2009.02.20 Do you think Autopsy Photos should be released? REVISITED

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The skull is actually visible in one of the first photos taken by OCSO, but it is difficult to see if you don't know what you are looking at.

The skull is not visible in this photograph. This shows the pathway leading to the remains area, but is still some distance away from the skull. No photographs have been publicly released that show the skull or any other part of Caylee's remains.

Yes, I want to see the autopsy photos and that doesn't make me a morbid or bad person for feeling that way. Actually, I'd be happy with some sort of 3-dimensional representation so that I could properly visualize how the tape was placed on the skull.
In my opinion, autopsy photos of anybody should not be released under any circumstances. They are only for the relevant people to see.
The deceased deserve that respect and dignity.
Someone that has seen the actual photos needs to get a skull from that Anatomical Chart Co ...and do a demo with the duct tape and hair mat as it was found.
Oh...I also want to know how many pieces were on her face
I would like to see them. so in my own mind I could see the Duct Tape to know if it wasn't on her skull why was it there?. People that don't want to see them, don't have to look. I watch Bones all the times an it cudn't be much different, except we have come to Love this sweet one for 3 yrs..an hopefully Casey goes Down.
I don't care if I ever see the real photos, but I do wish someone from the media would publish a 360 degree computerized recreation of skull exactly as found with duct tape and hair mat. I just really want to see with my own eyes what the placement/length/situation of the tape was.
Oh...I also want to know how many pieces were on her face

There is a fabulous Ducttape thread which I'm FAIRLY certain is on the first page of this forum right now. Check it out. It clearly details how many pieces of tape were found, where they were placed and how they were placed.
The skull is not visible in this photograph. This shows the pathway leading to the remains area, but is still some distance away from the skull. No photographs have been publicly released that show the skull or any other part of Caylee's remains.


Agree, I laughed when the big discusion about the skull being in this photo a year or so ago,that the skull was dark gray or whatever lol
I think there is so much controversy about the duct tape, the skull position, and the remains in general that they will need to eventually release the original photos. They may wait a while but I think eventually the truth will need to be known.

This isn't just the death of a little girl, it is a criminal case. The people of Florida vs. Casey Anthony. I think the people of Florida deserve to know all the facts of the case.
Does anyone know if this is something that will be released? I would like to get a better visual understanding of the duct tape on the mouth and the hair.

Do you think they should be released? JBR's photos were very helpful, but of course there was much more to see on those pictures relative to her case.

Do you think the photos should be released if they are available?

As for me, and with all due respect to anyone and everyone, I want to see the photos to try and understand/put it all together. Many days and nights I've dwelled on the photos of the wooded remains site. It's dark! It's damp/wet! It's dirty! Caylee was so close to the road, yet hidden away. I ask myself over and over how she went from visiting Great Grampa to ending up in those woods. Sure, we've come to know much. I guess I want to walk every step of the way for Caylee. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but it's how I feel.
Does anyone know if this is something that will be released? I would like to get a better visual understanding of the duct tape on the mouth and the hair.

Do you think they should be released? JBR's photos were very helpful, but of course there was much more to see on those pictures relative to her case.

Do you think the photos should be released if they are available?

Out of respect for Caylee, no they should not be released.
I'd like to see the pictures at the remains site. Even the autopsy photos if they were available. I don't think Earnhardts Law would apply to the remains site photos would it? I think it only applies to autopsy photos. Someone will release the photos of the remains off Suburban. It's just a matter of time.
No, I don't think the autopsy, nor crime scene photos with the remains should be released.
I didn't agree with the gallery being able to see the photos over the last few days. It is my opinion that the only ones who needed to see these photo's were the witnesses describing what they were taking pictures of, the lawyer who was presenting them and the Jury.

They should definitely be released. The judiciary should not have so much power over the press, this is supposed to be an open society and taxpayers fund the courts. They work for us. No has to look at the pictures if they don't want to.
For me personally, no, I can live without ever seeing them. I prefer to remember Caylee as she was.

ETA even though I already know what we all know. :(
Poor baby was just (lovely) bones.......personally I can take the experts word on their findings. R.I.P. Caylee
If other cases in Florida have had crime scene or autopsy photos released, then this should as well, at least eventually. Maybe not right now. They shouldn't be released just because this is such a high profile case and all over the media and TV. Some author shouldn't be able to come along someday, get access to the pics, then make a bunch of money from selling a book just because it has the pics, and no one else has been able to see them. I believe that happened in the Darlie Routier case with some of the pics. You have to get access to the book to see them.

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