2009.02.18 What is not addressed in the Document Release?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hoping this thread is OK-

A glaring omission is any forensic evidence as to how long they believe Caylee's body was in the woods.

No specific mention of Casey's fingerprints on the duct tape.

I think the time line for Caylee's body was addressed by the plant forensics earlier.

Also the Duct Tape evidence only said that Ga, LA and Ca's fingerprints were not on the duct tape...Hmmmmmmmmmmm???

To borrow from Winston Churchill..."a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." That sums up this entire case.:eek:
I am confused or maybe just stupid...but..how...can a person use duct tape and NOT leave any fingerprints....or anything. It is so sticky that if you used gloves..something would be left behind??
Am I missing something here?

someone...anyone...help me out here!

Surgical gloves...

Didn't they say they would be releasing lots more info in the next few weeks?

Also, the results on the duct tape were that there were NO fingerprints recovered.

Actually I think what was stated was that no LATENT fingerprints were recovered. There could have been partials, or patent and there are many more methods of plucking this chicken besides latent fingerprints...

One thing that has NEVER been released in ANY of the doc dumps and that I have always wanted to see if the forensics on the MAGGOTS that were collected and any forensics they did on the outside of the bag that was tossed over the fence.

Annie and Casey's text messages.
Annie's FULL statements.
There is a picture of "a" gatorade bottle, right after the pictures of the Disney bag... a photo of a bag tied in a knot, and the beer bottles mentioned as well... but no picture of a syringe... no mention of it in the FBI analysis either.. but there is one of the gatorade bottle....
Makes you wonder if there was REALLY a syringe!
Also.... it looked like gatorade in the bottle to me... :rolleyes:

According to the CSI Report. The gatoraide bottle was found inside the World of Disney bag. The gatoraide bottle was closed, it contained "what appears to be a toilet paper roll" and inside the toilet paper roll was an "unknown item (possible syringe in wrapper)". There was an "unknown liquid substance with white sedement".

On the Property form is was described as "Gatoraide "Cool Blue" bottle w/ unknown liquid substance possible toiletpaper roll cardboard and unknown item inside roll" The bag and bottle were submitted to FBI on January 9th.

Quoted sections are the actual wording on the two docs. It has not been confirmed that it was indeed a syringe and what the liquid or sediment is.

This syringe issue has been tossed about quite a bit and there is nothing so far to indicate the answers.
Could be Timothy M.'s key. Hope he is interviewed and we find out about his Sears credit card and the key.

I hope that if he is interviewed and cleared of any connection that we won't have to hear anymore than that.
From NG transcript 2/25...

And tonight, we discover 23 -- repeat, 2-3, 23 -- pairs of shoes seized from tot mom's car and bedroom. Are they linked directly back to the crime scene? FBI Quantico reportedly testing the shoes, including two pairs found sealed in a paper bag inside tot mom's car. Why?

Also, we learned that 23 pairs of shoes have been taken from the car of the tot mom, two from the car that were sealed in a paper bag. The others taken from her bedroom now being tested at FBI Quantico.

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