OMG, I hope no one ever sees the pic of my little girl that is 1 week older than Caylee. First we have a pic of 2 black eyes.. she was walking up the stairs from the basement. WE WERE WATCHING HER. She had been going up and down the stairs HOLDING ON. She tripped on the 4th step and fell. Got a huge hematoma and as it healed it went down and caused black eyes. When she was age 1-2 1/2 she always had scratches, bumps and bruises.. I GUESS I AM NOT MOTHER OF THE YEAR.
Casey may have murdered her child in cold blood but I think it does a disservice to Caylee to imagine her constantly beat up and drugged.
I would think it was ABNORMAL if a kid her age DID NOT have a bump or a scratch somewhere.
She also looks tired. This pic was probably taken around June 2, when the went swimming in the AFTERNOON or when they came back from eating? She was just tired.