2009.02.18 ~ Father Reportedly Had a Fight Day Before Haleigh Disappeared.

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And yet, people fail to see that Ronald has anger issues. Thank you for demonstrating so clearly that he did. We need to remind ourselves that this man is a ticking time bomb, and he's exploded in very inappropriate ways in the past. The stories we hear him tell about how he'd just drop a jack on someone's hand if they stole from him, rather than getting a more severe charge of attempted murder, or talking about blowing the back of someone's head out by sticking a gun in her mouth....or or or. It absolutely terrifies me to imagine what his children saw when he was out of control like this.

Oh he is not alone by far. When some people have to face traumatic events they can go ballistic. Heck I have known both men and women who punch and kick walls and throw things when they are angry and these people are normally calm but don't do well under pressure.

I will never understand it myself because I think anger is the biggest waste of time ever spent but then I have never had my child stolen from me either, thank the Lord. I guess these kind of people do it to release the mounting pressure they are dealing with.

I think Ron likes to appear that he is tough.

Oh he is not alone by far. When some people have to face traumatic events they can go ballistic. Heck I have known both men and women who punch and kick walls and throw things when they are angry and these people are normally calm but don't do well under pressure.

I will never understand it myself because I think anger is the biggest waste of time ever spent but then I have never had my child stolen from me either, thank the Lord. I guess these kind of people do it to release the mounting pressure they are dealing with.

I think Ron likes to appear that he is tough.


He describes the most violent details related to someone stealing things from him. He could be all bluff, I don't have a doubt in my mind he likes to talk tough. What's worrisome is that he also acts on it. He has in the past, he terrorize CJ in the truck a few weeks before Ron and Misty were arrested, it's relayed by both Misty and Crystal that he's physically violent and emotionally abusive, threatening both them and his own safety.

Appearing tough, I don't care. Acting out inappropriately in front of his children, I pay attention. One of those children is now missing and presumed dead, a victim of a homicide, and I have to wonder whether Ron's temper boiled over yet again, after it had boiled over about his gun, after it had boiled over after Misty dared leave him for a few days, and after he had to run willynilly everywhere to get Haleigh to school.
It's already clarified that RC's "tore up" hand was from him pounding in a door of mh(AFTER HALEIGH WENT MISSING)and LE checked it out&corroborated the mh door with the "tore up" hand of RC.

Do you recall what door Ron damaged with his pounding? Outside door or one inside the home? Thanks.
I think he punched the wall or door because he was so da*n mad at Misty then that if he hadn't hit the wall he would have knocked her head off of her shoulders for letting Haleigh get stolen right out from under her nose.


No offense to you personally but this explanation just floors me everytime I hear it! Really, think about it. Imagine if your husband worked nights and you're home with the kids. By no fault of your own, while you're sleeping, somebody comes in and takes one of your children. You wake up to find them gone and when your husband gets home he's pi$$ed at you??! For what? For sleeping at night?! In reality that makes absolutely no sense. The only reason Ronald displayed (performed) this reaction - for this reason - was, once again, purely for affect. If HaLeigh had really been abducted, as Ronald would like us all to believe, he would not have been acting like this toward Misty because she went to bed at ten o'clock and fell asleep! His actions were all an act IMO.
I think he punched the wall or door because he was so da*n mad at Misty then that if he hadn't hit the wall he would have knocked her head off of her shoulders for letting Haleigh get stolen right out from under her nose.


I wonder how he got from so da*n mad at Misty to lovey dovey hugs in a matter of days, I completely support her, I don't believe she is inconsistent, etc- Then a month later he was so un-mad that he married her and let his family tout her as the best caregiver ever. That's quite an 180.
No offense to you personally but this explanation just floors me everytime I hear it! Really, think about it. Imagine if your husband worked nights and you're home with the kids. By no fault of your own, while you're sleeping, somebody comes in and takes one of your children. You wake up to find them gone and when your husband gets home he's pi$$ed at you??! For what? For sleeping at night?! In reality that makes absolutely no sense. The only reason Ronald displayed (performed) this reaction - for this reason - was, once again, purely for affect. If HaLeigh had really been abducted, as Ronald would like us all to believe, he would not have been acting like this toward Misty because she went to bed at ten o'clock and fell asleep! His actions were all an act IMO.

I could see him being pi$$ed at Misty because he knew or he believed that she had done something to her or had been so drugged up that her condition was a contributing factor in whatever happened but the best babysitter ever act doesn't sit well with that scenario. I bet many parents would rather sit on hot coal than lie for, protect, flatter and pamper the person they believe hurt their "heart". If I imagine being in the situation it would feel like I was insulting my missing child if I publicly sucked up to the person I thought had done it, whatever "it" is.
I wonder how he got from so da*n mad at Misty to lovey dovey hugs in a matter of days, I completely support her, I don't believe she is inconsistent, etc- Then a month later he was so un-mad that he married her and let his family tout her as the best caregiver ever. That's quite an 180.

Or better yet-a complete 360!

I totally agree with you.
Once again, it is how it's retold that matters: LE never confirmed or corroborated the story. LE said that was the story Ron told them. Also, there is on the Cobra tape a passage where Ronald talks about LE taking the doors and replacing them, almost immediately after the disappearance of Haleigh.

Debs, I thought rc said LE just took the locks...I'll check.

I do recall it being confirmed there was a dent in the door that match rc's handprint...now from everything else LE told us I take that with a large box of salt. We have all seen the doors many times and my eyes have never seen a dent.
cobra: when you left for work, you locked that *advertiser censored*** door, you had that
back door locked?

ron: yeah yeah… but you know what? you look on the internet and look up bump locks.

cobra: i know, i know how to bump lock like a motherf***** but you know that s*** works like sometime works sometime works sometime…. if the feds would have took the whole motherf***** door knob we could have told it`s been bump locked!

ron: they already came and got it

cobra: that motherf***** ain`t gone! they ain`t touch your screen door, dog! they ain`t touch your *advertiser censored**** door! what they bring it back?

ron: no

cobra: put new ones in?

ron: came back and put new ones in.

If I was LE I would have itched to take and test any doors and walls etc. with signs of being beaten up, in case they're evidence of a fight in the residence.
That Ronald is such a caring person, huh?......pounding in a door (or drywall behind the dryer, whatever) in such grief as to split skin on his knuckles.....whaddah guy.

Oh, "let's get married, before my boo-boo can even heal". Yeah, that's the ticket, Ronald.

A lot of guys hit walls or doors when they are really upset. They usually end up hurting themselves worse then they hurt the wall or door but it does seem to be a guy thing. If my baby girl was missing I might hit a wall or door too. Who can say how anyone would react. And yes, grief can cause us to do things we normally wouldn't do. Seems to me hitting a wall or door is a better thing to do then to hit a person. I don't think that Ron could have done anything right in the eyes of some people no matter what it was. If he had been seen sitting by a brook reading his bible someone would have found something wrong with that too.
A lot of guys hit walls or doors when they are really upset. They usually end up hurting themselves worse then they hurt the wall or door but it does seem to be a guy thing. If my baby girl was missing I might hit a wall or door too. Who can say how anyone would react. And yes, grief can cause us to do things we normally wouldn't do. Seems to me hitting a wall or door is a better thing to do then to hit a person. I don't think that Ron could have done anything right in the eyes of some people no matter what it was. If he had been seen sitting by a brook reading his bible someone would have found something wrong with that too.

Hard to say for sure because it didn't happen but I do think that most people would have been okay with RC being busy organizing searches for his daughter and cooperating with LE in everything and if he'd done that people might have understood his need to sit by a brook reading his Bible in the interim. He just has seemed to be more busy making threats, hanging up on the 911, getting tattoos, getting married, defending wife for her inconsistencies, getting in fights, trafficking drugs, getting arrested. I'm sure he sometimes gets painted uglier than he deserves but IMO if he's perceived as a by some people he can't put all the blame on the rest of the world judging him unfairly, he could find clues as to why in his own actions.

About the Fight:
I know we've discussed this before but I'm still wondering why there are there so many stories about when the fight was. Why is it so hard to pin down where it happened and who all were present? What is the consensus on when the alleged fight with Joe happened? How long before Haleigh disappeared? Why did both Misty and Ron claim they found the gun in the culvert?
Hard to say for sure because it didn't happen but I do think that most people would have been okay with RC being busy organizing searches for his daughter and cooperating with LE in everything and if he'd done that people might have understood his need to sit by a brook reading his Bible in the interim. He just has seemed to be more busy making threats, hanging up on the 911, getting tattoos, getting married, defending wife for her inconsistencies, getting in fights, trafficking drugs, getting arrested. I'm sure he sometimes gets painted uglier than he deserves but IMO if he's perceived as a by some people he can't put all the blame on the rest of the world judging him unfairly, he could find clues as to why in his own actions.

About the Fight:
I know we've discussed this before but I'm still wondering why there are there so many stories about when the fight was. Why is it so hard to pin down where it happened and who all were present? What is the consensus on when the alleged fight with Joe happened? How long before Haleigh disappeared? Why did both Misty and Ron claim they found the gun in the culvert?

Exactly! Had Ronald acted like he cared at all that his child was "stole" I would have been so supportive! He did none of that, and in fact I hear him basically rationalizing and making peace that his 5 year old daughter could be in an gator burrough, and this was like only two weeks in or so.

Ronald stopped talking to investigators, he holed himself up with his teen bride! How can anyone overlook all that and make excuses? I do think Ronald does not want to admit to the gun incident with Joe because it doesnt gel with his hes the better parent spiel.
For the record, discussing crushing someone's hand rather than cutting them off doesn't really put him into the best parent role, either.
And let's not forget that Ron apparently hit his hand against the backdoor with enough force to make his knuckles bleed when he learned Haleigh had been abducted from the MH.

Was that before or after the 911 Operator told Misty to tell him not to touch anything?
I am suspicious about everything in this case. Ron punching the wall may have happen, but he may have punched it because he already had an injury to his hand and knew, LE would ask him about it.

Bolded by me....IMO..For R to pound on his injured hand...in an attempt to cover up his original injury...would CERTAINLY..be a Motive...to conceal a previous injury..IF he thought he would be questioned by LE...

What better way!!!...

IF TRUE..... why the need to give..his original injury..an alibi???? What was he concealing ??? Anyone know if LE had R's injury examined by Dr...???

Anyone think R's injury was from H sitting on his lap while driving his car that day??? An accident occured???...thnks
Bolded by me....IMO..For R to pound on his injured hand...in an attempt to cover up his original injury...would CERTAINLY..be a Motive...to conceal a previous injury..IF he thought he would be questioned by LE...

What better way!!!...

IF TRUE..... why the need to give..his original injury..an alibi???? What was he concealing ??? Anyone know if LE had R's injury examined by Dr...???

Anyone think R's injury was from H sitting on his lap while driving his car that day??? An accident occured???...thnks

Was the car damaged on the outside?
A lot of guys hit walls or doors when they are really upset. They usually end up hurting themselves worse then they hurt the wall or door but it does seem to be a guy thing. If my baby girl was missing I might hit a wall or door too. Who can say how anyone would react. And yes, grief can cause us to do things we normally wouldn't do. Seems to me hitting a wall or door is a better thing to do then to hit a person. I don't think that Ron could have done anything right in the eyes of some people no matter what it was. If he had been seen sitting by a brook reading his bible someone would have found something wrong with that too.

I don't have a problem with Ron being so angry that he hit a door. Many people use anger as a defense mechanism to keep from losing it. I have a problem with Ron being that angry until LE arrived then he was too distraught to help them. People are either completely functioning or completely not able to function....not both.

The 911 call shows that Ron is the type of person who functions in a crisis. He made threats, made phone calls and asked questions. The minute the help he angrily demanded arrived, he threatened Misty again. He threatened the "person" who took Haleigh including telling LE that he had gun and would shot out the windows if they arrested the guy. However, when it came time to "talk" about his misisng daughter who he loved so much to threaten people, he became too distraught to even answer a question.

I find it very suspicious that he was able to do everything that night but answer even one question about his missing daughter.

I find it even more suspicious that Ron did not mention the fight to LE and denied it later when asked about it. But now that people are questioning Ron's behavior, he has no problem talking about the fight he said did not happen to get people to look at cousin Joe.
Was the car damaged on the outside?

I am not sure...IMO...R could have injured his hand..that day...by his describing him letting H drive back home..her pulling on the blinkers while making a turn....(there is a link, but I don't have it.)OR...R injured his hand another way....

Does anyone know...of the injury...ONLY the BACK of his hand...ONLY his knuckles??? Can anyone describe exactly where the injury/injuries were on his hand??? bruises or cuts??? Would you CUT your knuckles punching or just bruise them??? Would PUNCHING a door...cut or bruise??? so many questions..no answers...all in my own opinion

Edited to add...his right hand or his left????...???????
Oh he is not alone by far. When some people have to face traumatic events they can go ballistic. Heck I have known both men and women who punch and kick walls and throw things when they are angry and these people are normally calm but don't do well under pressure.

I will never understand it myself because I think anger is the biggest waste of time ever spent but then I have never had my child stolen from me either, thank the Lord. I guess these kind of people do it to release the mounting pressure they are dealing with.

I think Ron likes to appear that he is tough.

Highlighted by me:

We are discussing Ronald, not anyone else. I apologize if this sounds rude, but it is very frustrating when having a discussion about a particular person and event to have the conversation side-tracked into other people and situations, and what THEY do.

When this distraction, or attempt at distraction from the serious topic at hand occurs, I know that, for me, I am immediately drawn closer to the original discussion: In this case, Ron Cummings, a reported fight he denies, lies about a hand injury, and how Ron's admitted penchant for violence may have been the cause of this precious little girl's death and the cover-up of the crime.

MY thoughts and opinions on this.

I have know people who have punched a wall and broke their hand. A student did just that this past week. He broke it and had a couple of cut's on his knuckles.

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