2009.12.18 Deputy Richard Cain Interview and more

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Jul 29, 2008
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Seems like Cain...was not so professional?

New developments in the Caylee Anthony murder case. A former meter readers says deputies came just feet from Caylee Anthony's remains but never looked inside the garbage bag. Now the sheriff's deputy who responded to the initial call is getting grilled by Casey Anthony's defense team. For hours Casey Anthony's defense team grilled Orange County Sheriffs Office employee Richard Cain. He's the former deputy who then meter reader Roy Kronk pointed out a suspicious bag and something that he said could possibly have been a skull too on august thirteenth

Kronk told the deputy he thought he saw a human skull and says the deputy started arguing with him on whether the remains would be skeletonized or not.


I just hate this happened so much to put a blemish on the fine work that LE has done throughout this case. I keep hoping that something will clear this up to make it not be so bad for LE but I guess that's not gonna happen. I just don't think the defense deserves a 'gift' like this and with any luck at all, they won't be able to do much with it. No getting around it though, this deputy caused a big problem with sloppy work.
I can't say that I blame the defense for grilling Cain and making plans to go after him again.

It is egg on the face time and hopefully this wasn't the only cop that got the calls to investigate EVERY bag or bad smell around Suburban.


I just hate this happened so much to put a blemish on the fine work that LE has done throughout this case. I keep hoping that something will clear this up to make it not be so bad for LE but I guess that's not gonna happen. I just don't think the defense deserves a 'gift' like this and with any luck at all, they won't be able to do much with it. No getting around it though, this deputy caused a big problem with sloppy work.

I hate it too.

It in no way mitigates Casey's lies and the damaging evidence.

But, the defense has been given some smoke and mirrors.

'A review of Cain's record showed he was accused two other times of failing to thoroughly investigate the concerns of citizens.

A representative for the Orange County Sheriff's Office sad the claims were unfounded'
This "bag of clothes" reminds me of what Casey said...

"They haven't even found her clothes yet"
I can't say that I blame the defense for grilling Cain and making plans to go after him again.

This cop probably has lots of other interesting investigative techniques besides knowing all about how skeletonized Caylee would be and being able to tell how long stuffed toys and clothes had been out in the elements.

It is egg on the face time and hopefully this wasn't the only cop that got the calls to investigate EVERY bag or bad smell around Suburban.



There's a whole thread about KW which discusses the bag found at the end of Suburban (not the location where the remains were found). Guess who the investigating officer was? Yup! Post #1 has all the info on Cain. I read on Blink's blog that KW took the bag to CA to inspect and THEN returned with the bag to the end of Suburban and called LE. Cain was the officer who decided to leave it there.

This "bag of clothes" reminds me of what Casey said...

"They haven't even found her clothes yet"

Exactly--and the Father's Day balloon seems so suspicious to me. Wasn't Father's Day the last time the "public" (meaning anyone other than the A's,) saw Caylee? Doesn't that seem like an odd coincidence?
I hate it too.

It in no way mitigates Casey's lies and the damaging evidence.

But, the defense has been given some smoke and mirrors.

I agree. Lets hope that not much can be done with him in terms of use to the defense. Like you mentioned, in the grand scheme of everthing else, if this is all they really have other than smoke and mirrors. I think the SA has so much more, just from only the stuff we have been able to see. And who is gonna be able to get past 31 DAYS?!
There is simply no excuse for how this officer handled these two calls. It disgusts me more than I can say.

My husband was killed on duty. So I take things like this very personally. It reflects poorly on the entire department when one officer is shown to be lazy, or worse, incompetent.....or even in some cases corrupt. Obviously, this officer is not corrupt but he certainly is not a shining example of OCSO. ...imo

I feel bad for the rest of the guys who worked their butts off trying to piece this case together. If they had had Caylee's remains in August just think of all the man hours that could have been saved and tax payer money. But most importantly, the EVIDENCE that they may have had to nail KC with!

As you can tell, I'm pi$$ed. LE is an honorable profession with honorable men and women who work tirelessly to bring justice to victims and families. I know because my husband was one of those men and now my son is also.

It is possible, however, that when RK and Dep C were at the site, Caylee's remains were still underwater and would not have been discovered at that time anyway. I'm hoping that can be proved to be the case.

As for the call with KW, that wasn't anywhere near where Caylee was found.

oops! there a little rant in there...:slap:
I doubt that it will throw the case against KC. I don't see what this cop and his shabby work has to do with KC killing her child. At least he didn't send a PI to the woods looking for Caylee's lil body. Unless they can prove that he had anythang to do with the murder or "COVER UP" in this case. Am I missing something here? I just can't see.

I have seen with my own eyes the Ants doing much worse. Lies all over the place, sending PI's out there, cleaning clothes and a car. Even the defense has lied in court, and tried to get "SPECIAL" treatment for him and his murdering client, touchy-feely with KC in jail------hey ya'll know the list-----it goes on and on.

The fact still remains-------KC killed Caylee Marie Anthoney. We still don't know what evidence the state has held back and what they have released (thru the SUNSHINE LAW) sounds like enough to convict the murder.
I doubt that it will throw the case against KC. I don't see what this cop and his shabby work has to do with KC killing her child. At least he didn't send a PI to the woods looking for Caylee's lil body. Unless they can prove that he had anythang to do with the murder or "COVER UP" in this case. Am I missing something here? I just can't see.

I have seen with my own eyes the Ants doing much worse. Lies all over the place, sending PI's out there, cleaning clothes and a car. Even the defense has lied in court, and tried to get "SPECIAL" treatment for him and his murdering client, touchy-feely with KC in jail------hey ya'll know the list-----it goes on and on.

The fact still remains-------KC killed Caylee Marie Anthoney. We still don't know what evidence the state has held back and what they have released (thru the SUNSHINE LAW) sounds like enough to convict the murder.

It just gives the defense a platform in which to say that LE work is shabby and incompetent. They will put forth the idea that you can't rely on LE testimony because they are inept. If they can convince one juror of that then they can get a walk for Casey.
I doubt that it will throw the case against KC. I don't see what this cop and his shabby work has to do with KC killing her child. At least he didn't send a PI to the woods looking for Caylee's lil body. Unless they can prove that he had anythang to do with the murder or "COVER UP" in this case. Am I missing something here? I just can't see.

I have seen with my own eyes the Ants doing much worse. Lies all over the place, sending PI's out there, cleaning clothes and a car. Even the defense has lied in court, and tried to get "SPECIAL" treatment for him and his murdering client, touchy-feely with KC in jail------hey ya'll know the list-----it goes on and on.

The fact still remains-------KC killed Caylee Marie Anthoney. We still don't know what evidence the state has held back and what they have released (thru the SUNSHINE LAW) sounds like enough to convict the murder.


My point in posting this is to show what a carpy cop this guy seems to be. Looks to me like he should be fired...instead of moved to a desk job or wherever they have him.
I doubt that it will throw the case against KC. I don't see what this cop and his shabby work has to do with KC killing her child. At least he didn't send a PI to the woods looking for Caylee's lil body. Unless they can prove that he had anythang to do with the murder or "COVER UP" in this case. Am I missing something here? I just can't see.

I have seen with my own eyes the Ants doing much worse. Lies all over the place, sending PI's out there, cleaning clothes and a car. Even the defense has lied in court, and tried to get "SPECIAL" treatment for him and his murdering client, touchy-feely with KC in jail------hey ya'll know the list-----it goes on and on.

The fact still remains-------KC killed Caylee Marie Anthoney. We still don't know what evidence the state has held back and what they have released (thru the SUNSHINE LAW) sounds like enough to convict the murder.

You're right in my opinion the A's have done nothing to make KC or the case look better, for all their foolish antics. Only difference being they are not employed by the state of FL, they never took a pledge to stand by and up hold all such laws and so on. This cop could not have made a much bigger mistake had he tried. He has lost his career for his actions. Which is fine with me, not everyone has what it takes to be a cop. But what sanctions are the A's going to face for their abuses of the system? Prolly nothing....
If I was on a jury I wouldn't let one cop spoil the truth. I could get that across to the others. There will be peeps there to move past the cop. Nah----ain't gonna happen. JB wished he had something to lean on. Poot-----if this is all he has to hang onto then lets turn on the fan and get this movin. I'm ready. Come on JB---give it ur best shot.

My point in posting this is to show what a carpy cop this guy seems to be. Looks to me like he should be fired...instead of moved to a desk job or wherever they have him.

I didn't know he still had a job. Are you sure he still works for Le?

My point in posting this is to show what a carpy cop this guy seems to be. Looks to me like he should be fired...instead of moved to a desk job or wherever they have him.

teh he lost his badge and his gun. My guess is he only has a job until this trial is over. I know I could be wrong, but that is my best guess as to what will become of him.

Unless he can show he has changed over the 14 months or so he will have before this trial is over. He just sounds to me like someone who should not have been a cop to begin with.
But we still have the 31 days on our side...no matter what the defense spins, Cindy didn't put the dog in the fight until 31 days after it all started, and even then KC can be heard asking her mom for "one more day".

I'm not going to worry about Cain's testimony too much. Even if he's a schmuck, his derelection of duty as a deputy does not negate KC's derelection of duty as a mother who did even LESS THAN Deputy Cain to find Caylee.
I thought the cop who had it goin on with KC-quit and this cop in the woods got fired.

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