2009.05.28 Motions Hearing

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Just catching up, but this case has bored me so, just wanted to say,
Andrea Lyon, welcome to your first LOSS on a death penalty case. Jose's true inexperience is showing. Can't comment on the parents because I can't stand to listen to them and turn off any program that airs thier BS.

The publicity on this case is way out of hand. I am just hoping that with all the focus on this case the BPD can work quietly on solving the Ramsey case, by exposing John as an accomplice.

We can dream can't we?
Because there is wide latitude in the courtroom. Also, I don't know what strategy at this point the Grund's attorney may be going for. **If** they are considering a suit against Casey and/or the Anthonys for trying to portray him as the killer perhaps they would like it on record that Baez is going on about "Jessie as a suspect". I really don't know. If I was Jesse's attorney I think my natural inclination would be to leap up and object even if it was inappropriate to do so.

Thank you Theonly1. I was just a little stunned that it seemed to go right over everyones head. I was waiting for the SA office to jump up and object.
Maybe they were waiting for his lawyer to object. I would have just loved to have seen Baez's expression if they did object. I'm sure there would have been a nice snide remark.
Because there is wide latitude in the courtroom? Also, I don't know what strategy at this point the Grund's attorney may be going for. **If** they are considering a suit against Casey and/or the Anthonys for trying to portray him as the killer perhaps they would like it on record that Baez is going on about "Jessie as a suspect". I really don't know. If I was Jesse's attorney I think my natural inclination would be to leap up and object even if it was inappropriate to do so. That comment just dropped in the courtroom like a bomb. I wish I could have seen the Rev Grund's reaction.

The implication that Jesse had anything to do with Caylee's death yesterday seemed so poignant, in light of the fact that Rev. Grund said he was there " to protect his son." After listening to Jesse's interview with NG last Friday, for the very first time in all the months of this fiasco, there he was in tears, mourning the loss of this precious child, whom he said " he loved like a father". The only genuine, real, emotional connection to the loss and tragedy of the life of Caylee Marie Anthony. God Bless him!
Celticthyme, I agree with you 100%. I would like to know about alot of the things that took place in that courtroom yesterday.......does JB not know he is making a fool of himself? I wonder if JG atty is just lettting JB give himself more rope to hang himself???
I wonder about this new DP atty, when she gets to know the real deal, will she stay?
no atty that has any respect for their good name would be involved with this circus.
My other question is, KC doing these strange eye movements, tell me there's not something drastically wrong with her.......The whole court proceeding made me disgusted.
Casey now has four VIP attorneys representing her who undoubtedly earn an "Above Average" Income to put it mildly, plus JB, who certainly lives as if he does, too. Earlier in this topic, Themis mentioned the importance of KC's demeanor in the courtroom and noted that new Attorney Andrea even wrote KC a note telling her to stop writing on her notepad (because KC should instead appear very attentive and somber about the proceedings).

In view of that, I'd like to cautiously and intellectually focus briefly on KC's ill-fitting, unflattering apparrel, particularly her blouse. My question is: If her demeanor is so vitally important to her lawyers, don't they also want her to appear neatly and simply/properly/modestly (choose one) clothed in court?

Is there some reason that not one of her attorneys would want to buy or borrow a shirt that fit her ?

We know how vain KC is, so it's hard to believe she wanted to appear in that horribly ill-fitting, uncomfortable shirt.

Is it likely or even possible that her attorneys actually want to diminish her physical attractiveness for the sake of jurrors and potential jurrors?

Honestly, if I didn't know what she's really like, I'd have pitied her for the way she looked.
Honestly, if I didn't know what she's really like, I'd have pitied her for the way she looked.

Friday, I hate to say it, but it worked on me! I sat behind her and was feeling sorry for her appearance. She looked totally neglected (compared to her usual ways but not compared to the bums on the street outside).

However, the harsh look of dark eyeliner and mascara isn't working for her face. Not only does it bring to mind her previous look but it makes her look hard and mean. I'd only put her in neutral makeup and maybe pinks. Keep her far away from the black eyeliner (which I love but I'm not on trial for murder).
Was not PB. I'm not sure who he was, I was trying to figure it out - after the hearing he went up to the judge's bench and was talking to Strickland. Maybe a law student?

Thanks again to you & TheOnly1 and any others for your in courtroom presence and comments! Learning your impressions of what was going on live vs. our video view is just fascinating to me!

Now more than ever, I am intrigued by this fellow. Isn't it bad taste to approach the judge? I know during the proceedings, even the attorneys must ask permission to approach the bench?
Thanks again to you and OLG & TheOnly1 for your in courtroom presence and comments! Learning your impressions of what was going on live vs. our video view is just fascinating to me!

Now more than ever, I am intrigued by this fellow. Isn't it bad taste to approach the judge? I know during the proceedings, even the attorneys must ask permission to approach the bench?

After the proceeding people tend to stand up and chat a bit. While gathering up their materials and briefcases and waiting to leave the room, many of the attorneys (even the defense and state's attorney) talk, laugh, shake hands, and so on. People talk and shake each other's hands; it is common.

The bailiffs are generally friendly and some are on a first-name basis with the attorneys in the room. The bailiffs were also very good yesterday constantly watching the courtroom, the accused, the attorneys, the spectators, etc.

I'm assuming if you practice law at the courthouse all day long (like a State attorney or some criminal defense attorneys do) you get to know many of the players, even the court reporters and the Judge's J.A.. I'm assuming a good portion of these folks know each other and when they do not (like when a big name media reporter comes in from out of town) they may come up and say "hi" and introduce themselves.

Perhaps that guy already knew the Judge? I have known Judges here that taught at schools (like UCF or Barry). I'm sure that after the hearing is over it is acceptable to approach the Judge if you ask and he has a minute.

Also, yesterday was just a hearing and was a tad more informal than trial.
I just watched the "presser" after the hearing yesterday. I dont understand how AL can say that she is going to file all of these motions in one breath and in the next say that she doesn't know all the facts of the case. What after learning all of the facts, she finds that there is NOTHING to file!?!?!

She put the cart before the horse and hopefully she didnt put her foot in her mouth at the same time.

UGH! JB makes me ILL. They never did answer the question about what the press should be asking the SA's office.....
I was thinking today about why I wanted to see the video...and I guess it boils down to wanting to see some emotion from Casey. I replayed all the videos in my mind and I still can't remember one where she showed total and utter despair over the loss of her child. Oh, there was the one where she cries "I've lost everything"...but I truly don't think she was talking about anyone but herself. Where are the tears for Caylee? I'd like to see with my own eyes what she felt for her daughter.

Regardless of if we get to see the video or not, those were not tears for her daughter......They were "oh cr*p, they found her!"
Dose anyone that was in the courtroom yesterday know why no one objected when Baez stated that Jesse Grund was a suspect. As far as I know it was never announce that he was.. Except from Cindy..

Instead of objecting, the lawyer for JG was free while responding to take issue with that point. He didn't seem to focus on it, or maybe didn't want to dignify it somehow. I found his emphasis on the statute for former LE, to protect their phone records or whatever, a little odd. I was sort of wondering what happened to D. Cohen, who was representing JG before. The argument was all so disjointed and confusing, with the judge mixing up who was who, etc. It wasn't really the lawyer's fault. He was citing case law like crazy and the judge thought he was someone else half the time. I think Judge S was overcome with the fog of JB. I hope they fight on and protect most of JG's records. The others, too.

It's clear the defense is fishing for anything they can make look suspicious or unsavory or even slightly questionable, so they can suggest one of these people is the guilty party - either AH, RM, JG or RK, whoever. It's pretty obvious, though still disgusting. How they plan to weave it with the existing variations of the Imaginanny story, who knows.

The sad part is that LE did have to take a look at all these people initially simply because they knew Casey A and had been around her in recent months. Sadly for him, JG was sort of an early alibi, with his memory of the phone calls with Casey, and he was friend enough to find it hard to believe she might have harmed Caylee. At times CA seems to suggest that he might have helped Casey, or controlled her in some Svengali manner. No idea if the defense really has such a theory. They most likely don't know, either. That's why they want to fish through his phone records, to see where he was at certain times, so they know when he couldn't or could have done certain things, been certain places. They probably need some facts in order to hone any false accusation they might make. With some of the others, there is the PR trip issue. Toss in the watching of a Zanny (still, per CA) in PR, blah, blah. More fishing.

I doubt they will reach an agreement, so I hope JB will have to make a cogent argument in writing, for each person, as to why their information is material.
I was not sure where to post this since I feel it may fit in two threads. Mod's please move as needed. I have been thinking of why Baez is fighting so hard to keep this video out of the publics eyes and if anyone from the media will show up to court next week. Why they were not there this week is a big question to me because on NG last night KB said she was there, yet in court it was said she was not. So, I am also confused about that.

Now, about the day the remains were found. If you watch the video below you will hear where the report claims that Baez was crying with Casey in jail. Now, my question is what all happen? How did he comfort her? Was that on video? He claims the jail did not give him access to Casey right away. I would hope the jail will produce logs next week to show the time Baez got there and the time Casey was taken to the observation area. I am sure the jail has to go through several steps before just allowing Baez to see Casey. It's not like he is God and can just walk in and be there ASAP. He must follow rules as well I would think.

Hmm.... Baez was crying with Casey that day. Could it be that is one of the
reasons he does not want the tape released? Could this also be one of
the reason why the judge filed a complaint with the bar against Baez? Lots to think about....[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uji2s7R8wK8"]YouTube - Casey Cried With Baez Over Caylee! On Video![/ame]
Good God - "wait until trial", "can't give up our strategy", "wait and see", "Evidence proves KC is innocent", blah blah, friggin blah.

Defense - if your CLIENT is as innocent as you say she is, why are you guarding your evidence so closely?????

If it were me, and I know I am simply your average everyday sane person, I would present the FACTS you claim to have to get your CLIENT released from JAIL and not sit in there for almost a year now.

There is NO Bomb dropping moment for you, you are all just irritatingly wasting the taxpayers' money and time, and putting off the inevitable.

You make no sense whatsoever - not in your press conferences, not in your courtroom antics, not in your alleged defense for your CLIENT.

Your strategy? Stall and stall some more, put of the trial date until you get your publicity and in the meantime, talk to the media and public like we're all so unwaware and ignorant of this bombshell you have planned.

You remind me - all of you on the defense - like a B-movie that wasn't well written.
I do feel that KC looking completely different than the "party girl pic KC" will benefit her with a jury and the defense team will welcome that. All that's left is to get her some nice Talbot type sweaters.

I honestly feel the slow transition we are seeing will further morph her into someone the jury will not be able to relate to that glammed out KC.

Part strategy, part prison pallor.
Good God - "wait until trial", "can't give up our strategy", "wait and see", "Evidence proves KC is innocent", blah blah, friggin blah.

Defense - if your CLIENT is as innocent as you say she is, why are you guarding your evidence so closely?????

If it were me, and I know I am simply your average everyday sane person, I would present the FACTS you claim to have to get your CLIENT released from JAIL and not sit in there for almost a year now.

There is NO Bomb dropping moment for you, you are all just irritatingly wasting the taxpayers' money and time, and putting off the inevitable.

You make no sense whatsoever - not in your press conferences, not in your courtroom antics, not in your alleged defense for your CLIENT.

Your strategy? Stall and stall some more, put of the trial date until you get your publicity and in the meantime, talk to the media and public like we're all so unwaware and ignorant of this bombshell you have planned.

You remind me - all of you on the defense - like a B-movie that wasn't well written.

What news media outlet wouldn't want to have this information. Why doesn't he share this with GVS or JVM or someone who would get it out in the public and get Casey out of jail.

Why wait until trial, when prosecution will have all the time in the world to dissect it. If someoen is innocent, you WANT the media hammering at the door to free your client. You don't "sit on it" until trial.

All of this posturing by the defense just proves how GUILTY his client really is. jmo
Casey now has four VIP attorneys representing her who undoubtedly earn an "Above Average" Income to put it mildly, plus JB, who certainly lives as if he does, too. Earlier in this topic, Themis mentioned the importance of KC's demeanor in the courtroom and noted that new Attorney Andrea even wrote KC a note telling her to stop writing on her notepad (because KC should instead appear very attentive and somber about the proceedings).

In view of that, I'd like to cautiously and intellectually focus briefly on KC's ill-fitting, unflattering apparrel, particularly her blouse. My question is: If her demeanor is so vitally important to her lawyers, don't they also want her to appear neatly and simply/properly/modestly (choose one) clothed in court?

Is there some reason that not one of her attorneys would want to buy or borrow a shirt that fit her ?

We know how vain KC is, so it's hard to believe she wanted to appear in that horribly ill-fitting, uncomfortable shirt.

Is it likely or even possible that her attorneys actually want to diminish her physical attractiveness for the sake of jurrors and potential jurrors?

Honestly, if I didn't know what she's really like, I'd have pitied her for the way she looked.

I watched the raw footage on the channel 9 website and I noticed that Casey is basically shown from the waist up since she's sitting down most of the time. And since the camera zoomed in a lot on her especially during the sidebar meeting between the judge and lawyers, I would think from a defense strategic viewpoint that Casey's appearance in court is important as various looks in court for Casey are tried out for a potential jury pool. So I agree that better fitting clothing including a much better fitting top where the buttons don't pull open across the chest is important.
I was not sure where to post this since I feel it may fit in two threads. Mod's please move as needed. I have been thinking of why Baez is fighting so hard to keep this video out of the publics eyes and if anyone from the media will show up to court next week. Why they were not there this week is a big question to me because on NG last night KB said she was there, yet in court it was said she was not. So, I am also confused about that.

Now, about the day the remains were found. If you watch the video below you will hear where the report claims that Baez was crying with Casey in jail. Now, my question is what all happen? How did he comfort her? Was that on video? He claims the jail did not give him access to Casey right away. I would hope the jail will produce logs next week to show the time Baez got there and the time Casey was taken to the observation area. I am sure the jail has to go through several steps before just allowing Baez to see Casey. It's not like he is God and can just walk in and be there ASAP. He must follow rules as well I would think.

Hmm.... Baez was crying with Casey that day. Could it be that is one of the
reasons he does not want the tape released? Could this also be one of
the reason why the judge filed a complaint with the bar against Baez? Lots to think about....YouTube - Casey Cried With Baez Over Caylee! On Video!
Could B have been doing something forbidden by the jail on that video and THAT is why he doesn't want it in evidence. More hugging maybe? I am sure the Judge will view it before making a decision.

Frankly, the filming of a prisoner in a common area is NOT unusual at all. So what is on that tape that is so horrendous that JB wants it not seen? He is fighting too hard for something that really isn't any more harmful to Casey than her pole dancing at Fusion. It's one of many nails - why is he making such an issue of this particular nail?
Instead of objecting, the lawyer for JG was free while responding to take issue with that point. He didn't seem to focus on it, or maybe didn't want to dignify it somehow. I found his emphasis on the statute for former LE, to protect their phone records or whatever, a little odd. I was sort of wondering what happened to D. Cohen, who was representing JG before. The argument was all so disjointed and confusing, with the judge mixing up who was who, etc. It wasn't really the lawyer's fault. He was citing case law like crazy and the judge thought he was someone else half the time. I think Judge S was overcome with the fog of JB. I hope they fight on and protect most of JG's records. The others, too.

It's clear the defense is fishing for anything they can make look suspicious or unsavory or even slightly questionable, so they can suggest one of these people is the guilty party - either AH, RM, JG or RK, whoever. It's pretty obvious, though still disgusting. How they plan to weave it with the existing variations of the Imaginanny story, who knows.

The sad part is that LE did have to take a look at all these people initially simply because they knew Casey A and had been around her in recent months. Sadly for him, JG was sort of an early alibi, with his memory of the phone calls with Casey, and he was friend enough to find it hard to believe she might have harmed Caylee. At times CA seems to suggest that he might have helped Casey, or controlled her in some Svengali manner. No idea if the defense really has such a theory. They most likely don't know, either. That's why they want to fish through his phone records, to see where he was at certain times, so they know when he couldn't or could have done certain things, been certain places. They probably need some facts in order to hone any false accusation they might make. With some of the others, there is the PR trip issue. Toss in the watching of a Zanny (still, per CA) in PR, blah, blah. More fishing.

I doubt they will reach an agreement, so I hope JB will have to make a cogent argument in writing, for each person, as to why their information is material.
Cindy is the one who pointed the finger at JG. I think she did it as revenge - after all JG DID stand up to her in defense of KC and my gut feerling is that if you sltand up to Cindy, you will reap the consequences. Ditto for her pointing the finger at Amy. REVENGE. I guess Cindy has never thought that her word is NOT law.
when i saw casey in court with the long hair i immediatley thought of how much she resembled caylee. i could imagine a grown up caylee. do you feel this could hurt her or help her if she has trial? if she has her old look back short hair does it get the jury to not identify her as much with caylee? if she keeps the long hair she certainly does resemble caylee i feel. when you think of casey do you now start to visualize her as she looks now or before? i think we who follow case have seen so many different looks along the year we are used to it gradually. i know we are not to pick apart looks but this question is to ask how jury might be thinking. if atty want her to look more plain -they did it. comparing pics of a year ago you would hardly recognize her. i do believe she must have had blue contact lens prioror am i thinking eyes looked hazel like caylee in court? i do not know what the plan is in making her look so different. i know that 33rd street jail has hairdressers there to cut hair etc. she must want this new look cause she could have her short hair. what do you think>> all for image or atty says this is you now??
i spoke with some friends out state and they said who is casey?? i guess not everyone knows case. i said you know the zanny nany case--huh she said and she is very smart too-lol

I think that the longer hair on Casey in court yesterday will also put time and distance between how Casey looked in the party photos from last May and June where she had shorter hair and even what she looked like in the jailhouse video visitations with her parents and brother.
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