2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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So far he has not mentioned July 3rd and being sent to get Casey! Now Morgan is PRODDING him...

Oh GREAT. Now Lee's attorney does not want him talking about the July 3rd situation.

Morgan is reminded them they will be asking for fees and costs...

Lee is saying (of his own accord) Cindy called him on July 3rd and started searching for Casey online!
Took me all afternoon with many breaks to get through it!

I repeat, there's no hope any one of them will honor Caylee's memory. They are trading it in for Casey's sick sorry hide, imo!

NEW U2:woohoo::woohoo:

Hi traffics,

Can not bring myself to listen, after reading my eyes are still bleeding...

It is very sad that it does not seem from LA testimony today that he will stand for Caylee, Thank God LE and the SA will...
When I got to the part about Zenaida Grabbing KC's arm and telling her she was taking Caylee, I must say I wanted to book a plane to Orlando. For tonight.
That just makes absolutely no sense. I'm going to take Caylee from you to teach you a lesson but I will bring her back. However, if you tell anyone or deviate from the instructions I have given you (going to Target, hanging out in bars) I will hurt you, your family, and/or Caylee.


I'm sure kidnappers do that all the time. They just take your loved one momentarily to teach you a lesson and promise not to hurt them and you believe it and so don't report it for 31 days.
I just read to the top of page 16. How many times can a person use the words you know? I can't read anymore!!!!
Is ANYONE else pulling their hair out right now?

KC was told to say Sawgrass to the police exactly when? During the non-existent phone call on the 15th when she was warned never to goto the police in the first place?

Yes, I am! What a disgrace to this poor baby's life!

Also, when asked who KC knew at Sawgrass, he couldn't remember, thought it was a male:confused: He knows damn right well it was Annie D.

If not one of these family members can step up to the plate of Justice for Caylee, I hope one of the friends watching this, comes forward with a shotgun of TRUTH to blow them away.
Did the court transcription machine get set to LeeCode before he began talking?
I'd rather not include caylee in a grouping with the other two.

I do think that Lee still supports Dopey. At this stage I think you have to take sides:

Either you are for Caylee or for Dopey.

Easy to see where all the A's are.

They failed Caylee when she was alive and they are failing her now.


I couldn't agree more. Perhaps CA's mom will come to bat for Caylee when the trial starts. Unfortunately, she doesn't have that useful of testimony to offer. I just want SOMEONE in that darn family to want JUSTICE for CAYLEE! When is Caylee going to be more important than saving CMA?
Personally I think that is what he did last summer that LE said to him.......when he did his own 'investigation'.........IMO
family heard about Kronk finding through neighbor, LA found CAYLEE, didn't know what to do, sent stupid PI's in there, PI's didn't Find Caylee and Kronk did again...............MOO

OMG------------You got it. WTG
I don't want to watch the video. the transcript was so entertaining, the video would be a let down. I was laughing through the whole thing. I guess voice recognition still has a long way to go. There were so many completely mangled sentences and words that just cracked me up. While the 'made up words' were amusing, the 'wrong words' were even funnier. thank you Morgan and Morgan for an enjoyable afternoon.

I can't believe Lee used the word plethora! I use it jokingly when I am trying to sound pretentious, but I think he used it seriously - and how come that word didnt get mangled?
If not one of these family members can step up to the plate of Justice for Caylee, I hope one of the friends watching this, comes forward with a shotgun of TRUTH to blow them away.

I said it before and I'll say it again - I think AL is going to be the key witness that will put her away for life.
Ok you are all going to think I'm way off base here with what I'm going to say. But I think it was horrible what was done to Caylee but really and truly, she's better off. Not one person in her family truly loved her. She should have been given up for adoption, for sure. If Caylee had lived the remainder of her life in this family she would be no better a person than Casey or Lee, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind. I do think Casey should be punished for killing her daughter, but I think Caylee is so much better off than living with this crazy nut house family.

I'm just so sad for Caylee, that no one loved her enough to put her before Casey. Lee makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. His comment about "To this day I believe everything that my sister tells me". He needs to sit in a jail cell right next to Casey, for being guilty of being the acting like the biggest blockhead I've ever seen. He's so angry but not at the right person. And this statement just verifies my belief that he statements at the memorial had absolutely nothing to do with Caylee, which is like spiting on her memory.

NO, I don't think you're off base, I was thinking the same thing myself when I started reading this thread, just didn't know how to articulate it without sounding cruel. We would all probably give our right arm to have this little girl back among the living, but I totally understand where you're coming from. Unfortunately, children learn how the world works/how to get along in the world by watching their parents' example-and we all know what a fine example KC was. KC would've had her picking CA/GA's pockets in no time, "Its ok honey, Mommy wants to buy you a toy and she needs some money". Poor Caylee wouldn't have had a chance in that family, between CA and KC. Kinda reminds me of the book/movie "Matilda"-the little girl was much better (kind, sweet, bright, loving) than her rotten family and she finally finds a happy, loving home with her loving schoolteacher, Miss Honey (I think thats her name). Too bad Caylee didn't live long enough to find her "Miss Honey", a darn shame. I think hate is a very strong word and I don't like to use it, in fact I really used to only hate one person-my hubby's ex-wife, but in recent months I've added 4 more names to that short list-The A's.
So are we to believe that KC did all of her lying, screwing, thieving, drinking, tattooing, partying, smiling, laughing, cooking, playing, delaying, and obfuscating in order to appease Zanny the vicious lesson teaching Nanny? And she lied, etc. to LE in the hopes of protecting her daughter, even if it meant taking the heat and going to the big house herself. OK...so now that we all know that Caylee is dead, are we to believe that KC is being a martyr and keeping the lid on Zanny in order to protect her family? Why else would she keep with her story and not give LE more information that may lead them to the evil crime lord, Zanny? Either they, the Anthonys, buy this bull, hook line and sinker, or they know KC killed Caylee and still want her to walk. So weird and so sad all at the same time.
Did the court transcription machine get set to LeeCode before he began talking?
I am picking like a lot of things deposition transcribing is "out-sourced"

More often as not to countries where English(or even American) is not the first language.

I see a hint of and obscure African "clicking" language here?
How is Morgan saying is a happy hour type guy? The other lawyer or Lee??

Looks to me like he was talking about Lee. Maybe I'm mistaken. But I would take that as a little pot shot at him, just like the "I can tell" you're a lot like your sister and "you seem like a detective to me."
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