2009.10.02 LKB & JB On Today Show

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Oh dear. Pathetic. Just UTTERLY pathetic.

I cant believe that they think is going to help. So what that there was no DNA on the remains. THe sweet little angel was in a SWAMP! We are lucky there was ANYTHING left!

I too laughed out loud. Espec when JoseBGood said that the truth will come out in trial. Well, he got that right!

WAIT A SEC! Is JB claiming the body found may not have been Caylee?
WAIT A SEC! Is JB claiming the body found may not have been Caylee?

Well CA is setting that up by looking for Caylee a couple months ago right? I don't think they are going to say that, I think they are just trying to poke holes in all of the lab testing. Who knows. I think this is going to be a very frustrating trial. We keep hearing how the state has the burden of truth so let's hope those attorneys can get down in the mud with the defense team when they are trying to rebut every bit of evidence. This is going to be one of those times where they may just have to stoop to their level. I am still waiting to hear that KC was abducted by aliens, who knows, maybe that's the truth that will come out at trial.
How about "People confess to crimes all the time..." Do they?? And anyway...Casey has not confessed to this crime, has she? I have to be careful, we wouldn't want to put out the misinformation that Casey has confessed to killing Caylee.

Interesting that they mentioned the "Innocence Project". Where have I heard that before? Hmmm...
Somebody light a match, please! JB and Co. absolutely reek of desperation.
Didn't Judge Strickland mention at one of the hearings he was tired of seeing Abbott and Costello's mugs in the media? I'd sure like to see a gag order right about now. I know the pros wanted one and JB fought it tooth and nail, but can the people of the state of FL just demand one (Facebook poll?) so that the nation isn't subjected to stuff like this?

And the SA has been producing specific media instances and specific statements made. The defense has already been asked to put up or shut up, so what did they hope to accomplish today? The next hearing on this should be interesting.
I think between the statements made this morning and Ca's continued search for Caylee, we are seeing the first signs of reasonable doubt to prevent the jury from handing down the DP. It would be hard for a jury to hand down the DP if there is the slightest chance Caylee might be alive. The defense is trying to get that "what if..." thought out there.
Well CA is setting that up by looking for Caylee a couple months ago right? I don't think they are going to say that, I think they are just trying to poke holes in all of the lab testing. Who knows. I think this is going to be a very frustrating trial. We keep hearing how the state has the burden of truth so let's hope those attorneys can get down in the mud with the defense team when they are trying to rebut every bit of evidence. This is going to be one of those times where they may just have to stoop to their level. I am still waiting to hear that KC was abducted by aliens, who knows, maybe that's the truth that will come out at trial.

I am sooo curious to know how they are going reconcile that KC was the last to be with Caylee and that the story about the nanny is not true. Will they stick with the nanny being real or will they admit it was a lie and then who is going to tell and describe the point in which Caylee was not in Casey's possesion? Will CAsey take the stand? I think she has to, because the jury needs to know what happened to Caylee from CASEY who was the last to see her alive.

Doesn't matter that there is no DNA to link Casey to the body of Caylee - even if there were it could be explained away as Casey being her mother and her DNA having to be there. The compelling evidence is CASEY herself. Her lies and the 31 days - the car - her parents and the fact that the NANNY is not real.
Stupid things people do? Getting drunk and making out with the wrong guy or driving is something stupid someone does. Not reporting your missing child is not one of the stupid things people do!!! It's devious and usually done to mask a crime. It's not like forgetting to pick up your dry cleaning!!! That has to go down as a classic idiotic defense to me. :banghead:

And what seems to be a phenomena in the last few years is young mothers killing their toddlers. Just last night I read an article about a 22 year old single mother from Longwood ( which I think is between Orlando and Miami) that strangled her 2 year old with a bra strap and her hands. KC just isn't that special anymore, she is just more devious and void of conscientiousness than these other mother/child killers are. As you state people do stupid things but not reporting your child missing is not one of them. I think the term I would use is deception. If from an accident or out of frustration that Caylee was killed she would be just another murdered child that was killed by her mother. But this circus that this family has created to avert justice is insane. I just hope Justice for Caylee will prevail and KC will see that she is indeed nothing special, just a child killer. One of countless young mothers from across the country that have done this to the ones that count on them for everything.:sick:
everytime they are on TV I think hmmmmmmmm thought they were going to try this is court????? What happened to that idea??? I also hope that the judge can somehow reel them in someway--this is old how they claim not enough time yet what are they doing???? Between that and trying to mess with potential juriors wit these stunts....:furious::waitasec:
Listen I don't even go out when my toddler is sick with a fever or cold. I can't imagine going out partying and having sex with my boyfriend when my toddler has been kidnapped.

Her actions were NOT those of a stupid person, but those of a person who couldn't give a crap about her child which is contrary to what her parents want us to believe.
I am sooo curious to know how they are going reconcile that KC was the last to be with Caylee and that the story about the nanny is not true. Will they stick with the nanny being real or will they admit it was a lie and then who is going to tell and describe the point in which Caylee was not in Casey's possesion? Will CAsey take the stand? I think she has to, because the jury needs to know what happened to Caylee from CASEY who was the last to see her alive.

Doesn't matter that there is no DNA to link Casey to the body of Caylee - even if there were it could be explained away as Casey being her mother and her DNA having to be there. The compelling evidence is CASEY herself. Her lies and the 31 days - the car - her parents and the fact that the NANNY is not real.

Hello WS :)
Quote Respect Mendara

Thank you for posting the questions my mind is too confused right now to remember.

Re: "the DNA being explained away as Casey being her mother." Yes! This has been a bee running in my mind but I could not spit it out as a thought. As a juror I would not be convinced either way about Casey's DNA being found on/or near Caylee. The duct tape...yeah. If there had been a clear print on the other side of the tape and it was Casey's-I would be very compelled toward "Casey killed Caylee." I wonder why Casey's fingerprints weren't found on the duct tape?

I have said it before, I would have to hear Casey testify if I were a juror on this case before I would be able to give my vote. So I am hoping with you that Casey does take the stand. If I were innocent I sure would take the stand.

Also. I am not a mother. I have to give some kind of extra lee-way to Casey, young mothers/mothers in general because of not being a mother. Those of you who have been or are young mothers...is there any lee-way that "she was a young mother?" Can the responsibility drive a girl crazy? Can it be too much?


oh come on guys, you know the smell in the car was from old pizza and gym shoes!! and in the pics of casey partying you can CLEARLY see her looking around fusian for Caylee. i mean, come on, isn't it obvious she was upset and missing Caylee?

Hi Chiquita! :seeya:

The young mother thing doesn't fly with me. I was a young mother; my son was born when I was 19.

My son was my priority. His needs came before mine. I worked two jobs to take care of him. When times were tough, my needs were put on the back burner so that his could be met. There were even times when I went without food for 4-5 days because I made sure he had food to eat. I made sure he had a good babysitter. (Yes, a real one, LOL.)

I very rarely got to go out because if I wasn't working, I was taking care of my son. I didn't go to a bar until I was 25 years old.

My parents did help out every once in a while, but the one thing they did consistently when I was growing up was teach me responsibility.

I guess during the jury selection process, they will have to rule out anyone who was a young mother. :)
[/QUOTE]Also. I am not a mother. I have to give some kind of extra lee-way to Casey, young mothers/mothers in general because of not being a mother. Those of you who have been or are young mothers...is there any lee-way that "she was a young mother?" Can the responsibility drive a girl crazy? Can it be too much?


At one time or another every mother has felt overwhelmed with a young child but not enough to kill them. Otherwise there would be a lot of dead children out there.

KC has already admitted to last seeing her daughter on June 16th. This is confirmed by her showing up at Blockbuster with TonE alone. For someone to claim that their child was kidnapped and show no concern whatsoever to the people around her, go with her new boyfriend to rent movies about a child being kidnapped and THEN after viewing it talking the boyfriend into missing his class the next morning so they could "you know" sleep in without the sleep part and have this boyfriend testify to that in court. What will the jurors really think about that. This shows detachment and if she were THAT detached she would be capable of getting rid of the child and not looking back, which it appears she has done.

She still claims to be "not guilty" of the check fraud charges.....look at the evidence there. They have her on video and she stupidly signed her own name to someone else's check. If she still denies these charges what would make anyone feel she is telling the truth about the death of her child.
Hello WS :)
Quote Respect Mendara

Thank you for posting the questions my mind is too confused right now to remember.

Re: "the DNA being explained away as Casey being her mother." Yes! This has been a bee running in my mind but I could not spit it out as a thought. As a juror I would not be convinced either way about Casey's DNA being found on/or near Caylee. The duct tape...yeah. If there had been a clear print on the other side of the tape and it was Casey's-I would be very compelled toward "Casey killed Caylee." I wonder why Casey's fingerprints weren't found on the duct tape?

I have said it before, I would have to hear Casey testify if I were a juror on this case before I would be able to give my vote. So I am hoping with you that Casey does take the stand. If I were innocent I sure would take the stand.

Also. I am not a mother. I have to give some kind of extra lee-way to Casey, young mothers/mothers in general because of not being a mother. Those of you who have been or are young mothers...is there any lee-way that "she was a young mother?" Can the responsibility drive a girl crazy? Can it be too much?




Hi Chiquita!!
I was a young mother many moons ago. Granted, I was not single but my ex worked long hours and I had a very demanding child on my hands. There were days when my son (only child at the time) would drive me crazy. The terrible twos...whining, crying, foot-stomping, throwing things, refusing to cooperate, gimme, gimme, gimme, etc. I would occasionally lock myself in the bathroom and splash cold water on my face just to calm down and keep from hitting him. I ashamed to admit that but I did. Yet, never once did I lay a hand on him in anger. When I found myself at my absolute wits end I would call my mom, my husband or my best friend and have them "talk me down", so to speak.

Too much responsibility, such as having a small child, may drive you crazy (it did me at times) but as a parent you are supposed to take responsibility for your actions and act appropriately. Some parents spank, some don't. Most parents don't murder their children, thank God! Casey had more help raising Caylee than I ever had and I'd be willing to bet more help than most mothers here at WS. Being a young mother does excuse one from murder or even harm to her child. Period.

PS - I must add a big THANK YOU for the contributions you've made and all the transcribing you've done over the past few months. It is much appreciated!
Thank you for your answers. I wanted to clarify that giving Casey "lee-way" is more of a courtesy because of the dire outcome for her and her family. I do not think that being a young mother is any reason or excuse if she did kill Caylee. I was just realizing the gap between me and so many other women because of my situation.

There is something missing because I do not have children, but what is not missing is my humanity, and because I don't want to insult something I have not experienced I asked the question. But, as a human...there is no excuse other than insanity to kill another person.


Thanks again. :)
Hello WS :)
Quote Respect Mendara

Thank you for posting the questions my mind is too confused right now to remember.

Re: "the DNA being explained away as Casey being her mother." Yes! This has been a bee running in my mind but I could not spit it out as a thought. As a juror I would not be convinced either way about Casey's DNA being found on/or near Caylee. The duct tape...yeah. If there had been a clear print on the other side of the tape and it was Casey's-I would be very compelled toward "Casey killed Caylee." I wonder why Casey's fingerprints weren't found on the duct tape?

I have said it before, I would have to hear Casey testify if I were a juror on this case before I would be able to give my vote. So I am hoping with you that Casey does take the stand. If I were innocent I sure would take the stand.

Also. I am not a mother. I have to give some kind of extra lee-way to Casey, young mothers/mothers in general because of not being a mother. Those of you who have been or are young mothers...is there any lee-way that "she was a young mother?" Can the responsibility drive a girl crazy? Can it be too much?


I bacame a mom a week before my 19th birthday.I was a better mom then than I am now at 51 [still have 2 little ones].It's more about character and maturity ,than age IMO.I know people [cough..my sister] who were never mature enough to be a good mom.KC had it made.No financial responsibilities,lived at home with built in babysitting.I don't cut her ANY slack.She was selfish,period.
Hello WS :)
Quote Respect Mendara

Thank you for posting the questions my mind is too confused right now to remember.

Re: "the DNA being explained away as Casey being her mother." Yes! This has been a bee running in my mind but I could not spit it out as a thought. As a juror I would not be convinced either way about Casey's DNA being found on/or near Caylee. The duct tape...yeah. If there had been a clear print on the other side of the tape and it was Casey's-I would be very compelled toward "Casey killed Caylee." I wonder why Casey's fingerprints weren't found on the duct tape?

I have said it before, I would have to hear Casey testify if I were a juror on this case before I would be able to give my vote. So I am hoping with you that Casey does take the stand. If I were innocent I sure would take the stand.

Also. I am not a mother. I have to give some kind of extra lee-way to Casey, young mothers/mothers in general because of not being a mother. Those of you who have been or are young mothers...is there any lee-way that "she was a young mother?" Can the responsibility drive a girl crazy? Can it be too much?



Two questions:

1) Did she cut Caylee any slack?

2) Was she not aware of adoption availability? She had been made that offer more than once.
I can't imagine how any forensics would be found on/around the body/skeleton after total decomposition and 6 months of lying in a bug-infested swampland. So how can the case be anything but circumstantial? Does forensic evidence HAVE to exist in order to prove a murder? Or is this just LKB's way of trying to inject reasonable doubt.

Heck, forensic evidence DID exist with OJ and the defense twisted that away...even though all circumstances pointed to him doing the murders. So, if I guess my point is, is that if more forensic evidence existed in this case, LKB's job, then, would be to refute/taint it and twist it like OJ's lawyers did.
I'm glad I didn't see them on TV....I'd just rather read it from here. I'm just sick and disgusted with the ones not supporting Caylee. JMO

I'm with you angel 11.
Now I know why I love WS almost as much as Irish Coffees. I too did not see the broadcast, but knew I could drop in here and learn everything I need to know about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb's appearance. And, as a bonus, read posts pointing out opinions that makes me go hmmmm.
Thanks everyone.
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