2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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Gypsy, I'm sure you'd like to know there is a company called "Pull My Finger" that offers ring tones for phones that well.. sound like farts. There's a variety to chose from.
No! Say it isn't so! Please, please, PLEASE don't call my father and tell him that!. Please. I beg you. I hope to God he doesn't read WS and finds this post!:hand:
Please, someone...anyone...when did Casey officially say that her first story to LE was a lie? What was Lee talking about? Pleez!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm waaaaay behind here, but to answer your question - I don't believe she ever did (to LE anyway- only to family). She lawyered up pretty quickly after being jailed and hasn't spoken to LE that any of us are aware of anyway.
I'm happy to have spoken up for a minority and escaped retaliation from the passionately hot-tempered few who we still love and respect. LOL I'm starting to think WS might need an assertiveness-training thread. Chilly Willy will, of course, be the revered example we strive to emulate.

Hey, Chilli---:p

Drop and give me five! Hooah! :D
On MySpace someone can change your password a couple of ways ...
1.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]If you know the original password you can simply log in and change it ... an email would be sent to the email address on file, telling you only that your password had been changed ... NOT what it was changed to. (why would the kidnappers know Casey’s original password.)
2.[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]You can click “forgotten password” at login and MySpace will send a link to your email account for you to use in order to complete a change of password ... for someone to surreptitiously use this method to change your password they would have to also have access to your email account. Let’s say that Caylee’s kidnappers possessed the skills to access KC’s email and used this method … they would still have to contact KC and let her know what the new password was, in order for her to access the account without her resetting it again the next time she logged on.
ALSO … and of SOOOO much importance … because of cyber-bullying MySpace states that it logs the IP address of anyone accessing the account at anytime … so it will show a the IP address allowing LE to identify their approximate location at the time the account was accessed.
Anyone with L33T Haxor skills wanna weigh in … please?

Ah huh...great observation...so they can catch her in that lie several ways (email/myspace/ip address)
I am beginning to believe that maybe Lee also has a "Narcissistic" disorder. Lee looks to be very troubled, not only due to the death of Caylee. In the past he had written some blogs about his life and he seemed to be very depressed, angry, and unhappy. It was almost as if Casey was writing the blogs, but they were from Lee and he was talking about how troubled his life and family were. I do not have the link, sorry. But I did read them. Maybe someone else recalls the blogs I am talking about. I feel that Cindy has OCD, Narcissism and other. With her physiological genes I think she created two very disturbed children, and Casey being the monster out of the two. JMO...

No doubt. I think the combining of CA and GA's genes were the perfect ingredients for creating 2 psychopaths.
We know that Lee is into science fiction, or in this case, fiction, I looked stasis up in the Sci-Fi realm.
A few stories, such as The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury and Farscape,[2] envision a type of stasis that allows mental processes to continue, so that a person in stasis is aware of being helplessly immobile - essentially a living statue.

This is his meaning, I believe-
In the Star Wars RPG series Knights of the Old Republic, Jedi who follow the path of the light are able to use "Stasis" powers, using the force to alter time and freeze an enemy in place. Unlike true stasis, this stasis allows external events to affect the victim, meaning that someone held by stasis can be killed while unable to retaliate. The original game also uses a similar effect when Dark Jedi trap party members to engage the player in a duel.

Or, he simply meant, she froze and carped her pants.
I am dying here! "she froze and carped her pants" I can't stop laughing over this and I'm already 2 pages ahead of this post. I had to go back a few pages and pull up it up to post. I'm still busting out laughing over it!

LiveNLearn Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:35 am
Lee's Old Blogs ~ Holy Crap ~!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
To All of You
Current mood: grateful
Category: Friends

Over the past week or so I've had so many great discussions, or encounters, with what I will say to be the most amazing group of friends that anyone could ever ask for. Casey, Mom, Dad, Nathalie, Brian, Fred, Anthony, Michelle, Sandra, Audra, Jody, Michele, Mary, Emily, Jason, Avey, Tim, Chuck, Tina, Melany, Kelly, Sara, Foyil, Amanda, Emilee, Andres, Josh, Anne, Mallory, Tibby, Tasha, Taylor, Lora, Melissa, and countless others

Bolded by me - but isn't this one of the Anthony's dog's names? Just sayin'
Is it at all possible - please open your minds peeps - that the last person to see Caylee alive was either GA or CA?

Tell me why not (pretend I'm a jury). Thank you in advance.

For all we know ZANNY is really Cindy, and Casey is covering for her. Casey claims Zanny took Caylee from Casey to teach her a lesson because Casey wasn't being a good mother. How many times have we heard that Cindy accused Casey of not being a good mother? And I'll say this, Cindy acts like she's dopped out on Xanax half the time, maybe Casey gave her that nick name. She (Cindy) WAS taking care of Caylee most of the time when Casey was out partying her butt off. And think of all the things Cindy has done to impede this investigation. Makes ya wonder sometimes. Did some type of accident happen to Caylee while in Cindy's care and Cindy put Caylee in the Casey's trunk?

Okay..sorry...my imagination got the best of me for a minute there. But hey...the way this case has gone, I wouldn't rule out any crazy scenerio as being close to the truth of what happened!
Ya know, I'm kind of feeling sorry for the family. It can't be easy being the sole inhabitants of that planet (metaphorically speaking). How isolating this must be for them! Seriously!! I know it's of their doing, but still. Why? And, how does this behavior serve Caylee?

My bold. Oh RR0004, don't feel sorry for them, because you see, they are not alone on this planet they've created. They have a whole slew of imaginery people that inhabit the planet with them...zanny, heather, juliette lewis, etc....just to name a few.
I haven't had time to read all 36 pages of this thread nor the transcripts, but I watched some snippets of it and I have to make a comment here.
First of all, it seems to me Mr. Morgan is wearing two hats. He is acting as attorney for his client, and also trying to act as prosecutor. A lot of the questions have absolutely NOTHING to do with clearing his client's name, and EVERYTHING to do with the criminal case against Casey. Asking Lee who he referred to as CMA in the memorial... what did that have to do with ZG? I said the same thing when I read the list of questions he wanted Casey to answer, because there were some questions that should be left to the prosecutors in the criminal case.
This deposition should have taken no more than 20 minutes if he had stuck to questions regarding his client's civil case, and it stretched into 3 hours? And I heard him state last night that it was not over, they intended to continue it on Monday. WTH? Mr. Morgan is stepping WAY over the line for his client, and someone should put a stop to it.
I don't blame George or Cindy for trying to postpone their depositions. This man should NOT be allowed to do this to this family, in spite of how gleeful everyone seems to be about it!! He is out to publicly humiliate them, and he has no legal right to delve into the criminal matter outside of how it affected his client, and a lot of the things he talked about last night was way beyond that.... he was analyzing Lee's body language and suggesting things that were completely removed from ZG's case. When was he hired by the state attorney's office to prosecute? How does he know when to switch hats? This is completely ridiculous, and he should be ashamed... if not disbarred!
I know that it is the general consensus here to hate all the Anthonys, but I am surprised that some of the legal eagles her can't see the ramifications of this whole thing, maybe they did and I missed it.
I so agree with you. I have sat here listening to those questions posed to a family member and frankly, it's difficult to believe that Lee's attorney allowed him to respond to the majority of them. IMO, that deposition was about whether or not this particular ZFG has been slandered, not whether Casey was in Jacksonville or any of the other nonZFG related issues. Lee Anthony came across (to me) as forthright as can be expected of someone who is being asked about things that he only knows second or third hand. This was not KC's trial, where a prosecutor may have a bit more leeway. This was playing to the media's runaway train of minutia masquerading as evidence, in this sorrowful case.

Lee Anthony said that this particular ZFG was NOT the person his sister had identified. That was the only question and answer that was legitimate.
I'll preface my comment by saying I'm more of a GA and CA supporter than many of y'all, and my opinion of LA has really gone downhill since listening to his deposition.

But I had the thought this morning... maybe CA and GA's refusal to be deposed at the present time was strategic. LA went ahead. We knew it would be aired. CA and GA now have time to watch it and match their story to his.
I still can not get passed Lee not knowing if Casey had Job or where she worked.
I have about 25 members of our family and I can tell you were they worked.
I wonder if Lee was on the outs with his close knit family for a while?????
He lied and lied over and over again, Can you get in trouble for lying in Depostion?????
For all we know ZANNY is really Cindy, and Casey is covering for her. Casey claims Zanny took Caylee from Casey to teach her a lesson because Casey wasn't being a good mother. How many times have we heard that Cindy accused Casey of not being a good mother? And I'll say this, Cindy acts like she's dopped out on Xanax half the time, maybe Casey gave her that nick name. She (Cindy) WAS taking care of Caylee most of the time when Casey was out partying her butt off. And think of all the things Cindy has done to impede this investigation. Makes ya wonder sometimes. Did some type of accident happen to Caylee while in Cindy's care and Cindy put Caylee in the Casey's trunk?

Okay..sorry...my imagination got the best of me for a minute there. But hey...the way this case has gone, I wouldn't rule out any crazy scenerio as being close to the truth of what happened!

Morning, Gypsy! I like this scenario. I can see Casey dubbing her mom Zanny the Nanny.
I'll preface my comment by saying I'm more of a GA and CA supporter than many of y'all, and my opinion of LA has really gone downhill since listening to his deposition.

But I had the thought this morning... maybe CA and GA's refusal to be deposed at the present time was strategic. LA went ahead. We knew it would be aired. CA and GA now have time to watch it and match their story to his.

Ahhh, strategery.
Uh huh, Lee and Casey have an extra special Vulcan mind meld kind of relationship where they can tell each other anything and everything they don't even tell anyone else in the whole wide world. Well, except things like ... oh say... "where ya workin' Sis?"
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