2009.04.23 Baez WESH Interview

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FYI, on Nancy Grace's blog today it was said that AmyH filed papers to block access to her cell phone records and computer.

Also docs being released to the defense, pics of check cashing place and search warrants. Woo hoo!

Good for her!!!
Can you see all the parents of these young people, that are involved in this case, scrambling to find lawyers to protect their sons and daughters from Casey and her Defense Team.
Henry Lee lost all credibility of collecting evidence in the P Spector case.The Judge found him to be untruthful. If Baez tries to use this at trial the SA might be able to bring that in.I sure hope so.

Baez is just grasping at straws. No reasonable juror will conclude investigators overlooked 17 hairs in the trunk. Ridiculous, IMO.
It seems that JB is focusing on the area that the body was found. That is were the heart of his defense is eh?

Gee Jose, long before the body was found, you seemed to have your defense all wrapped up. Remember when you said that "you don't know what we know" and that "KC is innocent". Can you tell us what your strategy was before Caylee was found? Please share!
A couple of things I found amusing:

1. Baez starts to talk, and stumbles on his words by the third word. :rolleyes:

2. Look where each of the three attorneys are sitting. Hornsby sits in front of many law books...Luka sits at a desk, full of paperwork, and where does Baez sit? In front of a mostly empty bookcase, with some liquor decanters.

I rest my case. :crazy:

You beat me to it. :clap: I was going to say I've never seen a lawyer's bookcase with only two law books before... and I've seen lots of lawyers' book cases. Could that be why he isn't finding any case law for his motions? LOL

Also, I think he is grasping at straws here. There are very few murder cases that have anything but circumstantial evidence. There is a mountain of evidence in this case and unfortunately for JB and KC it all points to her. There must be something big in this upcoming document dump that they would work so hard at damage control before it comes out.
I just don't see how Jose is going to get around the Nanny lie or how he is going to tell the jury what happened that day that KC and Caylee left the home together. If there is no NAnny then where did KC last leave Caylee and wouldn't KC have tot ake the stand in order to explain what happened???

I just don't know how he is going to get around the lies so many of them.
I'm going to have to say this one more time, then I promise not to bring it up again.

So many folks were looking in and around the area that Caylee's body was found but no one finds it so we are expected to believe that while KC was incarcerated, the "real" perp snuck the trash bag into that area to throw LE off since it had already been checked out??? We really are expected to believe that the perp is just watching and waiting the the perfect opportunity to carry a full trash bag with Caylee's tiny body in it into the very area that a little girl is missing and possibly dead.... because KC said she was close? The very idea that having all of the activity in that area would scare off anyone wanting to dump a dead little girl's body.

JB, you are simply not going to fool anyone with that scenerio.
If anything, it points do a deliberate cover-up for your girl friend/client/baby killer
I think media blitz = doc dump. I wonder if more evidence was released and they are getting their spin out before it is released to the public it has happend every time in the past.
I'm going to have to say this one more time, then I promise not to bring it up again.

So many folks were looking in and around the area that Caylee's body was found but no one finds it so we are expected to believe that while KC was incarcerated, the "real" perp snuck the trash bag into that area to throw LE off since it had already been checked out??? We really are expected to believe that the perp is just watching and waiting the the perfect opportunity to carry a full trash bag with Caylee's tiny body in it into the very area that a little girl is missing and possibly dead.... because KC said she was close? The very idea that having all of the activity in that area would scare off anyone wanting to dump a dead little girl's body.

JB, you are simply not going to fool anyone with that scenerio.
If anything, it points do a deliberate cover-up for your girl friend/client/baby killer

I think he is saying there is a chance this happened, but mostly he is saying that OTHERs where in the area and may have tampered with the evidence found (people like Kronk) so he is trying to get rid of the evidence found with the body, basically saying it is meaningless because it might have been comprimised. For example the sticker, blanket, bottle with syringe - he can try to say these things were tampered with and are not a direct link to the body. He is stating crazed memebers of the public angry and emotionally involved may have gone through there and damaged the scence or obstructed it.

This is why it took so long for CSI to bring the evidence in, they were careful, anticipating this from him.

This to me will be his only chance at resonable doubt or getting evidence excluded, however I am not sure how he will explain the lies and KC being the last to be with Caylee as well as her behaviour after.
Please forgive the long post, all. I'm awfully angry these days, and need to spill :)

"I don't represent just Casey Anthony. I represent the presumption of innocence... for each and every person... and the more Casey Anthony is despised... the more important it becomes."

Well, I and thousands of other American citizens have been moved by their consciences to take it upon themselves to represent the murdered baby victim, Caylee Marie Anthony.

And we don't represent just baby Caylee. We represent every defenseless victim of violent crime for whom attempts are made to quel their voice. We demand that their dignity be preserved. We demand that they receive respect. We demand that they receive their due justice in our society by having their true and whole story told, and we hope fervently that they receive their due justice in the legal and courts system of this great land.

And the more Caylee Anthony is silenced, exploited, commoditized, and her respect compromised... the more important it becomes.

"There's so much that is unknown that we must focus in on all of it."

I couldn't agree more with Mr. Baez. I pray every day of my life that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of what happened to Caylee will be revealed to the American public. Caylee was defenseless, a human being who never did legal or moral wrong, and an American citizen. She deserves no less.

"They don't know how Caylee passed away."

"And to prove someone guilty of a crime, you must first prove a crime has been committed."

I'm not sure who 'they' are, but Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who enjoys excellent credentials and reputation, has concluded that Caylee died by homicide. Dr. G's opinion, and the work of the fine professionals of the Orange County Sheriff's Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the many others whose work has been publicized via the discovery documents released to the public are good enough for me.

The information in those documents has brought me to a confident conclusion that Caylee did not "pass away" from natural causes, did not die by accident, but that she died at the hands of another through deliberate action. That is a crime.

Now don't get me wrong. As an American citizen and as a human being, I never want a single person wrongfully convicted. I don't care whose deliberate actions it was that killed Caylee. It could be Bozo the Clown for all I care.

I just want truth and justice for Caylee, as I do for all victims of crime, and especially for voiceless, defenseless children who are abused and murdered.


Stand up for Caylee!!!

Here Here!!!

And can I just add one little sentiment to your wonderful post......

Caylee was not only a defenseless victim of her mother.

She was also a pure innocent in this world. She had committed no sin, wronged no one. The very least she deserves is justice. JMHO
JB needs to just stop talking about junk science and the hairs.

The air samplies only one small part of what confirmed decomp in the car. George, Cindy, LE and a dog did the rest.

Jose, even if Dr. Lee DID find 17 hairs without decomp, We KNOW she was alive at one time and we also know she is dead now so what are you trying to prove? that LE is not perfect? that they may have missed something? Maybe on cross exam, LE can ask the good Dr. if HE has ever missed something!!!!
How nice to sugar coat a murder...

Caylee didn't "pass away" JB! Caylee was murdered, killed...passed away are for the sick and elderly.

Now that Baez is tipping his hand, we know he will go after the "junk science" results and focus on who dumped Caylee in that swamp on Suburban.

He stated Dr. Lee found "17" hairs from the vehicle after CSI was done. I don't believe those hairs were left there and wonder if someone cleaned a brush that was used and gave those hairs to Dr. Lee, that to me is suspect. I just don't believe the authorities overlooked all those hairs.

Forencis will be a big portion of this trial. The botanist and entomologists should have compelling evidence and testimony to match. They will be able to show how long Caylee laid there before she was found.

Besides the fact, everything that was found with Caylee's remains have been linked back to the Anthony home. Remember when CA asked KC if anyone had been in their home, KC told CA, I told you "she" had a key! I truly believe they were setting up KC's defense during those jailhouse visits. The Anthony family is so transparent, trying to speak in code, letting out bits and pieces. KC may wind up with guests if the Anthony's keep this up. You can believe the SA and OSCO are listening and watching the Anthony's on their media blitz comparing all the inconsistent and contrary statements out of their mouths. KC may just have to make room for Mommy, when this trial is said and done..:behindbar Perjury is a crime CA/GA, in case you didn't know...:crazy:

I member from the first that JB started throwing around that Lee found 17 hairs. This has been so "misconstrued". He is as big a lair as some of the other peeps in this mess. I don't know where to find this info but DR LEE found O_N_E hair that day. The other guy (not on the defense team but the peeps who examine the cars n such) found the others.

I had read here about Lee messing with evidence in other cases. The minute I heard about the hairs found in KC's car, I thought that Lee had probably planted the hairs. That isn't a "fact"----was a thought of mine. BUT, I do know, for a fact, that day Lee found one hair. I heard Lee say that on NG, out of Lee's own mouth. I also read it on one of the news sites.

Seems like the job of the defense is to "misconstrue", the facts-----then they scream that e-body else is the "misconstruer". Was it KC who started the use of that word in this case?-----"MISCONSTRUE"

Do any of ya'll member the finding of the "17 hairs"? Dr. Lee found one hair. JB says Lee found 17 hairs.

"He plans to vigorously attack the single hair found in Casey Anthony's car trunk that prosecutors say is proof a decomposing body was in there. He said his own expert Henry Lee found 17 hairs in the trunk that showed no signs of decomposition."

Well JB, let me dumb this down for you ... the hairs that do not show decomp were shed before Caylee died ... and the hair that does show the decomp was shed AFTER she died.

this is such a typical defense strategy - smoke & mirrors in an attempt to confuse jurors. sad to say, it often works.

i am not surprised at all that there were many hairs that showed no sign of decomposition found in that trunk. over the course of 2+ years i'm sure MANY items that would have transferred hairs would be tossed in there - ie, caylee's clothes, beach towels, toys, dolls, etc...

the RELEVANT question is - WHY was ANY hair showing decomposition found in her trunk??? there is only ONE answer, imho.
JB needs to just stop talking about junk science and the hairs.

The air samplies only one small part of what confirmed decomp in the car. George, Cindy, LE and a dog did the rest.

Jose, even if Dr. Lie (sorry mods, typo...) DID find 17 hairs without decomp, We KNOW she was alive at one time and we also know she is dead now so what are you trying to prove? that LE is not perfect? that they may have missed something? Maybe on cross exam, LE can ask the good Dr. if HE has ever missed something!!!!

Plus the tow yard guy. JB needs to explain away two cadaver dogs, CA, GA, the officer at the Anthony home, and the tow yard guy----all confirmed the smell of human decomposition in the car.

They have text messages from Casey herself complaining of the smell of dead squirrels in her car. Yea right.

LA saying the smell was so bad it permeated the house. Who airs out a car in a garage anyway unless they have something to hide. They have a driveway. :waitasec: Perhaps to hide the smell of death.
Bold mine.

I love how this Kealing just accepts Baez' words, and says nothing about the fact that the majority of the 17 hairs that Henry Lee found were found in the garbage that was on a table, and already removed from the trunk.

With the Phil Spector Case so fresh in my mind, it's hard for me to see HL as credible.
He was once a leading expert in his field.
Time and science have moved on, and HL is reduced to 'creating confusion', some of the things he says don't take a rocket scientist to discredit.

A good friend of mine says, when talking forensics, asking the right questions leads to the truth. I'm pretty sure that LE has all their forensics ducks in a row.
Last night on Issues with JVM, one of her panelists, who is a judge from Miami, stated that JB as a defense attorney is making a total "dog & pony show" with these interviews, and he shouldn't be on TV and telling the prosecutor what their defense strategy is...this makes him totally incompentent, doesn't that then provide Casey with something that she could use after conviction for appeal? I'm beginning to think that is what he is doing ... giving KC the ammunition she needs to appeal her conviction after a few years in jail, memories, witnesses, evidence all become "faded" years later and then, she might be able to "walk" because of incompetent council! The Bar Association needs to step in immediately and sanction him in some way...JMO....:furious:

And JB complains that LE is leaking info????? :bang:
I'm sure the smell of Caylee's rotting body is ingrained in KC's mind forever and ever. Maybe during the trial they could bring the trunk carpet in and sit it by her so she (and everyone else) could think about that while listening to testimony.

Maybe CA--GA--LA can get a fresh smell to remind them of it.
I just watched JB's interview again. Honestly it is a whole lot of hot air. I can't even think of one point he made that I feel won't be seen through or that even needs to be countered. Waste, a hugh waste. jmo
I just watched JB's interview again. Honestly it is a whole lot of hot air. I can't even think of one point he made that I feel won't be seen through or that even needs to be countered. Waste, a hugh waste. jmo

The way it was being hyped, I figured it was gonna be a whole lot of nothing. I didn't watch and from what I am reading here, I didn't miss anything. Baez is a desperate man still grasping.
Please forgive the long post, all. I'm awfully angry these days, and need to spill :)

"I don't represent just Casey Anthony. I represent the presumption of innocence... for each and every person... and the more Casey Anthony is despised... the more important it becomes."

Well, I and thousands of other American citizens have been moved by their consciences to take it upon themselves to represent the murdered baby victim, Caylee Marie Anthony.

And we don't represent just baby Caylee. We represent every defenseless victim of violent crime for whom attempts are made to quel their voice. We demand that their dignity be preserved. We demand that they receive respect. We demand that they receive their due justice in our society by having their true and whole story told, and we hope fervently that they receive their due justice in the legal and courts system of this great land.

And the more Caylee Anthony is silenced, exploited, commoditized, and her respect compromised... the more important it becomes.

"There's so much that is unknown that we must focus in on all of it."

I couldn't agree more with Mr. Baez. I pray every day of my life that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of what happened to Caylee will be revealed to the American public. Caylee was defenseless, a human being who never did legal or moral wrong, and an American citizen. She deserves no less.

"They don't know how Caylee passed away."

"And to prove someone guilty of a crime, you must first prove a crime has been committed."

I'm not sure who 'they' are, but Dr. Jan Garavaglia, who enjoys excellent credentials and reputation, has concluded that Caylee died by homicide. Dr. G's opinion, and the work of the fine professionals of the Orange County Sheriff's Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the many others whose work has been publicized via the discovery documents released to the public are good enough for me.

The information in those documents has brought me to a confident conclusion that Caylee did not "pass away" from natural causes, did not die by accident, but that she died at the hands of another through deliberate action. That is a crime.

Now don't get me wrong. As an American citizen and as a human being, I never want a single person wrongfully convicted. I don't care whose deliberate actions it was that killed Caylee. It could be Bozo the Clown for all I care.

I just want truth and justice for Caylee, as I do for all victims of crime, and especially for voiceless, defenseless children who are abused and murdered.


Stand up for Caylee!!!
:clap::clap::clap: Beautifully said!! Awesome post BeanE!

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