2009.05.19. Casey Anthony Civil Hearing @ 10:00

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Let me put the above in a bit of context: Morgan has offices in 3 states. It's difficult to get from point A to point B in Florida without passing a billboard or some other roadside advertising for Morgan and Morgan or to watch any local programming without seeing one of their commercials. He has billboards in Atlanta, for goodness sakes. He's not in this for the publicity. He's got more work and more publicity than he needs.

This is a relatively low dollar suit that even if it was taken solely out of sympathy for the plaintiff, would normally be relegated to a junior partner or associate. That Morgan himself and Mitnik himself are so hands on in this case speaks to a much bigger goal, imo. I don't think they're going to throw in the towel to collect a few thousand for ZFG. I think they want to get info for the criminal case and I also think they want to get to the bottom of the funding. I will be absolutely amazed if CA has a single supporter left when the funding issues see the light of day and I think Morgan will turn over every rock he possibly can to see to it that happens.

PREDICTION: Even those of us who already have a lower opinion of CA than we ever believed we could possibly have for anyone in her position will be shocked when/if the financial dealings come to light. We think we're appalled and disgusted now... just wait.
I was thinking that could also indicate the defense using it at trial for Caylee---she has someone in mind...........she does want to share it as well---you could just tell it was begging to come out....

She wants it so bad... you're soooo right. I can only guess that one of those numerous gold chains was some sort of a 'shock collar' to remind her to shut up. lol
:waitasec: What? The point is, this ZG's lawyers have suggested that KC obtained this woman's name from that document. Why would KC then change the name, spelling, family details etc from those used on the document? What would be the point of choosing this woman to 'frame' in some way but then changing her name, spelling, and other details?

This is Casey of the way-too-detailed-fib-after-fib-grain-of-truth-Casey. She is all about subterfuge even when it is not called for, at least from what I have seen. The many layers of details she trips herself and other people up with.

She chose this name because it was a common name and represented a minority, imo. The crap shoot part was her statements that Zanny lived with family and moved around...sounds like she was relying on some kind of TV stereotype to me. Like Susan Smith and her some big black dude did it...
Let me put the above in a bit of context: Morgan has offices in 3 states. It's difficult to get from point A to point B in Florida without passing a billboard or some other roadside advertising for Morgan and Morgan or to watch any local programming without seeing one of their commercials. He has billboards in Atlanta, for goodness sakes. He's not in this for the publicity. He's got more work and more publicity than he needs.

This is a relatively low dollar suit that even if it was taken solely out of sympathy for the plaintiff, would normally be relegated to a junior partner or associate. That Morgan himself and Mitnik himself are so hands on in this case speaks to a much bigger goal, imo. I don't think they're going to throw in the towel to collect a few thousand for ZFG. I think they want to get info for the criminal case and I also think they want to get to the bottom of the funding. I will be absolutely amazed if CA has a single supporter left when the funding issues see the light of day and I think Morgan will turn over every rock he possibly can to see to it that happens.

PREDICTION: Even those of us who already have a lower opinion of CA than we ever believed we could possibly have for anyone in her position will be shocked when/if the financial dealings come to light. We think we're appalled and disgusted now... just wait.

:clap::clap: agree with you....I do think that they will uncover more damning info than others thought out there......

does anyone know how much experience Kassen has in law???????
grief pertaining to the motion hearing or grief over
caylee's murder? He appears to remain in a state of anger and frustration to me. CA appeared to me to look like a child who is afraid of possible punishment for lying and snotty disrespectful attitude. Good thing CA left her jewelry home and carry herself as if she is worn down. CA new the judge read those depos and was watching for any antagonistic behavior in his courtroom. After today it appears this judge isn't going to stand for any antics out of anyone.

I missed watching, but I guess it's a safe bet to say there was no gum chomping today as in their depos and most other court appearances?

ETA: Just read your post Cecybeans. Guess I should have put money on it. Impressions were everything today.
As a resident of the Hopesprings address, KC's actions may be covered under the umbrella of the family's homeowner policy without naming the owner's in the suit. However, as outlined above, I do strongly suspect CA will be named in the future and they're going after a lot more than the insurance proceeds.

Thank you lin. In other words, ZFG would amend the complaint to include CA?
The judge; but again, it's just an expression and a very, very common one. There is zero doubt in my mind that the court in any way, shape or form meant any reference whatsoever to Caylee or any other real child. Having her on our minds, I can understand why some here may have misunderstood but I cannot stress enough it's just a very, very common expression with the meaning I already outlined.

Typical for this team, it was her lawyer that said it, then the judge got mad and parroted it back to him it seemed. He was implying that the judge just threw them a bone. His filings are incorrect, and not on time, he has no respect for the court, this is not good, at all! UNBELIEVABLE! That hearing performance made Jose's court appearances look almost legitimate. LOL He should issue a private and public apology for the remark, without haste.
Typical for the B team, it was her lawyer that said it, then the judge got mad and parroted it back to mock him it seemed. UNBELIEVABLE! That hearing made Jose's court appearances look almost legitimate. LOL He should issue a private and public apology for the remark, without haste.

wasn't it the last court hearing where Kasen tried to phone in his reply to Morgan?? and the Judge kept saying NO---and jb tried to pretend he was the atty??? and again the Judge said NO... have none of them practiced law to long????
Since I live in California an missed the video, 3 hrs behind. is there anyplace I can watch it? I went to WFTV..but no luck
and is Leonard going to be live ?

Thank You..I have to set my clock earlier I guess..
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[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3761893&postcount=11"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.05.19 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***[/ame]
Thank you lin. In other words, ZFG would amend the complaint to include CA?

imo, yes. But not until all the other ducks are in a row. They may also be researching the viability of a separate action against CA, to get to the heart of the matter through another door, expecting this case to be deferred until after the criminal trial.
Just another impression about the offensive figure of speech. Things happen fast in court when you're participating. While I'm sure the judge would see the problem with the statement in context, my impression was that he was reacting with some disapproval at the moment to the demeaning of his prior ruling. The suggestion was that it was just some attempt to give everybody something, as if he hadn't thought it out or had a reason for what he ruled. He seemed to me to be sort of bristling at that suggestion by the defense. That isn't to say he is heartless and doesn't care about the question of taste, or wouldn't upon reflection.

I agree with you, this lawyer offended the judge, repeatedly, and this will not bode well for him going forward in front of him. If this is the type of leader they have on the civil case, no wonder the Anthonys felt they could go in a deposition and have zero respect for their oaths. Wow!
I haven't read this thread yet, but hopefully there is some good constructive discussion regarding the ramifications of this hearing and also some notes as to what transpired.
I hope this isn't 10 pages of Anthony family bashing, physical appearance, or OT etc.
I will be reading this a bit later to catch up on the proceedings, so if there is any unnecessary insults, chit chat, or OT on here please self edit. thanks.
I think it's possible that the complaint might be amended at a future date to add CA as a defendant. It would not be because she is responsible for her grown daughter's tort vicariously, but because she has also defamed the plaintiff in her own right.

If there was ever a judgment against any defendant in this case, it's a whole separate question whether there would be any funds to pay the plaintiff. I know people can point to other examples they've heard of, but insurance coverage is more problematic for intentional torts like this. Many policies, even umbrella policies, which are personal and non-business, have an intentional torts exclusion. You'd have to see a specific policy and its terms to really have any idea. I wouldn't count on coverage here. I think there might be an expectation that there are or will be funds from other sources.
Gonzalez's attorneys have amended their complaint by accusing Cindy Anthony, Casey's mother, of spreading the defamation on television, DeForest added. Kasen has 20 days to respond to the amended complaint, DeForest said.

You're right lin!!!

I was reading Lin's posts and thinking to myself, "Gee, I wonder if adding CA was part of today's new punitive motion?"

Good find, thanks - and well done Lin.
Gonzalez's attorneys have amended their complaint by accusing Cindy Anthony, Casey's mother, of spreading the defamation on television, DeForest added. Kasen has 20 days to respond to the amended complaint, DeForest said.

You're right lin!!!

Thanks, but only half right. I really thought they'd wait a bit. Maybe getting over this hurdle, the motion to dismiss, was enough and they are confident they can go after CA without a separate action as there is no cause to stay it for her culpability.
I was reading Lin's posts and thinking to myself, "Gee, I wonder if adding CA was part of today's new punitive motion?"

Good find, thanks - and well done Lin.

Wow, so they are going after Cindy! I wonder if amending the suit has anything to do with LP's depo being rescheduled. I mean I'm sure there are clerks who would do the actual amendment paperwork and file it but I would think LP's depo would be quite a priority about now. What could Morgan have lined up that would trump that depo?:waitasec:
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