2009.03.03 GA suicide note

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Especially you, why not Lee? Who is involved with this stuff for Caylee?

I just understand from that portion that Casey could have gone to her family, Cindy or even Lee. Then he asks who is involved (as in other people) whom he says he wanted to go after to find out.

I don't see that GA was implying anything other then that Casey could have gone to her family.
IMO, if the jury read this note they will question what involvement Lee had...I now wonder if it was not Lee who helped Casey. I thought he had immunity at one time, what ever came of that and were the reason's given as to why he was given immunity? I did not see him as being on the states side, he was still on the defenses side. Could this be the promise he will keep to "CMA"? Will the state be able to bring up anything that Lee told them that was not said during the trial in closing arguments? I really am beginning to wonder if Lee was not the one that helped dispose Caylee he was odd since day one and still is IMO. :cow:
i think she DID go to CA and Lee told LE about CA covering it up. That's why the state has proven her to be a liar in a court of law. No credibility now!
They might go after her next!

ETA: also why Lee got limited immunty but they wouldn't give it to CA
"Jose keeps calling"???????"at least I shaved today" Lack of personal care in someone who normally is neat and well groomed = severe depression

BBM Yes that line really stood out when it was presented. I really think Jose was the cause of a lot more then we know. The first time GA was on the stand, Jose brought up the friend/lawyer that GA had at the home. GA mentioned that Jose was there too.

Jose inserted himself into everything they were doing. He knew the A's had attorney's and still he directly called CA. He also made sure he was the only link to ICA for CA... so of course she answered his calls. I noticed all the Lawyers that stopped representing the A's appeared to still be greatly concerned for them. And didn't they all leave when they would not follow their advice (does anyone else think it was due to Jose)
It's horrifying to think that Casey was able to fool and lie so well to her dad, an ex cop, getting him to believe that bad people had taken Caylee and caused her to wrongfully be put into jail. Caylee is deceased, and George could very well be dead because of her. Hopefully the jury will see it.
The entire contents of this letter wouldn't have had to come out if the defense hadn't tried to take parts of it out of context to make it look like George had something to do with what happened. Once the whole letter is exposed, it's obvious George had nothing to do with the cockamamie cover-up scheme JB claims. It completely invalidates KH/RC's testimony.
I don't know what purpose it served to make this letter public- they could have shown it to the Jury and kept it sealed otherwise. If they can seal ICA's reaction to Caylee being found I think they could have paid him the same respect. Reading a personal letter written by someone at the very lowest point of their life is unnecessary and very unkind.

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