2009.04.09 Nancy Grace

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Tonight was the first time I noticed how much Caylee looked like Cindy. Something about the mouth and eyes. Did any one else notice?
I think Casey looks more like George. She sure doesn't have Condy's mouth.

I thought the dispositions were very telling. Cindy particulary. Her anger is almost out of control. And George too but not as vehement as Cindy. Poor Caylee in the midst of a completely disfunctional family. It would have gotten to her eventually. Her mother was brought up by George and Cindy; she never had a chance.
CA told GA as they were leaving the room.

I thought it was George who told Cindy to shut up, and she said, I don't have to shut up...then Conway told someone to close the door, but of course Cindy had to barrel on through. :rolleyes:
I thought it was George who told Cindy to shut up, and she said, I don't have to shut up...then Conway told someone to close the door, but of course Cindy had to barrel on through. :rolleyes:

Yep, on wftv:

"You have to have hope. If you don't have hope, you don't have faith!" Cindy Anthony yelled out after her deposition was completed.

Cindy appeared to attack John Morgan about a comment she heard him say on television.

"Yes, you did. You went on TV and said I shouldn't be praying," Cindy said.

Meanwhile, Cindy's husband George tried to calm her down.

"Listen, shut up," George told her.

"No, I'm not shutting up," Cindy yelled.

Cindy was still fuming as she walked out and said few words to reporters.

"I can't stomach the man," Cindy said as she walked out, possibly referring to attorney John Morgan.

"How did it go in there, Cindy?" WFTV reporter Jeff Deal asked.

"What set you off?" another reporter asked.

"Nothing," Cindy replied.

Well if KC is planning on throwing her parents under the bus, JB is loving these videos
Drew.........confirmed that the A's said that they had phone numbers and addresses for ZFG.

Cindy lying.........saying she had phone number and addresses but doesn't have then now.

Cindy said the woman JM represents is not the one that KC described - the one KC describes is prettier.

I just jumped on here a little while ago so I don't know if this has been talked about much...but it SO pizzed me off when they BOTH (GA and CA) took cheap shots at ZFG's looks! :mad:

George stated KC had described ZFG "as a 10"....mmm right GA...a wealthy child loving stunner who loves to nanny...

Unforgivably RUDE and childish and cruel! But why does this not surprise me coming from them?

Nasty people...
I just jumped on here a little while ago so I don't know if this has been talked about much...but it SO pizzed me off when they BOTH (GA and CA) took cheap shots at ZFG's looks! :mad:

George stated KC had described ZFG "as a 10"....mmm right GA...a wealthy child loving stunner who loves to nanny...

Unforgivably RUDE and childish and cruel! But why does this not surprise me coming from them?

Nasty people...

Yes Thinaire...it was LOW wasn't it? It just shows how trashy, rude, classless, mean spirited, spiteful, and cruel these people are. It pixxed a lot of people off here. I can't imagine how Zeniada must have felt. I hope she has a strong shell and was able to shrug it off. Cindy should be ASHAMED of herself for saying that!!! Oh that made me so mad when Cindy said that! If my t.v. were a portal to get to her - no telling what I would have done or said to her. That was so uncalled for!
Well if KC is planning on throwing her parents under the bus, JB is loving these videos

I've thought often and even posted a couple of times wondering if KC will ultimately BLAME her parents for the death of this poor babe...

She'll do anything for a defense and her parents are just sick pathetic individuals that should never had the opportunity to reproduce!:furious:
Seriously, who refers to their nanny as a 10? Plus, she was allegedly rich too, lol. Then why is she a nanny, I have to ask. LOL. Crazy. And there's no need to insult the real ZFG, which is what they were jabbing at. Stay Klassy, A's.

Oh I knew you all would not miss a thing :)..you DID cover this before I got here!

Well if ZFG ever reads here...I for one would like to tell her that she is lovely...and has lovely warm brown eyes!

I pop over to the Orlando Sentinel forum and try and see if I can get local take on some of this occasionally. There is a poster there thats been posting pro KC from the start...and ALWAYS seems to bring up looks, or implies that any poster who is KC gulity is fat and ugly...I'd bet good $ who the poster is...:rolleyes:
Yes Thinaire...it was LOW wasn't it? It just shows how trashy, rude, classless, mean spirited, spiteful, and cruel these people are. It pixxed a lot of people off here. I can't imagine how Zeniada must have felt. I hope she has a strong shell and was able to shrug it off. Cindy should be ASHAMED of herself for saying that!!! Oh that made me so mad when Cindy said that! If my t.v. were a portal to get to her - no telling what I would have done or said to her. That was so uncalled for!

THEY made a POINT of it! They were so proud of themselves too...I was expecting a big ol high five from them...ugh...

They really DO think they are smart, clever and people will buy what they are selling...if there are THAT many stupid people in this world then I want on the next Space Shuttle outta here :crazy:
There was one point where GA's face turned downright purple from rage, I thought he might actually attack the attorney. Scary. jmo

:chicken::chicken: George only threatens to attack when there are plenty of people there to "hold him back" don'tcha know? :)

George is sly...he smiles and tries to charm...yet is as viscous as CA. Perhaps more so.
Yes Thinaire...it was LOW wasn't it? It just shows how trashy, rude, classless, mean spirited, spiteful, and cruel these people are. It pixxed a lot of people off here. I can't imagine how Zeniada must have felt. I hope she has a strong shell and was able to shrug it off. Cindy should be ASHAMED of herself for saying that!!! Oh that made me so mad when Cindy said that! If my t.v. were a portal to get to her - no telling what I would have done or said to her. That was so uncalled for!

It is what they do- When trapped they become defensive, derogatory and verbally humiliating.. their words become weapons. If you think this is bad can you imagine the nastiness she spewed at Casey her whole life?!
THEY made a POINT of it! They were so proud of themselves too...I was expecting a big ol high five from them...ugh...

They really DO think they are smart, clever and people will buy what they are selling...if there are THAT many stupid people in this world then I want on the next Space Shuttle outta here :crazy:

haha! It's funny because she actually does think people support them..that we will all be outragred by Morgan and Co's behavior and not there's.
GA arguing with JM over the pronunciation of Zanny. Tells JM he's upset about having to be there today.

CA telling JM that Casey had been told Zanny would return Caylee by her birthday. She's also very combative with JM.

Nancy: very clear to me they believe this story (that Casey told about what happened to Caylee).

JM: they were difficult and combative all day.

OK, Nancy is pi$$ing me off (I know, I know, "if you don't like her, don't watch her, don't read the thread") WTF is with her and the Anthony's all the time? It's clear to her they believe the story???! HUH?! Nancy, WTF?!
They act just like spoiled brats who aren't getting their way for the first time ever.

Whining, crying, feigning illness, smirks, sassy, confrontational, agressive, angry, pitiful, "righteous" indignation, word play, circle logic, evasiveness, refusal to answer, taking their marbles home if the game isn't played their way. They tried the Alpha to the Omega and when all else failed, piety.

Manipulative bunch.
They act just like spoiled brats who aren't getting their way for the first time ever.

Whining, crying, feigning illness, smirks, sassy, confrontational, agressive, angry, pitiful, "righteous" indignation, word play, circle logic, evasiveness, refusal to answer, taking their marbles home if the game isn't played their way. They tried the Alpha to the Omega and when all else failed, piety.

Manipulative bunch.

Totally agree! They have acted like this from the beginning of this whole thing. What's really sad is that most people gave them the benefit of the doubt and had pity on them. Some still do. I just can't bring myself to pity them when they have obviously known things from the start. In addition to that, they have completely lied and tried to cover up certain aspects of this whole case. It's pretty sad when there was an innocent child involved and they still sit there and tell lies and manipulate.
RIP Caylee
They act just like spoiled brats who aren't getting their way for the first time ever.

Whining, crying, feigning illness, smirks, sassy, confrontational, agressive, angry, pitiful, "righteous" indignation, word play, circle logic, evasiveness, refusal to answer, taking their marbles home if the game isn't played their way. They tried the Alpha to the Omega and when all else failed, piety.

Manipulative bunch.

Yup yup yup- great post!
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