2009.03.20 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yeah, and told cindy her current boyfriend was "jeff hopkins"
lets not forget Juliet lewis (good work friend)

~thinks~ Hmm any more j's? OOOH j blanchard park! I see a connection ~snort~

Not necessarily going as far as Juliet and JBlanchard Park, but I do wonder about using the J's for the same story about the father...
They cannot hold back evidence, but I do believe they can delay evidence and actually even keep evidence from the public in certain instances.

State laws vary on this, from what I understand, and AZLawyer did say that the law was very broad, but I keep my faither that there is a TON we have not seen yet:

interviews with AL
interview with AD
information on a JMH (did they ever find one?)
Interview with other friends, including JP

And so much other stuff that I can't think of off the top of my head.

re: the bolded, yes they can, but we would see that order sealing it on the court docket. So far, no record of things being held back. The only thing that is keeping me from going insane right now is reassuring myself that they didn't record the majority of the interviews, just kept working notes on them, which Baez cannot request, and are going to testify to those facts at trial. That and hopefully the FBI has a whole lotta reports that they are holding onto strategically ;)
I don't know how she kept all those J's straight especially when lying
re: the bolded, yes they can, but we would see that order sealing it on the court docket. So far, no record of things being held back. The only thing that is keeping me from going insane right now is reassuring myself that they didn't record the majority of the interviews, just kept working notes on them, which Baez cannot request, and are going to testify to those facts at trial. That and hopefully the FBI has a whole lotta reports that they are holding onto strategically ;)

well, we know specifically that AD's interview was recorded, right? In the last doc dump IIRC, they told her it was being recorded and part of the interview was released...

I don't know why, but somehow they have to be keeping this stuff from the public eye. I cannot believe that so much would not be there, such as baby Caylee's hair strand analysis, etc.

I don't know why... but I just have a strong suspicion that this stuff isn't all out there yet.
well, we know specifically that AD's interview was recorded, right? In the last doc dump IIRC, they told her it was being recorded and part of the interview was released...

I don't know why, but somehow they have to be keeping this stuff from the public eye. I cannot believe that so much would not be there, such as baby Caylee's hair strand analysis, etc.

I don't know why... but I just have a strong suspicion that this stuff isn't all out there yet.

They got that interview from AD by way of subpoena, and her lawyer was present, so yeah, it was recorded :)

I totally understand how you feel, I feel the same way. I've gotten into debates on here with posters who have said that the evidence is weak and they have released it all to date. I'm just starting to worry, that's all :)
The subject of Caylee's second BD party was brought back up in these documents and it reminds me of the strangeness of all of Casey's adult friends at the party as opposed to friends of Caylee's age. The fact that Casey felt the need to steal and forge her Grandmother's check for the cake and stuff for this party, I don't know it's just weird. It's not like she was doing it for Caylee as much as to impress her friends. I think this is the party where she invites her friends, and to me that speaks to her extreme selfishness. If it wasn't for Shirley and Rick we wouldn't know much of this stuff, I am glad that they were so honest.
I feel sure there is MUCH more that has not been released. As we get closer to trial it will be though. I was in hopes that this document dump would reveal more too, I guess we have to wait. I still don't understand why they would release duplicates of interviews that have been released before.
I was under the impression that the prosecution had to give the evidence to the defense in a timely manner, But that the defense is under no obligation to release everything to the public. I do believe that they can choose what to release and what to keep for trial. JMO

I remember the SA asking defense for a witness list........... There were only 3 names on JB's, apparently showed his plan to turn state's witness's into his own, LOLOLOL!

ETA: And didn't he just Whine about the state leaving out Dr Haskell on theirs??? See what a one-way-street the guy is....... beAtch about the 'other' side while he pulls the very same cheAt himself???
I found this regarding the FL sunshine law - anyone want to take a stab at whether this applies to the KC case?

The Florida Sunshine Law is a very liberal public information law. Basically, all records maintained by a governmental agency are public records subject to release upon request. However, there are many exceptions when involving law enforcement. The following is a list of items exempt from public record release.
Active criminal investigation reports and evidence
Intelligence information
Surveillance methods
Some investigative procedures
Some victim information
Autopsy records
Confidential informants
Criminal histories
Some domestic violence information
911 calls
Some juvenile offender records
Inmate records
Medical records
I remember the SA asking defense for a witness list........... There were only 3 names on JB's, apparently showed his plan to turn state's witness's into his own, LOLOLOL!

ETA: And didn't he just Whine about the state leaving out Dr Haskell on theirs??? See what a one-way-street the guy is....... beAtch about the 'other' side while he pulls the very same cheAt himself???
Exactly, and just how many depositions has JB done himself in this case ? From the coverage I have seen you can count them on one hand. He is waiting for the state to do his job for him, it seems to me.
I found this regarding the FL sunshine law - anyone want to take a stab at whether this applies to the KC case?

The Florida Sunshine Law is a very liberal public information law. Basically, all records maintained by a governmental agency are public records subject to release upon request. However, there are many exceptions when involving law enforcement. The following is a list of items exempt from public record release.
Active criminal investigation reports and evidence
Intelligence information
Surveillance methods
Some investigative procedures
Some victim information
Autopsy records
Confidential informants
Criminal histories
Some domestic violence information
911 calls
Some juvenile offender records
Inmate records
Medical records

I wonder how we are able to hear the 911 calls then? I can name off a few- "there's been a dead body in the damn car", Haleigh's 911 calls, etc. Hmm.

I always thought that most everything that they weren't releasing was due to the "ongoing criminal investigation" exception. Also, do you have a link for this? this is good and easy to understand. TIA! :)
I wonder how we are able to hear the 911 calls then? I can name off a few- "there's been a dead body in the damn car", Haleigh's 911 calls, etc. Hmm.

I always thought that most everything that they weren't releasing was due to the "ongoing criminal investigation" exception. Also, do you have a link for this? this is good and easy to understand. TIA! :)

I figure that LE is simply giving the child a cookie to keep her from asking for the cake, do you know what I mean?


That is the link - it is very easy to understand.

I think the LE$ is releasing just enough info to keep the media quiet. But I wholeheartedly believe there is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more.
Anyone know who Ryan Palmer is mentioned on page 5 of this doc? I do not remember him ever being mentioned before

SP states "First time Casey stole money was on Caylee's second birthday" Refer: August 9, 2007

Casey took a check out of Grandma's checkbook. Check was for $54.00 dollars spent at Publix.

Second time in the Spring of 2008 she took 354.00. Used it at ATT. She immediately closed the account.

Interesting. I wonder if SP accidentally tore out two checks (one blank) and put it in Caylee's card.
Casey then seizes the moment (ala carpe diem) and utters the check...
I found this regarding the FL sunshine law - anyone want to take a stab at whether this applies to the KC case?

The Florida Sunshine Law is a very liberal public information law. Basically, all records maintained by a governmental agency are public records subject to release upon request. However, there are many exceptions when involving law enforcement. The following is a list of items exempt from public record release.
Active criminal investigation reports and evidence
Intelligence information
Surveillance methods
Some investigative procedures
Some victim information
Autopsy records
Confidential informants
Criminal histories
Some domestic violence information
911 calls
Some juvenile offender records
Inmate records
Medical records

TY. I do believe that they have some things that will not come to light for us until the actual trial.

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