2009.02.20 Nancy Grace

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If she had this medical condition why in the heck did the school threaten to throw the father in jail if she misses any more school. They should be finding a solution to help that poor little girl. This forces the father to send her to school even when she is very sick or weak with her Turners Syndrome.

I'm hoping someone in that area goes to that school and ask if they throw parents in jail when very ill children can't make it to school. Now days they have teachers who can visit the child at home and bring student the days school work. Seems something should have been worked out.

I had asthma and it was very bad when I was that age. Many many years I had to go to extra tutoring or summer school to make up my days missed. I often missed more than the allowed days. Something is wrong that this school had no regard for that child's medical condition.

I had a disability where I couldnt run and almost didn't graduate hs because of it. I was a couple AP's, pretty good GPA, but I couldn't run, and they wouldn't let me graduate. I had MULTIPLE doctors notes, from so many specialists and my family doctor, and ultimately my dad had to storm the front office and threaten to sue and they let me pass PE without running the mile in under 7 minutes or whatever the requirement was. I cried so many times at my doctors office but he told me, if I run my condition will worsen, but there's nothing he can do about the school except write notes.

I am not the only one to go through this. Public school rarely is in favor of whats best for the student. I can guarantee you that FLA schools get their funding based on attendance. This is why they stress it so much, they don't care WHY the child is not attending.
If she had this medical condition why in the heck did the school threaten to throw the father in jail if she misses any more school. They should be finding a solution to help that poor little girl. This forces the father to send her to school even when she is very sick or weak with her Turners Syndrome.

I'm hoping someone in that area goes to that school and ask if they throw parents in jail when very ill children can't make it to school. Now days they have teachers who can visit the child at home and bring student the days school work. Seems something should have been worked out.

I had asthma and it was very bad when I was that age. Many many years I had to go to extra tutoring or summer school to make up my days missed. I often missed more than the allowed days. Something is wrong that this school had no regard for that child's medical condition.
I'm concerned about that too, and hope we find out what really happened. I hope she wouldn't be expelled from school for a chronic illness, but like you said, they'd try to work with it and help her out. On the other hand though, sometimes they just don't care. MOO
I agree. I'm glad to see a parent stepped in. In my state, she is a minor. As far as I am concerned, she is a minor and should have someone looking out for her. She's young, and I believe innocent, and things could get very ugly for her.

It was never said that she was living back at home. Question asked and R's mom said she was at home. For all we know she could've been taking a shower or getting clean clothes.

I do agree that she should be at home with her parents however Sad part is that if her and R are done there will be the next "guy" to move in with.
Well, I do not know if LE would advise Misty about her private life, but I am glad she went home. You see what some people think about how young she was when she went to live with him, myself included. I think Misty going home was the right thing to do. JMO.

ITA, she is way to young to be playing mom and housewife, she has a lot of growing up to do!!
School districts don't care. It's a way to make money and get their federal funding for each day a child is in school. There may be some special federal and state laws that would require someone to come to the home or special circumstances, but they probably wouldn't tell Ron about it, he'd have to find out on his own. One of my grandsons has missed a couple of extra days of school due to chronic tonsillitis and mental/emotional problems, and I have a "meeting" Monday. Fines are a possibility which will take the money I've saved for a specialist. I won't hold my breath that it will make a difference though.

Id pull my child and home school if I was ever threatened with fines for a child who missed school due to Illness!!
Id pull my child and home school if I was ever threatened with fines for a child who missed school due to Illness!!
Not to be disrespectful of this family, but I just don't see anyone home schooling Haleigh. :( MOO
Not to be disrespectful of this family, but I just don't see anyone home schooling Haleigh. :( MOO

In most low to middle class familes, all parents work. Homeschooling is rarely a realistic option.
My bf cannot stand watching NG, but I watch anyway, even though she never has more info than WS. And it makes me so mad when she gets her information wrong.
Oh come on. How can you home-school when you don't even have a GED? Not trying to be rude, but it's not just a matter of being above kindergarten level, it's a matter of knowing how to teach! Sad to say, but I doubt I could teach my son 8th grade math at home although I have a bachelor's degree in Humanities. His homework baffles me!
Hello all. New here but have followed this case from cover to cover. Appears that cousin Joe's last name is O.
Nancy's on again for anybody who missed it the first time! :)
If she had this medical condition why in the heck did the school threaten to throw the father in jail if she misses any more school. They should be finding a solution to help that poor little girl. This forces the father to send her to school even when she is very sick or weak with her Turners Syndrome.

I'm hoping someone in that area goes to that school and ask if they throw parents in jail when very ill children can't make it to school. Now days they have teachers who can visit the child at home and bring student the days school work. Seems something should have been worked out.

I had asthma and it was very bad when I was that age. Many many years I had to go to extra tutoring or summer school to make up my days missed. I often missed more than the allowed days. Something is wrong that this school had no regard for that child's medical condition.

There is a very informative poster on the Turners Syndrome thread who has first hand experience with this, and I highly recommend reading her post about this syndrome for anyone who is interested. I learned alot...
Didn't NG call Crystal Hayleighs Aunt tonight?? Or am I hearing things. Talking about being confused!!
Didn't NG call Crystal Hayleighs Aunt tonight?? Or am I hearing things. Talking about being confused!!

Crystal Cummings is Haleigh's aunt. Crystal Sheffield is Haleigh's mom. It is easier to tell them apart now...different hairdo's.
Id pull my child and home school if I was ever threatened with fines for a child who missed school due to Illness!!

I can't believe that people in general in the U.S. are just accepting this sort of communism or whatever it would be called. I'm thinking of letting them throw me in jail as a form of protest if it should come to that, but not sure I'd go throught with it. No wonder Ron was worried about going to jail due to the abscences. It is a very real possibility.
If she had this medical condition why in the heck did the school threaten to throw the father in jail if she misses any more school. They should be finding a solution to help that poor little girl. This forces the father to send her to school even when she is very sick or weak with her Turners Syndrome.

I think the jail thing has more to do with unexcused absences than anything else...maybe he simply didn't notify the school like they require. Here in my part of Florida, when a child is absent they REQUIRE some kind of note to excuse the day they missed whether its from a doctor or the parent. You cannot just call the school and say "My kid is sick". The note also HAS to be sent within 3 days of the absent day(s). If the note is sent after the 3 day period, it's still considered an unexcused absence. After so many unexcused absences, the parent is sent a "letter of warning"...if the unexcused absences continue, the next step is a parent meeting with school Principal then the next step is meeting with the school board. After that, court hearing (I think). So a parent has 3 opportunities to remedy the problem before anything serious happens.

Of course, they live in a different county than I do and their rules could be totally different. I didn't get a chance to read all of this but here's the 2008-2009 Code of Conduct Booklet for Putnam County School District. The truancy/attendance requirements start on page 24.

http://www.putnamschools.org/parents/student_services/2008-2009 Code of Conduct.pdf

Also here's a story were 15 parents were arrested for their children's unexcused absences in Florida last May..
In the photos thread I have a pic of Joe,Misty,Lisa and Kayla
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