been in a 12 step program for photographers. I think the amount of camera's especially with an only grandchild in the house, would be more the norm, that way when she was doing something "cute" there was alway's a camera near by to take the picture.

Also, when you get film developed, you have the option of putting the pictures on CD, so you get them back in digital format.

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