2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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The jury only recommends (in some states.) The judge can completely ignore their recommendation if he or she wants.

If a jury's recommendation bound the judge, it would make no sense to have it be a recommendation. It would be a final decision.

Keep in mind that the procedure may be completely different in your state. But if the jury makes the decision in your state, it's a decision and not a recommendation.

I have never in my life followed a case where the jury made the actual decision. Can you cite a single one?
And if Cindy acts on direct with the State like she did at the deposition that pleading will have little to no weight with a jury come sentencing time.

Agreed. She's her own worst enemy, that one and her husband - the depositions convinced me of that. I have to wonder though what life is like on the inside of that debacle, if everything they're doing is for "show." Sad.
I don't think she will change her plea - the prospect of the DP didn't change Darlie Routier's claims, and I see some similarities between these two women.
I guess I can't argue with your logic, but there are MANY Casey Anthony's out there and many more who are much worse. While emotionally we want to say it's not about money, no one has unlimited resources at their disposal and there are times when tough decisions must be made.

When we look at the national debt and individual state's debt, somehow, we do have to try to find a way to take emotion off the table.

As for Casey, if she receives death, I won't be losing any sleep, that's for sure. My opinion on the DP itself isn't only based on this case, though. Now, if we want to take these monsters, walk them to town square and hang them immediately upon being sentenced (reducing costs A LOT LOL), and if we want to have the same rules apply across the board for all, hey, I'm there. I'll even gladly go watch the executions in my area. I'd bet under these circumstances, the death penalty would most definitely become a HUGE deterrent, too.
Deeming a convicted killer unfit for society is not about emotion, imo. It's very simple in my mind. The killer is not fit to walk/talk among/with human beings.
It's offensive, and the guards should not be forced to interact with monsters, let alone others that have been incarcerated.
I wonder how CA & GA took the news? I bet they swallowed their chewing gum?
That is better than most other states. Kudos to Florida. Florida is also on the short list of states who have executed a woman. Well, since the mid/latter 1900's anyway.

Aileen Wuornos (the movie Monster was about her, Charleze Theoron won Oscar for her haunting performance of her) is the most famous of the women they have executed..
The trials for the various people she murded ended in 1993 and after numerous appeal rejections she was executed by lethal injection October 9, 2002
Nine years for the process is pretty impressive.
Ok... here is a question for anyone.

Can the state then double back off the DP, and change their minds, seeking a life sentence instead?

I'm impressed with this gutsy move today, but could it be it was for the purpose of shaking the tree, and trying to get a plea deal from KC?

Spokesperson for JB is adamant that this isn't a DP case.

I do think there is something in Florida law that differs from other states and I always hoped someone would come along and explain to us what that difference was. This case meets the requirements to seek death. In other states that I'm aware of, that is all that's required to make a case DP qualified or not. This case CLEARLY meets Florida's requirement, so why would anyone argue to the contrary? I'm not saying you, or your source here, but I've heard it many times from analysis watching the various programming too. What is it about Florida law that makes this case not a death penalty case? That's rhetorical btw (though I would LOVE someone to answer).

As for changing their minds, my guess would be (and it's just that) that they can change their mind till this goes to trial. It was said they could change it to seek death till this time, so I don't see why it would be different in the opposite direction as well?!?!?!?!
I can't shake the feeling that the DP back on the table has something to do with the PI's knowing the location of the body. KC, lying on Caylee's blow up mattress beside her mothers bed confessed, CA while whispering sweet nothings in the ear of DC, threw in the location while staring (without blinking) deep into his eyes and caressing his forearm.
If anything - I really hope the jail video taped her reaction to today's news also!
I have never in my life followed a case where the jury made the actual decision. Can you cite a single one?

I'm sure there are many, just find a state where the jury doesn't recommend, but not in my state, where the jury only recommends. I will say I never saw a judge go against the jury's recommendation in a capital case.
I don't know about that. Scott Peterson was sentenced to death by a jury which focused on his unemotional demeanor and behavior after Laci went missing. I might be mistaken about this, but didn't his mom plead for him too?

The matriarch in that family will definitely make her appearance -- and yep, she'll plead for her daughter's life. But.... that's at the end of the trial and after boatload of examples of her daughter's total lack of truthfulness. If I recall, her daughter was advised early on by investigators not to let this snowball...and instead, she did the opposite. IMO, a "normal" objective person such as will be selected for this jury will see the family pleading for her life for what it is and move forward with what the evidence reveals. Killing your own kid has more weight with juries: the family's probably going to be perceived as enabling Casey's behavior which may have ultimately led to Caylee's death.

True, but I meant more that CA won't be up there advocating for Caylee. CA & GA were basically Caylee's parents. At the SP trial, Laci's family all testified about how much they will miss her and how she was looking forward to giving birth, etc. Caylee sadly doesn't have that in the same way unless GA sees the light and will give an impact statement like from the Memorial
Atty on JVM just said that George and Cindy will make an appearance on Oprah in May. It's about influencing the jury pool, he said.
I predict Casey gets a death penalty state appointed attorney. I don't think her parents are going to put one more dime of their *alleged* photo licensing fee money into her defense, now that it's DP. It's a new ball game.

The DP announcement takes their dreams of fame, fortune, caviar dreams and glory away completely, imo.

I truly think from now on they'll be quiet and let KC hang. There's nothing in this for them anymore.

just imo naturally.
I do think there is something in Florida law that differs from other states and I always hoped someone would come along and explain to us what that difference was. This case meets the requirements to seek death. In other states that I'm aware of, that is all that's required to make a case DP qualified or not. This case CLEARLY meets Florida's requirement, so why would anyone argue to the contrary? I'm not saying you, or your source here, but I've heard it many times from analysis watching the various programming too. What is it about Florida law that makes this case not a death penalty case? That's rhetorical btw (though I would LOVE someone to answer).

As for changing their minds, my guess would be (and it's just that) that they can change their mind till this goes to trial. It was said they could change it to seek death till this time, so I don't see why it would be different in the opposite direction as well?!?!?!?!

Thanks for that info...

I'm sorry... here's just something I saw a little bit ago. I should have posted it before.


Hehe.. I'm curious to see if it's all a bluff for a plea.. and who does or does not takes the bait... and who soils their pants. :p
I have never in my life followed a case where the jury made the actual decision. Can you cite a single one?

Actually, I think that it's the matter of context in how "recommendation" by a jury for the death penalty applies as a "decision." It is highly unusual for a judge to reduce a death penalty recommendation from any sitting jury - therefore it is a decision of the people imposed by the judge.

You're right though: it is, legally, a recommendation, even though most news articles and analysis mix the 2 words, which IMO tells you how often it is a judge reduces a death penalty recommendation made by the jury to life in prison.
I do think there is something in Florida law that differs from other states and I always hoped someone would come along and explain to us what that difference was. This case meets the requirements to seek death. In other states that I'm aware of, that is all that's required to make a case DP qualified or not. This case CLEARLY meets Florida's requirement, so why would anyone argue to the contrary? I'm not saying you, or your source here, but I've heard it many times from analysis watching the various programming too. What is it about Florida law that makes this case not a death penalty case? That's rhetorical btw (though I would LOVE someone to answer).

As for changing their minds, my guess would be (and it's just that) that they can change their mind till this goes to trial. It was said they could change it to seek death till this time, so I don't see why it would be different in the opposite direction as well?!?!?!?!
Something tells me they're striking while the iron is hot. Oh, I believe they've had strong evidence from the getgo, but now they have public sentiment behind them. The public IMO is sick and tired of all the lies. They want justice for Caylee in a big way.
Absolutely appropriate! Hi-5 to the prosecution!!
Baez will be scrambling for DP qualified counsel to join the "scheme team".
This will take years to finally come to an end after the child killer is convicted.
Jurors need to get over the idea that a young woman shouldn't end up on death
row. Small children shouldn't end up dead at their mother's hand either!
Young women are just as capable of horrendous crimes as young men or older
men/women. Equality for all! You do the crime you get the dp, any and all.
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