2009.09.08 Nancy Grace

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I am now convinced more than any other time that this family functioned around KC. They knew, they knew, they knew. They've been dealing with this girl since the day she was born. They knew what had happened.

BTW, I don't think they are going to allow the searchers to be questioned. We all signed a document of "confidentiality". If for some reason, it does get approved, I would make it a stipulation that they go through a polygraph right after KC takes hers.

Oh yes I forgot Casey did say she would take one "through Jose". haha
Not quite, it was subtle but better (or worse) than that...... he is saying that he always saw KC as guilty but now......

"SHEAFFER: You know something, I`ve had very little doubt in my mind from the very beginning that the prosecutors are not going to -- are going to get a guilty verdict. I had doubt in my mind until now that they could get a jury to return a recommendation of a sentence of death.

I believe she is facing the real possibility that this jury is going to return a guilty verdict and recommend death. "


Thanks Cyberborg!!!

I couldn't remember exactly what he said but it made me happy! :) Thanks for posting the transcript!!!!
I believe this was a mistake by NG staff. The Defense never said anything like that. They never said they are going to imply that one of the TES searchers put Caylee's body there. The angle the Defense said they are going for, is that TES searchers searched where Caylee was found and saw NOTHING, so that means Caylee's body was not there until later, after KC was in jail, meaning this proves KC's innocence.

I just don't get this defense. How does that prove her innocence? It can only possibly show that she didn't dispose of a corpse. How does that prove she didn't kill her and someone else put her there? She's still guilty of muder if that is the case. :confused:
I suspect it is a matter of going with a poor defense, or going with no defense at all. the defense will have to do better than that if they plan on getting a not guilty verdict.. I don't think they are really trying for that though, I think they are just going to offer a token effort at trying to prove a possible 'not guilty'.. then move on to a real effort to save her from the death penalty.

I don't see anyway at all to get a not guilty verdict..and I suspect the defense team doesn't see one either, but they do have to go through the motions. What else are they going to base it on? Invisible nannies?

Well, after all, that's the whole reason for AL. She may have a good record on DP cases but good is a ratio of about two thirds. Not perfect odds for KC.

And since she doesn't appear to like weak SODDI defenses, I think a certain family and the environment of excuses, lies and crime-enabling they have created around their daughter will be her "mitigating factor" strategy in the sentencing portion of the trial. Too bad after working so hard to get her off death row, they will sacrifice every last bit of decency and self-respect to do it.

Maybe they feel guilty somehow about raising a murderer (or in CA's case just don't want the public to know she's not the "perfect mom"), but their loyalty to their daughter betrays their self-interest. It would have been much more selfless to dedicate all that energy to Caylee, not because she wasn't there to appreciate it, as they had already lost her, but because it would finally be doing the right thing instead of covering up with mistruths, half-truths and every other mendacious example of reinforcing to their narcissistic daughter that she was above the law. They lost KC a long, long time before they lost Caylee, imo.
Earth to KC, Earth to KC its time to plead out.

The overhwelming circumstantial evidence has reached a tipping point, added to by the Padilla team testimony of RD and TM as well as -- your check fraud trial. You will begin the murder trial as a convicted felon. :clap:

Hear, Hear. When I was watching NG last night they were talking about Haleigh Cummings for a while and showing pictures of the mom putting up posters and signs. I haven't really been following that case at all, but it just made it that more glaringly obvious to me that we haven't seen KC doing any of that stuff at all (well, during her brief interlude with freedom).

It just.. boggles my mind that they're trying to create doubt with the searchers. We know the area was underwater. You can't prove a negative- they aren't going to prove she wasn't there, just that she wasn't found. I fail to believe any jury would think that would somehow prove KC wasn't involved, especially in light of the fact that she STILL hasn't come clean on glaringly obvious lies. :doh:

So, I guess all I can say is "uuuuh, good luck with that."
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