2009.05.06 Nancy Grace

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They are talking about her reaction to grief, Give me a break already. Remember she was grieving back in June to December for a daughter that was according to her, still alive. OK< so how do we grieve, sex, clubs, drinks, ok, that's fine. But why are you grieving? OK, fast forward, now we grieve because remains are found that my be your daughter, so what do we do? Cry a tad, hyperventilate and ask for the darn score. OK, is it me?

Nope---not you. We all go thru that feeling you are havin right now. Sometimes the "CRAZY" of this just slaps us around for a few? Hang in there. It's like we are hangin onto blades of a ceiling fan and somebody flips the switch and we hang on for dear life.
Nancy talking to Jean Casares about plans to sue the jail if the video of Casey's reaction in jail is released. Jean talking about a hearing at the end of May.

Caller is mentioning that Caylee's body hadn't been identified when Casey was having this reaction.

Renee Rockwell: not sure this (her behavior) is any evidence of guilt. You don't know how individuals will react.

Alan Ripka: whether right to privacy was violated when video was shot and if it's more probative or prejudicial at trial. (hello ~ it's standard jail surveillance video!! MOO) :behindbar

IMO She and her lawyer are fully aware of the lack of privacy in the jail and that there are cameras in many places.
Why didn't he take her to another room? I think Baez dropped the ball and remained in a place that lacked privacy for his client IMHO of course
That's all for tonight ~ repeat in an hour! :)
Nope---not you. We all go thru that feeling you are havin right now. Sometimes the "CRAZY" of this just slaps us around for a few? Hang in there. It's like we are hangin onto blades of a ceiling fan and Cflips the switch and we hang on for dear life.

The law is an amazing isn't it? It works, it doesn't work. Seems to me that the criminals have more rights than then victim. But the sad fact is that it's in the victims hands to prove that the other party is guilty. I guess this is an OK system but it needs major tweaking! I just pray that the jury will come to a conclusion that fit's the crime, not like OJ.
No NG bashing, if you don't like her fine, just don't bash.

I have to agree archenemy. I used to admire NG so much and followed her for many years but I get so upset :furious: with her put-down behavior toward her guests and reporters. I just don't understand why so many people "just love" her. I can't figure it out. :waitasec: Anyway, at least she keeps these missing children in front of the public eye - for that, I still admire her.

Maybe so....but at least she is keeping Caylee on the forefront before the next doc dump. Staying ahead of the game.
Hello All.....

Did I hear that right...??

Casey wants to dedicate her life to finding Missing Children...??

A bit late isn't it? Or was KC just practising by making her child go missing so she could gain hands-on experience?
A bit late isn't it? Or was KC just practising by making her child go missing so she could gain hands-on experience?
Interesting since we assume she also searched the Internet for missing childrens' sites some time before Caylee went missing, and now she wants to become an advocate for missing children? Is this possibly the defense's attempt to explain the Internet searches? As if a jury would believe the irony? :waitasec: MOO
Report that Casey freaked out when she learned about the state putting the DP back on the table is being refuted, but NG seems to think that the story might have legs.

Is it the defense that's trying to refute this claim? Wouldn't anyone (guilty or not) freak out upon hearing they might get the DP? If it's true, it may be the first normal reaction she's ever had.
Is it the defense that's trying to refute this claim? Wouldn't anyone (guilty or not) freak out upon hearing they might get the DP? If it's true, it may be the first normal reaction she's ever had.
I agree, it would seem to be a normal reaction. I think the problem might be that somebody who says they were also in the jail ran to the tabloids with the story?
Is it the defense that's trying to refute this claim? Wouldn't anyone (guilty or not) freak out upon hearing they might get the DP? If it's true, it may be the first normal reaction she's ever had.

Of course she has a reaction, because it's about herrrrrrrrr! If it were anyone else gonna die, including her own daughter, she wouldn't bat an eye. Ha, even Timothy McVeigh took it like a man even though he was lower than a worm. She's such a coward, she wouldn't dare for a minute to experience what she put her own daughter through.
I hope she does dedicat her life to finding lost children... She will have so little of it left when she is convicted, I'm happy she wants to do something positive with it.
Interesting since we assume she also searched the Internet for missing childrens' sites some time before Caylee went missing, and now she wants to become an advocate for missing children? Is this possibly the defense's attempt to explain the Internet searches? As if a jury would believe the irony? :waitasec: MOO

Dang you are so smart. Nice connection. He may can fool the Jury but he can't fool our W/S bunch. What one of us don't catch somebody else does. Just gotta love it here.
I hope she does dedicat her life to finding lost children... She will have so little of it left when she is convicted, I'm happy she wants to do something positive with it.
Honestly I think this is all more defense spin to gain sympathy and make it look like she isn't guilty. If she was so interested in finding missing children she would've reported Caylee missing ~ that is if she didn't kill her. MOO
I hope she does dedicat her life to finding lost children... She will have so little of it left when she is convicted, I'm happy she wants to do something positive with it.

If we were talking about somebody normal---I would agree wid you. But KC only thinks 10 ahead so 30 years is 2 far away for her to think about that. LMAO
Interesting since we assume she also searched the Internet for missing childrens' sites some time before Caylee went missing, and now she wants to become an advocate for missing children? Is this possibly the defense's attempt to explain the Internet searches? As if a jury would believe the irony? :waitasec: MOO

Maybe casey sees that mom and dad are cashing in with kid finding...so she wants a piece of that!:banghead:

I will have to watch Nancy at ten sounds like it was pretty good.:eek:
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