2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

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Oh and Cindy and George said there was no indication prior to July 15th that anything was wrong. I wonder why Cindy consulted a counselor and was threatening to take custody of Caylee then.

Wonder why no mention of her "My Caylee's Missing" on MS way back on 7/3 :waitasec:

Gotta love the net! :)
I really hope all these interviews they are going on come back and nip them in the butt at trial. There are so many inconsistencies in their stories every time they open their mouths. GA approaching KC on July 15th is news to me that was never mentioned before and also KC fearing for the A's lives. They know something if they say it is going to come out in trial. This was such a waste of an interview and I wonder who footed the bill for NY this time. :rolleyes:. I thank Oprah big time for canceling because it would be a WASTE HUGE WASTE for her.

TO CBS this was not an exclusive interview it was the same things as always but different day being said.
Ahhhhhh. I guess I missed it.

You didn't miss much. Cindy wearing green in support of Casey. George saying he almost checked out from the stress of his family being ripped apart. Casey is presumed innocent, they didn't see any "red flags". Blah, blah, blah, BORING! It was a real fluff-piece. They're trying to change their image. TOO LATE!
It strikes me that the interviewer treated C&G like the A's treated KC. No hard questions, no search for truth, just anything you want to say is OK dear .
Here is a perfect example of why I get so frustrated with these interviews. Where is the follow up questions? "Cindy, what do you mean that KC was afraid for the lives of her family? Afraid of what? Of whom?"
Or, "Cindy, if you did not think anything was wrong, why did you write the MySpace "My Caylee is missing"?
I am irked I wasted my time watching this nonsense.

Although these "interviews" are staged to look like a real reporter is interviewing for a real news story, all this is actually just entertainment. The people asking the questions are entertainers and the guests are entertainers. So we shouldn't expect anything but a live-action cartoon, should we? The only real facet was that the whole thing was live; one can hope that the "entertainers" might just slip up and say something they shouldn't. A slim hope at best.
Yes, actually the depo's where much more entertaining.
...and the depo's were also much more revealing of their true personality and character. They think that by going on "The Early Show" and "acting" all soft spoken and polite and deferring questions to BC that everything is now OK for them from the way they acted during the depositions. We know WHO they are and WHAT was foremost in their hearts when Caylee was missing, and what is foremost in their hearts now. They don't fool everybody.

I'm glad I didn't watch them this morning because I knew they would be trying to cover up their mess. It's sad really because they don't realize that their "fall" is not long away and it's going to be bad when KC goes to jail forever, the case gets filed away, the media is gone, and that "foundation thing" never gets off the ground. Then what are they left with?
Morning everyone, I haven't had a chance to watch the interview yet but I am filled with wonder as to whether Good Morning America showed new pictures of Caylee, or anyone involved in the case for that matter. I am very interested in the money angle of all of this.
You didn't miss much. Cindy wearing green in support of Casey. George saying he almost checked out from the stress of his family being ripped apart. Casey is presumed innocent, they didn't see any "red flags". Blah, blah, blah, BORING! It was a real fluff-piece. They're trying to change their image. TOO LATE!

Thanks----doubt if they can soften their image------to little to late.
George's suicide attempt - to have so much put on you, to try to keep family together, with protestor's coming at your house, how people came out aftr wife, son, daughter, trying to protect family - there is only so much you can take

I agree with him on that. I have no idea what the protesters thought they would accomplish other than making a bad situation worse. JMO

They looked ok, Cindy in green, holding hands with George, quiet, demure, no gum that I saw. Very low key

:boohoo: We are the sad grieving grandparents of a murdered little girl and an innocent child who's wrongly accused of her murder. :boohoo:

K, gotta take DD to school, ya'll that was lame IMO!

It was everything I was expecting it to be. IIRC, they are wearing the exact same clothes they wore for the depositions. They are definitely trying to soften their image. While the hostess didn't want to be hostile to them the show could have shown a lot of their contradictory statements in their little synopsis at the beginning.

#1.The hand holding looked forced and uncomfortable
#2. I want to know what exactly Casey was afraid of.
#3. Why bother doing these interviews if you're not going to say a damn thing?

They frustrate me so much!

The pin GA was wearing was too much! :rolleyes: (In my best Livia Soprano) "Poor you." Try being honest and forthright and don't put window dressing on a broken window.

Oh but CA did say alot...

She would not encourage KC to take a plea since she is innocent. Kept saying KC is presumed innocent..

CA is trying to distance herself from being the one in control of Caylee. They both lived with me but KC was very much in control of Caylee. I know my daughter and she loved Caylee and would not do anything to harm her. She wants the truth and it will all come out at trial.

Their acting very much like victims here, very demure, soft spoken. CA now wears her green which I believe is in support of KC.

When CA was asked about her initial 911 call with there smells like a dead body has been in that damn car, she looked to BC to answer..

Big change from their depos...

Yeah, when I was living with my dad he didn't know a lot about my life but if I had a kid he would be very concerned about what was happening to her and where she was. There is no way I would have been able to hide a fake nanny and lack of work from him for two years. No way. When he found out there would be hell to pay and I'd feel like a huge louse. Of course I grew up in a semi-functional family.

Well, well, well...

A whole lot of fluffy niceness, huh? :puke:

I'll see your :puke: and raise you a

No mention of Zanny in this interview. Thanks John Morgan. Why not ask who KC was afraid of, who was threatening their family? Interviewer still pussy footing around and not asking follow up questions.

There were some questions that could have been asked that would make them look weird if they tried to evade them. I would've liked an answer to what KC meant when she said; "I didn't tell them anything"

Yep, you'd think they would be screaming for someone, anyone to look for the "real" killer. But, no, they just say Casey is innocent. :rolleyes:

I'm still waiting for it to air in central time.

Well OJ didn't have any luck on the golf course It looks like they're hoping to find him on a sympathy media tour. :loser:
I guess tomorrow's interview will be all about George and his desire to help other people. We will be given the old BS about Kidfinders, the CMA Foundation and the SS Caylee Marie, complete with shrugs, eye batting and weird smiles. I just want the interviewer to ask him one question: "Aside from driving the billboard around and collecting donations at the Center, what did you personally do to search for your granddaughter". Wanna bet he will never be asked that question by media.
Nope...still not feeling it. No sympathy from me, no matter how much they invoke Caylee for their own selfish purposes. They're not fighting hard enough for the baby.
And on July the 3rd, when she wrote that myspace about Caylee being taken from her. All of what she says will come back at trial.

GMTA! :)

TG! Solid proof that no amount of LYING can ever change!


If she has ANY regrets at all it's a good guess this would be it!
I didn't get to see the interview, overslept by about 15 mins, so I'm going off all your updates...thanks to everybody...I have a few comments/questions:

1. I'm sure that after the depos, that A's and BC sat down and watched them and BC coached them on how to act from now on...the exact opposite of their actions in the depos.
2. I would bet that the A's gave the interviewer an approved list of questions, that's why there weren't any tough questions thrown at them.
3. If the A's really had any hard evidence that KC didn't do it, then why not present it now to get KC out of jail? (this one has bothered me since the first time I heard JB say to "wait til trial".
4. What's this about a confrontation with GA on the 15th? Has anyone heard about this before?
5. Why the change to "presumed innocent"? I wonder if this is more of BC's coaching or if they are in trial mode and trying to sound smarter than they really are.
From what I have read, it must have really been a crappy and boring interview. What was the point of even going on TV unless it was for the money (assuming they got paid). I'm sure glad Oprah cancelled.

I think the point is image building for them, as they transition into their role as spokespersons for crime victims. They are now self-described double victims, though I'd reserve that description for Caylee. I got the impression that's what part 2 of the interview will be about, and GA sounded the theme of their upcoming appearance with that foundation when he talked about his suicide attempt. It was very non-substantive, which was probably a good move for them, as they don't need any more versions of events on the record, there to be used to impeach them. I think they've learned or been counseled enough by their lawyers not to be direct in accusing other people of the crime without any evidence, but just to give oblique hints and suggestions that more is to come at trial. For defamation purposes, there is absolutely no protection from liability for them for any false accusations they might make in tv interviews. Anyway, definitely no snarling, chewing, cursing, ready to rumble CA. Just a quiet stroll down revisionist history lane.
Watchin video. See CA has hold of GA's hand and BC there.
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