2009.23.09 Nancy Grace

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I agree - I asked my sister what they tasted like. She said they have to be swallowed whole to work effectively -- so she doesn't know.

If someone crushed the tablet(s) and gave them to Haleigh it could be very deadly.

Just another note about meds. I have an irregular heartbeat, and when it goes out of whack, my doctor tells me to chew my pill to make it work faster (which it does). So I know this firsthand and it applies to many meds (not just mine).

Poor Haleigh :(


Just curious Mel: what med is that? I also have an irregular heartbeat, and am on Toprol. I don't think you can chew that though ... since its' time released.
I'm not mel but I was informed by my doc to chew my nitroglycerin at one time. It is for my heart.
I've taken Oxycontin .. YIKES! Not sure if I was allergic to it or what, but just ONE whole pill, made me sicker than a dog! First I started feeling very very bad .. hard to describe, then I started getting very very sick to my stomach, proceeded to shake all over uncontrollably ... almost passed out, heart started beating hard and fast.

I tell ya .. it was horrible! I laid on my couch, not moving a muscle, for over an hour ... because I felt like I would die, if I moved. Never again!

So yeah, I can see how one 'crushed' pill .. could kill a child!
I also wonder if NayNay was trying to feel out how D.S. would respond to her - her bond was revoked because of a situation with D.S. and their child - so she might be afraid he will turn on her?
Teresa breaks my heart, her pain is enormous.

Nancy had a good point imo, that if this scenario is true, someone would have squealed, and I believe they would either for a reward or bargaining with other legal issues.
Oxycontin, because of it sstrange time release design, is an incredibly dangerous drug. It is a concentrated almost overdose amount of painkiller that is designed to slowly release its payload at a manageable rate for an adult. It would not take alot to so depress a child to cause respiratory shutdown over a period of time.

Also, if the pill is crushed, wouldn't it release it all at once, making it a stronger pill than normal?

ETA: Now that I have caught up, I see others have espressed this also.
I also wonder if NayNay was trying to feel out how D.S. would respond to her - her bond was revoked because of a situation with D.S. and their child - so she might be afraid he will turn on her?
Gee...giving her letter to WBG's mom sounds like he did turn on her to me. I wonder if she still has an alibi?
Did anyone listen to what Teresa said on NG tonight? She wasn't backing Misty. She said she didn't care who was implicated or involved as long as it brought Haleigh home to her. She meant every word of it, imo. Her grief is very real, imo.

Teresa knows Ronald isn't involved. LE knows Ronald isn't involved and have said it repeatedly, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Palatka Daily News has stated it at least twice this week alone that he has been cleared according to authorities. Of course Teresa will continue to support her son. He hasn't done anything to deserve her not supporting him!

But Ron backed Misty for near 8 months..and his mom and grandmom have stated how wonderful she is for months....I do believe that Neves is in pain....but pain can have a LOT of sources...why did it take her this long, if true she is no longer backing Misty, to figure it out? Many people pegged Misty from day one...a week...maybe a month...but 7 months...TN loses a lot of credibility for me....Feel sad for her...but enough covering for the best step mommy....it is PATHETIC...MOO etc...
I believe they have their own reasons for backing Misty and none of them are sinister, imo. I think Teresa has tried to explain it as best she can, but we can't walk in her shoes and thank God we don't have to right now. Maybe Teresa did believe Misty and maybe she didn't...but she proceeded to do whatever she felt was right by Haleigh, imo. I am so sorry people have treated her with such disdain and disrespect. I don't feel she has deserved any of it. IMO...Teresa has the most credibility of any of them except for GGS. She is a rock. Kudos to GGS!
Did anyone listen to what Teresa said on NG tonight? She wasn't backing Misty. She said she didn't care who was implicated or involved as long as it brought Haleigh home to her. She meant every word of it, imo. Her grief is very real, imo.

Teresa knows Ronald isn't involved. LE knows Ronald isn't involved and have said it repeatedly, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Palatka Daily News has stated it at least twice this week alone that he has been cleared according to authorities. Of course Teresa will continue to support her son. He hasn't done anything to deserve her not supporting him!

I have read and reread your post and especially the last sentence makes me wince.

I watch NG also, and I didn't feel that overwhelming compassion for TN. I felt like she is a pretty darn good actress. I think she knows exactly what has happened to Haliegh and that Haleigh is not coming home. She can cry easily because she did love her and would never wish any harm to befall her.
Still the lifestyle of Ron and his associates including Misty almost certainally led to the demise of Haleigh. Her speaking of the Good Lord and his promises
nailed this to me, cause its a way to reach many people and leaves the aura of piety and humility.

There are too many unanswered questions now to say that Ron, Misty or any of that group are cleared. If what we have found out and Ron did call Tommy and inquire about Misty, I'm wondering why in the heck he never said so. Also why he never said he tried to call her twenty times that night. It is not adding up.

Another thing, if my son was in this situation I know what my words would be...I would say, why on earth would you leave those children with someone who used drugs and was so young and had no experience with a disabled child? Your hasty decision will impact the rest of your life. You need to straighten up and be a real father to Jr.

I think Ron is involved in some way and I wonder why DCF doesn't come and get Jr. There needs to be an outcry from the public for this child. Its a horrific situation and another tragedy could easily unfold. JMO
Still the lifestyle of Ron and his associates including Misty almost certainally led to the demise of Haleigh. Her speaking of the Good Lord and his promises nailed this to me, cause its a way to reach many people and leaves the aura of piety and humility.

There are too many unanswered questions now to say that Ron, Misty or any of that group are cleared. If what we have found out and Ron did call Tommy and inquire about Misty, I'm wondering why in the heck he never said so. Also why he never said he tried to call her twenty times that night. It is not adding up.

Another thing, if my son was in this situation I know what my words would be...I would say, why on earth would you leave those children with someone who used drugs and was so young and had no experience with a disabled child? Your hasty decision will impact the rest of your life. You need to straighten up and be a real father to Jr.....

...I wonder why DCF doesn't come and get Jr. There needs to be an outcry from the public for this child. Its a horrific situation and another tragedy could easily unfold.

(respectfully snipped, bbm) Agree w bold. I hope and pray that everyone but especially RC, TN and GGS can at least glean some wisdom for the heartache they're suffering or it only compounds this tragedy (if that's possible). And I do share your concerns about Jr, the lifestyle and environment pgranny... were it my child, and had I no knowledge of what became of my other child, I'd certainly consider relocating Jr to his mother's at least until they've found out what happened to Haleigh. :( :prayer:

I just think that it dishonors Haleigh to make any excuses for people who are lying about what happened to her. Her family had better have darn good reasons for enabling Misty.
Ok, maybe I've missed something but

Wasn't all of RC's clan, including TN, saying that they refused to believe that Haleigh was dead?

But, last night, the little bit of NG I got to see, I thought I heard TN saying, "...whoever did this to her [Haleigh]..." which implied, to me, that they are now saying the opposite.

IMO, RC's family seems to hold strong to Misty not having played a role in Haleigh's disappearance and what most of us are now sure is her death; and that seriously makes me think they're all hiding something.
I just think that it dishonors Haleigh to make any excuses for people who are lying about what happened to her. Her family had better have darn good reasons for enabling Misty.

You don't think it dishonors Haleigh to attach names and actions to her grandmother, great grandmother or her father that have not been proven or confirmed by LE? I don't mean you specifically Donjeta I am just responding to your post because you mentioned honoring Haleigh. You know what is really bothering me the most right now? With all of this information coming out....regardless if it is true or not okay....we have two children that have been failed beyond measure or amends. I really want to ask a serious question and I am not taking sides as most have seemed to do. I want to know regardless of how Ronald obtained custody of these children, because I understand most of you are of the opinion that Ronald pretty much stole the children from Crystal and obtained custody of the children under false pretenses. Let's go with that. Ronald obtained custody under false pretenses. I want a serious answer here.

Crystal's father lives in the community where these children live...is he clueless about what is going on in his grand-children's life? I am sorry but I am a mother. If I am to believe that daily life on 202 Green Lane, by most accounts, consisted of drugs, partying, underage sex, more drugs, children in the home being smacked around to the point of bruises and lacerations to the face...I mean at what point do you take pictures of a childs face and suspect child abuse and then hold on to those pictures for future reference? Crystal and Chad has those children every other weekend and you mean to tell me that they never heard stories from Haleigh or RJ about all the stuff that goes on at the house? Crystal and Marie did not suspect there were things going on that needed to be reported and looked into? If it was as bad as many of you are convinced of, then why didn't Crystal petition the courts?

Why didn't someone on behalf of these children DO SOMETHING....anything.....if all this was going on? I am a mother. God has blessed me with a very complete and happy life. But, it wasn't always this way and I am telling you right now....as a mother.....if I had suspicions that these things were going on....I would have taken my children to hell and back before I left them in that kind of home for 1 day more than I had to.

Someone care to explain why Crystal is the better parent for RJ if she let all these things happen and never did anything about it?
For me it is not about Crystal. It is about the unsafe, illegal and violent things the Father of the missing child has done and exposed her to. The whole reason we are here is to find HaLeigh. The custodial parent and the drug addled teen he left his child with are the one's most likely to have the answer.
I don't believe those stories about what went on in the home, and I believe Marty and Marie and Crystal knew everything that went on. I also don't think she wanted custody.

You don't think it dishonors Haleigh to attach names and actions to her grandmother, great grandmother or her father that have not been proven or confirmed by LE? I don't mean you specifically Donjeta I am just responding to your post because you mentioned honoring Haleigh. You know what is really bothering me the most right now? With all of this information coming out....regardless if it is true or not okay....we have two children that have been failed beyond measure or amends. I really want to ask a serious question and I am not taking sides as most have seemed to do. I want to know regardless of how Ronald obtained custody of these children, because I understand most of you are of the opinion that Ronald pretty much stole the children from Crystal and obtained custody of the children under false pretenses. Let's go with that. Ronald obtained custody under false pretenses. I want a serious answer here.

Crystal's father lives in the community where these children live...is he clueless about what is going on in his grand-children's life? I am sorry but I am a mother. If I am to believe that daily life on 202 Green Lane, by most accounts, consisted of drugs, partying, underage sex, more drugs, children in the home being smacked around to the point of bruises and lacerations to the face...I mean at what point do you take pictures of a childs face and suspect child abuse and then hold on to those pictures for future reference? Crystal and Chad has those children every other weekend and you mean to tell me that they never heard stories from Haleigh or RJ about all the stuff that goes on at the house? Crystal and Marie did not suspect there were things going on that needed to be reported and looked into? If it was as bad as many of you are convinced of, then why didn't Crystal petition the courts?

Why didn't someone on behalf of these children DO SOMETHING....anything.....if all this was going on? I am a mother. God has blessed me with a very complete and happy life. But, it wasn't always this way and I am telling you right now....as a mother.....if I had suspicions that these things were going on....I would have taken my children to hell and back before I left them in that kind of home for 1 day more than I had to.

Someone care to explain why Crystal is the better parent for RJ if she let all these things happen and never did anything about it?
For me it is not about Crystal. It is about the unsafe, illegal and violent things the Father of the missing child has done and exposed her to. The whole reason we are here is to find HaLeigh. The custodial parent and the drug addled teen he left his child with are the one's most likely to have the answer.

not about Crystal? It is if life for her children was as bad as everyone wants to post and believe. I think the devil may have a vacation home in Putnam County by the sound of all the evil there.

It can't be both ways in my opinion. Standing back and watching all of these things transpire...if I am expected to believe that RC was a part of all these things then I must also believe that Crystal knew about all these things because any mother that knows these things are going on and then does nothing about it.....I mean who was supposed to take care of Haleigh and RJ if not their father?
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