2009.04.13 Unreleased Evidence: What Are You Waiting to See?

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I'm new here, and I have to say that I thought I knew a lot more about this case than I actually did...I've learned a ton just reading here over the last few days.

Everything that I want to know has already been posted, but I do want to know if we can expect to hear just what evidence the prosection has when they make their opening statements? (or is that weeks away still?)

Waiting for this trial to get underway is making this weekend drag out terribly.
DominicC's stinkin depo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ain't gonna happen, is it? :(
I'm new here, and I have to say that I thought I knew a lot more about this case than I actually did...I've learned a ton just reading here over the last few days.

Everything that I want to know has already been posted, but I do want to know if we can expect to hear just what evidence the prosection has when they make their opening statements? (or is that weeks away still?)

Waiting for this trial to get underway is making this weekend drag out terribly.


Opening statements are just a few paragraphs from state and defense to outline the respective theories. Both will say they have evidence, and may briefly outline the idea, but evidence is what makes a trial last a few days, a few weeks, or a few months. Hence witnesses, experts, etc...

So, no evidence will be greatly revealed in the opening statements, no matter how lengthy they may be.

Closing arguments will remind you of any loopholes and/or mitigating circumstances to come, but that is a bit away.
Don't they have to release all the docs in the case? I thought that was what the sunshine laws ensured, it would all be available to the public ....?

Opening statements are just a few paragraphs from state and defense to outline the respective theories. Both will say they have evidence, and may briefly outline the idea, but evidence is what makes a trial last a few days, a few weeks, or a few months. Hence witnesses, experts, etc...

So, no evidence will be greatly revealed in the opening statements, no matter how lengthy they may be.

Closing arguments will remind you of any loopholes and/or mitigating circumstances to come, but that is a bit away.

Well darn. Fingers crossed that they do reveal a little bit of what is to come. I would dearly love to see Casey's face when/if (and please let it be a WHEN, not an IF) a rock solid bit of evidence is revealed.

Caylee was killed on June 16th in the afternoon sometime and placed in the trunk and was REMOVED from the trunk on or about the 19th of June. They know this because of the fatty acids they found in the trunk - the first stage of purging. So when she saw George on the 24th of June (which is amazing she kept coming home - She is so crazy), Caylee had already been put in the woods.

Thanks for clearing that up. I should really study the timeline before Tuesday!

I'm so sorry about your brother! I have smelled gangrene on an amputated leg as I was helping to change or rewrap a bandage back in the mid-1990s, and if decomp is anything like THAT, I can easily imagine you not wanting to be anywhere near it! O.M.G! That was the WORST thing I have ever smelled in my entire life and the urge to barf was overwhelming, although, by some miracle, I was able to contain it. As everyone says, once you smell it, you never forget it.
Don't they have to release all the docs in the case? I thought that was what the sunshine laws ensured, it would all be available to the public ....?
There was a lot of stuff released over the past month...perhaps not so important as it wasn't requested? We heard little about DC's depo after all of that back and forth in court- was Baez going to be there or wasn't he? Refresh my memory, is DC on anyone's witness list? And what about the ongoing investigation we heard murmurs about?
Thanks for clearing that up. I should really study the timeline before Tuesday!

I'm so sorry about your brother! I have smelled gangrene on an amputated leg as I was helping to change or rewrap a bandage back in the mid-1990s, and if decomp is anything like THAT, I can easily imagine you not wanting to be anywhere near it! O.M.G! That was the WORST thing I have ever smelled in my entire life and the urge to barf was overwhelming, although, by some miracle, I was able to contain it. As everyone says, once you smell it, you never forget it.

Thank you Sedonia.

I never had the pleasure of smelling gangrene, but I can tell you that after watching Dr. Vass at the hearing and he explained that decomp is fatty acids etc. and it is sticks to surfaces, I now realize why everything smelled like it for weeks after - it probably gets into one's sinuses and let me tell you, even the kibble smelled like it. I was ready to throw everything out. But thought it was psychological on my part.
I am interested in a fingerprint.Didn't LE.say there was a latent fingerprint found on the car? or did I dream it..I'm also waiting to hear (hopefully) KC's remark to AL. "if they ever find the body guess who is going to jail for eternity".This was mentioned in an IM. to Tony,its in the transcripts. I can hope!!
I am interested in a fingerprint.Didn't LE.say there was a latent fingerprint found on the car? or did I dream it..I'm also waiting to hear (hopefully) KC's remark to AL. "if they ever find the body guess who is going to jail for eternity".This was mentioned in an IM. to Tony,its in the transcripts. I can hope!!

Wasn't it "If they don't find the body ..."
Dominic Casey is on the State's witness list and that is the single most important piece of evidence that I am waiting for. I really wish we knew what he said in his deposition... I guess we'll have to wait until he gets up on that stand.
It's gross to think of, but I suspect the tape was put there in an effort to stop any post-mortem leaking/purging. Casey probably noticed "stuff" coming out of her daughter's mouth, nose and/or eyes (or possibly insect activity) and she taped them up to "contain" everything until she could find a way to get rid of the body.

Nope. The depositions from the defense entomologist and the reports from the prosecutor's entomologist make it clear that KC did NOT tape over Caylee's face because of insect activity.

Blow flies are the kind of fly that lays eggs in the eyes, mouth, nose and in open wounds almost immediately after death. When you see road kill with maggots or eggs in the eyes and mouth, those are blow fly babies.

That there was not evidence of blow fly colonization in either the Pontiac trunk, the white trash bag OR under the duct taped part of Caylee's remains is VERY significant according to BOTH the defense's and the prosecutor's entomological experts. Both the defense's and the prosecutor's bug experts say Caylee was sealed up immediately (where early arriving flesh-eating insects couldn't get at her body) after Caylee died.

It is my opinion that the prosecutor's bug expert will say Caylee may have been sealed up in the trunk before she died. The fly remains that WERE found in the trunk and white trash bag were a small burrowing kind of fly that can squeeze through tight barriers and that prefers more advanced decomposition. They aren't the kind of fly that lays eggs in eyes or other moist body openings.

Article where Dr. Haskell (the entomologist testifying for the prosecution) testified in a similar case that NO blow fly evidence means the body was sealed up either before the victim was dead or IMMEDIATELY after death: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/12/science/12file-fly.html?_r=1&hp&ex=&ei=&partner=

Another article where Dr. Haskell concludes NO blow fly evidence with the dead body is consistent with the victim being sealed up alive:
I would like to know more about the driver's license that was taken from ICA, the payment of tickets of ZFG during the times ICA was in and out of jail, and if ICA was using ZFG's ID before Caylee was killed.
Don't they have to release all the docs in the case? I thought that was what the sunshine laws ensured, it would all be available to the public ....?

No. And that irritates me. The SAO sends the docs to JB first and he has the right to review it (two weeks) and object to any being released under the Sunshine Act.

JB held back a lot of docs. Like the CA interview with LE/FBI on July 29,2008 part 2 of three parts. We have seen part 1 and part 3. This was when the DT went to the Sherriffs office to examine the car and other evidence. Then JB had that phone call fiasco with Robyn or the other Robin, I don't remember which one it was. Then we never got to see or hear about the DTs discovery of the evidence at the OCSO. It all just faded into the background at that time. And the DT quickly shut up about it.

That CA interview is one I really want to read.
Dominic Casey is on the State's witness list and that is the single most important piece of evidence that I am waiting for. I really wish we knew what he said in his deposition... I guess we'll have to wait until he gets up on that stand.

Just curious as to why you think Dominic Casey statements are so important? I thought that he really believed Caylee was alive most of the search....he said so but then maybe its only because he was supposed to be looking for a live child. Later I recall he hears from a psychic where Caylee is dumped but never finds her. I remember this much.

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