2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition

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Let me see, Cindy cannot remember where George worked in 2008 but she can remember the page number and facts in a discovery.
Remember the remark Cindy made, "I have already lost one and I can't loose another one." It appears since Caylee is gone she will do what ever it takes to keep Casey and maintain her innocense, even though "FACTS" show Casey is not innocent PERIOD!!

It is heartbreaking that not one member of Caylee's family is standing up for her!!

I have watched this case from the begining and it hurts my heart for Caylee and Caylee only. I can just see Sandra teaching Caylee how to skip.

That comment was actually made by Cindy in referrence to Lee almost getting into a car accident. The comment was referring to Lee, not Casey.
I think we all question whether or not Zeneida is telling the truth. I appreciate you holding back and only doing the tar and feather. I just found when I watched this video how disgusted I felt with the attorney questioning them. I also feel that when they are deposing these folks, they may in fact be really interfering with the criminal trial. It's like vengence, we all want some, but it isn't really right to do it. I was surprised by my reaction to the depostion. I was really angry at the attorney.

I know you are uncomfortable in your tar and feathers at the moment....sorry to do that to you.....but what statements has ZFG made that make you question that she is telling the truth? I agree that in another situation the deposition would probably not venture into the territory this one did, but afterall, what other case has been played out publicly like this one. I see new rules being created for a new type of phenomenon that is the Anthonys. I have to go wash the tar off my hands now....
I guess I was mistaken about how people feel about Zeneida. I believe there will be no money gained by Ms. Gonzalez. KC is indigent. The money he will make will be due to his exposure from this case. I think the fact that this suit will not garner any money, makes it feel like harassment. I guess knowing this makes me feel this way about the civil case. I truly think that this may cause problems for the criminal case.

If she were truly indigent, she would be represented by a public defender. She's not. She gave Baez a $5000.00 retainer, and has probably made plenty of money selling photos of Caylee. And FYI JM isn't in this for the money. He's already a very rich and successful attorney. Another FYI - ZG isn't in it for the money either. She just wants her name cleared.
I guess I was mistaken about how people feel about Zeneida. I believe there will be no money gained by Ms. Gonzalez. KC is indigent. The money he will make will be due to his exposure from this case. I think the fact that this suit will not garner any money, makes it feel like harassment. I guess knowing this makes me feel this way about the civil case. I truly think that this may cause problems for the criminal case.

KC is indigent?? Is selling videos and pics of your dead child for a quarter mill (last time I heard the amount could be more by now) indigent?

That reminds me did anyone notice CA saying there are lots of pictures and videos of caylee?
What is Cindy getting at with this? She indicated ZFG nodded in the affirmative that she'd signed the Sawgrass guest card as "C. Zenaida Gonzale" (no "z")
Is there a copy of the actual guest card in the discovery documents...anyone recall seeing it? I am looking and haven't found it yet.

I really don't get where Cindy thinks she is going with this either. So someone wrote in a "z" at the end of Gonzale. That makes it some big conspiracy? I could be wrong but I have never seen the surname of Gonzale before. I live in Texas and have seen lots of Gonzalez and Gonzales but no Gonzale. IMO someone was just correcting an obvious error.
I think we all question whether or not Zeneida is telling the truth. I appreciate you holding back and only doing the tar and feather. I just found when I watched this video how disgusted I felt with the attorney questioning them. I also feel that when they are deposing these folks, they may in fact be really interfering with the criminal trial. It's like vengence, we all want some, but it isn't really right to do it. I was surprised by my reaction to the depostion. I was really angry at the attorney.

We do? Maybe you should just speak for yourself.
What is Cindy getting at with this? She indicated ZFG nodded in the affirmative that she'd signed the Sawgrass guest card as "C. Zenaida Gonzale" (no "z")
Is there a copy of the actual guest card in the discovery documents...anyone recall seeing it? I am looking and haven't found it yet.

I don't have the post handy, but a poster found the link. Its a few pages back.

The leasing agent is the one who filled out the card with the incorrect name, but ZG signed her name correctly? So what CA was saying is not correct and makes no sense.
Also, I never heard about her losing a job due to the reporters. I thought I remembered that she had been looking for a job and couldn't find one. I have been absorbed in this since the beginning. I have read everything. I am sorry but I don't remember where I heard this info, however, I think I may be reacting to the video with this as the background during the trial. I am not trying to offend or fight. I was truly surprised at my reaction to the deposition.

She lost a cleaning job at a resort because she was being chased and harrassed by reporters. Her employer told her that they had to let her go because of the publicity of the case. Maybe you should do a tad bit more research.
You know Cindy and George can be mad at ZFG and her lawyer all they want for having to be there. But the only reason they are there was because of their daughter KC-she was the one who started all this. She is the one who is counter suing, she is the one who said that ZFG from Sawgrass took Caylee-she is the one who didn't call police about her missing daughter and went out partying instead. She is the one who lied to the police about everything. She is the one who is tearing this family apart. She is the reason for all this and more. And my feelings are-she is the one who murdered her own child. Its just too bad, they love KC more than they ever loved Caylee. Their lifes will never be the same, and it all because of KC-no one else.!!!
I questioned in the beginning if Cindy wanted rid of KC and all her problems.

I believed Cindy blamed KC for all the things which went wrong in all of their lives. If you listen closely to some of her statements from the beginning she blamed KC for Lee moving out, George and her marital problems, etc.

I at first thought that 911 call was legitimate, but now after I have listened to it time after time, I believe it was made up too. There was NOTHING at all about Caylee until Lee was talking to KC and then Cindy said "DID SOMEONE TAKE HER?"

I have noticed that Lee and KC both take their answer clues from Cindy in what to say and that was KC's que to say someone took Caylee. I believe Cindy KNEW from the time she started trying to find Caylee that something had happened to her. She also KNEW what KC was capable of doing (ex: what have you done to her statement)

I believe that was when the nanny lie started and they all added to if from there. Kind of like that game when someone says a word, and everyone adds to the story.

I agree~ I am in your head Turbo. ;)

I posted something similar months ago.

It's a giant game of Anthony Telephone Tag.
Don't have time to read thru 30 pages of posts, so apologize in advance if this has already been mentioned herein....but did anyone take note of Cindy's comments during the line of questioning about Dominic Casey and Suburban Drive "lookaround".....Cindy makes the comment that Dominic didn't find her because somebody put the body there after that! Guess that's going to be one of the defense's arguments!
Also, I never heard about her losing a job due to the reporters. I thought I remembered that she had been looking for a job and couldn't find one. I have been absorbed in this since the beginning. I have read everything. I am sorry but I don't remember where I heard this info, however, I think I may be reacting to the video with this as the background during the trial. I am not trying to offend or fight. I was truly surprised at my reaction to the deposition.

I hope you never have to go through a depo of your own. They can be brutal. I don't wish that experience on anyone.
I guess I was mistaken about how people feel about Zeneida. I believe there will be no money gained by Ms. Gonzalez. KC is indigent. The money he will make will be due to his exposure from this case. I think the fact that this suit will not garner any money, makes it feel like harassment. I guess knowing this makes me feel this way about the civil case. I truly think that this may cause problems for the criminal case.

I'm no particular fan of Zaneida's. I don't dislike her either. We've seen nothing to indicate that she lied at any time, unlike certain others involved in this case.

Her attorney has an extremely successful practice and I doubt if he needs publicity - again, unlike others involved in this case. The Anthonys were ordered to appear for these depositions. I'm sure the judge that issued that order would have noticed if it would have hampered the criminal case or was improper in any way.
Okay. My head just exploded.

Cindy says in her depo that KC had given her several phone numbers and addresses for ZG over the years, and that she has never called the numbers. She said she gave the phone numbers and addresses to OCSO.

George said in his depo that he has never attempted to find ZG.

What's wrong with this picture.

They never made any attempt to locate ZG.

I can't wrap my head around that.

Yes, she turned all the addresses over, either to LE or to JB depending which answer you believe. But she had no address or phone number for Zany the one night she thought she needed it!

It makes it so much easier for George, he didn't prep and he knows NOTHING! Cindy on the other hand did prep and she knows everything! Except the answers that she thinks make KC look bad. What a very convenient memory Cindy has!

There was no fight!, She didn't have an issue with KC stealing from her, KC worked 1 whole day last year (for her brother), KC is an adult and can sleep where she wants. Oh and all the $$ amounts, Cindy just cuts those right in half! I guess that means it's only half as bad if KC stole $200. from her grandparents vs the $465. (or whatever) that Shirley stated.

The smirk on CA's face every time she thinks she has pulled one over on the atty's!! I'm so smart and they're so dumb! What an idiot she is!!

In all honesty, I don't like these atty's, I don't like their tactics, I don't like the one up's menship that is going on here. It sounds like a school yard fight between a couple of bullies. All this madness needs to stop. They're not doing this for C Zeneda Gonzales, they're not doing this for Caylee. They are trying to show what great atty's they are in a public forum, when it should be private. They are trying to get information in the criminal case. They all need to pick up their toys and go home. No one won here yesterday.
I guess we are not going to agree on this. That's okay. Like I said I was taken aback by my own reaction to the tape. I do not think Zeneida and the lawyer are in it for the right reason. I just don't. I am sorry. It is okay that we don't agree. I just feel that these questions are so off topic and I just was surprised by my reaction.
KC is indigent?? Is selling videos and pics of your dead child for a quarter mill (last time I heard the amount could be more by now) indigent?

That reminds me did anyone notice CA saying there are lots of pictures and videos of caylee?

No, I missed that interesting bit. What context was it in? Or can you direct me to which video part she said it. Thanks.
You know Cindy and George can be mad at ZFG and her lawyer all they want for having to be there. But the only reason they are there was because of their daughter KC-she was the one who started all this. She is the one who is counter suing, she is the one who said that ZFG from Sawgrass took Caylee-she is the one who didn't call police about her missing daughter and went out partying instead. She is the one who lied to the police about everything. She is the one who is tearing this family apart. She is the reason for all this and more. And my feelings are-she is the one who murdered her own child. Its just too bad, they love KC more than they ever loved Caylee. Their lifes will never be the same, and it all because of KC-no one else.!!!

Funny how some forget that Casey had the nerve to counter sue!! Once she did that, all bets were off (IMO). The b**ls on her!! This ZG has every right in the world to want her name cleared. Years from now, people who remember this case will remember the name Zeneida as easily as they remember the names OJ and Jack the Ripper!
Cindy DID NOT do a good job. (except for ZG's case) Her attorney lost control of her on many occasions and had to go off the record to shut her up. She is an attorney's nightmare and what I got out of it too was that they KNOW they are going to be charged when this is over.

She implicated herself in accusing this ZG when she admitted that she went on TV after LE told her that KC could not identify this zanny and that this zanny was cleared, and implicated the woman again.

She opened up herself for a good lawsuit, which she could never let be tried because she admitted what she did on TV more than once.

She wanted to be in control of that deposition and wanted to show "how smart" she was and all she ended up doing was creating more chaos for herself and left a trail of lies for the murder trial.

She is going to be a nightmare when it comes time for the criminal trial. Do you remember her at the bond hearing? She was confrontational, avoided questions, answered with questions, wouldn't give a straight yes or no to a straight yes or no question and tried to ask questions to the attorney...

The judge had to admonish her several times in the short time she was on the stand.

I don't envy the prosecution or the judge but I will be watching with popcorn and milkduds.

I'll wash it down with a nice cold pepsi. No "kool-aid" for me. ;)
You know, I always thought that Cindy's emotions in the third 911 call was indicative of true fear and proof that before that point, Cindy had no clue that Caylee was dead. I always felt, that phone call is when it all started clicking for her. However, Cindy lies so well in yesterday's depo that I have to go back and question whether Cindy did in fact know Caylee's fate when she made the third 911 call.
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