2009.03.20 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
In TM's testimony LE says they found his Sears card and wallet "on Suburban Dr", but the first thing that popped in my mind was thinking I read somewhere that LE found a Sears or JCP card belonging to some unknown guy in KC's wallet when they confiscated it. I remember wondering prior to this testimony, how was KC signing for a credit card with a man's name on it?:confused:
The questioning of TM, and if he knew Casey, could have been because they found his card while searching for all of the remains and knowing defense tactics thought they would close that door before JB got to it.
I think that's just when she got out of control. stealing heavy and stuff

ITA, but I think Agent Savage was trying to get at what caused her to go out of control, KWIM? He was asking what happened to cause that?
On the 3rd pg of the linked thread, there's a link to info showing Ryan P. to be incarcerated starting 11/30/2005 and not due to be released until 9/30/2010. Must be a different dude?

I read those posts and there is alot of incorrect info. One was the A's reported the car stolen on June 26th. And another was Caylee dumped Casey's body on June 29th, forgetting that she abandoned the car on the 27th.
I read those posts and there is alot of incorrect info. One was the A's reported the car stolen on June 26th. And another was Caylee dumped Casey's body on June 29th, forgetting that she abandoned the car on the 27th.

The link I gave had that info?!
Ok...in the DC interview, on page 60, JA seems intent on showing that Hoover had Cindys permission and knowledge to lock up the house.

So...did I miss something? It seems to me, Hoover might have taken something he shouldn't have, seen something...and Allen trying to show that Hoover was permitted in the house...?

I have no proof, just a hunch. Does anyone know if he did?
Drug overdose?

I know this is a sick thought but, I think it's worth throwing out there...If Caylee's remains were tainted with (so to speak) Chloraform and the Snake fed off of those remains...could the Snake have died from Chloraform? :sick:
I know this is a sick thought but, I think it's worth throwing out there...If Caylee's remains were tainted with (so to speak) Chloraform and the Snake fed off of those remains...could the Snake have died from Chloraform? :sick:

Read post #260. It's not that it is a sick thought - it is simply incorrect theorizing. These snakes do not eat human corpses, nor anything that is dead.
What is most sad, IMO is that Cindy would want it that badly. No matter the conditions, she would not even care, she would sell her house out from underneath herself as long as she can have Casey back. MO

Maybe Cindy still thinks she can fix her daughter?
Maybe Cindy still thinks she can fix her daughter?

I've stayed in relationships long past anything good hoping I could find a "fix".

I'm guessing there were "honeymoon" periods between Casey and members of her family.

As I say, Cindy has her own issues.. which allow her to remain in such relationships. How long would a "normal" woman allow herself to be treated in the manner she allows not only her daughter but her husband to treat her? The fixer.. busy "fixing" everyone but themselves.
Read post #260. It's not that it is a sick thought - it is simply incorrect theorizing. These snakes do not eat human corpses, nor anything that is dead.

As I understand it, rats ( and other small predatory animals, just using rat as example) have no compunction about what they devour.

Could it be:
Rat eats decomp. or ingests other CS toxin--> has chloroform or other toxins in system, is still mobile ---> snake eats moving and live rat before rat dies from poisoning ---->
Snake then dies from poisoning through secondary ingestion ( via rat).

If LE is concerned with the snake, it's for a REASON. IMO.
I am looking at the document that contains the cell phone pings and find it interesting that they include June 16th, 17th and the 19th, but don't include June 18th. On TP's, channel 6, cell phone work he came to the conclusion that Casey's pings on June 18th put her in the area where the remains were found. I am wondering if, maybe, this is why they have not released the 18th ping report and plan to release at a later date ?

A neighbor told investigators that Casey Anthony borrowed a shovel on June 18 and also backed her car into her grandparents' garage, which was unusual, the neighbor said.

Cell phone records show that Casey Anthony pinged a tower near her parents' home from around 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 18, then her phone pinged along the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill.

The area between those two locations is the wooded area where the remains and skull of a child were located on Thursday, Pipitone reported.


Does anyone know when the last day of school was? If school or summer school was in session, that time frame would have been right about when school would be dismissed. Crazy time to dump a body.
Actually, I think we were discussing Casey's lies and whether they were so outrageous that George and Cindy should have been suspicious.

Considering the sheer volume of lies that she told them I would think they should have been suspicious. Not simply due to one lie or to ten lies, but to the cummulative effect of hundreds upon hundreds of lies. I have a job and yet I do not get paid and must bum money off of mom and dad almost on a daily basis. I rob from my friends, from my family, even from my sick-grandfather and my grandmother. My mom and dad know I am stealing because I am also stealing from THEM, and yet they continue to look over it day after day after day. I buy nothing for Caylee and never provide anything for her, so what am I doing with my paychecks again? Knowing all of this, I was held up at gun-point at another job that I do not have and sorry they stole your $4,000 deposit...and even though George did NOT believe this and went there and verified that she did not work there, nothing was done. This is not a question of if they should have been suspicious, it is a question of why did they let it go on and on, because they were way beyond suspicion-they had full knowledge that Casey was a huge liar, that she had no job, that she was robbing everybody around and that she was doing nothing for Caylee. Suspicious? They were her crutches for sure...buy WHY is the burning question? WHY did they continue to enable her after all of this and much more that we will never know about? Why did they let it go on so long?:innocent:
As I understand it, rats ( and other small predatory animals, just using rat as example) have no compunction about what they devour.

Could it be:
Rat eats decomp. or ingests other CS toxin--> has chloroform or other toxins in system, is still mobile ---> snake eats moving and live rat before rat dies from poisoning ---->
Snake then dies from poisoning through secondary ingestion ( via rat).

If LE is concerned with the snake, it's for a REASON. IMO.

Now there's a thought. I do believe if there was some small animal that fed on Caylee's remains and then the snake ate THAT animal, then Caylee's DNA would be in the snake. Anyone know if I am right?:(
Considering the sheer volume of lies that she told them I would think they should have been suspicious. Not simply due to one lie or to ten lies, but to the cummulative effect of hundreds upon hundreds of lies. I have a job and yet I do not get paid and must bum money off of mom and dad almost on a daily basis. I rob from my friends, from my family, even from my sick-grandfather and my grandmother. My mom and dad know I am stealing because I am also stealing from THEM, and yet they continue to look over it day after day after day. I buy nothing for Caylee and never provide anything for her, so what am I doing with my paychecks again? Knowing all of this, I was held up at gun-point at another job that I do not have and sorry they stole your $4,000 deposit...and even though George did NOT believe this and went there and verified that she did not work there, nothing was done. This is not a question of if they should have been suspicious, it is a question of why did they let it go on and on, because they were way beyond suspicion-they had full knowledge that Casey was a huge liar, that she had no job, that she was robbing everybody around and that she was doing nothing for Caylee. Suspicious? They were her crutches for sure...buy WHY is the burning question? WHY did they continue to enable her after all of this and much more that we will never know about? Why did they let it go on so long?:innocent:

Because Casey threatened to take Caylee and LEAVE.

Caylee was Casey's revenge- finally something to hold over her parent's heads- their love for their grandbaby.

Caylee was a living breathing TRUMP CARD and Casey played it every day and every night.

They paid and did what they had to do to keep Caylee, NOT Casey, and Casey knew it.
Interesting. I wonder if SP accidentally tore out two checks (one blank) and put it in Caylee's card.
Casey then seizes the moment (ala carpe diem) and utters the check...

Grandma specifically stated that her bag or purse was there and Casey specifically tore out a check. At first, she thought she tore out an extra check because the check before that was to the electric company. Casey used a check to buy things for Caylee's birthday. She spent 54.00 at Publix.
I read those posts and there is alot of incorrect info. One was the A's reported the car stolen on June 26th. And another was Caylee dumped Casey's body on June 29th, forgetting that she abandoned the car on the 27th.

I'm glad you mentioned that about the car being reported stolen on the 26th. However you failed to mention that one of the A's promptly informed KC what they'd done, thereby forcing her to abandon it before she got busted driving a stolen car!! God forbid! :rolleyes:

And they're so adamant!! They actually had me wondering for a sec where I was when that tidbit of info came to light. :waitasec:
Because Casey threatened to take Caylee and LEAVE.

Caylee was Casey's revenge- finally something to hold over her parent's heads- their love for their grandbaby.

Caylee was a living breathing TRUMP CARD and Casey played it every day and every night.

They paid and did what they had to do to keep Caylee, NOT Casey, and Casey knew it.

That is so sad, that to all of them poor little Caylee was just a pawn on a the big game of chess they were all playing. It never should have been allowed to develop into that. From the first time that Casey attempted to "use" Caylee they should have stopped it right there. I have some experience in this area, and have seen several lives in my own family ruined due to exactly this same little dirty game. The child is the only one who DOES suffer through it all. It must not be allowed to BEGIN because once it begins, the child is the victim over and over and over again, until finally, unless as in Caylee's case the child is murdered, the child winds up as a dependent, selfish, spoiled adult and continues the chain all over again. I would rather send my grand-daughter to the street with her mother, then file for emergency custody, knowing my daughter had no job, no money, no car and no place to go and would win, then to see my grandchild ruined in the way that I have seen members of my own family ruined eternally from exactly the same little dirty game that they were playing with Caylee's life.
Fear is not a good platform for them to have built their relationship with their grand-daughter upon. Obviously it did not protect her in the end. If they had refused Casey one time, stood up against her demands one time, made some demands of their own one time then it could never have gotten to the place where Caylee was just a pawn. And unfortunately, Casey was Caylee's mother and Cindy was not, as much as she wanted "the control of Caylee" she did not go about getting it through the proper channels. That should have been established early on: If we are going to support your child, and you are both going to live here, and everything is going to fall on US, then we are going to have custody of her, or you can make other arrangements. One should not operate with fear as the guiding force. One should stand up to the fear, face it and defeat it before it gets a chance to take root and develop into a HUGE hideous monster.

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