2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

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OK, Annie states that after meeting Tony, she never really had contact with him again. I KNOW I remember seeing a text message, IM or something between the two of them shortly after July 15, saying something to the effect that they needed to get together to compare notes. I KNOW I saw this but have never been able to find it again. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? If I'm right, then this might be something important for ZG's attorneys to know about.

Yes, Steady, they exchanged just a couple of emails on July 24. That's all we have seen in the discovery.

Go to the November 26 document dump and start at discovery page 2645.
Q: Did Cindy -- or did you ask Casey at any time about chloroform? do you remember that?
A: yeah, I did the first time that we were over there. I did ask her that, Casey.
Q: Tell me about that.
A: What is it they're saying about the chloroform in her car? What is it? She said they're cleaning supplies in the back of my cars, which i believe because that family cleans 24/7. Like everything they have is spotless, and it wouldn't suprise me if there was cleaning supplies, something in the back of her car. There always was.

im just now reading and havent gotten thru all the pages yet...but who is the we that Annie is talking about?
Sooo....Annie can't even remember that she got those tickets a year ago (she says she thinks it was a lot longer than a year ago) but when asked if KC was with her when she got the ticket she INSTANTLY recalls that she was actually talking to KC on the phone when she got the ticket.

It's almost like being able to remember the exact clothing of two people on the last day you saw them, when they walked out of your house on "just a normal day".

LMAO maybe they were commiserating over the irony of getting tickets at the exact same moment in time! Who'd a thunk???

You must have a specially big grin on your face today!
OK, Annie states that after meeting Tony, she never really had contact with him again. I KNOW I remember seeing a text message, IM or something between the two of them shortly after July 15, saying something to the effect that they needed to get together to compare notes. I KNOW I saw this but have never been able to find it again. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? If I'm right, then this might be something important for ZG's attorneys to know about.

No No that was Jesse G. and Amy you're thinking of.
OK, Annie states that after meeting Tony, she never really had contact with him again. I KNOW I remember seeing a text message, IM or something between the two of them shortly after July 15, saying something to the effect that they needed to get together to compare notes. I KNOW I saw this but have never been able to find it again. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? If I'm right, then this might be something important for ZG's attorneys to know about.

It took me awhile to find this.I knew I had read those emails between Annie and Tony.
emails start on page 2645
When Lee messaged her about KC's whereabouts, Annie got ahold of KC right away to find out what was going on but, when Caylee is confirmed missing and possibly kidnapped, Annie claims she didn't want to know anything about it.

My guess is, she didn't want to be in a position where she'd have to rat her friend out, probably didn't want to get further involved in the whole mess either. Another possibility too is that the more information she got from KC the more likely she'd be grilled by the Anthony's about what she'd learned.
"Snip" From the pdf file.

Annie and Casey attended high school together 2002-2003 but did not become close until later. Annie went off to collage and Casey stayed behind I guess.
Annie claims she starting hanging out with Casey around 2005-2006 and that Casey was dating a friend of hers Brandon Snow. I wonder if that is Caylee's father? Hmmm Annie later states that Casey told her the father was someone by the name of Eric who died in a car accident.

Annie claims she lived at Sawgrass apt 218 around 2006 as well with Dante whom still lives there and that Caylee would visit.
What I found funny, and I guess I shouldn't laugh is on pg 15 of the transcript they ask Annie if she ever heard or met anyone by the name of Zenaida, Zanny or a Zanni that was a "10"...I started thinking of what Cindy had called the so called nanny. So, I guess we are supposed to be looking for a nanny that looks like a "10". In Casey's world that would be Casey.
Now, back to the depo. Annie claims she never heard of any Zenaida, Zanny or a Zanni that was a "10". She then remembers that Casey did mention a nanny once or twice. She then remembered that at one point the nanny lived in Metro West, then moved over by UCF according to Casey. But Annie never saw or met the nanny.
Later in the depo Annie is asked if Cindy has ever said that Casey stole from her and she said yes. Annie also claims that Cindy told her that Zanny/Nanny took Caylee from what Casey said but that Cindy never met any Zanny/Nanny/Zenaida. Pg31 of the depo.

(I wonder, if the word Zanny could be Caylee saying Annie you know how kids say things so when Cindy said Caylee talked about Zanny's dog she was probably talking about Annie's dog ! Casey probably got the idea of Zanny right from Caylee's own little mouth and then ran with it, Annie use to live at the Saw Grass apts so she used that and part of the story came from there? I wonder if the "They" people that Casey talks about is Cindy and Lee?)

Then on pg36 they ask Annie about the get together where she, Cindy and other friends were trying to create a time line, this was right after Casey was arrested and at this time Cindy did feel there was a Zenaida but she did not have any phone numbers or address as she stated to Morgan in her depo...."BOMB SHELL", I wonder if Cindy can get in-trouble for lying in her depo to Morgan? Hmmm

Something else that I don't understand is how Annie stated she didn't want to be the person who knew everything and that is why she didn't ask Casey anything the night she stayed over and that it seemed like Casey wanted to tell her something but she didn't want to know and she would back out of the conversation..I find that very odd. I also find it odd that Casey claims she is saying what "they" are telling her to say. Who would they be? It appears that in the months prior to Caylee being found the Anthony's were not looking for a nanny. So who were they looking for??

I also find it odd that she still believes that there is someone male/female that watched Caylee and she did not believe Caylee was dead until they confirmed it was her. Again, very odd with all the evidence that was out there prior. And why anyone would not want to know anything when a child is missing, especially a friends child I find very odd. This is discussed on page 61 of the depo.
"IMO" Annie is not being completely honest either and contradicted herself in this depo at times. Not to my surprise.

early on CA said the same thing when asked about talking to KC....she said she told her not to tell her anything...*cause she didnt want to be put in the middle of knowing something and having to tell the LE about it*.....*are my words because i dont know the exact words she used...but that is what she meant....at that time i thought it was very odd for a grandmother to say that when her grandbaby was missing:waitasec:
I also don't understand Annie not wanting to "be the one who knew." Hello, there is an innocent two-year-old baby "missing", supposedly your best friends child, that you had been around on numerous occassions... and you don't want to know details so that you can help find her?

Annie states that she believes that someone else took Caylee... so, I guess I could understand if Casey made her to believe that all their lives were in danger... Whatever, what is done is done.

That is the only problem I do have with Annie's testimony and a lot of the information that she has given is helpful. Man, I just wished she would have questioned Casey more or at least allowed her to talk more about everything. I'm sure her personal problems weren't anywhere near as important than Caylee being missing. Just to know that she had direct access to Casey and could have possibly gotten more information out of her drives me nuts.

What made AD not want to know is what gets me-In other words, isn't she saying she did not want to get too deep? See no evil, hear no evil... What I get from it is that AD did not want to spontaneously hear a confirmation that KC killed or hurt Caylee. Whether she conciously admits it or not-Why would AD be scared to know more about a nanny that was going to have Caylee back by her birthday?

Hope my point is not lost, I think AD did not ask more questions because what would she do if KC started to get into what really happened, and AD's underlying thought was that it would be something unbearable to hear, that KC ws responsible.
I completely agree that there is something very odd about the fact that Annie did not want KC telling her things about his mess....If this was my friend and I was spending the night with her after she got out of jail, I would demand to know EVERYTHING...I also think that there were times when it seemed like Annie was being very truthful, but I also can't help but think that there are things she knows that she is not telling anyone....I agree with the other poster that stated Annie could not remember when she got her last speeding ticket, but she knew where she was and who she was on the phone with.....I just think this whole case stinks to hight heaven and I can't wait for the trial to start..

I also think that there is a chance that Zani may have been Caylee trying to say the name Annie, and that Caylee talked about Annie's dog, but I don't think that there was ever a babysitter or nanny..

And another question I have is why does everyone keep saying mis truths or half truths instead of just saying Lies...It is like being pregnant either you are or your not and if you are not telling the truth, then you are Lying plain and simple.....
It boggles my mind that no one (other than law enforcement) got in Casey's face and asked her what happened! Annie's depo she is saying they 'hung out' and watched a movie with Cindy while KC was out of jail. WTH???? Annie never once asked KC what happened. Weird.....

Yes, I'm sort of inbetween on this one myself. I do understand she would want to be there to help find Caylee and possibly not be too involved with anymore of Casey's stories... but watching movies and the part of staying over nite?? I guess if I had a friend that lied & pulled me into this crap (the im about zanix) and didn't report their daughter missing.. I'd be digging to find out whatever I could to find that baby. Then again, Casey would probably just be spewing more lies anyhow.

FYI, this is my 1st post here
It took me awhile to find this.I knew I had read those emails between Annie and Tony.
emails start on page 2645

Well, Annie sure had a lot of questions for Tony. That's weird for someone who stated today that she didn't want to know anything from Casey. I'm thinking Annie had some help from an Anthony in writing that list of questions.
One thing that was weird to me was that AD seems like she knows a lot about the case (she mentions several times how she read statements, looked at stuff online, watches the case on the news, etc) yet she doesn't know Kristina's last name or when the pictures of KC dancing at Fusion were taken in regards to if it was before or after Caylee went missing? How could she NOT know it was during the time she was missing? Not only did the media run with that but anyone who has some good knowledge about the case would know that.

I'm also having a hard time grasping what AD thinks about the whole situation in terms of if KC is guilty or if someone else did this. There are times she attacks her but other times she defends her. Opinions?
Isn't it AD,or am I mistaken,that awhile back in the LE interviews,that many here thought AD sounded just like KC,and everyone thought she sounded so dishonest,and were convinced she was not telling the truth? What changed here,or am I totally confused?
I have to say to Madjgnlaw, I do think that the "they" that Casey references to is Cindy and Lee....I still say that they had all buried little Caylee under that play house, after she died while at that house...They are all in on this together. The A's and KC had a big fight after wards, KC came back home, borrowed the shovel, moved little Caylee's body. I keep going back to the very first thing KC said on the phone to CA from jail "YOU don't know what my involvement is?? NO" All this time, the A's have been trying to play it up as someone else has taken Caylee....this whole thing has been a big charade on the A's part....MO I wouldn't be surprised is CA was the one to put that heart sticker on that duct tape.....they all make me sick.....MO
Annie may have a bit of a hardened heart and a high level of self preservation. There are people that feel they are your friend, but if you tell them something "too personal" like my husband is secretly beating me, they don't want to know too much about it.
They are your friend for the good or exciting times, but not so interested in knowing sad truths.
I think Annie may be one of these type of friends, at least as far as Casey was concerned. Also remember they had not been close friends of late.

AKA a "fair weather friend"

AD may have feared the worst and even suspected KC but did not want to go there, mentally. Based on prior KC conversations, 2 + 2 = 5 :eek:
Yes, Steady, they exchanged just a couple of emails on July 24. That's all we have seen in the discovery.

Go to the November 26 document dump and start at discovery page 2645.

Thank You!!! I just knew that I had seen this somewhere. Doubted myself when I couldn't find it again, but really believed it was Tony and Annie.
I'm having trouble with AD's statement about not wanting to be the one who knows. If this was my best friends child, I would want to know. Caylee was still missing at this point so wouldn't she do anything possible to help find her. She helped with the shirts, flyers and timeline. I don't understand why, after spending hours with KC she would not want to know. The whole window thing has me "baffled" as well. OK, now tell me, why can't we sit near the window?

She testified at her depo that she didn't want to be the person who knew because of personal safety reasons. Remember KC was only charged with child neglect at this time and Annie thought Caylee was alive. KC referred to "they"as having taken her. I can definitely appreciate her not wanting any information that may make her a target of "they". I think it shows wisdom beyond her years. Remember, curiosity killed the cat.
I completely agree that there is something very odd about the fact that Annie did not want KC telling her things about his mess....If this was my friend and I was spending the night with her after she got out of jail, I would demand to know EVERYTHING...I also think that there were times when it seemed like Annie was being very truthful, but I also can't help but think that there are things she knows that she is not telling anyone....I agree with the other poster that stated Annie could not remember when she got her last speeding ticket, but she knew where she was and who she was on the phone with.....I just think this whole case stinks to hight heaven and I can't wait for the trial to start..

I also think that there is a chance that Zani may have been Caylee trying to say the name Annie, and that Caylee talked about Annie's dog, but I don't think that there was ever a babysitter or nanny..

And another question I have is why does everyone keep saying mis truths or half truths instead of just saying Lies...It is like being pregnant either you are or your not and if you are not telling the truth, then you are Lying plain and simple.....

Hmm.. I'm not sure about the Zanny=Annie thing. My real life name is difficult for most children to pronounce. My niece ran around calling me Auntie for a few months. Then it went from Auntie to Annie. It worked so well that now all the aunts on both sides of my family are called Annie. Annie is quite easy for children to say. It's pretty much all anyone calls me now.
I think the fact that Annie and CA both didn't want to know details means they absolutely knew this was not a kidnapping case at all. They didn't want to know things because they knew it would just be incriminating to KC. Plausible deniability in this case equals suspicion of guilt.
I wish they would have asked her to elaborate on the comment she gave about her being in contact with them until they started throwing her name out there as someone they suspect to be the culprit (paraphrased). It would be interesting to hear the extent of it and how she feels about being their scapegoat. Like her interview with police, she still seems to have a little displaced loyalty to Casey and hinted that maybe Jesse or another male was Zanny. Did any of you take it that way?

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