2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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I think George wants to be thought of as a big, bad, dangerous individual--or a gentle saint--but he's too easily cowed by his wife (or being sent to "time out" like today) to be dangerous, and he lacks the strong, honest character of a saint. If he did throw his father through a plate glass window as has been alledged, then he isn't dangerous, he's simply a cowardly bully who picked an easily defeated opponent who was 30? years older than himself.

Having said all that, I'm going to seem to completely reverse my opinion, and agree with you that he could become dangerous particularly if he ever takes a good look at himself and goes looking for someone to blame for what he sees in the mirror.

I think GA probably read some of the blogs where people were saying "grow some ba!!s George". He tried and they are rubbing him the wrong way :crazy::crazy::crazy:
After watching and reading the depositions, I am left feeling ...dirty. We were given a glimpse into a foul, foul conspiracy to erase Casey's "mistake."

Casey may be solely responsible for everything up to and including Caylee's heinous murder.

Cindy and George Anthony, however, are as culpable as she for each.and.every.action intended to obfuscate the truth to hinder LE and the court.

Poor Caylee. They all buried her. Sweet girl--there were so many who would have loved her and guided her through a long and happy life. She deserved that.

And look what she got. LOOK WHAT SHE GOT! <sob>

How DARE George get riled when "remains" were mentioned? He helped ensure that Caylee's precious body would be nothing more than "remains."

I was never so disgusted in my whole life as I was by George's deposition. However, after he was advised it would be taken to the Judge if he continued, could be held in contempt, AND be liable for attorney's fees, he backed down and became a lot more cooperative. In my opinion it was the threat of attorney's fees that modified his "attitude".
Dots, because I always enjoy and respect your opinions, I hope in this instance you'll take the time to watch either part 1 or 2 of GA's depo to get a look at George's all new smug, smirking facial expressions. It's quite unprecedented.

Omg, wasn't that face twitching, eyelash batting and smirking something else?

Unreal ..
Personally I think George's opportunity to stand up for Caylee came and went on July 15, 2008 at the car storage yard when he got into the driver's seat of the Pontiac, turned the engine on, rolled down the windows and drove away.

That's exactly when his decision was made (and it was as easy as you describe above) to do everything possible to hinder the investigation into the death of Caylee, all the time pretending to cooperate with LE. He knew for sure that day that she was dead and probably suspected it for about a month before. Every now and then the thought enters my mind that he dropped off a laundry basket in the woods on the way home that day.

I absolutely agree that when he got in that car he KNEW he what he was doing. It was a deliberate act that was meant to keep this all a family affair. I don't think he had any idea that Cindy would call 911. I think he figured that after work he would do his part and clean up the car and Cindy would do her part and clean up whatever mess KC had made. And life at the Anthony Ponderosa would continue on as usual.
Can you just imagine-if Cindy had not called 911!! KC would NOT be in jail, the A's would have just said that Caylee was with the bio father! KC would be with some guy and probably pregnant again!!:eek:
I was totally disgusted with George! I recall when LE was interviewing him, LE said somethhing like, "George, I think you are a guy who knows a lot about a lot of things!" Funny, all of a sudden, "DAHHH", George knows nothing about anything, anytime or anywhere!

Did anyone count how many times George said, "I don't know"?

I thought Morgan and company did a great job. This leaves me to wonder how the "State" will perform. Hopefully, if on the stand, the State will not "back off".

If GA, CA and of course, we must not forget LA are called to the stand in the trial, won't the jury be "impressed" with their answers and attitudes?? GO, LE, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

My most favorite in all the depositions was "Don't touch me!!" That was classic!
Snipped: "You don't care. I hope you never have to go through what I've had to go through."

This whole scenario could have gone down a much lighter road for the Anthonys had Casey been truthful. I wish the Anthony family would realize the world DOES care... it's their daughter, Casey, who could care less. Their "going through" this because Casey will NEVER tell the truth!!
Snipped: "You don't care. I hope you never have to go through what I've had to go through."

This whole scenario could have gone down a much lighter road for the Anthonys had Casey been truthful. I wish the Anthony family would realize the world DOES care... it's their daughter, Casey, who could care less. Their "going through" this because Casey will NEVER tell the truth!!

And the 64 million dollar question NO ONE will ask is......Ok then Cindy, if you STILL believe your daughter, and that she is protecting the family, guess it didn't work so well for Caylee, but why then doesn't KC go on and spill the beans. It would clear this WHOLE shebang up.....she could walk free...you and George could go on your merry way.....so what's holding her up now?
Wasn't it interesting how GA stated he didn't know this or that about interactions between KC and CA, then later, he said that he and Cindy talk "on a daily basis" about their daughter. HUH????
I never thought GA was a big liar....until now. And I'm sure they don't see themselves as doing nothing more than tactfully avoiding the questions.
Late to the party again. But I feel that George needs to STOP trying to play off people's sympathies. He tried and tried to play the grieving grandfather card, all the while he was protecting Caylee's murderer.


The entire family is just cold and calculating, IMO. It's very disturbing to see such a thing.
Seemed to me that John Morgan badgered and tormented Geo. A.

On the contrary, I think Mr. Morgan showed GREAT restraint. If it had been me, I would have come across that table and slapped the ever lovin' out of that pompous, arrogant, idiotic, condesending excuse of a man.:behindbar
teeheehee .. :D

Yep, I noticed the tan too. He looked to me like he's enjoying a life of leisure with the profits he's making from Caylee's death and thinks we should worship him like a celebrity because he's now got money. I sure hope LE charges this family soon and they have to stop profitting from Caylee's death.
I think GA probably read some of the blogs where people were saying "grow some ba!!s George". He tried and they are rubbing him the wrong way :crazy::crazy::crazy:

I used to think that Casey rec'd her training in anger blow-ups from her mom. After yesterday, I think George was a good teacher. too. Get upset. Strike.
When does a parent start acting like a grown-up and model for their kids?
Will they ever grow up?
They are not helping their kids. They are dangerous. All need anger control therapy. I'd be afraid to have any of them living or being around me.
Hi everyone... I am going to disagree with everyone here a little bit. This is just my opinion and I mean no disrespect, so please be gentle with me. I think this comes from my "hippie" days (in the 90's lol), about questioning authority, so please forgive me here.

While I do think that he and CA both went into these depos with a lot of attitude, and I agree that the attorney was being nice, I have to agree with CA and GA somewhat because I do not understand some of the questions being asked. I too don't see the relevance in some of these things, and I didn't see a need to keep pushing for answers when they clearly stated "I don't know". To me, that is a problem, and I think the attorneys were somewhat "gloating" which is unprofessional and wrong.

I am not saying I agree with or support the A's, but I can see issues on both sides with the depos today. I think I also still somewhat sympathize with them for their loss. Now here is a statement that will really get me in trouble: I DO think this lawsuit is frivolous. I think ZG should PROVE that she has been denied jobs, housing, etc. as a direct result of the A's actions and not something else.

If ZG has a poor job history, or any other issues, can she accurately say that her own actions aren't to blame? I don't really know, so I am not accusing or anything... just throwing it out there. On my soapbox for two seconds, I think there are a lot of frivolous lawsuits in this country, and I somewhat think that ZG is among all the others trying to make a quick buck over this tragedy, UNLESS she can PROVE the results. (off sopabox)

I am also concerned because the attorneys basically admitted that they are concerned with the criminal murder case as well. Aren't they hired by ZG? They shouldn't have any interest in the murder case at all. Can someone with legal knowledge answer if this is double jeopardy or in any way reflects on the criminal suit? I am reminded of the civil case against OJ, and I am wondering if these attorneys plan on filing something of that nature.

Can't disagree with you more.
What ever happened to civility?
In a situation this important, their ability to communicate honestly, openly, and using good manners is in serious question.
Makes me wonder, have they always been like this? If so, someone should have taken that baby away from all of them - years ago.
They are dangerous. Rage is not a good thing for anyone in any situation. They are a snap waiting to happen.
I didn't think this way until yesterday. They have had plenty of time to calm down about the media attention, etc. But wasn't it George who got all excited about a freakin boat named after his granddaughter - who because of their doing - was not able to be found - until she was only remains.
They all belong away from the public and in some sort of rehab for their anger/aggressive/defiant personalities. So inappropriate right now.
Of course, jmo.
I thought the deposition was about the fact that the Zenadia G. who was present is not [/U]the one involved -- and why was all of the questions re: the criminal case brought up?
I cannot believe I forgot to comment on the A's chewing their cud!!!! How stupid of me!! I live on a farm and the animals I own have more manners about chewing than the A's showed.

I know there are some people on this site that were not raised in America or that were home schooled, but isn't that one of the first things a person learns in school?? NO CHEWING GUM BECAUSE IT'S RUDE AND GROSS!!!

Seriously, it bothered me a little.
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