2009.04.10 Defense Motion for Additional Phone Records

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With all due respect, for some people $100 is a hardship these days. Plus cab fare or parking at both ends of the flight, possibly a motel room, meals out.....

While I would like to see him there, I can fully understand him not being there.

If he is a witness for the Prosecution wouldn't the state pay his expenses?
He was in the courtroom with his attorney when they were fighting for his phone records. I saw the camera pan over to TonyL..he hasn't been there since...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

ETA: Tony Lazzaro motion

Even if he was there once, I don't see how you can say you always see him sitting on the defense's side. I can't imagine that he is there supporting Casey.
If he is a witness for the Prosecution wouldn't the state pay his expenses?

If they did I would think it would be for testifing in court....not just this...he has representation present and that should be sufficient....???? Am I right??????
Does anyone have the video of that hearing? And is that really his twitter?
Judge Strickland gave TL 30 days after the hearing to turn over the records that he ordered to be turned over (6/01/08 - 12/18/08). So, by Sept. 21, 2009 I feel sure Mr. Jay and TL complied and Baez had the phone records that Judge Strickland had ordered.

There would have been no reason for another subpoena. They were ordered to turn them over.

Is there any doubt in ANYONE'S mind that if those records had not been turned over, Baez would have been screaming from the rooftops long before now?

I agree.
TL was ordered to turn over the phone records within 30 days of the order and that was 1 year ago.
I only see ulterior motives for issuing this subpoena...Tony is up next on the SODDI bus.
With all due respect, for some people $100 is a hardship these days. Plus cab fare or parking at both ends of the flight, possibly a motel room, meals out.....

While I would like to see him there, I can fully understand him not being there.

...plus he would have to miss work. He just got out of school, too.

I don't see why he should be at these hearings. I mean, that would be fine if he was; but not expected. He had only met Caylee a couple of times. Caylee's own family doesn't even show up for the hearings. Cindy and George come, but no one else.
Does anyone have the video of that hearing? And is that really his twitter?

It appears to be his twitter. That is a picture of him, so unless someone used his picture and name, its his twitter page.
It appears to be his twitter. That is a picture of him, so unless someone used his picture and name, its his twitter page.

Thanks..I'll have to check it out later. My work blocks Twitter.
I missed Will Jay on TruTV talking about it, was there any mention of him attending the status hearing in case of the "are there any other issues while we're here" possibility coming up? Or would this quash motion be heard at another hearing? I am just dying to see Anthony Lazzaro sitting in the peanut gallery. Please please please. More than ANY other witness out of the hundreds, I want to see him specifically confront her, even if just from behind.

I'm going to guess that this will not come up in the status hearing since it will involve at least 2 outside parties. TL's lawyer and AT&T's.

And the more I think on it, the more this really bothers me. While TL's lawyer has every right to be enraged about it, the real troubles for JB may be AT&T. And those troubles will not be going through HHJP. He is now claiming "clerical error". You can bet dollars to donuts that AT&T's lawyers and security team is closely scrutinizing this. As I said above this looks rather clearly like an attempt at social engineering to get personal information. This is an extremely common form of hacking and identity theft. AT&T essentially runs the worlds largest public computer network, so they are very good at spotting this, have no sense of humor about it, and will take extremely unpleasant action when they feel they are justified. They do not care what issues it will raise on appeal. JB submitted a signed and certified false subpoena to them demanding private privileged customer information and data. I think we have yet to see exactly how that will play out. Especially if TL's lawyer makes a formal complaint to AT&T.
Even if he was there once, I don't see how you can say you always see him sitting on the defense's side. I can't imagine that he is there supporting Casey.

Correct, I shouldn't have used ALWAYS, I tried to edit my word but couldn't. I do believe I saw him there, possibly twice...I apologize for my "clerical" error...I truly was an error on my part. JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Correct, I shouldn't have used ALWAYS, I tried to edit my word but couldn't. I do believe I saw him there, possibly twice...I apologize for my "clerical" error...I truly was an error on my part. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

No problem at all. But even if you saw him sitting on the defense side twice, that is still two times too many to me.
With all due respect, for some people $100 is a hardship these days. Plus cab fare or parking at both ends of the flight, possibly a motel room, meals out.....

While I would like to see him there, I can fully understand him not being there.

I know, I realize that, I'm just very passionate about this. I mean, for possibly the biggest opportunity in one's life (maybe) to do something right, I'd think is worth a hundred bucks and cab fare. I get the point though. I just want Tony to be the hero here. just my own personal hope.

"In the motion, Baez is asking judge Stan Strickland to order 11 different cell phone companies to turn over certain records to the defense.

Baez wants complete records for meter reader Roy Kronk, the man who found Caylee Anthony's remains; Jesse Grund, Anthony's ex-fiance; Tony Lazzaro, the man Anthony was dating when she was arrested in July on charges of child neglect in the disappearance of her daughter; Richard Cain, the deputy who searched the woods where Caylee's body was later found; Anthony's friend Amy Huizinga; private investigators Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover; and the entire Anthony family."

B wants to go after everyone!

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Do we know whose phone records those were that allegedly Yuri recently discovered ( or Linda discovered ) that had not been turned over by the State to the defense? I know they are really , really gunning for Jesse.

I noticed in Muzikman's post that the reason Jesse's depo was canceled is because he had a job interview. Good for him!!! I sure hope all good things for his future. The defense can't dare complain. Afterall they could have scheduled him at any time in low these last two years. What the hell is their excuse for leaving he and Yuri for two years later? It will be a tough sell to get the jury to believe either Tony or Jesse had anything to do with this child's death. This being only one of the many reasons, they both took polygraphs immediately, voluntarily and cooperated fully with LE, which is a lot more than I can say for Caylee's own family.

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