2009.5.04 Change of Venue and tainting the Jury Pool

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None of his success stories links work? the home page of his website (http://www.baezlawfirm.com/#)


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It's not going to matter where they take the trial...IMO...it's going to be difficult to find a jury who hasn't heard about the case.

I'm just wonderin if this case will go to trial or if JB is going to keep askin for a continuance. He's hoping that given time people will forget about his crummy client...
I live in Lee County, Florida (Fort Myers to be exact) and there is VERY little coverage on this case... even when it first began. Shocking since George's parents do live in Fort Myers.

I don't know anyone who knows about this case as much as I do and I am shocked that people do no so little about this case. We had another missing child (Adji) during this time from the next County (Collier) over that people were fixated on.

You're more likely to see updates in People Magazine about Caylee's case then in our local newspaper.

I do not think that Lee County is the ideal place for Casey's trial because she does have direct family that does live here.

If I was to pick an area where Casey's trial should be (if they want to move it South of Orlando) then it should be in Manatee, Charlotte or Collier County.

What I find EXTREMELY hard to understand is why Jose would announce to the National Media his ideal place for a COV when now the Miami/Dade area is now going to have it plastered on all their newspapers and news stations?

How is that helping Casey's rights to a fair trial?

Of course people of Miami/Dade are now going to be looking into "why?" this trial needs to be moved.

Jose seems to want Casey to have a right to an appeal for an incompetent attorney. Jose just seems to want to take this to trial so he can write books and sell "his" story on what it was like to defend Casey and have the "Trial of the Century."
None of his success stories links work? the home page of his website (http://www.baezlawfirm.com/#)


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Try this link. In a nutshell, he had false claims about his win/loss record in Miami, and the Florida Bar told him to remove them.

Instead, he just cut the links on the main page, so the info the Bar told him to take down is STILL UP, as you see on this link. And all the other links work on this page too.


I wonder what the Bar would do if somebody told them about this little "trick"?
Try this link. In a nutshell, he had false claims about his win/loss record in Miami, and the Florida Bar told him to remove them.

Instead, he just cut the links on the main page, so the info the Bar told him to take down is STILL UP, as you see on this link. And all the other links work on this page too.


I wonder what the Bar would do if somebody told them about this little "trick"?

The link doesn't link to any actual articles ..
I couldn't find anything to read in his success stories .. :confused:

ETA .. Nevermind, I found them .. :D
Thank you ..
Try this link. In a nutshell, he had false claims about his win/loss record in Miami, and the Florida Bar told him to remove them.

Instead, he just cut the links on the main page, so the info the Bar told him to take down is STILL UP, as you see on this link. And all the other links work on this page too.


I wonder what the Bar would do if somebody told them about this little "trick"?

Sooo! If they told him to take it down and he simply moved it---why do they let him just barrel on down the road? I just don't get it. Somebody please sit on him-----please. He lives by his own rules?

When I first got involved in this case---I saw several comments that the A's were Aliens. Figured it was a big joke. I am starting to think that might not be so far from the truth. I think that Aliens are taking over peeps. What other explanation is there.

Baby is murdered----huge cover up---Mother lying--G/mother--G/dad lying------All of them are mixed up with same type peeps. Crocked PIs---Lawyers. One lady Lawyer who is possed to be a dam good lawyer (I've heard)---goes on T/V and compares KC to baby killer. And the oddities go on and on. ZG22/ZG/Zanny/Zenny/Zeni/Zani/ZFG/ One house Z and nother G---at the tip where these houses meet (in triangle form) Said baby is dropped off. Sounds like the "Outer Limits" to me. Scripts----
They should be granted a change of venue. And if granted it shouldn't be Miami Dade Jose is going for the Hispanic jury, he wants to be on his own turf. They should move it to Palm Beach County, no one talks about the case here and it gets very little coverage.
I live in Lee County, Florida (Fort Myers to be exact) and there is VERY little coverage on this case... even when it first began. Shocking since George's parents do live in Fort Myers.

I don't know anyone who knows about this case as much as I do and I am shocked that people do no so little about this case. We had another missing child (Adji) during this time from the next County (Collier) over that people were fixated on.

You're more likely to see updates in People Magazine about Caylee's case then in our local newspaper.

I do not think that Lee County is the ideal place for Casey's trial because she does have direct family that does live here.

If I was to pick an area where Casey's trial should be (if they want to move it South of Orlando) then it should be in Manatee, Charlotte or Collier County.

What I find EXTREMELY hard to understand is why Jose would announce to the National Media his ideal place for a COV when now the Miami/Dade area is now going to have it plastered on all their newspapers and news stations?

How is that helping Casey's rights to a fair trial?

Of course people of Miami/Dade are now going to be looking into "why?" this trial needs to be moved.

Jose seems to want Casey to have a right to an appeal for an incompetent attorney. Jose just seems to want to take this to trial so he can write books and sell "his" story on what it was like to defend Casey and have the "Trial of the Century."
Hi LolaMoon08,
You make some excellent points. I hope that the SA points out in their opposition memorandum that right up to the actual filing of the COV motion, JBaez continued to involve and speak via the very media he claims has potentially tainted the Orlando jury pool.

O/T - I love your city, Sanibel and Captiva - very neat spots to visit. The shelling at the bridge between Sanibel and Captiva is among the best in the world... and the food - Iguana Mia has the best chimichanga I've ever had anywhere (and that's saying a lot, as we eat a lot of Mexican food!) the Bubble Room, the Sunshine Cafe (fabulous star fruit salad) and the Lazy Flamingo, they serve the best conch fritters and conch chowder I've ever had! Oh, my mouth is watering! :crazy:
Hi LolaMoon08,
You make some excellent points. I hope that the SA points out in their opposition memorandum that right up to the actual filing of the COV motion, JBaez continued to involve and speak via the very media he claims has potentially tainted the Orlando jury pool.

Chezhire: Do you think JB may be considering moving his offices to Miami in the future and this trial would certainly give him more exposure in the Miami area then it would if it remains in Orlando? May be his business would pick up considerably in Miami given the amount of crime that takes place there. It certainly does not appear he has much business coming into his office from the Orlando area.


Miami-Dade County may be the easiest place in Florida to find an impartial jury because of its diversity. Many people there don't watch English-language media, Pipitone reported.

Hmmmmm! Wonder if Mr Baez knows this?

Do we know how Univsion, Telemundo and Galavision have been reporting this case? Hopefully there is a spanish version of Kathi Belich!:clap:
I'm sure he also knows they are mostly conservatives who favor capital punishment
I read a comment in the Miami Herald from a local in response to their story about this COV motion. The poster said Baez is crazy to want to move it down there. He said the people of Miami don't play when it comes to cases like this and if she's found guilty, she WILL be sentenced to death.
Is the defense looking for a jury of KC's peers or JB's? Just wondering.

. . . and . . .

Here is an interesting article about Scott P's COV issues, with some references to Charles Manson not getting COV despite huge pre-trial publicity in Los Angeles. Geragos, much like JB, was accused of being to blame for the massive media attention in Scott P case.


:propeller: ~ :clown: ~ :fight:

Some people in Miami-Dade County said they thought Anthony could get a fair trial there.

The county did have its doubters.

"I love her to death. I wish she wouldn't have done it, but she did. Because nobody else would kill that perfect child," a man said.

Bold is mine...

"I love her to death'" ...HUH? :waitasec: Hard to wrap your head around comments like some of these. How does 'I love her' possibly go with 'she killed her baby'? Somehow, I think, no matter where the trial is held, there are going to be people who have differing opinions. Jury selection is going to play a major role in this case. I am praying for a jury with a lot of common sense.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but in Caseys affidavit it is dated from December 10, 2008. A day before Caylee was found.
Seemed strange to me

Interesting language in #2:

"Media coverage in print and television has been negative and inflammatory. Upon my first release from jail in August reporters harassed me and members of my family continually asking me if I had killed my daughter and why I did not care about her."

Although I'm sure this is exactly what people were screaming at her, why on earth would her affidavit include these words?? Sounds like her subconscious talking!

Another genius move on the part of the defense?
Although I'm sure this is exactly what people were screaming at her, why on earth would her affidavit include these words?? Sounds like her subconscious talking!

Respectfully snipped.

It sounds like she wrote this herself. Why would JB approve of this? I used to paralegal and never would I allow my attorney to even look at something like this. My attorney would have had bust a heart valve on me for sounding so unprofessional.
Respectfully snipped.

It sounds like she wrote this herself. Why would JB approve of this? I used to paralegal and never would I allow my attorney to even look at something like this. She would have had bust a heart valve on me for sounding so unprofessional.

I haven't seem alot of anything professional coming from JB,
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