2009.04.06 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Caylee's pupils are huge even in the light of the cell phone flash. I find that odd.

It takes a second or so for pupils to dilate and retract when the light changes. I seriously think Caylee just looks a bit tired like she just woke up or is about to take a nap. She looks unhappy to me but I think that's because she has a mother who doesn't love her or put her needs first. The camera angle also seems very bad. When you get too close with the camera or don't photograph straight on, and instead from below shooting up or up shooting down, people distort a bit, looking puffier, rounder, paler, etc. Although casey could have been giving Caylee something to keep her quiet at night, I don't really follow that theory too much. Until the last month, Caylee was mostly sleeping at home, I think. No need to drug her there. To my knowledge, she did not sleep at TonE's. She slept at Ricardos' but he didn't seem to be the type to mind a kid being around or awake while he spent time with the mother. JMO.
OMG, I hope no one ever sees the pic of my little girl that is 1 week older than Caylee. First we have a pic of 2 black eyes.. she was walking up the stairs from the basement. WE WERE WATCHING HER. She had been going up and down the stairs HOLDING ON. She tripped on the 4th step and fell. Got a huge hematoma and as it healed it went down and caused black eyes. When she was age 1-2 1/2 she always had scratches, bumps and bruises.. I GUESS I AM NOT MOTHER OF THE YEAR. :rolleyes:

Casey may have murdered her child in cold blood but I think it does a disservice to Caylee to imagine her constantly beat up and drugged.

I would think it was ABNORMAL if a kid her age DID NOT have a bump or a scratch somewhere.

She also looks tired. This pic was probably taken around June 2, when the went swimming in the AFTERNOON or when they came back from eating? She was just tired.

Bump. Bolded by me. Great post.
What Velveeta?

There was a whole lot of Velveeta purchased and/or in her car - there was speculation as to that was why she had the dinner knife - to serve it up to Caylee

It was Cindy shopping, it says so on the doc.
When Casey was shopping, it says that too.
I don't know if you have seen the doc or not,
but seeing it would explain what I mean.:)

I understand what you are saying ... But on the purchases she made with her Mom's JCP card it shows Cynthia as the "purchaser" ... and the ones made with Amy's checks it shows Amy as the "purchaser" ... only in the "notes" section does it say it was actually Casey or who was seen on the video ... all I am saying is there are a lot of CA's purchases that don't have anything in the "notes" section. Just thinking that maybe some of those were KC too. Like I said it was just a thought ... it may be nothing.
Don't forget to please break out the discussion into individual threads. If there is old conversation that should be bumped and updated. please do. If there is new information that should have a new thread, please start one. Let's not bottle all the information up on one long multi topic thread or it is hard to use for reference later.

bumpity bump
My girls had this same look after they took Dimetapp or one of those other liquid cold/allergy meds for kids. Like they were still a little foggy when they woke up. Of course I never gave it to mine unless it was needed and certainly never gave them anything to just make them sleep so I could do whatever.

Poor baby, I feel so sorry for her being drug all over by her evil mom. Just really sad.
Yes, this could be true, however, we have not seen any other pix of Caylee that show her looking like this, ever.

I actually think we have though. In fact, wasn't there a whole thread on Caylee's appearance once? I really remember a long discussion on the dark circles under her eyes in other pictures. Same debate occurred between the moms. I'll try to find it later. I do know that crappy cameras, flash and bad angles can also cause a large amount of shadowing on the face including creating the impression of dark circles. My dad taught me all that. He was a pretty good photographer.
The last night she spent at Ricardo's was the ninth.
Caylee was killed on the night of the 15th or on the 16th.

Where were they staying from the ninth to the 15th?

Evidently, per the ping records.. which I have outlined below Caylee appears to be overnight at her grandma's house. Casey coming in late/early on June13th/14th at 3 AM.

June 10th – at Anthony home 4:30 PM to June 11 at 1:32
June 11th – Tony L at 1:32 pm
June 11th – mall of millennia 6:04 pm to 7:10 pm Tony says Caylee was with them she left Tony L’s at 8:19 pm
June 11th – overnite at the Anthony’s 8:25 pm to June 12th 1:31 pm at Tony’s
June 12th Tony’s apt at 1:31 pm to June 12th at 6:13 pm at Anthony home
June 12th overnite at Anthony home until June 13th until 12:13 close to C Stutz home
June 13th – at Tony’s at 12:26 pm until 8:10.. she is near JBPark. Pings there for 2 minutes. At 7:22 she did talk to her mother for 3 minutes.
June 13th – 9:00 pm she pings at Fusion until 3:12 AM where she pings at the Anthony home
June 14th at Anthony home from 3:12 AM until June 14th at 11:50 Am she evidently woke up there she pings 2 miles S of Anthony home Lee Vista/Goldenrod
June 14th 11:50 Am to 3:29 she looks enroute to Tony’s, pings near Tony’s
12:13 maybe even stops at JG’s she pings near there at 2:49
3:14 pm she pings at Tony’s. She gets an incoming call from Cindy and lets it go to voicemail.
3:37 she pings south of Tony’s and Near JB park (1 min)
3:48 pings at Anthony home or near Anthony home until

June 15th – 9:15 Am She is at Tony’s on Father’s day until she pings back at the Anthony home at 7:36 pm and stays there until June 16th at 4:19 PM Overmite at Anthony's
June 16th – 4:19 pm she is enroute and then she pings at Tony’s at 4:25 pm.
Disservice to Caylee....or KC?

I wonder about that also.
I don't want to continue to beat a dead horse and this will be my last comment about Caylee's appearance at Tonys.
There is no camera in the world that can make a child look lost, depressed, unattached, and downright pathetic.
Disservice to Caylee....or KC?


Let's say her little life wasn't so bad, and then in one moment her mother killed her.

Now, let's say you were Caylee.... would you want a bunch of people you never met thinking you were beaten and drugged daily??

IMO, I like to think she had a room full of toys and she was generally a happy kid with lots of love. Yet, she may have had some tearful moments when hearing her grandma and mommy yelling. Then one day... while she was peacefully sleeping, mom duct taped her mouth and put a pillow over her face and it was quick. Even Casey's closet friends Kristina, JG and Ryan P all said she would have done it quick and softly.

I guess it is frustrating to see some of the posts having her in a trunk drugged when a little bit of sleuthing the pings and reading interviews (over and over) will show she was at her Grandma's most nights or with Casey and eye-witnesses show that.

BTW, I think Casey will rot in jail and in a place far worse for the rest of her life just for the lies, sex, stealing, murdering she has done. I need not to over-analyze every photo to "find" more. It is what it is. But I do want to hold what precious good times that little one had in her room playing with her toys, coloring, dancing at the forefront to what GENERALLY went on in her daily life.
IMO Casey is stoned in that photo and if Caylee was with her and say Toni in the same room she breathed in the smoke and is stoned in that pic. Maybe thats why they are in the bedroom, to smoke . Betcha!!!!!!!
OMG...I've got to back out of this thread. Caylee is dead! She was dumped like garbage by her mother!! We don't know what KC was doing to her before she killed her....yet, we're being lectured NOT to make it look any worse for KC!! Good grief!!

Caylee doesn't look just fine in these pics....she did look ok on Fathers Day....because KC WASN'T THERE. And yes, I do believe Caylee was drugged by KC on a regular basis.
I don't think the message was "don't make things worse for Casey," but rather, "Don't reduce Caylee's life to one of continual abuse."

Her life was undoubtedly confusing. She did not get, from her mother, what she needed, even on a good day, I am sure. But she did have loving grandparents, and there's no reason to assume she was routinely abused.

That's not to say that the end of her life was not marked by horrendous abuse. It just means that perhaps she had an otherwise nice life, cut far too short by her monster of a mother.

I don't know about you, but I'd sure rather think of her as loved and generally well-cared-for, even if it wasn't her mother who provided that care. I hate to think of her as abused long-term--and by all accounts, she was not. (I know, I know...the people giving those accounts are not known for truthfulness. But you cannot convince me they did not love her more than life itself when she was alive. They may be circling the wagons now that there is nothing left to lose...but they loved Caylee.)

Edited to add: I have to add that I am NOT among those who believe that Casey necessarily ensured a soft death for her daughter. I think she is a monster who erased her child however was easiest---not however was least traumatic to the poor little girl. I have NO trouble reconciling the smiling mother in the pictures with a murderous monster, none at all. Her eyes never smile. She is vacant.

I simply am not convinced she felt compelled to exert the energy to routinely abuse Caylee. She didn't have much need--Caylee's needs were all met by someone else.
Yuri asks Iassen some very pointed interesting questions regarding chloroform.

And according to this interview, he talked to Annie and Annie believes KC's story. ????
Way back in this thread several peeps were discussing a picture of Caylee in bed with a strange man wearing shorts.......could someone direct me to this source? TIA
Disservice to Caylee....or KC?

I tried earlier to explain why I think some people might feel the way they do. I loathe KC and would like to see the DP on the table. However, and I guess I'll just say it, it seems like some people want KC nor only to be a sociopathic murderess, but one that couldn't walk across the sidewalk without kicking a puppy for fun. It doesn't do Caylee's memory any good, because to read some of these posts you'd think she never had a good day in her life. I don't want to believe that, and it scares me to believe that because it means there were warning signs all along and she was failed just not by KC, but by every person that came in contact with little Caylee. I mean, there would have to be big, honking red flags every day.

It makes everyone else complicit in KC's guilt, and I don't want to believe that. I want to believe that KC is guilty on her own, and I don't want that guilt diluted at trial by a "it takes a village" line of defense. Trying to cast the blame elsewhere, or raising reasonable doubt in terms of where she spent her time, etc. Nothing can justify KC's actions.

I'm concerned only because taking the extreme position on every bit of discovery that comes out can come back to bite the prosecution. While I find the mere implication of drugging a child horrific, making it widespread knowledge without proof can only hinder a conviction of 1DM. I can't read comments on any article, blog, or message forum that doesn't put forth the "drug the kid so she could party" theory as fact. So telling the rest of us that we somehow see good in KC is, in fact, the opposite of what we're trying to say. If anything helps KC, it'll be the drug theories.
omg I've been at the doctors today for baby shots! Can't believe I need to catch up on this !! ::::::goes to read!!!::: please start threads on the very "bombshells" !! So we can beat Nancy Grace haha
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