2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition

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I think we all question whether or not Zeneida is telling the truth. I appreciate you holding back and only doing the tar and feather. I just found when I watched this video how disgusted I felt with the attorney questioning them. I also feel that when they are deposing these folks, they may in fact be really interfering with the criminal trial. It's like vengence, we all want some, but it isn't really right to do it. I was surprised by my reaction to the depostion. I was really angry at the attorney.

I don't. I just question whether or not the Anthony's are telling the truth. I was also disgusted watching the video but it wasn't because of the attorneys!
Brad has said publicly that he is doing this pro bono. I felt a litle embarassed for him today; because, it did look like he had a very poor understanding of the rules of law (not that he would have had to like them) he didn't seem to know them. I like him and generally feel he has an uphill battle "counseling" these two. Why do you think so many others have resigned?

I was embarrassed for him too. He seems like he's really out of his league.
I have done a huge amount of research. I must have missed that. I am sorry if I offended you. I would really like to just share my feelings on this. That's all.

I am certainly glad that I have never done a depo. I live a good life and hope that I never do.

Thanks for your time.

O/T ...The comment that you live a good life seems to insinuate only someone NOT living a good life would be deposed.That is so far from the truth.There are lawsuits and criminal cases where completely innocent people are brought in as witnesses,therefore a lawyer may wish to depose them. Just wanted to clear that misunderstanding up. Carry on :blowkiss:
ABC paid for the image rights of the videos and pictures ...... Thats why I was wondering when CA brought those up during her depo, that she was hinting we have more for whoever wants to buy them. I am glad people on here have notice the Anthony's (except Lee) arent working presently.
I didn't hear that part about her selling the videos /photos to ABC. Was she really hinting around that she had more to sell? If so I am not surprised. She could easily call back up the lady from KF who already sold and promised so much.
Anyone hear this before that Jeff Hopkins was Zanny's boyfriend!!???[/QUOTE]

Lol!!!...why not?...Zanny was a purrrrfect 10...
this story gets more and more bizarre...:boohoo:
CA needs a serious dose of reality pills along with sedatives...
what a show!:woohoo:
Casey never mentioned a dog of Zanny's in any of her statements, it would be harder to move from place to place (like they claim she was doing) and kidnap a child while caring for a dog. .

Snipped for space....
But, didn't Casey actually tell one of her boyfriends who was trying to get her to come over one night, that the nanny was late because she had to take her dog to the vet? I may be misremembering....but casey was making up all these excuses for why she couldn't come over, because she had Caylee, and the nanny was supposed to be on her way. I thought I remembered her sayiing the nanny just called and said she had to take her dog to to the vet- or the nanny was supposed to be coming right over after she took her dog to the vet, but then stopped at the grocery store---I thought there was *something* in Casey's excuses somewhere involving the nanny and a dog or at least, a vet...in a text message, specifically.
I guess we are not going to agree on this. That's okay. Like I said I was taken aback by my own reaction to the tape. I do not think Zeneida and the lawyer are in it for the right reason. I just don't. I am sorry. It is okay that we don't agree. I just feel that these questions are so off topic and I just was surprised by my reaction.

Your reactions are your reactions, and you're entitled to them. The thing I'm a little taken aback by is the relative feelings of outrage people have about these matters and people. Even if this isn't the most pressing, significant civil matter in the courts of Florida today, the plaintiff and her lawyers are way down any list I'd make of questionable conduct. A person charged with various crimes so serious she is in jail without bond would be at the top. People who ought to be trying the hardest to bring the killer to justice but who despise and accuse LE, refuse to help, accuse other peoples' children with no basis in fact at all, other than that they hate them, would be next. Attacking ZG as the main miscreant is just something I don't understand.
I think Jesse Grund has a big target painted on his back, and I think the defense will try to tie ZFG and Jesse together as the killers. Failing that, it will be the SOD defense. I don't think for a second anyone, even the A's believe there really is a ZFG, and CA already said so in a taped interview with police.

And after KC gets convicted, JG can then file another civil suit against the Anthonys. I hope he does, too. This family is nauseating- NONE of them come across as sympathetic, or even honest. None of them exhibit self control, all 4 of them seem to have anger issues. What a toxic world Caylee lived in. :furious:
The more I read these boards the crazier I think I am - now I have not watched the whole Cindy deposition, I will admit that. But I feel the opposite of most people here.

1. I would lose my temper too - they are not sticking with the issue at hand (ZFG lawsuit).
2. ZFG lawsuit is frivolous and opportunistic (IMO). Not the same name, not the same description.
3. Having something to do with Sawgrass is not a crime, as far as I know.

Have I lost my mind? I think that attorney for ZFG is pulling some sort of a fast one (1) by acting like ZFG has a prayer of winning and (2) asking questions that don't have anything to do with that suit.

Now I will go back and watch the rest of the videos to see if they change my mind any, but as of right now, I am on Cindy's side about this. I think that is BS.
I didn't hear that part about her selling the videos /photos to ABC. Was she really hinting around that she had more to sell? If so I am not surprised. She could easily call back up the lady from KF who already sold and promised so much.
yep she (KC) :rolleyes:sold the image rights ..... ABC flipped the bill for the hotel and dinner the As stayed at....supposely JB arranged that affair~ but who knows?? yes in CA's depo she stated about the pictures, at that I about fell off my chair! As I have said before it appears that GA, KC, and CA are living off this image contract and am looking for more buyers... it should be interesting the closer it gets to trial...
I agree with that to a point. No matter what a rotten childhood you've had, no matter how badly you were treated (or felt you were treated) eventually, one day you wake up, and you're a grown up. It's at that point that YOU decide how you'll live your life, regardless of the garbage hand that may have been dealt to you in your youth. (Spoken from experience). YOU decide what type of person you'll be, and how you'll handle yourself (in spite of anything you might have gone through).

Yep, and I also know several people that had a great childhood with every advantage who turned out rotten. So I agree. It comes down to individual choice and personal responsibility.
I am not sure WHY it's legal for ZFG's lawyer to be able to demand answers for all these questions pertaining to KC's criminal case, but it seems to ME like WHAT he's doing is, in case his client (ZFG) doesn't win, is making things VERY difficult at least for the A's because he is forcing them to make statements under oath for things they will also have to answer under oath later so they won't be able to change their stories. I think he seems like he's trying to prove there IS NO NANNY, PERIOD. This will clear his client's name AND make sure the Anthony's cannot continue on with that story.

Am I reaching? But it seems to me that Zenaida's lawyer is so far the one doing the best for Caylee!! He is trying to put a stop to the A's bull. :crazy:
I agree and looking at her behavior yesterday, I think CA is going to eventually get in trouble herself for her flagrant disregard for the court/justice system. Will probably happen when she's called as a testifying witness in court on the criminal case. In that setting, the prosecutors will be allowed to question her in a very aggressive, accusatory manner designed to get her mad and spit out the truth. If defense counsel then questions her, prosecutors will get to pounce on her even harder through cross examination. She'll be yellling, screaming and trying to question the prosecutors right back and the judge will have to admonish her or issue a contempt of court. One other thing - Cindy's thinking that various inane facts will somehow save the case reminds me of the thought process I see in most criminal defendants. Especially when Cindy blurted out (in response to the question "Did Casey frequently lie to you") that the Sheriff's Department lied to Cindy. I mean....look at the facts of this case - and here Cindy is worried about a "lie" told by LE!
We had to study about how to handle this personality type in court, you may get a kick out of this:

How can I expose the lies of the narcissist in a court of law? He acts so convincing!


You should distinguish the factual pillar from the psychological pillar of any cross-examination of a narcissist or deposition made by him.

It is essential to be equipped with absolutely unequivocal, first rate, thoroughly authenticated and vouched for information. The reason is that narcissists are superhuman in their capacity to distort reality by offering highly "plausible" alternative scenarios, which fit most of the facts.

It is very easy to "break" a narcissist – even a well-trained and well-prepared one.

Here are a few of the things the narcissist finds devastating:

Any statement or fact, which seems to contradict his inflated perception of his grandiose self.

Any criticism, disagreement, exposure of fake achievements, belittling of "talents and skills" which the narcissist fantasises that he possesses.

Any hint that he is subordinated, subjugated, controlled, owned or dependent upon a third party.

Any description of the narcissist as average and common, indistinguishable from many others.

Any hint that the narcissist is weak, needy, dependent, deficient, slow, not intelligent, naive, gullible, susceptible, not in the know, manipulated, a victim, an average person of mediocre accomplishments.

The narcissist is likely to react with rage to all these and, in an effort to re-establish his fantastic grandiosity, he is likely to expose facts and stratagems he had no conscious intention of exposing.

The narcissist reacts indignantly, with wrath, hatred, aggression, or even overt violence to any infringement of what he perceives to be his natural entitlement.

Narcissists believe that they are so unique and that their lives are of such cosmic significance that others should defer to their needs and cater to their every whim without ado. The narcissist feels entitled to interact or be treated (or questioned) only by unique individuals. He resents being doubted and "ridiculed".

Any insinuation, hint, intimation, or direct declaration that the narcissist is not special at all, that he is average, common, not even sufficiently idiosyncratic to warrant a fleeting interest inflame the narcissist. He holds himself to be omnipotent and omniscient.

(The preceding is an excerpt from a book : Malignant Self Love: Narcissist Revisited)

I would start with belittling her,

and pointing out any thing I could that points to her being a poor role model, I would make condescending comments like "I will try to put these dots really close together for you or ask in a simpler way so you don't get confused." That is exactly what they did to push her (Cindy) and George's buttons yesterday. They are so easy, it is almost too easy to get them going. They went from zero to 100 in no time. They may have the better part of a year before the trial comes to calm down and practice lots of mock trials before they take the stand. Poor Brad!

Just in: the deputy who responded to Kronk in the woods was fired today!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey Gypsy and Amethyst, please tone it down a bit. I have done a huge amount of research. I must have missed that. I am sorry if I offended you. I would really like to just share my feelings on this. That's all.

I am certainly glad that I have never done a depo. I live a good life and hope that I never do.

Thanks for your time.

I responded that you should speak for yourself, when you said we all disbelieve ZG. I don't think it needs any toning
I guess we are not going to agree on this. That's okay. Like I said I was taken aback by my own reaction to the tape. I do not think Zeneida and the lawyer are in it for the right reason. I just don't. I am sorry. It is okay that we don't agree. I just feel that these questions are so off topic and I just was surprised by my reaction.

Since poor ZFG was unwillingly dragged into this mess and Casey has filed a counter suit against her, there really are no limitations on the line of questioning Morgan can pursue.
Morgan is one of the most prominent attorneys in the city of Orlando, he does not need free advertising nor does he need any more money than he already has.
He is trying to disassociate his client from being suspected as a kidnapper and a murderer, he is doing an excellent job.
Cindy and George are hurting their daughter's case by acting like barbarians when all they needed to do was say yes or no.
Mr Morgan knows what he is doing and why he is doing it. He may have a few big surprises up his sleeve......stay tuned:biggrin:
We had to study about how to handle this personality type in court, you may get a kick out of this:

How can I expose the lies of the narcissist in a court of law? He acts so convincing!


You should distinguish the factual pillar from the psychological pillar of any cross-examination of a narcissist or deposition made by him.

It is essential to be equipped with absolutely unequivocal, first rate, thoroughly authenticated and vouched for information. The reason is that narcissists are superhuman in their capacity to distort reality by offering highly "plausible" alternative scenarios, which fit most of the facts.

It is very easy to "break" a narcissist – even a well-trained and well-prepared one.

Here are a few of the things the narcissist finds devastating:

Any statement or fact, which seems to contradict his inflated perception of his grandiose self.

Any criticism, disagreement, exposure of fake achievements, belittling of "talents and skills" which the narcissist fantasises that he possesses.

Any hint that he is subordinated, subjugated, controlled, owned or dependent upon a third party.

Any description of the narcissist as average and common, indistinguishable from many others.

Any hint that the narcissist is weak, needy, dependent, deficient, slow, not intelligent, naive, gullible, susceptible, not in the know, manipulated, a victim, an average person of mediocre accomplishments.

The narcissist is likely to react with rage to all these and, in an effort to re-establish his fantastic grandiosity, he is likely to expose facts and stratagems he had no conscious intention of exposing.

The narcissist reacts indignantly, with wrath, hatred, aggression, or even overt violence to any infringement of what he perceives to be his natural entitlement.

Narcissists believe that they are so unique and that their lives are of such cosmic significance that others should defer to their needs and cater to their every whim without ado. The narcissist feels entitled to interact or be treated (or questioned) only by unique individuals. He resents being doubted and "ridiculed".

Any insinuation, hint, intimation, or direct declaration that the narcissist is not special at all, that he is average, common, not even sufficiently idiosyncratic to warrant a fleeting interest inflame the narcissist. He holds himself to be omnipotent and omniscient.

I would start with belittling her,

and pointing out any thing I could that points to her being a poor role model, I would make condescending comments like "I will try to put these dots really close together for you or ask in a simpler way so you don't get confused." That is exactly what they did to push her (Cindy) and George's buttons yesterday. They are so easy, it is almost too easy to get them going. They went from zero to 100 in no time. They may have the better part of a year before the trial comes to calm down and practice lots of mock trials before they take the stand. Poor Brad!

Extremely informative and insightful post! Thank you! :clap:
Good grief...CA won't speculate on where KC was when she discovered KC didn't actually have a job; she even said Caylee could have been at Zanny's, she just didn't know and wouldn't speculate on any of that, but she sure speculated right after that line of questioning that Zanny "could have been either Jesse or Amy." Talk about cherry picking.
I think it's unfair of the media to show snippits. When you listen to the complete interview, the sensational parts make more sense. I want to see fair treatment for all parties and refuse to be part of a lynch mob.

It's too easy to believe we know exactly what happened before all the evidence is presented. I refuse to decide before the trial. Until then, I'm trying to be open to hearing new information and flexible enough to change direction in my thinking.
Snipped for space....
But, didn't Casey actually tell one of her boyfriends who was trying to get her to come over one night, that the nanny was late because she had to take her dog to the vet? I may be misremembering....but casey was making up all these excuses for why she couldn't come over, because she had Caylee, and the nanny was supposed to be on her way. I thought I remembered her sayiing the nanny just called and said she had to take her dog to to the vet- or the nanny was supposed to be coming right over after she took her dog to the vet, but then stopped at the grocery store---I thought there was *something* in Casey's excuses somewhere involving the nanny and a dog or at least, a vet...in a text message, specifically.

Yep - I remember that. It was either TL or the ex-cop. I forget the ex-cop's name. He was the one who called Caylee "the offspring".
YES! I keep thinking how mortified anyone connected with this bunch must be. How heartbroken and sickened the greatgrandparents must be. that poor greatgrandpa with Caylee on his lap as his last memory of her, and perhaps her last hug from anyone...
I really feel for Shirley, she certainly doesn't need this to deal with. I am sure she watched coverage of the depositions, or atleast parts, she deserves better from her daughter.
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