2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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You actually still had the presence of mind to MIX a drink? By the last half, I was chugging it straight from the bottle. The stories still didn't make any kind of sense. LOL!
Well, I spoke too soon. I am getting deep into the 2nd half and wishing I had a 'scrip for Xanex! Oh My GOD!!! This is amazingly painful to read...:truce:

Sounds yummy. I might join you.
It IS yummy and come on down! but I must warn you, the effects of the booze are NOT enough to dull the senses to the effects of Cindy Anthony! :sick:

Even worse...no alcohol in the house, but I am sitting here reading and eating...animal crackers!!! Yes, and...it's my choice. Sad or what??
Don't read too much at once or you will see your melting brain come oozing out!:banghead:
Cindy seems to never have questioned anything obvious going on. Apparently, she lives her life in deep denial. She wouldn't question an elephant in her living room according to what I've read so far! It is getting so hard to believe this family!

- Casey's pregnancy that no one noticed or questioned?

- The trusted Zanny and all the contact info Cindy had, but she was never concerned to meet this person caring for Caylee?

- Throwing those other people under the bus with hinting lies, but being so naive when it comes to Casey's involvement?

- How there were no signs of Casey being a hardcore thief and liar at a fairly young age?

How about - Casey loved buying presents for others online using other people's credit cards. She bought Brandon Snow things she had shipped to him. It was fine with Cindy,no big deal, just shows Casey was kind and not a thief.

How do you make those Pina Colladas?
George andf Cindy did not ask her any questions because they did not want a STRAINED RELATIONSHIP while she was home!


Your granddaughter is missing.
Your daughter has told you ONE MILLION lies in the course of a month.
Your daughter's car smells like a dead body.
Your daughter lied to the police about EVERYTHING.

And you are worried about a STRAINED RELATIONSHIP with her?

Interesting how GA denies putting duct tape on the gas can and CA says GA told her he did!
Cindy seems to never have questioned anything obvious going on. Apparently, she lives her life in deep denial. She wouldn't question an elephant in her living room according to what I've read so far! It is getting so hard to believe this family!

- Casey's pregnancy that no one noticed or questioned?

- The trusted Zanny and all the contact info Cindy had, but she was never concerned to meet this person caring for Caylee?

- Throwing those other people under the bus with hinting lies, but being so naive when it comes to Casey's involvement?

- How there were no signs of Casey being a hardcore thief and liar at a fairly young age?

How about - Casey loved buying presents for others online using other people's credit cards. She bought Brandon Snow things she had shipped to him. It was fine with Cindy,no big deal, just shows Casey was kind and not a thief.

How do you make those Pina Colladas?
I don't buy their song and dance for one minute. As controlling as Cindy is, and for all the "issues" going on with Casey which required her to go to counseling... I firmly believe that Cindy has been super-sleuthing Casey long before Caylee went missing. She knows every last detail, the pretend job, the lies, the stealing etc. She is denying all of it now though to protect Casey... Trust me..this woman does not live with her head in the sand.. she knew everything all along. I think she was the lead detective in the household and sent George out to snoop out details.. like Sports Authority...I believe Cindy knew all along and was involved in George going there. Deny deny deny. Great kid, no need to ask her anything she is sooo trustworthy...ya...right-o.
I'll guarantee you...Cindy would nave NEVER allowed Caylee to be cared for by a stranger. aka: the infamous Zanny. Never, ever.
Cindy seems to never have questioned anything obvious going on. Apparently, she lives her life in deep denial. She wouldn't question an elephant in her living room according to what I've read so far! It is getting so hard to believe this family!

- Casey's pregnancy that no one noticed or questioned?

- The trusted Zanny and all the contact info Cindy had, but she was never concerned to meet this person caring for Caylee?

- Throwing those other people under the bus with hinting lies, but being so naive when it comes to Casey's involvement?

- How there were no signs of Casey being a hardcore thief and liar at a fairly young age?

How about - Casey loved buying presents for others online using other people's credit cards. Cindy's. She bought Brandon Snow things she had shipped to him on Cindy's money?!?. But according to Cindy, it was no big deal, after all Casey was kind and not a thief in Cindy's warped mind.

How do you make those Pina Colladas?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

....and my personal favorite - CA's tagline, "yes, i believed her. i had no reason not to trust her."
Something which has not been noted, although it has little bearing on the case but goes to show the depth and breadth of lies,

Cindy states she generally works 10 -12 hour days.

Really? How does she come to this figure? Her starting times are either 8.00am - 830am and finishing times are 5.00pm - 530 pm, sometimes she would work till 6pm.

I don't recall her ever saying she would typically finish up at 8/830pm.

Occasional 10 hour days maybe but 12 hour days, I think not.
I love how on day 2 of Cindy's depo...she has to clarify for the record about the lock on the side of the gargage NOT being changed as she said it had been...she asked George after day one of the depo and he said no. LOL... ooops. And I am guessing that the key ZANNY has would be to that door...right? Duh! Of course!
My my! Casey "dresses like a mom." On what planet? Also, it's funny how the Anthonys cling to such flimsy "inconsistencies" i.e. Amy knowing where Tony's apartment was even after she said she wasn't sure she could find it (gasp!) or Jesse giving Caylee an "inappropriate" birthday card BUT IGNORING the nonstop lies, thieving and all-together dubious behavior of their own daughter. I can imagine Cindy saying to the detectives "Okay,so maybe Casey lies, cheats, steals, flips on with men right and left, and refuses to explain any of her behavior BUT WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING INTO THE FACT THAT AMY'S LAST NAME HAS A 'Z' IN IT?!?!?!? I give you these valuable tips and you IGNORE THEM!!!
How can that woman sit there with a straight face and maintain that Casey has given her oblique "clues"? So she has complete trust in her daughter. What did her daughter ever do to merit this trust? And poor George..."I didn't even think of George..." "George is the weakest of our family." How mean! And did anyone get how George and Cindy called Caylee "Our Little Girl"? Wonder how that made their "BIGGER Girl" feel?
Something which has not been noted, although it has little bearing on the case but goes to show the depth and breadth of lies,

Cindy states she generally works 10 -12 hour days.

Really? How does she come to this figure? Her starting times are either 8.00am - 830am and finishing times are 5.00pm - 530 pm, sometimes she would work till 6pm.

I don't recall her ever saying she would typically finish up at 8/830pm.

Occasional 10 hour days maybe but 12 hour days, I think not.
She is setting the scene for the chloroform search on the computer. Her time card is always 8-5... but she doesn't actually work those hours...she comes early, stays late, and even sometimes leaves early! Wink, wink.. so now she says she sometimes works 12 hour days... meaning that she could actually leave 4 hours early on another day possibly? She is salaried, so it all evens out..no overtime pay. So I suppose the time and day of the chloroform search she will say...oh I went home 4 hours early that day.. (even though the timecard says 8-5). Would a HIPPA violation be allowed if they needed to snoop through the work she did that day to try to verify she was actually there longer? (since she is a case manager, it would be patient records)...
I'm on the 3rd page of the 1st portion of the actual deposition and without any audio/video, it's perfectly clear to me that CA came in with an attitude. LDB cannot not even get through a sentence w/out her interrupting. It's like CA saying, w/out actually saying...let's get on with it - I've got my game face on. Anyone else get that?

Yes I got that and at one point BC tells her to let them finish the question, even he noticed
Right after the exhibit 22 kurfluffle (approx. page 494), CA references a "disturbing" b-day card from Jesse to Caylee - can someone refresh my memory as to what that's about?

Page 495, after the objection to exhibit 22 - what was the top picture that Mr. Ashton referred to as "sealed"?

Right after that, what is Mr. Baez trying to stop CA from talking about? He even says "zip it". :D

Starting on page 504, the argument they have about going off the record or staying on the record is amusing. :croc:

I enjoyed that little interplay (which goes on for pages) but then I'm a bit of a nerdy legalese junkie. "Who's going to oppose Ms. Anthony being re-deposed?" :crosseyed: I'm probably the only one who finds it funny ...
Something which has not been noted, although it has little bearing on the case but goes to show the depth and breadth of lies,

Cindy states she generally works 10 -12 hour days.

Really? How does she come to this figure? Her starting times are either 8.00am - 830am and finishing times are 5.00pm - 530 pm, sometimes she would work till 6pm.

I don't recall her ever saying she would typically finish up at 8/830pm.

Occasional 10 hour days maybe but 12 hour days, I think not.

Well, she also said she hasn't slept in a year. WOW! I have trouble staying awake pat midnight!
I seriously don't know how anybody got through this......I'm on page 249 of 476 and my anxiety is growing, listening to her over-explaining details, and lies, with her "has to be winning" control of every question posed to her!

I can't take anymore, and hats off to all who can:sick:

That's how you spot a liar. They over-explain.

You ask your hubby where he's going. He answers, "To the store. Be back in ten" Then, he walks out.

I liar will give you an entire saga about why s/he is going to the store, what will be bought, and a few anecdotes about said store.
- The standard disclaimer here, if this has been discussed and I've missed it, my apologies, would love to be directed to it, did a search on this thread and didn't find it .. but...

This truck me as interesting. In Part 2 of Cindy's deposition with the SA (http://www.wftv.com/pdf/21310288/detail.html) on its page 276 (corresponding to page 94 of 476) starting at Line 1, they are talking about Cindy not seeing Casey/Caylee the morning of June 16. They discuss that through Line 19, then suddenly and without prodding, on Line 21, Cindy says "but a lot of times if I saw like, she had a pair of clothes, you know, something in the back, sometimes I'd take it out and wash it for her or whatever. A lot of times I helped Casey put Caylee in or --

and they go on from there. Seems to me Cindy is throwing that in there as if it's a normal thing for her to wash random clothes left in the back of Casey's car as if it were a favor to save time for Casey. Wasn't questioned, about her washing clothes, nobody mentioned it, nobody asked her about it, she just tweaked it in there hoping it'd go unnoticed - yet would be there for a backup reason why she did actually wash those darn pants.
- The standard disclaimer here, if this has been discussed and I've missed it, my apologies, would love to be directed to it, did a search on this thread and didn't find it .. but...

This truck me as interesting. In Part 2 of Cindy's deposition with the SA (http://www.wftv.com/pdf/21310288/detail.html) on its page 276 (corresponding to page 94 of 476) starting at Line 1, they are talking about Cindy not seeing Casey/Caylee the morning of June 16. They discuss that through Line 19, then suddenly and without prodding, on Line 21, Cindy says "but a lot of times if I saw like, she had a pair of clothes, you know, something in the back, sometimes I'd take it out and wash it for her or whatever. A lot of times I helped Casey put Caylee in or --

and they go on from there. Seems to me Cindy is throwing that in there as if it's a normal thing for her to wash random clothes left in the back of Casey's car as if it were a favor to save time for Casey. Wasn't questioned, about her washing clothes, nobody mentioned it, nobody asked her about it, she just tweaked it in there hoping it'd go unnoticed - yet would be there for a backup reason why she did actually wash those darn pants.

Yes, she is very clumsy with her lies. She does the same thing when they ask her about who baby sat with Caylee- she rattles off several names, points out that a few were people that she would not be able to contact in an emergency as she didn't have their phone numbers, so that when she says the same thing about Zanny it will sound reasonable. You can see where she's going with these lies a mile off.
Right after the exhibit 22 kurfluffle (approx. page 494), CA references a "disturbing" b-day card from Jesse to Caylee - can someone refresh my memory as to what that's about?

Page 495, after the objection to exhibit 22 - what was the top picture that Mr. Ashton referred to as "sealed"?

Right after that, what is Mr. Baez trying to stop CA from talking about? He even says "zip it". :D

Starting on page 504, the argument they have about going off the record or staying on the record is amusing. :croc:

I enjoyed that little interplay (which goes on for pages) but then I'm a bit of a nerdy legalese junkie. "Who's going to oppose Ms. Anthony being re-deposed?" :crosseyed: I'm probably the only one who finds it funny ...

We haven't seen it yet but CA felt it was something a man would send to his sweetheart, not a child. So she couldn't wait to hand it over... the implication being that when KC dumped him because "he loved Caylee more than her" it was really because there was something unsavory about his affection for her.
page 577 - talking about whether CA has an opinion as to what happened to her gd.

Mr. Ashton: "She's an hour behind us. She's an hour behind us."

What the heck is he referring to? I can't figure out a context for his comment at all.
Painter, Thank you, I am going to follow your advice right now:crazy: and try to get back to them, ( all the while hiding out from family members that think I'm possesed, again)

If I may say, It is so good to see you back here with many others, here from the start of this. I was absent here thru most of the Summer, due to company, etc., but the great people on here, stick like glue to this story, Thank God, for Caylee.......

Pouring one right now, and back to Cindy, HELP....

Reeseeva, if you survive to see this, thank you kindly for your post. :blowkiss: Nice to see you again also. I've been here reading every day, just not posting much. I can't seem to let go of this case 'till Caylee gets the justice and respect she deserves.
My my! Casey "dresses like a mom." On what planet? Also, it's funny how the Anthonys cling to such flimsy "inconsistencies" i.e. Amy knowing where Tony's apartment was even after she said she wasn't sure she could find it (gasp!) or Jesse giving Caylee an "inappropriate" birthday card BUT IGNORING the nonstop lies, thieving and all-together dubious behavior of their own daughter. I can imagine Cindy saying to the detectives "Okay,so maybe Casey lies, cheats, steals, flips on with men right and left, and refuses to explain any of her behavior BUT WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING INTO THE FACT THAT AMY'S LAST NAME HAS A 'Z' IN IT?!?!?!? I give you these valuable tips and you IGNORE THEM!!!
How can that woman sit there with a straight face and maintain that Casey has given her oblique "clues"? So she has complete trust in her daughter. What did her daughter ever do to merit this trust? And poor George..."I didn't even think of George..." "George is the weakest of our family." How mean! And did anyone get how George and Cindy called Caylee "Our Little Girl"? Wonder how that made their "BIGGER Girl" feel?

I wait for every interviewer of CA and GA to ask them "What on earth makes you think you can report intelligently on anything your daughter did- you didn't know where she was or that she was not at work for 2 flipping years!"

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