2009.03.14 Geraldo - Dr. Baden, Slip or Not on Chloroform In Caylee's hair test?

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I don't believe Casey had been administering chloroform for a long period of time. To administer chloroform with a rag safely you have to do it drips at a time. Each dose only lasts about 15 minutes.

Third world country veterinarians use chloroform on large animals. They use a mask which mixes the chloroform with gas (diluting it) and controls the dosage.

Chloroform might be a good date rape drug. But, it wouldn't work as a babysitter because you'd have to stay at the child's head dripping drops every 15 minutes to keep the child asleep.

If Casey used it, she did it once and did it wrong. She wouldn't have put the duct tape over into Caylee's hair if she thought the duct tape was going to ever come off. Taxidermists and small town animal shelters still use chloroform as an inexpensive way to euthanize. You can find pages all over the web on how to use chloroform for that. You won't find a single site or example of how to use chloroform for a babysitter.


You are more than likely correct that she did it once and it resulted in Caylee's death. But I'm reminded of way back when, before people knew better, some parents would put alcohol into an infant's bottle to get them to sleep, which I wouldn't put past KC either. I also recall being told that as an infant, my dear dad would sometimes hold my eyes closed* to get me to go to sleep. Given this, I think it's possible that KC may have given Caylee just a bit to get her over the edge to sleep so that KC could then leave or so that Caylee would go to sleep in strange places so KC could party. It's also possible that with the intent to leave her in the trunk or whatever, KC gave a larger dose so it would last longer and/or as is more likely, imo, as a permanent resolution.

*NOTE: Despite the picture that may form in one's mind, it was not in any type of frustrated or cruel way. I am told that I didn't cry or get upset but would be comforted and go to sleep. He was very gentle, kind and always a comforting presence to me, as far back as I can remember. :)
I hate to say this because of Caylee, but please, please, please let this be true so that there is justice for Caylee.

*brain fart: is there any way chloroform could be absorbed into hair after death? Or only through the roots, meaning it must have been administered before Caylee died?*

And on which hair? The ones found in the trunk with decomp? Or the hair from Caylee's remains?

I think they would have checked the hair from the trunk, the hair from the brush they got after CA gave them the wrong one and also from the duct tape. I think they would be able to tell especially from the brush if there had been any prolonged usage of chloroform. If its negative and the hair from the duct tape is positive then they know it may have been a one time or short term thing.
I caught the Geraldo show while channel surfing late last night and heard Dr. Baden's chloroform comment. I detected a slight loss of verbal momentum right after the comment. Faux pas or double agent speak? The talking heads all have an agenda. :banghead:
In Dr. Badens reply, can anyone tell the exact word/words he said here ........?

"I think ........ they found chloroform in the baby's hair"

I listed 10 times and am still not sure. It could change the whole meaning of the sentence.
Thanks !
A Baden flashback to Sept. 4th, 2008....

Investigators won't confirm reports that they found traces of chloroform in the truck of Casey Anthony's car. A criminal expert told Eyewitness News that he believes the child's mother may have used chloroform to knock her child out

"Chloroform would have to be investigated, because that's a potential cause of death," Dr. Michael Baden told Eyewitness News.

Baden said the practice is more common among young moms who don't want to be bothered by a crying baby. It is well-documented Casey Anthony liked to party and in discovery documents one of her friends even says at parties "the kid slept through anything."

Baden said it's a dangerous practice, because you don't know how much a child is inhaling. It can shut down the respiratory system, the brain and then the heart. Baden said he has seen no proof, but theorizes that it's possible Casey used chloroform intentionally but her child's death was an accident.

Oh my...I think Geraldo snuck that question in there and Baden fell for it unintentionally. I wonder what this will mean? I mean, so far we have not heard anything regarding the results from the FBI regarding the hair. Baez keeps crying that the SA is keeping information from him. And L.Baden is on the Casey's dream team, should she be discussing Casey's case to her husband? I am a little confused how this will play out.
"IMO" He did not answer hypothetically, he just answered.
I don't believe Casey had been administering chloroform for a long period of time. To administer chloroform with a rag safely you have to do it drips at a time. Each dose only lasts about 15 minutes.

Third world country veterinarians use chloroform on large animals. They use a mask which mixes the chloroform with gas (diluting it) and controls the dosage.

Chloroform might be a good date rape drug. But, it wouldn't work as a babysitter because you'd have to stay at the child's head dripping drops every 15 minutes to keep the child asleep.

If Casey used it, she did it once and did it wrong. She wouldn't have put the duct tape over into Caylee's hair if she thought the duct tape was going to ever come off. Taxidermists and small town animal shelters still use chloroform as an inexpensive way to euthanize. You can find pages all over the web on how to use chloroform for that. You won't find a single site or example of how to use chloroform for a babysitter.


Karla Holmolka used this to knock out her little sister for Paul to do his thing. She worked in a Vetinary's office and she stole some. The chorloform knock out her sister but it also caused her to choke on her own vomit and die. Same could have happened to Caylee...

Karla Holmolka used this to knock out her little sister for Paul to do his thing. She worked in a Vetinary's office and she stole some. The chorloform knock out her sister but it also caused her to choke on her own vomit and die. Same could have happened to Caylee...


Especially if there was tape over her mouth...sad to say...but true.
WOW - just after SA and LE ordered NO MORE LEAKS! I think we can guess where this one came from . . .:shocked2:
Are you saying the defense then leaked this? If so, why would they do that? IMO Baden would know this from other sources, not LE.
Thank you Patty! I knew bringing my find here, someone would be able to "Sleuth" out a clip of this statement. Awesome find. Thanks for adding this as I had to knock this around with others, because I was so shocked. I had actually been watching tv at 2 am and had the computer shut down. But I leterally got up and turned on the computer to start looking for this.
Good that you did. I heard the beginning of the show, but then reminded myself that I had sworn of GR. Figures!!
Yes I saw the show and heard Baden say it as my eyes grew huger!!! I'm sure they have lot's more they aren't going to tell. Good for them, spring it on them at a later time. Still never heard for sure on tape. Geraldo and Baden love to let thing "slip" don't they?
Are you saying the defense then leaked this? If so, why would they do that? IMO Baden would know this from other sources, not LE.

keep in mind that Dr. Lee also slipped up & proclaimed the autopsy done for a few weeks before we knew.....they were still trying to keep that undercover....:doh:
Back in the early 1970s, our biology class in college was expected to gather a "bug" collection. We were told to go to the instructor and get our CHLOROFORM and cotton balls to keep in a bottle to kill the insect once we'd caught it. Now, I can't even remember how I did that (killed the insect w/the chloroform), but I did it and had a nice collection of butterflies, moths, bugs galore.

Mostly, I would use this opportunity to get to go galavanting with a cute guy. They loved to ask the girl: "Would you like to go bug-hunting with me Saturday out in the nature preserve (woods!). Oh YEAH!

The chloroform was volatile, evaporated easily. I even sniffed it for a brief moment. I can't recall the smell now, either. I'm still alive.

Now, the defense might use this little bit of info: chloroform is released when you combine clenaing products that are labeled "antibacterial", such as the Soft Soap, with BLEACH.

Notice how the labels in tiny print read, do not combine with bleach. No one ever sees that! But the defense may use that in desperation, saying that KC's "cleaning products" in her trunk combined to form chloroform. Lame, isn't it?

That's a good point and you're probably right. They can say this to explain the chloroform in the air samples but that won't help them explain how the chloroform got into Caylee's hair.
In light of this actual legitimate "bombshell" do you think NG will still be able to use that word??? I'm thinking she'll need to start saying something along the lines of "New.....recycled information that WE are just learning about....". Trumped by good ol' GR. Who would have thunk it???
So happy to see a thread this morning, I thought I was going nuts when I heard this last night.
So many implications...
I'm not sure that he didn't say... "...where they found chloroform and the baby's hair." Both possible versions ("in" or "and") suit the context of the question (from GR) as a reply.

Dr. Baden is speaking rather rapidly in that response, and in that situation it is difficult for me to decide if he actually said "in" or "and". In rapid speech, the word "and" can be contracted to 'n.

Take your pick:

1) "chloroform in the baby's hair"

2) "chloroform and the baby's hair"

3) "chloroform 'n the baby's hair"

Wasn't Dr. Baden the one who said that Caylee's bones were in the bag (sounding as if he meant that all her bones were in the bag)?

This is possible I guess. I think I know what the transcript will say.

I didn't hear the interview where Baden said Caylee's bones were found in the bag. Is it possible he said "...bones and the bag" and it was misunderstood then as well?

As much as I hate to, I have to go and listen to Baden some more. Thanks Hot Dogs!
keep in mind that Dr. Lee also slipped up & proclaimed the autopsy done for a few weeks before we knew.....they were still trying to keep that undercover....:doh:
Good to know they're earning their dough...NOT!
This is possible I guess. I think I know what the transcript will say.

I didn't hear the interview where Baden said Caylee's bones were found in the bag. Is it possible he said "...bones and the bag" and it was misunderstood then as well?

As much as I hate to, I have to go and listen to Baden some more. Thanks Hot Dogs!

He said "since all of the bones were contained in the bag."
I heard him say that twice in different interviews.
He was implying that someone had placed Caylee's remains in the woods recently when he was saying that.
Karla Holmolka used this to knock out her little sister for Paul to do his thing. She worked in a Vetinary's office and she stole some. The chorloform knock out her sister but it also caused her to choke on her own vomit and die. Same could have happened to Caylee...


I remember that case....horrible, wasn't it?

The little sister had been drinking A LOT when KH did that. (sister and boyfriend fed it to her) It was determined that the combination of alcohol and chloroform probably caused the vomiting which caused aspiration.

I could be mistaken but I don't think chloroform alone would cause vomiting.....jmo
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